id | "" |
dtcreated | 1493913601 |
dtmodified | 1493913601 |
dtstart | 1494079200 |
dtend | 1494093600 |
title | "WikiPermanence" |
description | "À la Cité des Sciences et de l'Industrie
Initiation, accompagnement premiers pas, perfectionnement, découverte des projets de WikiMedia,..." |
link | ":fr:Wikipédia:WikiPermanence/Paris" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | "Europe" |
"France" |
"Île-de-France" |
"Paris" |
tags | "Wikipermanence" |
"Wikipedia" |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1493913625 |
dtmodified | 1493913625 |
dtstart | 1496498400 |
dtend | 1496512800 |
title | "WikiPermanence" |
description | "À la Cité des Sciences et de l'Industrie
Initiation, accompagnement premiers pas, perfectionnement, découverte des projets de WikiMedia,..." |
link | ":fr:Wikipédia:WikiPermanence/Paris" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | "Europe" |
"France" |
"Île-de-France" |
"Paris" |
tags | "Wikipermanence" |
"Wikipedia" |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1493913640 |
dtmodified | 1493913640 |
dtstart | 1498917600 |
dtend | 1498932000 |
title | "WikiPermanence" |
description | "À la Cité des Sciences et de l'Industrie
Initiation, accompagnement premiers pas, perfectionnement, découverte des projets de WikiMedia,..." |
link | ":fr:Wikipédia:WikiPermanence/Paris" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | "Europe" |
"France" |
"Île-de-France" |
"Paris" |
tags | "Wikipermanence" |
"Wikipedia" |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1493913792 |
dtmodified | 1493913792 |
dtstart | 1495222200 |
dtend | 1495233000 |
title | "Atelier Wikidata" |
description | "Atelier d'apprentissage à la contribution sur Wikidata" |
link | ":d:Wikidata:Events/Paris/2017-05-19" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | "Europe" |
"France" |
"Île-de-France" |
"Paris" |
tags | |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1493913821 |
dtmodified | 1493913821 |
dtstart | 1497641400 |
dtend | 1497652200 |
title | "Atelier Wikidata" |
description | "Atelier d'apprentissage à la contribution sur Wikidata" |
link | ":d:Wikidata:Events/Paris/2017-06-16" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | "Europe" |
"France" |
"Île-de-France" |
"Paris" |
tags | |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1493913987 |
dtmodified | 1493913987 |
dtstart | 1495274400 |
dtend | 1495299600 |
title | "Journée contributive WikiSevran" |
description | "à la maison de quartier Edmond Michelet, 44 av. Salvador Allende, 93270 Sevran" |
link | ":fr:Projet:Club_WikiSevran#Journ.C3.A9e_contributive_du_samedi_20_mai_2017" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | "Europe" |
"France" |
"Île-de-France" |
"Sevran" |
tags | |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1494928694 |
dtmodified | 1497262056 |
dtstart | 1497700800 |
dtend | 1497726000 |
title | "Wiknic" |
description | "Pique-nique annuel des contributrices et contributeurs aux projets :).
Rendez-vous à la [[fr:La Bicyclette ensevelie]] dans le [[fr:parc de la Villette]]." |
link | "fr:Wikipédia:Wiknic/2017/Lieux/France#Paris" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | "Europe" |
"France" |
"Île-de-France" |
"Paris" |
tags | |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1495556499 |
dtmodified | 1495556499 |
dtstart | 1495618200 |
dtend | 1495625400 |
title | "Réunion d’organisation Opération Libre Jacou" |
description | "Nous vous proposons cette réunion pour échanger autour du projet que nous portons collectivement, sur la réalisation de plusieurs journées de production de données sur le patrimoine, la culture, le déplacement et d’autres informations sur la ville de Jacou, qui aura lieu les 13, 14 et 15 octobre 2017." |
link | "" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | "Europe" |
"France" |
"Occitanie" |
"Montpellier" |
tags | "Wikipedia" |
"Wikimedia Commons" |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1496960912 |
dtmodified | 1496960912 |
dtstart | 1497018600 |
dtend | 1497025800 |
title | "Atelier Wikipédia" |
description | "À l'occasion de la journée internationale des Archives, Montpel'libre et Wikimédia France en partenariat avec les Archives Départementales de l'Hérault, vous proposent un atelier d'initiations et de découvertes de Wikipédia à l'attention du grand public, un atelier ouvert à tous sans réservation, avec une succession de sessions courtes" |
link | ":fr:Wikipédia:Journées contributives/Montpellier/9 juin 2017" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | "Europe" |
"France" |
"Occitanie" |
"Montpellier" |
tags | "Wikipédia Archives Atelier" |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1497519461 |
dtmodified | 1497519461 |
dtstart | 1498298400 |
dtend | 1498410000 |
title | "Atelier formation à la création de gadgets" |
description | "Atelier de formation à la création de gadgets en Javascript.<br>
Le samedi sera consacré à l'apprentissage des bases de ce langage de programmation (pour les plus débutants donc) ; le dimanche nous rentrerons plus dans son application dans un environnement MediaWiki, tel que Wikipédia ou Commons." |
link | "Wikimédia France/Atelier formation à la création de gadgets" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | "Europe" |
"France" |
"Île-de-France" |
"Paris" |
tags | "Wikipedia" |
"atelier" |
"tech" |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1517337452 |
dtmodified | 1517337452 |
dtstart | 1515934800 |
dtend | 1515949200 |
title | "Wikipermanence #1lib1ref" |
description | "" |
link | "Wikimédia France/Groupes de travail/Groupes locaux/Rennes/14 janvier 2018" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | "Europe" |
"France" |
"Bretagne" |
"Rennes" |
tags | "Wikipermanence" |
"#1lib1ref" |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1517337615 |
dtmodified | 1517337615 |
dtstart | 1516903200 |
dtend | 1516917600 |
title | "Jeudi, c’est wiki" |
description | "" |
link | "Wikimédia France/Groupes de travail/Groupes locaux/Rennes/25 janvier 2018" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | "Europe" |
"France" |
"Bretagne" |
"Rennes" |
tags | |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1517337706 |
dtmodified | 1517337706 |
dtstart | 1517326200 |
dtend | 1517333400 |
title | "Réunion choix du logo #RDV4C" |
description | "" |
link | "Wikimédia France/Groupes de travail/Groupes locaux/Rennes/30 janvier 2018" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | "Europe" |
"France" |
"Bretagne" |
"Rennes" |
tags | |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1517339538 |
dtmodified | 1517339538 |
dtstart | 1511546400 |
dtend | 1511555400 |
title | "Atelier Wikipédia à Guichen" |
description | "" |
link | "Wikimédia France/Groupes de travail/Groupes locaux/Rennes/Guichen 2017" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | "Europe" |
"France" |
"Bretagne" |
"Rennes" |
tags | |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1519123760 |
dtmodified | 1519126468 |
dtstart | 1520676000 |
dtend | 1520697600 |
title | "Journée contributive WikiSevran" |
description | "Journée contributive dans le cadre de l'action WikiSevran organisé à la maison de quartier Marcel Paul" |
link | ":fr:Projet:Club_WikiSevran" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | "Europe" |
"France" |
"Île-de-France" |
"Sevran" |
tags | |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1519124138 |
dtmodified | 1519126505 |
dtstart | 1523095200 |
dtend | 1523120400 |
title | "Journée contributive WikiSevran" |
description | "Journée contributive WikiSevran" |
link | ":fr:Projet:Club_WikiSevran" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | "Europe" |
"France" |
"Île-de-France" |
"Sevran" |
tags | |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1519135133 |
dtmodified | 1519135133 |
dtstart | 1521280800 |
dtend | 1521306000 |
title | "Journée contributive Opéra Comique" |
description | "Le Théâtre national de l'Opéra-Comique et Wikimédia France organisent une session de contribution autour de plusieurs thématiques en rapport avec l'Opéra Comique. " |
link | "fr:Projet:Journée_contributive_Opéra_Comique" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | "Europe" |
"France" |
"Île-de-France" |
"Paris" |
tags | |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1519135294 |
dtmodified | 1521474604 |
dtstart | 1521885600 |
dtend | 1521910800 |
title | "Objectifs de développement durable" |
description | "Suite à une 1ère journée organisée en septembre 2017, une 2nde journée est organisée conjointement par le Commissariat général au développement durable (CGDD) du Ministère de la Transition écologique et solidaire et Wikimédia France. " |
link | "fr:Projet:Edit-a-thon_Objectifs_de_développement_durable_2018" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | "Europe" |
"France" |
"Île-de-France" |
"Paris" |
tags | |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1519135534 |
dtmodified | 1519135534 |
dtstart | 1521626400 |
dtend | 1521626400 |
title | "Formation de professeurs-documentalistes stagiaires" |
description | "Session de formation à la contribution sur Wikipédia d'une journée à destination de 26 professeurs-documentalistes dont 5 stagiaires LSF (il y aura deux interprètes) à l'ESPE de Créteil.
Inscription : " |
link | "" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | "Europe" |
"France" |
"Île-de-France" |
tags | |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1519135777 |
dtmodified | 1519135777 |
dtstart | 1520946000 |
dtend | 1520960400 |
title | "Formation de doctorants" |
description | "Formation et unité d'enseignement « Valoriser ses connaissances avec Wikipédia ». Le projet est créé dans le cadre d'une convention entre Wikimédia France et le collège doctoral de l'Université Lille nord de France. Suite à la refonte des Universités, le projet est désormais mené en partenariat avec la ComUE Lille Nord de France.
L'objectif est d'accompagner des doctorants ou jeunes chercheurs dans leurs contributions, à savoir créer et diffuser des contenus sur Wikipédia et sur Wikimedia Commons.
Cette action est coordonnée par Mathieu Denel de Wikimédia France." |
link | "fr:Projet:Valoriser_ses_connaissances_avec_Wikipédia" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | "Europe" |
"France" |
"Hauts-de-France" |
"Lille" |
tags | |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1519135785 |
dtmodified | 1519136263 |
dtstart | 1521550800 |
dtend | 1521565200 |
title | "Formation de doctorants" |
description | "Formation et unité d'enseignement « Valoriser ses connaissances avec Wikipédia ». Le projet est créé dans le cadre d'une convention entre Wikimédia France et le collège doctoral de l'Université Lille nord de France. Suite à la refonte des Universités, le projet est désormais mené en partenariat avec la ComUE Lille Nord de France.
