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استبيان قائمة أمنيات المجتمع 2023/النتائج/البحث والتصنيفات

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This page is a translated version of the page Community Wishlist Survey 2023/Results/Search and Categories and the translation is 100% complete.

هذه هي نتائج استبيان قائمة أمنيات المجتمع لتصنيف البحث والفئات – شكرا لكل من شارك هذا العام!

طالع النتائج من كافة التصنيفات.

المرتبة الاقتراح طلبات الدعم التقني
1 [[Community Wishlist Survey 2023/Search and Categories/Add "Sorting order by alphabet" in Special:Search|Add "Sorting order by alphabet" in Special:Search]] 41 0 0 T40403
2 [[Community Wishlist Survey 2023/Search and Categories/Sort pages with Chinese Japanese or Korean titles in a more useful order|Sort pages with Chinese Japanese or Korean titles in a more useful order]] 40 0 0 Related: T47443
3 [[Community Wishlist Survey 2023/Search and Categories/Improve tracking of categorization changes|Improve tracking of categorization changes]] 26 0 0 T89582، T130134، T126851، T148533، T270662، T270774
Related: T6366
4 [[Community Wishlist Survey 2023/Search and Categories/Limit which namespaces are allowed in a category on the category page itself|Limit which namespaces are allowed in a category on the category page itself]] 23 0 0
5 [[Community Wishlist Survey 2023/Search and Categories/linksfrom: filter|linksfrom: filter]] 21 0 0 T253642
Related: T301030
6 [[Community Wishlist Survey 2023/Search and Categories/Date filter in deleted contributions|Date filter in deleted contributions]] 14 0 0 T36524
7 [[Community Wishlist Survey 2023/Search and Categories/Some transcluded templates include the page in unnecessary categories|Some transcluded templates include the page in unnecessary categories]] 10 0 2
8 [[Community Wishlist Survey 2023/Search and Categories/Disadvantages of '公共轉換組' in Wikipedia (Chinese Version)|Disadvantages of '公共轉換組' in Wikipedia (Chinese Version)]] 8 0 4