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Steward requests/Permissions

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki
This is an archived version of this page, as edited by Romihaitza (talk | contribs) at 17:29, 29 January 2006 (Russian Wikiquote). It may differ significantly from the current version.
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Requests for permissions is a page to ask for sysop/admin, bureaucrat or CheckUser access to any Wikimedia wiki where no local means exist to do so yet. A steward will only give you access if your wiki has no bureaucrats (someone who can make sysops). If your wiki has a bureaucrat, please use the requests for adminship page on your own wiki instead.

For urgent access (to combat ongoing large-scale vandalism), you may ask on the #wikimedia-stewards IRC channels instead.

Stewards: all requests presented here should be archived when fulfilled.

Local request pages

  • Wikipedias:

af - als - an - ar - as - ay - az - be - bg - bn - bug - ca - ceb - csb - da - de - eo - el - en - es - eu - ff - fi - fj - fo - fr - ga - gu - gv - he - hi - hr - hu - hy - ia - id - ie - is - it - iu - ja - ka - ki - kn - ks - lad - li - lmo - ln - lt - mg - mk - ml - ms - mt - nds - nl - na - nn - no - oc - pih - pl - pt - ro - ru - sco - scn - sa - se - simple - sk - sl - sq - sm - sr - sv - sw - ta - te - tk - to tr - ur - uz - vi - wo - yi - zh - zh-min-nan

  • Wiktionaries:

an - ang - ar - bg - ca - cy - da - de - el - en - es - et - fa - fi - fo - fr - gl - gu - hi - he - hr - hu - ia - ie - id - is - it - ja - ka - kn - la - lx - mg - nds - nl - nn - no - pl - pt - qu - ro - sc - scn - sk - sl - sq - sr - [[wikt:sv:Wiktionary:Beg%E4ran_om_administrat%F6rsskap|sv]] - sw - tr - cy - vi - vo - yi - zh.

  • Wikiquotes:

ang - ar - bg - cs - de - he - el - en - es - fa - fr - hu - id - is - it - kn - ko - ja - la - nn - pl - pt - ro - sl - sq - sk - tr - (see also Other language Wikiquotes)

  • Wikibooks:

ang - ca - bg - da - de - en - es - fa - fr - hu - hy - id - ie - is - it - ja - kn - la - nl - no - oc - pl - sl - sr - vi - sk - tr - ro

  • Wikinews:

bg - de - en - es - fr - it - ja - nl - no - pl - pt - ro - sr - uk

  • Wikisource:

en - id - it - nl - pt

  • Wikiversity:


Boilerplate Request for Permissions

The text below is a template for requesting specific permissions on a wiki. Please copy it and complete the three required points, plus other salient information.

===== Project name =====

I request sysop access on ''project name'':

*'''Language Code:''' XX
*'''Local Request Link:''' [[XX:Project:XXXXX]]
*'''Local User Page:''' [[XX:User:XXXXX]]

Thank you. ~~~~


  1. Be sure to complete the information as requested. Without it, a steward cannot process the request.
  2. Please add the request here after the community approval.
  3. Be aware that local request page (RfA) may not be the same with the administrators page.

Current Requests

Please place your request at the end of the appropriate section below, and state in the heading which project you are referring to. All requests for permissions are subject to approval by the local community, and any unauthorised permissions will be revoked upon complaint. Please remember to inform your community of your request. A steward will notify you when the request is processed.

CheckUser rights

To ask for a steward to answer one of your request, see Request for CheckUser information.

Note to stewards : when someone ask a checkuser status, please check the current policy of attribution of status BEFORE giving this status. When you give someone checkuser, please list them here : CheckUser. Thanks

According to policy, there is no TEMPORARY status of checkuser. Either there are already checkuser on a project and these people must be asked to do the checkuser. Or there is nobody and a steward must do it. Giving a temporary status to anyone just simply asking it to a steward, with no agreement from the local community is against the checkuser status rules. Giving it with no request mentionned anywhere is even more problematic. Breaching these rules should imply removing the status of the steward if he can not be trusted to follow commonly accepted rules. If any one has a problem with this rule and wish that from now on, checkuser status be given to anyone without any community discussion, he must have the current rules changed, not breach them. Thanks Anthere 03:24, 23 December 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Any request made in a different paragraph than this one should not be considered.

