From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki
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title | Wikimedia Report Card |
subtitle | [WIP] |
tabs | title | Test pivoting |
graphs | title | Interlanguage Navigation Target Project |
type | dygraphs-timeseries |
path | interlanguage/percent_interlanguage_navigation_curr.tsv |
format | percent |
pivot | dimension | project |
metric | percent_interlanguage_navigation |
title | New editors |
graphs | title | Monthly new editors |
type | dygraphs-timeseries |
path | reportcard/top_10_wikis_by_new_editors.tsv |
format | kmb |
title | Pagecounts (Dec 2007 - Dec 2016) |
dataRange | |
graphs | title | Monthly pagecounts |
type | dygraphs-timeseries |
aqs | name | LegacyPagecounts |
granularity | monthly |
projects | all-projects, dewiki, enwiki, eswiki, frwiki, itwiki, jawiki, plwiki, ptwiki, ruwiki, wikidatawiki, zhwiki |
format | kmb |
title | Pageviews (July 2015 - now) |
dataRange | |
graphs | title | Daily Unique Devices |
type | dygraphs-timeseries |
aqs | name | UniqueDevices |
granularity | daily |
projects | dewiki, enwiki, eswiki, frwiki, itwiki, jawiki, plwiki, ptwiki, ruwiki, zhwiki |
format | kmb |
title | Monthly pageviews (2015 - now) |
type | dygraphs-timeseries |
aqs | name | Pageviews |
granularity | monthly |
projects | all-projects, dewiki, enwiki, eswiki, frwiki, itwiki, jawiki, plwiki, ptwiki, ruwiki, zhwiki |
format | kmb |
title | Unique Devices |
dataRange | |
graphs | title | Daily Unique Devices |
type | dygraphs-timeseries |
aqs | name | UniqueDevices |
granularity | daily |
projects | dewiki, enwiki, eswiki, frwiki, itwiki, jawiki, plwiki, ptwiki, ruwiki, zhwiki |
format | kmb |
title | Mobile Site by Browser |
dataRange | |
graphs | title | Browser Family Timeseries |
type | dygraphs-timeseries |
path | browser/all_sites_by_browser_family_percent.tsv |
format | percent |
annotations | host | |
pageName | Dashiki:PageviewsAnnotations |
title | Browser Family and Major Hierarchical View |
type | hierarchy |
path | browser/mobile_site_by_browser_family_and_major.tsv |
title | Browser Family and Major Tabular View |
type | table-timeseries |
path | browser/mobile_site_by_browser_family_and_major_percent.tsv |
doNotParse | browser_major |
showLastDays | 101 |
format | percent |
startDate | 2022-02-01 |