L'objectif est d'accompagner des doctorants ou jeunes chercheurs dans leurs contributions, à savoir créer et diffuser des contenus sur Wikipédia et sur Wikimedia Commons.
Cette action est coordonnée par Mathieu Denel de Wikimédia France." |
link | "fr:Projet:Valoriser_ses_connaissances_avec_Wikipédia" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | "Europe" |
"France" |
"Hauts-de-France" |
"Lille" |
tags | |
id | "1519209280-Ré" |
dtcreated | 1519209280 |
dtmodified | 1520359889 |
dtstart | 1519898400 |
dtend | 1519923600 |
title | "Magna Grecia OpenData" |
description | "Organisée en collaboration avec Blandine Nouvel (Frantiq), cette deuxième journée du projet Magna Grecia Open Data sera centrée sur l’édition et la création de données sur la plateforme Wikidata en relation avec le thésaurus multilingue PACTOLS de Frantiq." |
link | "" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | "Europe" |
"France" |
"Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur" |
"Aix-en-Provence" |
tags | |
id | "1519209465-Ré" |
dtcreated | 1519209465 |
dtmodified | 1519295350 |
dtstart | 1518858000 |
dtend | 1518872400 |
title | "Atelier Wikisource les Sans Pages" |
description | "Atelier de numérisation d'ouvrages en lien avec le projet des Sans Pages" |
link | "ème_texte,_VisiAutrices,_les_sans_pagEs_Paris/Atelier_Wikisource_autrices/home" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | "Europe" |
"France" |
"Île-de-France" |
"Paris Cléry" |
tags | "Wikisource" |
"Les sans pagEs" |
id | "1519295134-Ré" |
dtcreated | 1519295134 |
dtmodified | 1521387017 |
dtstart | 1520503200 |
dtend | 1520532000 |
title | "Wiki4women editathon " |
description | "" |
link | "fr:Wikipédia:Mois de la contribution 2018/Paris" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | "Europe" |
"France" |
"Île-de-France" |
"Paris" |
tags | "Wikipedia" |
"Les sans pagEs" |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1519404500 |
dtmodified | 1519407106 |
dtstart | 1520085600 |
dtend | 1520100000 |
title | "Wikipermanence - La villette" |
description | "Wikipermanence mensuelle, on refait le monde avec des fraises Tagada :)" |
link | "fr:Wikipédia:WikiPermanence/Paris" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | "Europe" |
"France" |
"Île-de-France" |
"Paris" |
tags | |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1519409571 |
dtmodified | 1519411460 |
dtstart | 1523109600 |
dtend | 1523124000 |
title | "Wikipermanence - La Villette" |
description | "Dans le cadre du 1er samedi de chaque mois
au carrefour numérique - Sous sol - Cité des sciences et de l'industrie" |
link | "édia:WikiPermanence/Paris" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | "Europe" |
"France" |
"Île-de-France" |
"Paris" |
tags | |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1519411245 |
dtmodified | 1525505961 |
dtstart | 1525528800 |
dtend | 1525543200 |
title | "Wikipermanence - La Villette" |
description | "Dans le cadre du 1er samedi de chaque mois
au carrefour numérique - Sous sol - Cité des sciences et de l'industrie" |
link | "édia:WikiPermanence/Paris" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | "Europe" |
"France" |
"Île-de-France" |
"Paris" |
tags | |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1520353090 |
dtmodified | 1521443771 |
dtstart | 1520778600 |
dtend | 1520791200 |
title | "Atelier Wikisource" |
description | "Atelier de transcription collaborative, en muséocube aux Champs Libres." |
link | "fr:Wikipédia:Mois_de_la_contribution_2018/Rennes" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | "Europe" |
"France" |
"Bretagne" |
"Rennes" |
tags | |
id | "1520589269-Ré" |
dtcreated | 1520589269 |
dtmodified | 1520589269 |
dtstart | 1520676000 |
dtend | 1520704800 |
title | "Datathon aux Archives nationales" |
description | "Travail sur la base de données des archives nationales avec import vers Wikidata. " |
link | "" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | "Europe" |
"France" |
"Île-de-France" |
"Paris" |
tags | |
id | "1520949074-Ré" |
dtcreated | 1520949074 |
dtmodified | 1521453517 |
dtstart | 1521295200 |
dtend | 1521309600 |
title | "Wikitopia Party" |
description | "Mise en place du projet Archives
Diffusion et transcription de lettres de savants du XIXe siècle s'intéressant à l'archéologie et l'histoire achetées par des membres d'ArkéoTopia grâce au matériel de Wikimédia France.
1re séance - Activités prévues
Organisation des groupes de travail
Réflexion sur le nommage des fichiers et la description des images dans Wikimedia commons
Prise en main de l'appareil de reprographie prêté par Wikimédia France
Ouverture, lecture et priorisation des lettres
Début de la reprographie
Objectif final
Mettre les copies numériques des lettres sur Wikimédia commons afin de disposer d'un espace de travail sur Wikisource en vue d'améliorer les biographies d'Anatole de Barthélemy (1821-1904 / sous-préfet des Côtes-du-Nord, archéologue et numismate français) et d'Ambroise Commarmond (1786-1857 / médecin, conservateur des musées archéologiques de la ville de Lyon et Inspecteur des monuments historiques des départements du Rhône et de l'Ardèche)." |
link | "" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | "Europe" |
"France" |
"Île-de-France" |
"Paris Cléry" |
tags | "Wikimedia Commons" |
"Wikisource" |
id | "1521105373-Ré" |
dtcreated | 1521105373 |
dtmodified | 1521384327 |
dtstart | 1521133200 |
dtend | 1521140400 |
title | "Présentation du Wiktionnaire" |
description | "Atelier découverte de la contribution, jeudi 15 mars, 17h-19h, à la Bibliothèque municipale de la Part-Dieu. Lyokoï et Noé ont préparé un nouveau format d'atelier pour découvrir facilement comment ajouter du contenu dans le Wiktionnaire : attestations d'usage, illustrations, définitions, synonymes et étymologie. " |
link | "fr:Projet:Sessions mensuelles à la BM Lyon" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | "Europe" |
"France" |
"Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes" |
"Lyon" |
tags | |
id | "1521105443-Ré" |
dtcreated | 1521105443 |
dtmodified | 1521105443 |
dtstart | 1521565200 |
dtend | 1521572400 |
title | "Atelier de découverte du Wiktionnaire" |
description | "Atelier découverte, mardi 20 mars, 17h-19h, à la bibliothèque du 6e arrondissement, pour fêter la journée mondiale de la francophonie, avec donc un focus sur dix mots francophones. On explorera le vocabulaire de la voix !" |
link | "" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | "Europe" |
"France" |
"Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes" |
"Lyon" |
tags | |
id | "1521121388-Ré" |
dtcreated | 1521121388 |
dtmodified | 1521121388 |
dtstart | 1521277200 |
dtend | 1521304200 |
title | "Femmes à l'Université de Montpellier" |
description | "L'université de Montpellier, l'association Montpel'libre et Wikimédia France organisent une session de contribution (edit-a-thon ou journée contributive) autour des femmes universitaires en rapport avec la ville de Montpellier. Sur place ou en ligne, les participant·e·s pourront travailler ensemble à la création et/ou l'amélioration d'articles liés aux thématiques de la journée." |
link | "à_l%27Université_de_montpellier" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | "Europe" |
"France" |
"Occitanie" |
"Montpellier" |
tags | "Wikipedia" |
"Les sans pagEs" |
id | "1521191758-Ré" |
dtcreated | 1521191758 |
dtmodified | 1521191758 |
dtstart | 1521709200 |
dtend | 1521736203 |
title | "Atelier Wiktionnaire à la médiathèque de Lézignan Corbières" |
description | "Le 22 mars 2018 aura lieu, à la médiathèque intercommunale MILCOM de Lézignan Corbières, la 8ème Journée professionnelle « Travailler ensemble avec les mots » de la Caravane des dix mots Occitanie. Sur le thème de « La langue française, outil de cohésion sociale ? » nous nous interrogerons sur nos pratiques et découvrirons les démarches d’artistes régionaux. Plus d'info : " |
link | "" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | "Europe" |
"France" |
"Occitanie" |
tags | |
id | "1521198371-Ré" |
dtcreated | 1521198371 |
dtmodified | 1521198371 |
dtstart | 1521280800 |
dtend | 1521302700 |
title | "Atelier Wiki Fil vert de l'Huveaune" |
description | "Le projet "Fil vert de l'Huveaune" a d'abord pour objectif de valoriser l'Huveaune - fleuve côtier qui traverse l'agglomération marseillaise - et de mettre en valeur son patrimoine tout en favorisant le partage les éléments de connaissance et la participation des habitants et structures associées à l'alimentation de la connaissance sur des sites libres de droit." |
link | "" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | "Europe" |
"France" |
"Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur" |
"Marseille" |
tags | |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1521233668 |
dtmodified | 1521233668 |
dtstart | 1527242400 |
dtend | 1527267600 |
title | "Journée contributive WikiSevran" |
description | "Journée contributive WikiSevran" |
link | ":fr:Projet:Club_WikiSevran" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | "Europe" |
"France" |
"Île-de-France" |
"Sevran" |
tags | |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1521233726 |
dtmodified | 1525506046 |
dtstart | 1528538400 |
dtend | 1528563600 |
title | "Journée contributive WikiSevran" |
description | "Restitution de l’action à mi-parcours au service des archives (28, rue Henri-Becquerel, Sevran) ; Journée Internationale des Archives (En attente de confirmation de la date du service des Archives)" |
link | ":fr:Projet:Club_WikiSevran" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | "Europe" |
"France" |
"Île-de-France" |
"Sevran" |
tags | |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1521233807 |
dtmodified | 1525506063 |
dtstart | 1530007200 |
dtend | 1530032400 |
title | "Journée contributive WikiSevran" |
description | "Club WikiSevran –Maison de Quartier E.Michelet (44 rue Salvador Allende, Sevran)" |
link | ":fr:Projet:Club_WikiSevran" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | "Europe" |
"France" |
"Île-de-France" |
"Sevran" |
tags | |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1521233870 |
dtmodified | 1525506083 |
dtstart | 1536487200 |
dtend | 1536512400 |
title | "WikiSevran" |
description | "Balades urbaines à la découverte des Code QR Wikipédia (QRpedia) installés à Sevran.