List here request for access to the status:


We request checkuser rights on tr.wikipedia:

We've announced this on tr:Vikipedi:Yöneticilik_başvurusu#m:Checkuser_Başvurusu, and none of us got negative votes. Thank you. --Ugur Basak 01:53, 26 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

merhaba ugur basak. i would like to ask if there is a translation of the CheckUser_Policy on tr: and would like to suggest that the to-be-checkusers state that they read it, understand it and will comply with it, ok? kendine iyi bak ;-) oscar 12:36, 26 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]
According to the CheckUser Policy we cannot grant users checkuser privileges until they get at least 25 votes in the poll. According to the same policy, the projects which don't have enought users, won't get checkusers. -Romihaitza 13:44, 26 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]
The vote has also only been up for four days. It should last a while longer. Jon Harald Søby 11:29, 27 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]
We summarize what Checuser is on voting page, but i can translate CheckUser_Policy to Turkish. There is over 10.000 users, i announce the request on Village Pump i hope they will vote. Is there a limitation about time--Ugur Basak 12:52, 27 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]
No, but four days is too little. In my opinion, it should be up for at least two weeks, for a representative number of users to state their opinions. Jon Harald Søby 16:43, 27 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Admin requests

Admins for Wikipedias

Admins for Wikisource

Admins for Wikibooks

Admins for Wiktionary


I request sysop access on wiktionary:

Thank you. Kabri 20:32, 25 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Please create a local request page because I see the project is populated and there is community. Thank you, Romihaitza 20:48, 25 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Sorry, I was not attentive. The project has several bureaucrats. Please request them. --Romihaitza 20:49, 25 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]
The project is left, long ago that nobody makes no movement. And it does not have any Sysop nor bureaucrat, so and as I have seen in the list of users. I am administrator and bureaucrat in basque Wikipedia. Thanks. Kabri 12:13, 26 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]
I have already created the voting. I doubt that somebody votes. The link is: [1]. Kabri 15:10, 26 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Admins for Wikiquote

Admins for Wikinews

Admins for Wikiversity

Bureaucrat requests

Bureaucrats for Wikipedia

Bureaucrats for Wikisource

Bureaucrats for Wikibooks

Bureaucrats for Wiktionary

Bureaucrats for Wikiquote

Russian Wikiquote

I request sysop and bureaucrat access on Russian Wikiquoute for Andreus. He is very active on Russian Wikiqute, and because this project has no bureaucrat yet, it will be good if he'll get this status. I, Kneiphof, sysop and bureaucrat of Russian Wikipedia, vouch for him.

Thank you. Kneiphof 19:29, 28 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Please provide information about user's confirm. -Romihaitza 19:31, 28 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]
User confirm this. See local request page. --Solon 13:37, 29 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]
DOone! -Romihaitza 17:29, 29 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Bureaucrats for Wikinews

Bureaucrats for Wikispecies

Bureaucrats for Wikiversity

Removal of access

Self-de-adminship can be requested here, and will be granted immediately. You may be asked to prove you are the same user on meta as on your local wiki first, by putting information on your talk page on your local wiki, that you're requesting de-adminship. To request the removal of sysop access from another user, please gain consensus on this on your own wiki first. All discussion must be kept on your local wiki. When it is finished and there is a community consensus to desysop a user, a trusted person from that wiki should just provide a link here to the discussion and a very brief explanation of what the results of that were.

