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Community Tech/Programs & Events Dashboard

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Word cloud of terms used in current Programs & Events Dashboard

The Programs & Events Dashboard is a program management tool that helps people to organize and run contribution-focused campaigns, editathons, writing contests, workshops and education programs. The Dashboard helps program leaders to set up their program, enroll participants, assign writers and reviewers to articles, and measure the impact of the participants' work.

The Programs & Events Dashboard is building on the Wiki Education Foundation's dashboard; people from WMF staff have been working on the project since fall 2015. (See Wikipedia Education Program/Dashboard for documentation on previous work.)

Starting in summer 2016, the Community Tech team will be working on the project, building on the working alpha prototype. This page is for documenting and planning Community Tech's work on the project. User documentation is at Programs & Events Dashboard.


Use cases and wireframes


Old spec (July-Sept 2016) for Community Tech/Programs & Events Dashboard

My Dashboard page

  • User can find campaigns and programs that they're a part of (including both active and archived).
  • For each item, user can see names of organizers and facilitators, number of participants, whether it's currently active or not. (If it's closed, user can see end date.)
  • Campaigns show up in this list if the user is a campaign organizer.
  • White bars can be clicked on, turn light purple on hover. Click on a bar to navigate to Campaign page or Program page.
  • Maximum 100 items shown, "load more" button if there are more.

Explore page

Old wireframe, Explore page
  • User can browse Active Campaigns and Active Programs,and navigate to campaign pages and program pages. (Active = End date is in the future; if it hasn't started yet, it's considered active.)
  • Active Campaigns and Active Programs lists are default sorted by recent edits, then alphabetical by title.
  • User can click on other columns to resort.
  • User can navigate to Archived Campaigns page and Archived Programs page.
  • User can create a new campaign.
  • User can create a new program.
    • Transition: Cohorts become campaigns. Programs in Miscellanea become unaffiliated programs.
    • How does a moderator close or delete a campaign/program? (Tighe suggested having sysadmins -- Programs staff, or trusted people -- so there's someone who can delete. It should go to an archive anyway, unless there's an immediate need for oversight.)

Campaign: Overview page

  • User can see total campaign stats.
  • User can see description, documentation of the campaign.
  • User can see facilitators of the campaign.
  • User can see start and end dates of the campaign; if it's currently active, this is flagged.
  • Campaign organizer can edit details of the campaign.
  • Campaign organizer can add additional campaign organizers.
  • Program organizer can create a new program, which will be cloned from the campaign.
  • Campaign organizer can delete the campaign. (under what circumstances?)

Note: on the current dashboard, admins can create new cohorts here.

Campaign: Programs tab

  • User can see total campaign stats.
  • User can browse through list of programs in the campaign. Click on the item to go to the program page.
  • User can create a new program affiliated with the campaign. (This is duplicated on the Campaign: Overview page -- too strong a call to action?)
  • Campaign organizer can add an existing unaffiliated program to the campaign.
  • Campaign organizer can remove a program from the campaign. (This turns the Program into an unaffiliated program.)

Program: Overview page

Program overview, not affiliated with a campaign.
  • User can see program stats.
  • User can see description, documentation of the program.
  • User can see facilitators of the program.
  • User can see start and end dates of the program; if it's currently active, this is flagged.
  • Program organizer can edit description and details.
  • Program organizer can add additional program organizers, facilitators.
  • User can navigate through breadcrumbs to the Campaign page, if applicable.
  • Participant can join/leave the program.
  • Program organizer can delete the campaign. (under what circumstances?)

Create a Campaign/Program

Time picker
  • On Create a Program: a yes/no for passcode
  • We need a different format for the campaign, so there can be a description of the campaign as well as a description for a prototype program that can be cloned.
  • Add the time picker
  • Take out/rename "Institution"? Make it not required.
  • Fix the display bug that anchors the modal at the bottom of the screen, instead of the center.

Clone a Campaign/Program


There are three uses for this feature:

  • Create a copy of an old campaign (create the 2016 Year of Science, as a copy of the 2015 Year of Science)
  • Create a copy of another program
  • Create a program that's part of an existing campaign


  • Need a login and privacy statement.

Notes: Creating a new account bumps you to Wikipedia to fill out the form, then an OAUTH permission form. Click that, and it goes to the empty dashboard. Screenshots below. The "Welcome" page could have a privacy statement, if it's okay to do that after the person has logged in.

Program: Editors and Articles tabs


Note: If we're going to make changes on these pages, we should talk to/observe stakeholders to see how they use them. There are pieces that feel confusing and frustrating to me, but we'll need to verify with users.