Lieu : Parc des Soeurs - Sevran
Visites à partir 14h pour un groupe de 12 personnes
" |
link | ":fr:Projet:Club_WikiSevran" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | "Europe" |
"France" |
"Île-de-France" |
"Sevran" |
tags | |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1521234020 |
dtmodified | 1521234124 |
dtstart | 1521900000 |
dtend | 1521918000 |
title | " les sans pagEs Paris" |
description | "Femmes en biologie et écologie" |
link | "fr:Projet:Les sans pagEs/Paris" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | "Europe" |
"France" |
"Île-de-France" |
"Paris" |
tags | |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1521234107 |
dtmodified | 1521234107 |
dtstart | 1524924000 |
dtend | 1524942000 |
title | " les sans pagEs Paris" |
description | "Femmes et musique" |
link | "fr:Projet:Les sans pagEs/Paris" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
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title | "Présentation de Wikisource" |
description | "Atelier découverte de la contribution, 3e jeudi de chaque mois, 17h-19h, à la Bibliothèque municipale de la Part-Dieu.
Wikisource est la bibliothèque numérique de la fondation Wikimédia. Elle met à disposition plus de 236 000 ouvrages libres et gratuits en mode image, texte y compris EPUB structurés.
Quels sont les opérations de numérisation et de correction ? Comment peut-on participer quel que soit son niveau de connaissance... Avec une démonstration de balade et de téléchargements en de nombreux formats accessibles ! Que faire ? Suivre toutes les étapes et se lancer dans la conception ou la correction car il y a du travail pour corriger les épreuves puis les mettre à disposition..." |
link | "fr:Projet:Sessions mensuelles à la BM Lyon" |
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"France" |
"Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes" |
"Lyon" |
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"Edit-a-thon" |
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dtcreated | 1521384509 |
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title | "Où sont les femmes ?" |
description | "Atelier découverte de la contribution, 3e jeudi de chaque mois, 17h-19h, à la Bibliothèque municipale de la Part-Dieu.
Participer à l’enrichissement des connaissances sur les femmes qui ont laissé leur empreinte à Lyon en vue de nourrir les balades organisées lors des journées du matrimoine par l'association Filactions." |
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"France" |
"Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes" |
"Lyon" |
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"Les sans pagEs" |
"Wikipedia" |
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dtcreated | 1521384570 |
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description | "Atelier découverte de la contribution, 3e jeudi de chaque mois, 17h-19h, à la Bibliothèque municipale de la Part-Dieu.
Vous ne saviez-pas que la rue d'Avignon avait été transformée en rue Elie Rochette ? Que la place Juliette Récamier a disparu en place René Déroudille ? Il est temps de le faire savoir au monde entier à l'aide des ressources numériques et du fonds documentaire de la Bibliothèque de Lyon comme l'ouvrage Rues de Lyon à travers les siècles ou Histoires, légendes et anecdotes à propos des rues de Lyon présents au 4e étage de la bibliothèque !!" |
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"France" |
"Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes" |
"Lyon" |
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"Les sans pagEs" |
"Wikipedia" |
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description | "Atelier découverte de la contribution, 3e jeudi de chaque mois, 17h-19h, à la Bibliothèque municipale de la Part-Dieu.
Vous ne saviez-pas que la rue d'Avignon avait été transformée en rue Elie Rochette ? Que la place Juliette Récamier a disparu en place René Déroudille ? Il est temps de le faire savoir au monde entier à l'aide des ressources numériques et du fonds documentaire de la Bibliothèque de Lyon comme l'ouvrage Rues de Lyon à travers les siècles ou Histoires, légendes et anecdotes à propos des rues de Lyon présents au 4e étage de la bibliothèque !!" |
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"France" |
"Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes" |
"Lyon" |
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"Wikipedia" |
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N'hésitez pas à nous contacter via" |
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N'hésitez pas à nous contacter via" |
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N'hésitez pas à nous contacter via" |
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N'hésitez pas à nous contacter via" |
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N'hésitez pas à nous contacter via" |
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N'hésitez pas à nous contacter via" |
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Lien sur le site "[ EchoSciences-Grenoble]" de la Casemate.
" |
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dtstart | 1521885600 |
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title | "Journées du Logiciel Libre" |
description | "Les 20e Journées du Logiciel Libre accueil un stand Wikimédia France, un atelier de contribution à Wikipédia, et une conférence sur "Wikipédia et l'émancipation"." |
link | "" |
registration | false |
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location | "Europe" |
"France" |
"Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes" |
"Lyon" |
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id | "1521837214-Lé" |
dtcreated | 1521837214 |
dtmodified | 1521837237 |
dtstart | 1521896400 |
dtend | 1521910800 |
title | "Outils Wikipedia" |
description | "Discussions sur les outils d'aide à la contribution et valorisation du fond des archives municipales" |
link | "fr:wikipediaWikipédia:Mois de la contribution 2018/Toulouse" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | "Europe" |
"France" |
"Occitanie" |
"Toulouse" |
tags | "Wikipedia" |
"Wikimedia Commons" |
"GLAM" |
id | "1522067113-Ré" |
dtcreated | 1522067113 |
dtmodified | 1522114848 |
dtstart | 1526029200 |
dtend | 1526148000 |
title | "Opération Libre Salon de Provence" |
description | "Quartier des Canourgues à Salon-de-Provence
département des Bouches-du-Rhône" |
link | "" |
registration | false |
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location | "Europe" |
"France" |
"Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur" |
tags | |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1522071118 |
dtmodified | 1540584416 |
dtstart | 1538726400 |
dtend | 1538949600 |
title | "WikiConvention francophone" |
description | "Cette année à Grenoble du 5 au 7 octobre au sein du Musée de la Ville. Une page Meta pour organiser ce futur rassemblement est en place !" |
link | "WikiConvention francophone/2018" |
registration | false |
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location | "Europe" |
"France" |
"Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes" |
"Grenoble" |
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id | "1522224338-Nattes_à" |
dtcreated | 1522224338 |
dtmodified | 1522224338 |
dtstart | 1522348259 |
dtend | 1522357259 |
title | "Wikijeudi des sans pagEs" |
description | "Ateliers mensuels autour des questions liées au féminisme et au genre, ainsi que les thématiques LGBTQI" |
link | "" |
registration | false |
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location | "Europe" |
"Switzerland" |
"Genève" |
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id | "" |
dtcreated | 1522356483 |
dtmodified | 1522356802 |
dtstart | 1523385000 |
dtend | 1523390400 |
title | "Table ronde Wikipédia" |
description | "Table ronde : « Wikipédia est-elle fiable ? »
Wikipédia est une encyclopédie dite « libre » et collaborative mais qui se doit d'offrir un contenu neutre et « vérifiable », c'est-à-dire se référant à des « sources » différentes et de qualité. La table ronde sera l'occasion de comprendre le travail réalisé par des rédacteurs bénévoles, depuis 17 ans. Ainsi, seront notamment évoqués et questionnés les principes fondateurs (admissibilité, neutralité, vérifiabilité), le processus éditorial et le fonctionnement de la communauté Wikipédia.
Bibliothèque universitaire du Bouguen, Brest. Entrée libre et gratuite." |
link | "fr:Wikipédia:Rencontres/Ouest/Non-Cabale_de_l%27Ouest#Programme_2018" |
registration | false |
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location | "Europe" |
"France" |
"Bretagne" |
"Brest" |
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id | "" |
dtcreated | 1522356511 |
dtmodified | 1522356734 |
dtstart | 1523469600 |
dtend | 1523476800 |
title | "Atelier Wikipédia" |
description | "Atelier d'initiation à la contribution Wikipédienne + Apéro
Curieux de savoir comment ajouter une info, corriger une faute ou importer une photo ? Envie d'enrichir un thème qui vous passionne ?
Le groupe brestois de contributeurs à Wikipédia vous expliquera les mécanismes de l'encyclopédie en ligne et les subtilités de son interface.
Les Wikimédiens et les Bibliothèques Universitaires de l'UBO vous invitent à venir passer un moment convivial, autour d'un verre et d'un ordinateur !
Bibliothèque universitaire du Bouguen, Brest. Entrée libre et gratuite." |
link | "fr:Wikipédia:Rencontres/Ouest/Non-Cabale_de_l%27Ouest#Programme_2018" |
registration | false |
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location | "Europe" |
"France" |
"Bretagne" |
"Brest" |
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id | "1522443364-Nattes_à" |
dtcreated | 1522443364 |
dtmodified | 1522443364 |
dtstart | 1523307177 |
dtend | 1523307177 |
title | "Wikimidi " |
description | "Permanence des sans pagEs à la cafététria de l'Université de Genève" |
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registration | false |
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location | "Europe" |
"Switzerland" |
"Genève" |
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id | "" |
dtcreated | 1522444441 |
dtmodified | 1522444441 |
dtstart | 1523109600 |
dtend | 1523120400 |
title | "Photo au Musée d'Histoire des Sciences" |
description | "Atelier photo et reportage au Musée d'Histoire des Sciences de Genève" |
link | "fr:Wikipédia:Projet:Suisse/Carnotzet#Photo_au_Musée_d'Histoire_des_Sciences_de_Genève_le_7_avril" |
registration | false |
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location | "Europe" |
"Switzerland" |
"Genève" |
"Genève" |
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id | "1523262075-Ré" |
dtcreated | 1523262075 |
dtmodified | 1523372175 |
dtstart | 1524909600 |
dtend | 1524920400 |
title | "Atelier Wikisource" |
description | "ème_texte,_VisiAutrices,_les_sans_pagEs_Paris/Atelier_Wikisource_autrices_(2018-04-28)" |
link | "ème_texte,_VisiAutrices,_les_sans_pagEs_Paris/Atelier_Wikisource_autrices_(2018-04-28)" |
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"France" |
"Île-de-France" |
"Paris Cléry" |
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"Les sans pagEs" |
id | "1523266177-Ré" |
dtcreated | 1523266177 |
dtmodified | 1525225374 |
dtstart | 1524074400 |
dtend | 1524081600 |
title | "Conférence sur les coulisses de Wikipedia" |
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location | "Europe" |
"France" |
"Pays de la Loire" |
"Nantes" |
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id | "1523279234-Ré" |
dtcreated | 1523279234 |
dtmodified | 1523279234 |
dtstart | 1524252600 |
dtend | 1524258000 |
title | "Meet-up Wikifranca" |
description | "Rencontre Wikifranca à l'occasion de la Wikimedia Conference" |
link | ",_regional,_language-specific_meetups/WikiFranca" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | |
tags | |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1523375077 |
dtmodified | 1524045016 |
dtstart | 1524852000 |
dtend | 1525032000 |
title | "Hack the City" |
description | "" |
link | "" |
registration | false |
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location | "Europe" |
"Switzerland" |
"Ticino" |
"Lugano" |
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id | "1523634143-Ré" |
dtcreated | 1523634143 |
dtmodified | 1523634143 |
dtstart | 1523649600 |
dtend | 1523656800 |
title | "Wikitopia Archives" |
description | "Poursuite du projet Wikitopia - Archives
Diffusion et transcription de lettres de savants du XIXe siècle s'intéressant à l'archéologie et l'histoire achetées par des membres d'ArkéoTopia grâce au matériel de Wikimédia France.
