Affiliations Committee/Resolutions/The Wikinewsie Group/User Group – February 2014
- A group of Wikimedians originally requested to be recognized as a thematic organization under the operating name of "The Wikinewsie Group"
- The Affiliations Committee recommended that The Wikinewsie Group be recognised as a thematic organisation by the Board of Trustees in a resolution dated 11 November 2013
- The Board of Trustees decided that it "was not ready to approve the Wikinewsie Group as a Thematic Organization at this time, and the Board would like to encourage them to continue activities as a User Group"
- The Wikinewsie Group has agreed to follow the Board of Trustee's recommendation.
- The user group application of The Wikinewsie Group has been reviewed by the Affiliations Committee;
- The focus of the group can be found on Meta-wiki, which is: "to support independent original reporting on an open license platform, work towards increasing participation and content creation on Wikinews, educate future journalists by teaching best practices, and support the mission statement and vision of the Wikimedia Foundation".
- It is the opinion of the Affiliations Committee that the group meets the requirements for Wikimedia User Group status;
- A user group may later be recognized as a chapter or a thematic organization if it meets the additional requirements.
Therefore be it
- resolved that The Wikinewsie Group is recognized as a Wikimedia User Group for a one-year renewable period that becomes effective when the Wikimedia User Group agreement is signed.
[edit] Resolution passed with 9 votes in favor, 0 votes against, 0 abstentions, 1 votes not cast, on 28 February 2014.