Chapters meeting 2010/Documentation/Volunteer recruitment
Volunteer recruitment and support
- core with very active volunteers
- wants to start introduction/membership kit: information about editing
- Volunteers mainly in the big cities
Numbers of volunteers
- some tens per chapter
What do we define as a volunteer for this session?
- a person active in (real life) chapter activities
- easy find people for specific practical tasks, but hard to find people to coordinate activities; they are needed to catalyze
- problems to use technical infrastructure
- difference: real life volunteer (is more responsible and more sustainable) vs online volunteer (can quit easily)
- places to meet
- how to find leaders; how can they be convinced
What can be done? How can volunteers be attached to different tasks?
- drop the image of chapter being a "club of wikipedians"
- start more (frequent) activities; they involve people as members; members can be volunteers in the future
- money? not important; small grants (given out by chapters): mostly people don't apply for grants
- announce heads of working groups
- organize camps; have media coverage and output; people are motivated and an initiative step is done for volunteers (link will be sent by Samuel Klein)
- a lot of motivational factors have to be considered; WM Indonesia idea: diplomas