" |
link | "" |
registration | false |
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location | "Europe" |
"France" |
"Île-de-France" |
"Paris Cléry" |
tags | "Wikisource" |
"Wikimedia Commons" |
id | "1523634235-Ré" |
dtcreated | 1523634235 |
dtmodified | 1525505965 |
dtstart | 1525528800 |
dtend | 1525543200 |
title | "WikiTopia Archives" |
description | "Poursuite du projet Wikitopia - Archives
Diffusion et transcription de lettres de savants du XIXe siècle s'intéressant à l'archéologie et l'histoire achetées par des membres d'ArkéoTopia grâce au matériel de Wikimédia France." |
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registration | false |
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"France" |
"Île-de-France" |
"Paris Cléry" |
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"Wikimedia Commons" |
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dtcreated | 1523821089 |
dtmodified | 1525506044 |
dtstart | 1527948000 |
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link | "édia:WikiPermanence/Paris" |
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"France" |
"Île-de-France" |
"Paris" |
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"France" |
"Île-de-France" |
"Paris" |
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dtcreated | 1523955542 |
dtmodified | 1525224910 |
dtstart | 1525442400 |
dtend | 1525449600 |
title | "Réunion de travail avec la Bibliothèque Inter-universitaire de la Sorbonne (BIS)" |
description | "La Bibliothèque Inter-universitaire de la Sorbonne (la BIS, commune à Paris 1, 3, 4, 5, 7), ayant eu vent de notre partenariat avec la BIU Santé de Paris-Descartes, a contacté Wikimédia France pour exprimer sa volonté d'ouvrir ses contenus, faire connaître ses collections, et participer à Wikipédia." |
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"France" |
"Île-de-France" |
"Paris" |
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dtcreated | 1524669384 |
dtmodified | 1525265057 |
dtstart | 1526342401 |
dtend | 1526421659 |
title | " début campagne #1lib1ref" |
description | "Deuxième édition 2018 pour cet événement à destination des bibliothécaires" |
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geoloc | |
location | |
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id | "" |
dtcreated | 1524750939 |
dtmodified | 1524852582 |
dtstart | 1525514400 |
dtend | 1525528800 |
title | "Wikidata Workshop" |
description | "Wikidata Workshop
Beginners welcome!" |
link | "d:Wikidata:Events/Vienna/2018-05-05" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | "Europe" |
"Austria" |
"Vienna" |
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id | "" |
dtcreated | 1524837025 |
dtmodified | 1524837025 |
dtstart | 1527859130 |
dtend | 1528031930 |
title | "Geek Faeries" |
description | "Tenue de stand et présence de Wikimédia France au Geek Faeries (" |
link | "édia_France/geek_faeries" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
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id | "1525265129-Ré" |
dtcreated | 1525265129 |
dtmodified | 1525265129 |
dtstart | 1528156801 |
dtend | 1528156802 |
title | "Fin campagne 1lib1ref" |
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dtstart | 1526720400 |
dtend | 1526734800 |
title | "(annulé !!!) atelier Wikisource Autrices" |
description | "Suite du travail de numérisation et de corrections sur wikisource des oeuvres d'autrices" |
link | "ème_texte,_VisiAutrices,_les_sans_pagEs_Paris/Atelier_Wikisource_autrices_(2018-05-19)" |
registration | false |
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"France" |
"Île-de-France" |
"Paris Cléry" |
tags | "Les sans pagEs" |
"Wikisource" |
id | "1525429528-Ré" |
dtcreated | 1525429528 |
dtmodified | 1537090131 |
dtstart | 1537020000 |
dtend | 1537128000 |
title | "Journées du Matrimoine : "Editeur/éditrice d'un jour"" |
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"France" |
"Île-de-France" |
"Paris Cléry" |
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"Wikisource" |
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dtcreated | 1525599514 |
dtmodified | 1525599514 |
dtstart | 1525897800 |
dtend | 1525905000 |
title | "Wikipédia" |
description | "« Wikipédia, comprendre son fonctionnement et faire ses premiers pas pour publier » se tiendra le 9 Mai de 20h30à 22h30 à la Maison des Associations d’Orléans
La présentation de Wikipédia sera animée par des membres de Wikimédia France qui vous en présenteront le fonctionnement et vous initieront aux bonnes pratiques pour rédiger un article qui soit de la meilleure qualité possible.
Choix du sujet , rédactions, sources : que faire avant de se lancer." |
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"France" |
"Centre-Val de Loire" |
"Orléans" |
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id | "1526054319-Nattes_à" |
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"Switzerland" |
"Genève" |
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"Wikipermanence" |
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title | "Wikimidis Genéve" |
description | "permanence des sans pagES à Genève
page du projet des sans pagEs fr:Projet:Les sans pagEs" |
link | "fr:Projet:Les sans pagEs/wikimidis Genève" |
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"Switzerland" |
"Genève" |
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"Wikipermanence" |
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"Switzerland" |
"Genève" |
"Genève" |
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"Wikipermanence" |
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"Switzerland" |
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"Wikipermanence" |
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dtmodified | 1526055867 |
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description | "wiknik de la cabale de Lyon" |
link | "fr:Wikipédia:Wiknic/2018/Lieux/France" |
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"France" |
"Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes" |
"Lyon" |
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id | "1526056029-Nattes_à" |
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"Wikipermanence" |
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link | "fr:Projet:Les sans pagEs/Valais" |
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"Switzerland" |
"Valais" |
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"Wikipermanence" |
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link | "fr:Projet:Les sans pagEs/Valais" |
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"Switzerland" |
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"Wikipermanence" |
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"Switzerland" |
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"Wikipermanence" |
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"Switzerland" |
"Genève" |
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"Wikipermanence" |
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title | "Wikimidis à Genève" |
description | "permanence des sans pagEs à Genève" |
link | "fr:Projet:Les sans pagEs/wikimidis Genève" |
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"Switzerland" |
"Genève" |
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"Wikipermanence" |
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title | "Les sans pagEs Valais" |
description | "permanence des sans pagEs Valais à la médiathèque de Saint Maurice" |
link | "fr:Projet:Les sans pagEs/Valais" |
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"Switzerland" |
"Valais" |
"Saint Maurice" |
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"Wikipermanence" |
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dtcreated | 1526294303 |
dtmodified | 1526294303 |
dtstart | 1526911200 |
dtend | 1526911200 |
title | "Editathon poésie" |
description | "Pour poésie civile #14, nous vous invitons à discuter, lire avec nous autour des trois thématiques que sont l'archivage de données, le féminisme (l'éco-féminisme, l'afro-féminisme) et la diffusion de la poésie contemporaine aujourd'hui. Nous vous invitons à vous joindre à nous sous le soleil du parc de Belleville, où nous nous tiendrons dès 14h. L'idée est de créer des fiches wikipedia de poètes contemporaines pendant ce rendez-vous, et nous invitons celles et ceux dont ces thèmes sont familiers à venir partager leurs notes, leurs paroles, leurs points de vue, les poèmes et les poètes qui vous touchent pour enrichir cette journée, et nous invitons celles et ceux qui voudraient créer une fiche wikipedia à venir avec leur ordinateur. Nous aurons quelques vivres comme d'habitude, au cas où cela ne suffise pas, amenez ce qui, ou vous, convient." |
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location | "Europe" |
"France" |
"Île-de-France" |
"Paris" |
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id | "1526587615-Nattes à" |
dtcreated | 1526587615 |
dtmodified | 1526587615 |
dtstart | 1527868854 |
dtend | 1528045074 |
title | "WikiAlpen Forum Berne - Multilingue" |
description | "Rencontre WikiAlpen Forum à Berne
présence de personnes françaises souhaitée" |
link | "" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | |
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id | "1527152670-Nattes_à" |
dtcreated | 1527152670 |
dtmodified | 1527152721 |
dtstart | 1529487000 |
dtend | 1529496000 |
title | "Lancement les sans pagEs Méditerranée" |
description | "Lancement du groupe des sans pgaEs à Marseille" |
link | "éditerranée" |
registration | false |
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location | "Europe" |
"France" |
"Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur" |
"Marseille" |
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id | "" |
dtcreated | 1527159628 |
dtmodified | 1527159628 |
dtstart | 1528120800 |
dtend | 1528128000 |
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"France" |
"Île-de-France" |
"Paris" |
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id | "" |
dtcreated | 1527165028 |
dtmodified | 1527165028 |
dtstart | 1525374000 |
dtend | 1525381200 |
title | "Jeudi c'est wiki" |
description | "Rendez-vous jeudinadaire à Rennes" |
link | "fr:Wikipédia:Rencontres/Ouest/Non-Cabale de l'Ouest" |
registration | false |
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"France" |
"Brittany" |
"Rennes" |
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id | "" |
dtcreated | 1527165042 |
dtmodified | 1527165042 |
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dtend | 1526590800 |
title | "Jeudi c'est wiki" |
description | "Rendez-vous jeudinadaire à Rennes" |
link | "fr:Wikipédia:Rencontres/Ouest/Non-Cabale de l'Ouest" |
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"France" |
"Brittany" |
"Rennes" |
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dtcreated | 1527165049 |
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title | "Jeudi c'est wiki" |
description | "Rendez-vous jeudinadaire à Rennes" |
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"France" |
"Brittany" |
"Rennes" |
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id | "" |
dtcreated | 1527165056 |
dtmodified | 1527850556 |
dtstart | 1527793200 |
dtend | 1527800400 |
title | "Jeudi c'est wiki" |
description | "Rendez-vous jeudinadaire à Rennes" |
link | "fr:Wikipédia:Rencontres/Ouest/Non-Cabale de l'Ouest" |
registration | false |
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"France" |
"Brittany" |
"Rennes" |
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id | "1527328039-Nattes_à" |
dtcreated | 1527328039 |
dtmodified | 1527328093 |
dtstart | 1529672400 |
dtend | 1529859600 |
title | "GLAM on Tour MAMCO" |
description | "Le cinquième GLAM-on-tour en Suisse se tiendra au MAMCO, le Musée d'art moderne et contemporain de Genève, du vendredi 22 juin après-midi au dimanche 24 juin." |
link | "" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | "Europe" |
"Switzerland" |
"Genève" |
tags | |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1527782308 |
dtmodified | 1527782308 |
dtstart | 1528795800 |
dtend | 1528828200 |
title | "Atelier wiki·data·gouv" |
description | "Les données de l'administration publique publiées en Open Data sur peuvent être importées dans Wikidata.