I desysopped Node_ue on http://mo.wikipedia.org because he blocked another user (Pavel) because of he disagreement over the ongoing dispute about the Modavian Wikipedia. Beside that, Node_ue doesn't speak the language and was only "elected" with two votes in favour and one against him. Yann 19:12, 13 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Where did you get these ideas? Clearly, you were biased against me from the start -- you called me a troll on your own talkpage! I'm not 100% sure, but I'm guessing that it's not exactly orthodox to remove or give permissions to a user with whom you have a history of less-than-friendly relations.
Now, as I explained to you, I did not block Pavel because of the ongoing dispute!!!! I blocked him for 3 days because he was moving dozens of pages in rapid succession and replacing their entire contents, without discussing it first! How do you know I don't speak the language? I may not speak it perfectly, but I certainly speak it better than you -- I'm pretty sure you don't know it. Also, see Romihaitza's comments re:Anittas' vote against me. --Node ue 20:29, 13 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]
How dare you to speak like that node? Yann had all the right to desysoped you. I'm wonder why he didn't even blocked you indefinitely for such a bad approach of you. Fratele lui Bonaparte, il cunosti? 20:40, 13 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]
I think this is not the right place to fight. -Romihaitza 21:27, 13 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Then what is the right place to challenge Yann's action? So far, only two stewards have taken action with regards to the Moldovan Wikipedia. You, Romihaitza, are one of them. But I don't think it's fair to expect you to be able to maintain neutrality in this case, seeing as you are Romanian and have yourself participated in this conflict. You made Bogdangiusca a sysop, which I think is not OK: Anthère suggested we wait a while first, also, I do not think permissions should be granted on mo.wiki by you, seeing as you are yourself deeply involved in the conflict.
The other steward is Yann. Yann has never been able to maintain neutrality with regard to me, he called me a troll on his own talkpage a few months ago, and seeing that comment I think it indicates a preëxisting bias against me on his part. I do not think he should be allowed to modify my permissions on any project.
Other than these two people, it seems other stewards have only been involved a little bit, with comments but not actions (Datrio and Anthere). I think it is more proper for issues with mo.wiki to be fixed by people who have not shown prior biases against particular users involved in the conflict, and who are themselves not involved in the conflict. It seems only reasonable to me that the matter be evaluated by disinterested parties -- Anthere, Angela, Jon Harold Soby, Datrio, etc. -- rather than people who have preëxisting personal or national biases -- Yann, who is biased against me, and Romihaitza, who is biased in favour of a Romanian position on the issue and in favour of Bogdangiusca.
That is not to say that these people should not be stewards -- I think both are good people and both deserve to be stewards. What I am saying is that it gives off a strong appearance of impropriety when stewards with previous attachments to the conflict or to users involved in the conflict take actions of this sort, and that it is more proper and logical for other stewards to handle it. --Node ue 04:55, 26 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Where did you get these ideas? Clearly, you were biased against me from the start -- you called me a troll on your own talkpage! I'm not 100% sure, but I'm guessing that it's not exactly orthodox to remove or give permissions to a user with whom you have a history of less-than-friendly relations.
How dare you to speak like that node? Yann had all the right to desysoped you. I'm wonder why he didn't even blocked you indefinitely for such a bad approach of you. Fratele lui Bonaparte, il cunosti? 20:40, 13 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Note: Bonaparte was blocked permanently from the English Wikipedia for malicious use of sockpuppets and meatpuppets. --Node ue 22:27, 14 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]
I can't see your point with this. -Romihaitza 22:37, 14 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Well, seeing edits like this I'd have to agree with Pavel. Not really with the desysopping, though, this case should be looked more closely at. Node ue, could you comment on, for example, the edit I provided? Datrio 22:58, 15 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Datrio, the explanation for that is that his article was 100% identical to the article at the Romanian Wikipedia. It was agreed a long time ago not to have articles in the Latin script at mo.wiki because it would duplicate content from ro.wiki; recently I decided to allow it because it seemed to have lost its popularity. However, in this case, the copy was 100% verbatim -- the interwikis were the same, etc. Also, Pavel did such things with no regard for differences in wikisyntax between rowiki and mowiki, resulting in many problems (mostly with images). I'm not sure why my edit was not constructive (the text I wrote means "see this article at the romanian wikipedia"). --Node ue 04:46, 26 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]
  • As I know, some time ago was decided in a voting poll at mowiki that mowiki will be the Romanian (Moldavian) version of Wikipedia in cyrillic alphabet. The contributors for latin script had to go - according to that policy to rowiki. As far as I know, the policy is still official because nobody changed it. -Romihaitza 14:21, 26 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]
I have just read your comment Node ue and is not true. I'm not in favor of Bogdangiusca! He wrote a request here for permission, there was a voting poll. What is unfair? I had nothing to do with the request else than do it. Any other steward would have done the same. Even if you are (were) sysop, he could candidate and be sysop. It's not forbidden to have two sysops. The community accepted him. (I'm not shure that that was community). As far as I know, I presented my ideas regarding your administratorship at mowiki and I said that I think your rights were unfair removed and without consulting vote and in my opinion you should be granted back the permissions. I don't have anything to do with this issue, is Yann's decision which I can't break (and I don't want to). -Romihaitza 14:27, 26 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]
What's unfair about Bogdangiusca's adminship is that he registered just a couple of days before he became an admin, and most of the people who voted for him had less than 50 contributions. Didn't you see Anthere's warning suggestion that we all wait a while before making him sysop? --Node
Didn't you see my warning about legality of the elections? As I stated in the mowiki when I made him sysop it was: "If problems occur please let stewards know". So... if there are problems, he can be treated the same as you were. -Romihaitza 09:30, 28 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

