CIS-A2K/Media Strategy/Home
CIS-A2K works to foster the growth of Indic language Wikipedias across India. In order to do so effectively, it is important for us to engage with Indic language communities who are spread across India and the globe. Effectively communicating our work through social media to our communities and through traditional media globally, is one of our strategic priorities. Our media strategy has been drafted both in accordance with the social media strategy of the Wikimedia Foundation as well as the print media best practices CIS-A2K has followed over the years.
CIS-A2K currently manages three social media accounts for our organisation. Of the three, our Facebook page, Centre for Internet and Society - Access to Knowledge has the maximum number of followers with 1030 people receiving our updates. This is followed by Twitter, @CISA2K, with 469 followers and then our newest account, Instagram, @cis_a2k, with 22 followers. Our social media outreach strategy is two-pronged: one is to engage the community members who are already in the Wikimedia universe and the other is to act as brand ambassadors, bridging the gap between a curious public and complex movement. To take part in our interventions on social media with regard to community conversations about our social media, like, follow and comment on our Facebook page. If you have suggestions and requests, please email us at or
[edit]If you see any problems with our social media, email our Program Officer for Communications Manasa Rao immediately at and cc, or email our Senior Program Officer and cc Please attach screenshots and provide links where possible. We also strongly recommend joining our Facebook community where members can compare notes and give their opinions about CIS-A2K’s social media.
[edit]Our social media operations are led by Program Officer for Communications Manasa Rao, who reports to the CIS-A2K team. Other CIS-A2K team members are also active on social media and may be approached for requests and discussions. Community members are welcome to suggest ideas and chime in with drafts posts via email to
Submitting ideas for posts on CIS-A2K’s social media accounts
[edit]- To request a retweet: If you want a retweet from CIS-A2K’s Twitter account, please email with the link to the tweet. We will get back to you in the next 24 hours. If your need is more urgent than that, please say so in the email and add URGENT to the subject line. You may also direct message @manasarao with the link to the tweet.
- To request a tweet: If you want us to tweet something from the CIS-A2K’s Twitter account, please email with the language you want tweeted and a link to include. We will get back to you in the next 24 hours. If your need is more urgent than that, please say so in the email and add URGENT to the subject line.
- To request a Facebook post to the CIS-A2K page: Please email with either the language and link you want posted, or the link to a Facebook post on another post that you want shared, and the audience to target. We will get back to you in the next 24 hours. If your need is more urgent than that, please say so in the email and add URGENT to the subject line. You may also request the post via direct message to our Facebook page.
- To post a photo: Send the link to a photo on Wikimedia Commons that is licensed public domain or CC0 to