Après quelques échanges sur la liste, nous lançons une journée « wiki·data·gouv » avec pour objectif d'importer des données de data.gouv vers wikidata et de voir quels contenus de Wikidata pourraient être utilisés par les équipes de
- Où : à la DINSIC, salle 5728
- Quoi ? Culture, géographie, entreprises, etc.
Plus d'info et inscription sur :" |
link | "" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | "Europe" |
"France" |
"Île-de-France" |
"Paris" |
tags | |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1527850574 |
dtmodified | 1527850574 |
dtstart | 1528398000 |
dtend | 1528405200 |
title | "Jeudi c'est wiki" |
description | "Rendez-vous jeudinadaire à Rennes" |
link | "fr:Wikipédia:Rencontres/Ouest/Non-Cabale de l'Ouest" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | "Europe" |
"France" |
"Brittany" |
"Rennes" |
tags | |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1527850584 |
dtmodified | 1527850584 |
dtstart | 1529002800 |
dtend | 1529010000 |
title | "Jeudi c'est wiki" |
description | "Rendez-vous jeudinadaire à Rennes" |
link | "fr:Wikipédia:Rencontres/Ouest/Non-Cabale de l'Ouest" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | "Europe" |
"France" |
"Brittany" |
"Rennes" |
tags | |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1527850609 |
dtmodified | 1527850609 |
dtstart | 1529607600 |
dtend | 1529614800 |
title | "Jeudi c'est wiki" |
description | "Rendez-vous jeudinadaire à Rennes" |
link | "fr:Wikipédia:Rencontres/Ouest/Non-Cabale de l'Ouest" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | "Europe" |
"France" |
"Brittany" |
"Rennes" |
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id | "" |
dtcreated | 1527850616 |
dtmodified | 1527850616 |
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dtend | 1530219600 |
title | "Jeudi c'est wiki" |
description | "Rendez-vous jeudinadaire à Rennes" |
link | "fr:Wikipédia:Rencontres/Ouest/Non-Cabale de l'Ouest" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | "Europe" |
"France" |
"Brittany" |
"Rennes" |
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id | "1528378693-Nattes_à" |
dtcreated | 1528378693 |
dtmodified | 1528378693 |
dtstart | 1528719357 |
dtend | 1528725657 |
title | "Wikimidis Genève" |
description | "Permanence des sans pagEs à Genève
Cafétéria de l'Université de Genève
24 rue général Dufour, 1203 Genève" |
link | "ève#Wikimidi_du_4_juin_2018" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | "Europe" |
"Switzerland" |
"Genève" |
tags | "Les sans pagEs" |
"Genève" |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1528381913 |
dtmodified | 1528381913 |
dtstart | 1530714544 |
dtend | 1530714544 |
title | "Suite lancement des sans pagEs Méditerranée" |
description | "Suite au lancement du 20 juin, nous réunirons les personnes intéressées pour préparer la suite de l'action des sans pagEs Méditerranée" |
link | "éditerranée" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | "Europe" |
"France" |
"Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur" |
"Marseille" |
tags | |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1528446101 |
dtmodified | 1528446230 |
dtstart | 1529139600 |
dtend | 1529146800 |
title | "Atelier d'initiation et de contribution WP" |
description | "Rendez-vous à la cyber-base de la ville du Port (médiathèque Benoîte Boulard) →
Pour plus d'informations contacter :
" |
link | "" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | "Europe" |
"France" |
"Départements d'outre-mer" |
"La Réunion" |
tags | "Wikipedia" |
"Wikipermanence" |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1528446222 |
dtmodified | 1528446222 |
dtstart | 1530349200 |
dtend | 1530356400 |
title | "Atelier d'initiation et de contribution WP" |
description | "Rendez-vous à la cyber-base de la ville du Port (médiathèque Benoîte Boulard) →
Pour plus d'informations contacter :" |
link | "" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | "Europe" |
"France" |
"Départements d'outre-mer" |
"La Réunion" |
tags | "Wikipermanence" |
"Wikipedia" |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1528575936 |
dtmodified | 1528576000 |
dtstart | 1530360000 |
dtend | 1530381600 |
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description | "" |
link | ":fr:Wikipédia:Wiknic/2018/Lieux/France" |
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location | "Europe" |
"France" |
"Île-de-France" |
"Paris" |
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id | "" |
dtcreated | 1528576133 |
dtmodified | 1528576144 |
dtstart | 1529748000 |
dtend | 1529776800 |
title | "Journée contributive" |
description | "Atelier contributif ouvert aux personnes ayant déjà contribué ou curieuses de le faire. Cette journée est à propos de tous les projets Wikimedia, ainsi que Vikidia et OSM." |
link | ":fr:Wikipédia:Rencontres/Ouest/Sarthe/23 juin 2018" |
registration | false |
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location | "Europe" |
"France" |
"Pays de la Loire" |
"Le Mans" |
tags | |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1528727297 |
dtmodified | 1528727297 |
dtstart | 1529159247 |
dtend | 1529159247 |
title | "Wiknic" |
description | "" |
link | "édia:Rencontres/Rhône-Alpes/Cabale_de_la_quenelle" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | "Europe" |
"France" |
"Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes" |
"Lyon" |
tags | |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1528977828 |
dtmodified | 1528977828 |
dtstart | 1529143200 |
dtend | 1529172000 |
title | "Atelier de contribution" |
description | "À l'occasion des Journées nationales de l'archéologie du 15 au 17 juin 2018, pilotées par l'Inrap sous l'égide du ministère de la Culture, les partenaires Toulousains (Inrap, SRA/DRAC, association Grottes & Archéologie, archives municipales de Toulouse, museum d'histoire naturelle, musée Saint-Raymond) s'associent pour organiser un atelier de contribution destiné à enrichir les pages Wikipédia consacrées à l'archéologie locale." |
link | "ées_nationales_de_l%27archéologie_2018_au_musée_Saint-Raymond_de_Toulouse#Présentation_du_projet" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | "Europe" |
"France" |
"Occitanie" |
"Toulouse" |
tags | |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1529505446 |
dtmodified | 1529505446 |
dtstart | 1529427600 |
dtend | 1529434800 |
title | "Réunion de travail WLM" |
description | "" |
link | "édia_France/Groupes_de_travail/Groupes_thématiques/Wiki_Loves_Monuments/19_juin_2018_-_édition_WLM_2018" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | |
tags | |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1529505674 |
dtmodified | 1531746970 |
dtstart | 1535760001 |
dtend | 1535846399 |
title | "Wiki Loves Monuments, jusqu'au 30 septembre" |
description | "L’objectif du projet Wiki Loves Monuments est d’inciter chacun à prendre des photographies de ces monuments et les placer sous licence libre pour permettre au plus grand nombre d’y accéder via Internet. Dans ce cadre, un concours mondial a lieu durant tout le mois de septembre dans plus de 40 pays." |
link | "" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | |
tags | |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1529580266 |
dtmodified | 1529580266 |
dtstart | 1543312800 |
dtend | 1543514400 |
title | "WikiCite 2018" |
description | "" |
link | "WikiCite 2018" |
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geoloc | |
location | |
tags | |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1530093053 |
dtmodified | 1530093053 |
dtstart | 1530608400 |
dtend | 1530619200 |
title | "WikiCampFon" |
description | "Atelier de contribution en langue fon" |
link | "" |
registration | false |
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location | "Europe" |
"France" |
"Île-de-France" |
"Paris Cléry" |
tags | |
id | "1531070508-Nattes_à" |
dtcreated | 1531070508 |
dtmodified | 1531070508 |
dtstart | 1531137600 |
dtend | 1531144800 |
title | "Wikimidi Genève" |
description | "Wikipermanence "Wikimidis" à Genève Cafétéria Unidufour, 24 rue général Dufour, Genève
Thématique : contributions visant à réduire le liais de genre sur wikipedia" |
link | "ève" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | "Europe" |
"Switzerland" |
"Genève" |
"Genève" |
tags | "Les sans pagEs" |
"Wikipermanence" |
id | "1531070702-Nattes_à" |
dtcreated | 1531070702 |
dtmodified | 1531070702 |
dtstart | 1531742400 |
dtend | 1531749600 |
title | "Wikimidis à Genève" |
description | "Wikipermanence des sans pagEs à la cafétéria Unidufour, 24 rue général Dufour, Genève
Thématique : contributions autour de la réduction du biais de genre sur les projets wikimedias
Repas de 12 à 13 puis contribution. " |
link | "ève" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
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"Switzerland" |
"Genève" |
"Genève" |
tags | "Les sans pagEs" |
"Wikipermanence" |
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title | "Wikimidis à Genève" |
description | "Wikipermanence des sans pagEs à la cafétéria Unidufour, 24 rue général Dufour, Genève
Thématique : contributions autour de la réduction du biais de genre sur les projets wikimedias
Repas de 12 à 13 puis contribution. " |
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registration | false |
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"Switzerland" |
"Genève" |
"Genève" |
tags | "Les sans pagEs" |
"Wikipermanence" |
id | "1531070965-Nattes_à" |
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dtend | 1532959200 |
title | "Wikimidis à Genève" |
description | "Wikipermanence des sans pagEs à la cafétéria Unidufour, 24 rue général Dufour, Genève
Thématique : contributions autour de la réduction du biais de genre sur les projets wikimedias
Repas de 12 à 13 puis contribution. " |
link | "ève" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | "Europe" |
"Switzerland" |
"Genève" |
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"Les sans pagEs" |
id | "1531071620-Nattes_à" |
dtcreated | 1531071620 |
dtmodified | 1531071620 |
dtstart | 1533375000 |
dtend | 1533402000 |
title | "Atelier Wikipedia " |
description | "Atelier de formation le matin et éeditathon l'après midi sur le thème proposé des Marseillaises remarquables et des femmes méditerranéennes
Date 4 août 2018
Lieu Urban Prod Urban Prod, 18 rue Colbert 13001 Marseille (dans le centre, entre la gare et le vieux port).