I request to desysop me

I rtequest to desysop me as a admin on czech wiki. You will find my YES here: cs:wikipedista:-jkb-

Done! -Romihaitza 17:30, 27 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]
I did not find any "YES" there…? Jon Harald Søby 17:34, 27 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]
It was one. --Romihaitza 18:15, 27 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Current temporary permissions for emergency or technical purposes

Please, do not archive temporary permissions as they are only temporary. You should archive this after the rights are revoked. Thanks!


Username change

Ido Wikipedia username takeover

This is User:Mkill from en, de and some 40 other wikipedias. I've done some interwiki linking and fixing (around 400 pages, I guess) under my username in lots of different wikipedias. I use a name instead of IP so people can contact me when there is a problem. I would also like to use my username in Ido wikipedia, but it was already reserved, by a user with only one edit. I talked to an admin in Ido Wikipedia about it, io:User:Mithridates, and he said I could have the username but I should come here to request it. So I came here. --Mkill 23:00, 26 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Do you mean that this http://io.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:Contributions/Mkill is not you account on that Wikipedia? If so then that is clearly a active user. Even with only one edit. If that person is willing to change his username for this no problem. I would not waste any time about this. Only make sure that you have used a emailadress and the same for all accounts. The universal login is coming soon. If you are a older user and have accounts on many wikis then you will keep your username and it will be valid for all projects. --Walter 23:51, 26 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]
accounts cannot be deleted by stewards, they can, however, be renamed, by a bureaucrat on the project, to a name which is not existing on the project at the time of renaming. oscar 02:26, 28 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

I have a similar problem. First, sorry for my very poor english. I have accounts in some wikipedias and wiktionarys, all using 555 as login. But, at the en:Wikipedia, I uses 555pt. Is possible to rename my username on en:Wikipedia? The 555 login on it never edited anything (see here). Tanks. --555 23:55, 27 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

accounts cannot be deleted by stewards, they can, however, be renamed, by a bureaucrat on the project, to a name which is not existing on the project at the time of renaming. oscar 02:26, 28 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Stewardship Korean cluster

This is *not* for requests to become steward of the Wikimedia Foundation. Those are appointed by the board.

For technical reasons there are "Florida-cluster Stewards" and "Korean-Cluster stewards". Florida-cluster stewards can here request to become also Korean-cluster steward.

What you need to do;

  1. Make a user account on Japanese Wikipedia (JA WP on the below) - You may change the language of the interface in your preferences. - If you have font problems, install Code2002 http://home.att.net/~jameskass/
  2. Set up your userpage on JA WP. If you are Steward there, you can not have an unborn (sic) userpage.
  3. Put your request on your talk page in your account on jawiki as follows;
    I, ~~~~ , Steward of the Wikimedia Foundation, request to be granted stewardship also for the Korean cluster. See also[[meta:Requests_for_permissions#Stewardschip_Korean_cluster]]
  4. List here your username on JA WP and sign it.
  5. After you are granted stewardship for the Korean Cluster, update Stewards#Active_stewards.

See also