Current functionality: Editors page

  • User can see a list of participants in the program.
  • For each participant, user can see: the number and title of assigned articles, the number and/or title of articles to review, the recent edits count by each editor, and the number of characters added by each editor.
  • User can navigate to participant's user page, list of userspace sandboxes, assigned article page.
  • User can see the last ten edits made by a participant. (Or last ten pages?) From this view, user can navigate to article page and diff.
  • Facilitator can add (or remove) an editor to the program. (under the Participation button)
  • Facilitator can see the passcode and a link to the program, to pass on to participants. (under the Participation button)
  • Facilitator can assign an article to a participant, or remove an article from a participant's assigned list. (Participants can choose from unassigned articles on the Articles page.)
  • Facilitator can assign (or remove) an article for the participant to review.
  • Participant can choose an article to review? Is this only available if the user has been assigned an article to review? (This isn't clear.)
  • Question: Do people need to see any more than the ten most recent edits for each editor?

Current functionality: Articles page

  • User can see a list of articles that are currently being worked on by the participants. (How many in this list? What's the cutoff based on? Do people need to see more?)
  • User can see the article rating for each article.
  • User can see the number of characters added to each article by program participants.
  • User can see the number of pageviews each article has received during the time that the program is active.
  • Facilitator can add to or remove from the list of available articles.
  • Participant can select an article to work on, from the available articles. (Facilitators can assign articles to participants on the Editors page.)
  • These pages don't need a sorting icon at top right, you can re-order by clicking on the column. The actively sorting column sometimes shows an arrow, sometimes it doesn't. The relevant arrow should always be visible.
  • Numbers should have a thousands separator. (This shows up in the Views column on the Articles page.)
  • Note about article ratings: there are two different ratings that use an S icon - purple S stands for Start-class, gray S stands for Stub. The rating shows the gray "not rated" icon for Featured articles.

Archived Campaigns and Archived Programs pages

  • User can browse campaigns and programs that have ended, and navigate to Campaign pages and Program pages.

Front page, logged out

  • User can log in with Wikipedia account, or create a new Wikipedia account.
  • ??? User can set a home wiki. --> How? Clicking "Sign up with Wikipedia" takes you to the en login. T126288 is inconclusive. Just put a box with dropdown of languages. How can you change your home wiki if it's already set as en? There isn't a profile page, your user name at the top right just links to your Dashboard. But you can set your language with the picker in the top nav -- is that how you set your home wiki?
    • Make both buttons white, no change on hover.
    • Hover modal on question mark misspells Wikipedia.
    • Take out Miscellanea headline and stats


  • Dashboard data is backed up in case of a crash.
  • Data is retained in accordance with the appropriate data retention policy.
  • Improve performance on updating editors, articles and edit counts.


  • Make sure the permissions make sense, and that every step has appropriate moderation actions.



July 19


We're currently defining use cases and making wireframes, for stakeholder and community feedback. See above for the progress so far!

We're also beginning to work on a couple tickets related to setting the dates for a Program.

July 8


An update to some of the topics listed below.

Meta-events: These are things like Art+feminism, CEE Spring, Black Life Matters, WikiWomen writing contests. We need to have parent events and child events.

  • The parent leader creates a parent event.
  • Facilitators should be able to create children from the parent page. This automatically uses templates and materials from the parent. It also lists the child in the parent's cohort.
  • Parent events are only open for a limited time. Closed events are archived. You can only create children from an open parent.
  • The report for the parent should sum up the children.
  • The front page of the dashboard should be a front page, offering both parents and others. It shouldn't act like it's the parent page for "Miscellanea", that gives you irrelevant stats at the top and no clear way to get to other parents. The Explore page should be a directory.
  • We need better words for all of these concepts. "Meta-event" and "event" are not optimal.

Multiwiki support: We're not actually sure what this even means. Scratch it.

Hosting: The dashboard is going to be on Tool Labs for the duration of Community Tech working on it and caring about it. Anybody who wants to move it to production can go ahead and do that, with our best wishes. We won't do anything in the architecture that would make it impossible to move to production later on.

Performance: Checking the participants' edit counts every 12-24 hours is not okay. We can optimize these queries by just checking the relevant editors, when the page is refreshed. It can't be that hard.

Time zone: This needs time zone support for creating programs, surface it on the overview page. Without time zone, programs could start and stop at unexpected times.

Course password: The problem that the passcode solves is keeping undesirables out of the program, who might edit incendiary topics or something else bad. We may be able to solve that problem by giving the leader/facilitator a way to boot problem participants and remove problem articles. Then review the password concept with WikiEd.

i18n: Gender support -- should it pull from on-wiki preferences, or the create an account flow? Getting it from on-wiki prefs is pref.

June 22


We've been talking to Programs staff about what the Dashboard needs, to be ready for program leaders to use it. Here's what we've got so far; we'll be talking more with stakeholders to figure out the scope for our work. If you've got thoughts, questions or suggestions, please post them on the talk page!

If you want to see more details about the process, check out Community Tech/Programs & Events Dashboard/notes.


  • How does this fit with the rules about data retention? (Zhou)


  • Add support for notifications into P&E Dashboard (T129816)