Horaire à confirmer (pour les infos pratiques regarder sur la page du projet, nous ne reviendrons pas forcément modifier ici)
Inscription sur le dashboard ici : [archive] o
" |
link | "éditerranée#4_août_à_Marseille_:_wikipermanence_les_sans_pagEs_méditerranée" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | "Europe" |
"France" |
"Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur" |
"Marseille" |
tags | "Les sans pagEs" |
"Edit-a-thon" |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1531329620 |
dtmodified | 1531329620 |
dtstart | 1533391200 |
dtend | 1533405600 |
title | "Permanence La Villette" |
description | "" |
link | "Wikipédia:WikiPermanence/Paris" |
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"France" |
"Île-de-France" |
"Paris" |
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dtcreated | 1531329669 |
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dtstart | 1533391200 |
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"France" |
"Île-de-France" |
"Paris" |
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id | "" |
dtcreated | 1531380210 |
dtmodified | 1531380210 |
dtstart | 1531422000 |
dtend | 1531429200 |
title | "Jeudi c'est wiki" |
description | "Rendez-vous jeudinadaire à Rennes" |
link | "fr:Wikipédia:Rencontres/Ouest/Non-Cabale de l'Ouest" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | "Europe" |
"France" |
"Brittany" |
"Rennes" |
tags | |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1531736132 |
dtmodified | 1531745864 |
dtstart | 1533114000 |
dtend | 1533117600 |
title | ""Photographiez les Outre-mer", jusqu'au 31 août." |
description | "Concours photographique organisé par Wikimédia France et le ministère des Outre-mer, en partenariat avec l’Agence Française de Développement. Le but est de valoriser et rendre accessible les espaces naturels protégés des territoires français d'outre-mer." |
link | "" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | |
tags | "Wikipedia" |
"Wikimedia Commons" |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1531746483 |
dtmodified | 1531747030 |
dtstart | 1538265600 |
dtend | 1538351999 |
title | "Fin de Wiki Loves Monuments" |
description | "L’objectif du projet Wiki Loves Monuments est d’inciter chacun à prendre des photographies de ces monuments et les placer sous licence libre pour permettre au plus grand nombre d’y accéder via Internet. Dans ce cadre, un concours mondial a lieu durant tout le mois de septembre dans plus de 40 pays." |
link | "" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | |
tags | |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1531747362 |
dtmodified | 1531747362 |
dtstart | 1535706000 |
dtend | 1535709600 |
title | "Fin de "Photographiez les Outre-mer"" |
description | "" |
link | "" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | |
tags | |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1531910307 |
dtmodified | 1531910307 |
dtstart | 1532026800 |
dtend | 1532034000 |
title | "Jeudi c'est wiki" |
description | "Rendez-vous jeudinadaire à Rennes" |
link | "fr:Wikipédia:Rencontres/Ouest/Non-Cabale de l'Ouest" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | "Europe" |
"France" |
"Brittany" |
"Rennes" |
tags | |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1531910314 |
dtmodified | 1531910314 |
dtstart | 1532631600 |
dtend | 1532638800 |
title | "Jeudi c'est wiki" |
description | "Rendez-vous jeudinadaire à Rennes" |
link | "fr:Wikipédia:Rencontres/Ouest/Non-Cabale de l'Ouest" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | "Europe" |
"France" |
"Brittany" |
"Rennes" |
tags | |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1531910344 |
dtmodified | 1531910687 |
dtstart | 1532098800 |
dtend | 1532109600 |
title | "Atelier Wikidata" |
description | "Atelier Wikidata sur les patrimoines aux Champs libres." |
link | "fr:Wikipédia:Rencontres/Ouest/Non-Cabale de l'Ouest" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | "Europe" |
"France" |
"Brittany" |
"Rennes" |
tags | |
id | "1532376301-Nattes_à" |
dtcreated | 1532376301 |
dtmodified | 1532376431 |
dtstart | 1532629842 |
dtend | 1532379642 |
title | "Wikijeudis " |
description | "Ateliers et permanece à Lestime sur le thème du féminisme et des thématiques LGBTIQ
Évènement en non mixité " |
link | "" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | "Europe" |
"Switzerland" |
"Genève" |
tags | "Les sans pagEs" |
"Wikipermanence" |
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dtcreated | 1533920694 |
dtmodified | 1533920694 |
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"France" |
"Île-de-France" |
"Paris" |
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id | "" |
dtcreated | 1533920753 |
dtmodified | 1533920753 |
dtstart | 1538834400 |
dtend | 1538848800 |
title | "Permanence La Villette" |
description | "" |
link | "édia:WikiPermanence/Paris" |
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location | "Europe" |
"France" |
"Île-de-France" |
"Paris" |
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id | "" |
dtcreated | 1535124845 |
dtmodified | 1535401004 |
dtstart | 1535482800 |
dtend | 1535486400 |
title | "Réunion Groupe GLAM" |
description | "Ordre du jour
- partenariats en cours et à venir
- communication du groupe
- organisation d' un événement GLAM cette année
- point étape de la stratégie
- perspectives pour l'année
Vous pouvez assister à la réunion en ligne ( ou au local de l'association 40 rue de Clery" |
link | "édia_France/Groupes_de_travail/Groupes_thématiques/GLAM/Réunions#Réunion_28/08/18" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | "Europe" |
"France" |
"Île-de-France" |
"Paris Cléry" |
tags | |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1535363349 |
dtmodified | 1535363349 |
dtstart | 1537009200 |
dtend | 1537120800 |
title | "Wiki Loves Monuments à L'UNESCO" |
description | "Démonstrations, animations et ateliers, avec la participation d'une vingtaine de start-up, d'acteurs et d'experts travaillant à l'intersection des métiers liés à la culture et aux nouvelles technologies pour préserver, valoriser, protéger et promouvoir notre patrimoine commun." |
link | "édia_France/Groupes_de_travail/Groupes_thématiques/Wiki_Loves_Monuments/2018#Stand_à_l%27UNESCO_pour_les_JEP_-_15_et_16_septembre_2018" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | "Europe" |
"France" |
"Île-de-France" |
"Paris" |
tags | "Wikimedia Commons" |
"GLAM" |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1535398558 |
dtmodified | 1535398558 |
dtstart | 1535652000 |
dtend | 1535655600 |
title | "Réunion Groupe Levée de fonds" |
description | "Préparer la campagne hivernale de levée de fonds" |
link | "" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | "Europe" |
"France" |
"Île-de-France" |
"Paris Cléry" |
tags | |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1536243133 |
dtmodified | 1536243133 |
dtstart | 1537005600 |
dtend | 1537120800 |
title | "Ateliers au musée des beaux-arts de Brest" |
description | "Ateliers « Le musée en partage ! » au Musée des beaux-arts de Brest dans le cadre de l'exposition des 50 ans du musée et des Journées du patrimoine. Initiations à Wikipédia, Commons, Wikidata... Ouvert aux débutants. Entrée libre et gratuite, de 10h à 18h." |
link | "fr:Wikipédia:Rencontres/Ouest/Non-Cabale_de_l%27Ouest#Programme_2018" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | "Europe" |
"France" |
"Brittany" |
"Brest" |
tags | "Edit-a-thon" |
"GLAM" |
"Wikipedia" |
"Wikimedia Commons" |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1536393011 |
dtmodified | 1536393011 |
dtstart | 1537293600 |
dtend | 1537300800 |
title | "Atelier de contribution" |
description | "Thème : les femmes
Lieu : Bibliothèque universitaire du Havre" |
link | "" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | "Europe" |
"France" |
"Normandie" |
"Le Havre" |
tags | |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1536393086 |
dtmodified | 1536393139 |
dtstart | 1539885600 |
dtend | 1539892800 |
title | "atelier de contribution" |
description | "Thème: l'art et l'architecture
Lieu : Bibliothèque universitaire du Havre" |
link | "" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | "Europe" |
"France" |
"Normandie" |
"Le Havre" |
tags | |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1536393122 |
dtmodified | 1536393122 |
dtstart | 1542736800 |
dtend | 1542744000 |
title | "atelier de contribution" |
description | "Thème: à définir
Lieu : Bibliothèque universitaire du Havre" |
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registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | "Europe" |
"France" |
"Normandie" |
"Le Havre" |
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id | "" |
dtcreated | 1536845795 |
dtmodified | 1536845795 |
dtstart | 1537608600 |
dtend | 1537615800 |
title | "Atelier de contribution sur le patrimoine historique de La Réunion" |
description | "Inscription au 02 62 34 75 45 – Gratuit" |
link | "" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | "Europe" |
"France" |
"Départements d'outre-mer" |
"La Réunion" |
tags | |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1536927354 |
dtmodified | 1536932104 |
dtstart | 1537005600 |
dtend | 1537034400 |
title | "Journée contributive Bibliothèque de Bordeaux (Mériadeck)" |
description | " Les trésors de la bibliothèque de Bordeaux (section patrimoine)" |
link | "édia:Rencontres/Aquitaine/Cubale/Marathon_avec_la_bibliothèque_de_Bordeaux#Samedi_15_septembre_10h-18h" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | "Europe" |
"France" |
"Nouvelle-Aquitaine" |
"Bordeaux" |
tags | "GLAM" |
"Wikipedia" |
"Edit-a-thon" |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1536933994 |
dtmodified | 1536933994 |
dtstart | 1539439509 |
dtend | 1539439509 |
title | "Comment évaluer la qualité d’un article de Wikipédia ?" |
description | "Wikipédia est un projet encyclopédique très connu aujourd’hui. Des milliers de personnes chaque jour visitent le site pour retrouver ou vérifier une information. Comment ce projet arrive à la fois à permettre à toutes et à tous d’écrire des articles quel que soit l’âge le genre ou le niveau d’expertise tout en garantissant une qualité." |
link | "" |
registration | false |
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location | "Europe" |
"France" |
"Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes" |
"Lyon" |
tags | |
id | "" |
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Médiathèque Malraux, Salle de formation L@ppli - 4e étage" |
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Médiathèque Malraux, Salle de formation L@ppli - 4e étage" |
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Médiathèque Malraux, Salle de formation L@ppli - 4e étage" |
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Médiathèque Malraux, Salle de formation L@ppli - 4e étage" |
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Médiathèque Malraux, Salle de formation L@ppli - 4e étage" |
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Médiathèque Malraux, Salle de formation L@ppli - 4e étage" |
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Médiathèque Malraux, Salle de formation L@ppli - 4e étage" |
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Inscription au 02 62 34 75 45
Thème : la cuisine réunionnaise" |
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Lieu Urban Prod Urban Prod, 18 rue Colbert 13001 Marseille (dans le centre, entre la gare et le vieux port).
