Community Tech/Tools for program and event organizers/metrics produced by existing tools
Below you’ll find breakdowns of the metrics available from the existing event-reporting tools, Grant Metrics and the Program & Events Dashboard.

Grant Metrics outputs
[edit]My Programs screen
- Data
- List of all my programs, with links to each
- # of events in each program
- # of participants in program.
- # of new editors
- # of pages created
- # of pages Improved
- # editors retained after 7-days
- Controls
- Create a new program
- Delete Program
- Edit program
- [No downloadable report available]
Individual program overview screen
[edit]- Program info
- Program name
- Organizer names
- List of all events in program
- Statistics per event:
- name/link of each event in program
- # of participants
- # of new editors
- # editors retained after 7-days
- # of pages created
- # of pages Improved
- Controls
- Edit program
- Edit event
- Duplicate event
- Delete Event
- Create new event
- [No report available]
Event screen
- Event info
- Event name
- Wikis involved
- Start time/date
- End time/date
- Last update date/time
- Event summary stats
- # of participants
- # of new editors
- # editors retained after 7-days
- # of pages created
- # of pages Improved
- List of all participant usernames
- Data tools
- Edit Event link
- Update data button
- View all data button (see below)
- Add more participants box
- Username list
- Remove username
'View all' event data screen/report (linked from Event Screen)
- Event info
- Event name
- Wikis involved
- Start time/date (with timezone)
- End time/date
- Last update date/time
- Event summary stats
- # of participants
- # of new editors
- # editors retained after 7-days
- # of pages created
- # of pages Improved
- Edit feed—a list of all edits showing for each:
- Diff link
- Date & time of edit
- Pagename/ link
- Wiki of edit
- Username of editor
- Edit summary
- Tools on page
- Download as CSV
- Download as wiki table
Dashboard outputs
[edit]Course Activity page
[edit]- # of articles created, # of articles edited, total # of edits, # of editors, total # of bytes added, views to all articles, commons uploads
Editors page
[edit]- Usernames of all users with link to user page and sandboxes, assigned articles, reviewing, recent edits (past 7 days), total characters added per article/user/draft, total # of uploads
- List is sortable by characters added to draft, article, or by user.
Articles page
[edit]- Article class (quality level), list of created articles with links to history and a custom “development graph”; characters added by participants; # of views during project, link to a custom assessment tool.
- List is sortable by title, characters added or views; also by wiki.
Uploads page
[edit]- List of uploads with filename/link, uploader username/link, number of articles the upload appears in, upload time, creator of image.
- List is sortable by date, uploader, usage count.
Activity page
[edit]- A feed of all edits by participants, with the article title/link, username of editor, # of characters added, date/time of edit, and article class (quality) rating.
- List is sortable by class, title, editor, characters added, time.
Downloadable reports
[edit]- (Course) overview data: course slug, course title, institution, term, home wiki, created when, start date, end date, instructor new or returning instructor, # of editors, # of new editors, # of articles edited, # of articles created, # of bytes added, total # of edits, # of mainspace edits, # of article talk edits, # of userspace edits, # of article views, upload count, # of uploads used in articles, upload usage across all wikis, training completion rate, retained new editors, # of home wiki edits, # of home wiki articles edited, # of home wiki articles created, # of wikidata edits, # of wikidata articles edited, # of wikidata articles created.
- Articles data: name, namespace, wiki, URL, edit count, chars added, “new” (?), article deleted?, pageviews (what period?), link to pageview tool.
- Edits data: ID#, timestamp, wiki, article title, diff link, username, bytes added, new article?,
- Editors data: username, class enrollment time, wiki registration date/time, revisions during project, mainspace bytes added, userspace bytes added, draft space bytes added, registered during project
- Commons uploads data: filename, commons page URL, timestamp, username, image usage count, deleted?