Horaire 9h30 à 17 h
Animation Nattes à chat (toute la journée), Sophiedidacressources le matin
Inscription sur le dashboard ici,_Urban_Prod/les_sans_pagEs_med_-_Wikipermanence_du_13_octobre_2018?enroll=Vive2018" |
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"France" |
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"Edit-a-thon" |
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"Edit-a-thon" |
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"France" |
"Île-de-France" |
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"GLAM" |
"Edit-a-thon" |
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dtcreated | 1583424334 |
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"France" |
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link | "[[w:fr:Projet:WikiGoths_au_musée_Saint-Raymond]]" |
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title | "[Annulé] Rencontre mensuelle" |
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"Occitanie" |
"Toulouse" |
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dtcreated | 1583851631 |
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dtend | 1584208800 |
title | "Femmes et cinéma à la Cinémathèque de Grenoble" |
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"Edit-a-thon" |
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dtcreated | 1583851685 |
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title | "Féminiser et noircir Wikipédia au Magasin des horizons" |
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"Edit-a-thon" |
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description | "Session de découverte et d'explication de l'outil de requête SPARQL pour Wikidata." |
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location | |
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dtcreated | 1585840501 |
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location | |
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dtcreated | 1586244861 |
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title | "Twitch SPARQL Wikidata" |
description | "Session de découverte et d'explication de l'outil de requête SPARQL pour Wikidata." |
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location | |
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location | |
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dtcreated | 1593464544 |
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location | |
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dtcreated | 1593464708 |
dtmodified | 1593464708 |
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geoloc | |
location | |
tags | |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1593467520 |
dtmodified | 1593467520 |
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link | "d:Wikidata:Events#Office_hours" |
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geoloc | |
location | |
tags | "Wikidata" |
"Office hours" |
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geoloc | |
location | |
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location | |
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dtcreated | 1593468098 |
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geoloc | |
location | |
tags | |
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dtcreated | 1593550062 |
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dtcreated | 1593550170 |
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dtcreated | 1593725133 |
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link | "Wikimedians for Sustainable Development/Next meeting" |
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location | |
tags | |
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dtcreated | 1593725345 |
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"Edit-a-thon" |
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location | |
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geoloc | |
location | |
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dtcreated | 1594324432 |
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location | |
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dtcreated | 1594480584 |
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geoloc | |
location | |
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geoloc | |
location | |
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location | |
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dtcreated | 1595266327 |
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location | |
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geoloc | |
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geoloc | |
location | |
tags | |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1595568845 |
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geoloc | |
location | |
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location | |
tags | |
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dtcreated | 1596150818 |
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geoloc | |
location | |
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dtcreated | 1596182846 |
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geoloc | |
location | |
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dtcreated | 1596220794 |
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location | |
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dtcreated | 1596297367 |
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location | |
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location | |
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geoloc | |
location | |
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dtcreated | 1597089510 |
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geoloc | |
location | |
tags | |
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dtcreated | 1597247050 |
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geoloc | |
location | |
tags | |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1597252711 |
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geoloc | |
location | |
tags | |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1597518068 |
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geoloc | |
location | |
tags | |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1597607492 |
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geoloc | |
location | |
tags | |
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dtcreated | 1598045849 |
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location | |
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dtcreated | 1598047883 |
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geoloc | |
location | |
tags | |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1598048117 |
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dtend | 1601132400 |
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geoloc | |
location | |
tags | "Edit-a-thon" |
"Wikipedia" |
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dtcreated | 1598430978 |
dtmodified | 1598430978 |
dtstart | 1599035731 |
dtend | 1596357331 |
title | "Language showcase: Localization of modules" |
description | "Presenting a new project to make the localization of Scribunto Lua modules easier" |
link | ":mw:Wikimedia Language engineering/Showcase" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | |
tags | |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1598820370 |
dtmodified | 1598820370 |
dtstart | 1599332400 |
dtend | 1599336000 |
title | "Wikipedia Weekly Network" |
description | "Live Wikidata editing #18" |
link | "Wikipedia_Weekly_Network#Upcoming" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | |
tags | |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1599813819 |
dtmodified | 1604600935 |
dtstart | 1603814400 |
dtend | 1603818000 |
title | "Wikidata office hour" |
description | "Office hour" |
link | "d:Wikidata:Events#Office_hours" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | |
tags | |
langs | |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1599856904 |
dtmodified | 1599856904 |
dtstart | 1600434000 |
dtend | 1600453800 |
title | "Climate Justice Edit-a-thon" |
description | "Climate Justice Edit-a-thon" |
link | "Talk:Sustainability#September_18%2C_2020_--_Climate_Justice_Edit-a-thon" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | |
tags | "Edit-a-thon" |
"Wikipedia" |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1600469294 |
dtmodified | 1600469294 |
dtstart | 1600560060 |
dtend | 1600563600 |
title | "Wikimedians for Sustainable Development" |
description | "Bi-weekly meeting" |
link | "Wikimedians for Sustainable Development/Next meeting" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | |
tags | |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1600586257 |
dtmodified | 1600586257 |
dtstart | 1601064000 |
dtend | 1601067600 |
title | "WikiDataDojo: Global Climate Strike" |
description | "LIVE Wikidata editing #21" |
link | "Wikimedians_for_Sustainable_Development#2020" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | |
tags | |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1600634717 |
dtmodified | 1600634868 |
dtstart | 1601114400 |
dtend | 1601226000 |
title | "Wiki-Conference 2020" |
description | "The 14th Annual International Forum dedicated to developing Wikimedia projects in the languages of Russia, as well as challenges of free knowledge creation and dissemination overall." |
link | ":wmru:Вики-конференция 2020/en" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | "Europe" |
"Russia" |
"Saint Petersburg" |
tags | |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1601588716 |
dtmodified | 1601588716 |
dtstart | 1602777600 |
dtend | 1602781200 |
title | "Wikimedian of the year 2020" |
description | "Announcement" |
link | "mailarchive:wikimedia-l/2020-October/095715.html" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | |
tags | |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1601588808 |
dtmodified | 1601588808 |
dtstart | 1601654400 |
dtend | 1601823600 |
title | "Wikimedia CEE Meeting 2020" |
description | "Conference" |
link | "Wikimedia CEE Meeting 2020" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | |
tags | |
id | "1602077229-Jon_Harald_Søby_(WMNO)" |
dtcreated | 1602077229 |
dtmodified | 1603729897 |
dtstart | 1602237600 |
dtend | 1602252000 |
title | "Wikinobel 2020" |
description | "Editathon about the Nobel Peace Prize as the recipient is announced." |
link | "Wikinobel" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | |
tags | |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1602421564 |
dtmodified | 1602421620 |
dtstart | 1610737200 |
dtend | 1610744400 |
title | "Wikipedia 20 meetup" |
description | "Wikipedia 20 meetup in Moscow" |
link | ":ru:Википедия:Викивстречи#Москва, 15 января 2021" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | "Europe" |
"Russia" |
"Moscow" |
tags | |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1603637250 |
dtmodified | 1603637250 |
dtstart | 1603641600 |
dtend | 1603645200 |
title | "Wikimedians for Sustainable Development" |
description | "Strategy prioritization meeting" |
link | "Wikimedians for Sustainable Development/Next meeting" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | |
tags | |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1603637277 |
dtmodified | 1603638144 |
dtstart | 1603647000 |
dtend | 1603648800 |
title | "Iniziativa per la Sostenibilità – che c'è di nuovo?" |
description | "itWikiCon20" |
link | "ItWikiCon/2020/Programma/Iniziativa per la Sostenibilità – che c'è di nuovo?" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | |
tags | |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1603637369 |
dtmodified | 1603638128 |
dtstart | 1603645200 |
dtend | 1603646100 |
title | "Community Health Metrics: presentazione del progetto" |
description | "itWikiCon20" |
link | "ItWikiCon/2020/Programma/Community Health Metrics: presentazione del progetto" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | |
tags | |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1603637393 |
dtmodified | 1603638116 |
dtstart | 1603645200 |
dtend | 1603646100 |
title | "Wikinotizie non è triste come pensate" |
description | "itWikiCon20" |
link | "ItWikiCon/2020/Programma/Wikinotizie non è triste come pensate" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | |
tags | |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1603638059 |
dtmodified | 1603638059 |
dtstart | 1603533600 |
dtend | 1603650600 |
title | "ItWikiCon/2020" |
description | "Convegno della comunità dei progetti Wikimedia in lingua italiana e nelle lingue minori del territorio italiano" |
link | "ItWikiCon/2020" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | |
tags | |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1604186654 |
dtmodified | 1647447403 |
dtstart | 1584446400 |
dtend | 1584464400 |
title | "Kvinnliga huvudpersoner på Wikipedia" |
description | "Gå in på under skrivstugans tider för att delta på distans." |
link | "sv:Wikipedia:Projekt kvinnor/Kvinnliga huvudpersoner på Wikipedia" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | |
tags | |
langs | |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1604201323 |
dtmodified | 1614676037 |
dtstart | 1604595600 |
dtend | 1604602800 |
title | "Онлайн вики-встреча" |
description | "Регулярная онлайн-встреча на русском языке." |
link | "ru:Википедия:Вики-встречи/Онлайн" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | |
tags | |
langs | |
rrule | freq | "weekly" |
interval | "2" |
until | 1608194061 |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1604201900 |
dtmodified | 1651131624 |
dtstart | 1603386000 |
dtend | 1603393200 |
title | "Вікічетвер / WikiThursday" |
description | "One day in a week at certain hour anyone can come in certain place and find there at least one Wikipedian." |
link | "uk:Вікіпедія:Вікізустрічі/Вікічетвер" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | |
tags | "Meetup" |
"Discord" |
"Ukrainian" |
langs | |
rrule | freq | "weekly" |
interval | "1" |
until | 1767121200 |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1604207634 |
dtmodified | 1607152046 |
dtstart | 1607158800 |
dtend | 1607270400 |
title | "Вікіконференція 2020" |
description | "Вікіконференція 2020 пройде 5—6 грудня 2020 року. Вона відбуватиметься в онлайн-форматі (можливість організації додаткових локальних офлайн-зустрічей розглядається)." |
link | "wmua:Вікіконференція 2020" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | |
tags | |
langs | |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1604219892 |
dtmodified | 1604601031 |
dtstart | 1605870000 |
dtend | 1605895200 |
title | "Kopplingssprint" |
description | "En Wikidata-skrivstuga, men eftersom man inte skriver så mycket kallar jag det för ett kopplingsprint. Drop-in under hela tiden, du är med när och hur mycket du vill. Mycket lämpligt för nybörjare av Wikidata eftersom att det som behövs är grundläggande manuella redigeringar och vi hjälper varandra under tiden om det finns frågor. Temat är de dokument från riksdagen som har importerats under sommaren och hösten." |
link | "d:Wikidata:WikiProject Sweden/Swedish Riksdag documents/Kopplingssprint" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | |
tags | "Wikidata" |
"Edit-a-thon" |
"Swedish" |
langs | |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1604353143 |
dtmodified | 1604353143 |
dtstart | 1604599200 |
dtend | 1604602800 |
title | "Strategy 2030 recommendations and initiatives, Round 3" |
description | "The third meeting will discuss the 2030 Strategy recommendations and specifically the initiatives to implement the strategy and invites participants" |
link | "CEE Talks/Strategy 2030 recommendations and initiatives, Round 3" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | |
tags | "CEE Talks" |
"Strategy 2030" |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1604514293 |
dtmodified | 1604598881 |
dtstart | 1604840400 |
dtend | 1604847600 |
title | "Wikidatasnack" |
description | "Snack om Wikidata" |
link | "d:Wikidata:Events/Swedish online editathon" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | |
tags | |
langs | |
rrule | freq | "weekly" |
interval | "1" |
until | 1607883652 |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1604522253 |
dtmodified | 1604598681 |
dtstart | 1604736000 |
dtend | 1604757600 |
title | "North Caucasian Wiki Seminar 2020" |
description | "Wiki seminar with the representatives of the regional editions of Wikipedia in the languages of the peoples of the North Caucasus. It will be held at the National Library of the Chechen Republic." |
link | "wmru:Северокавказский Вики-семинар 2020" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | "Europe" |
"Russia" |
"Grozny" |
tags | |
langs | |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1604614595 |
dtmodified | 1604614595 |
dtstart | 1604775600 |
dtend | 1604779200 |
title | "Live Wikidata editing" |
description | "User:Ainali and User:Abbe98 editing Wikidata live and talking through our thinking." |
link | "Wikipedia_Weekly_Network#Upcoming" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | |
tags | |
langs | |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1604860319 |
dtmodified | 1604860319 |
dtstart | 1605380400 |
dtend | 1605384000 |
title | "Live Wikidata editing" |
description | "User:Ainali and User:Abbe98 editing Wikidata live and talking through our thinking." |
link | "Wikipedia_Weekly_Network#Upcoming" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | |
tags | |
langs | |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1605513163 |
dtmodified | 1605513163 |
dtstart | 1605466800 |
dtend | 1605470400 |
title | "Wikimedia Café" |
description | "The Wikimedia Café provides a forum for voice and video discussion of issues of broad interest among Wikimedia community editors. This is a friendly meeting and attendees should practice good conduct." |
link | "Wikimedia Café" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | |
tags | |
langs | |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1605513649 |
dtmodified | 1605513649 |
dtstart | 1605956400 |
dtend | 1605970800 |
title | "Global Conversation for implementing the Strategy 2030" |
description | "The first set of Global Conversations for implementing the Wikimedia 2030 Movement Strategy will be held on November 21 and 22, 2020. Please register until November 20. We will provide the event details (Zoom link, password) shortly before the event via email." |
link | "Strategy/Wikimedia movement/2018-20/Transition/Global Conversations" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | |
tags | |
langs | |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1605513683 |
dtmodified | 1605513683 |
dtstart | 1606064400 |
dtend | 1606078800 |
title | "Global Conversation for implementing the Strategy 2030" |
description | "The first set of Global Conversations for implementing the Wikimedia 2030 Movement Strategy will be held on November 21 and 22, 2020. Please register until November 20. We will provide the event details (Zoom link, password) shortly before the event via email." |
link | "Strategy/Wikimedia movement/2018-20/Transition/Global Conversations" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | |
tags | |
langs | |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1605514625 |
dtmodified | 1605514786 |
dtstart | 1604131200 |
dtend | 1604138400 |
title | "South Africa Meetup 6" |
description | "Everyone is cordially invited to attend the 6th South African online discussion held on Zulip." |
link | "en:Wikipedia:Meetup/South Africa/South Africa 6" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | |
tags | |
langs | |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1605514768 |
dtmodified | 1605514768 |
dtstart | 1604840400 |
dtend | 1604858400 |
title | "London Meetup 160" |
description | "People of all ages and all Wikimedia projects are welcome. Complete newbies also welcome." |
link | "Meetup/London/160" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | |
tags | |
langs | |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1605514882 |
dtmodified | 1605514882 |
dtstart | 1606050000 |
dtend | 1606068000 |
title | "London Meetup 161" |
description | "A social gathering for Wikimedia/Wikipedia enthusiasts. You can expect to meet some very keen Wikimedians, and complete newbies are also welcome, as is anyone interested in finding out more about Wikipedia and other Wikimedia projects." |
link | "Meetup/London/161" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | |
tags | |
langs | |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1605514915 |
dtmodified | 1605514915 |
dtstart | 1607864400 |
dtend | 1607882400 |
title | "London Meetup 162" |
description | "A social gathering for Wikimedia/Wikipedia enthusiasts. You can expect to meet some very keen Wikimedians, and complete newbies are also welcome, as is anyone interested in finding out more about Wikipedia and other Wikimedia projects." |
link | "Meetup/London/162" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | |
tags | |
langs | |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1605564042 |
dtmodified | 1605564071 |
dtstart | 1605947400 |
dtend | 1605965400 |
title | "Wikipedia-dagen 2020" |
description | "Årlig dag arrangerad av Wikimedia Sverige. Årets tema: hållbar utveckling med hjälp av Wikidata" |
link | "wmse:Wikipedia-dagen 2020" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | |
tags | |
langs | |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1605809090 |
dtmodified | 1605809090 |
dtstart | 1605808800 |
dtend | 1605812400 |
title | "Strategy 2030 recommendations and initiatives, Round 4" |
description | "The fourth meeting is aimed for final discussion of the 2030 Strategy recommendations and specifically the initiatives before the first round of the Global Conversations on 21–22 November 2020." |
link | "CEE Talks/Strategy 2030 recommendations and initiatives, Round 4" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | |
tags | |
langs | |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1606035387 |
dtmodified | 1606131877 |
dtstart | 1606215600 |
dtend | 1606825800 |
title | "Online edit-a-thon on climate change" |
description | "#Wiki4Climate - a week-long editathon" |
link | "w:en:Wikipedia:Meetup/Online edit-a-thon on climate change - November 2020" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | |
tags | "Wikipedia" |
"Edit-a-thon" |
langs | |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1606035614 |
dtmodified | 1606456915 |
dtstart | 1606921200 |
dtend | 1606924800 |
title | "Campaigns Office Hour" |
description | "Sharing lessons and strategies from 1lib1ref, and our growth strategy in CEE for January and discussions on the way forward for the campaign's office hour and other communication opportunities around campaigns." |
link | "mailarchive:wikimedia-l/2020-November/095906.html" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | |
tags | |
langs | |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1606120998 |
dtmodified | 1606121116 |
dtstart | 1606838400 |
dtend | 1606842000 |
title | "Конференция Русских Викиновостей #2" |
description | "" |
link | "" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | |
tags | |
langs | |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1606335524 |
dtmodified | 1606584215 |
dtstart | 1607166000 |
dtend | 1607176800 |
title | "Movement Strategy Global Conversations" |
description | "During this set of discussions, we will focus on the top global priorities and start discussing what implementation can actually look like. What are the steps needed to put Strategy into action? Everyone’s invited to help enrich these conversations. Since implementation will be different from one context to another, we need as many voices as possible included to create a movement-wide implementation plan." |
link | "Strategy/Wikimedia movement/2018-20/Transition/Global Conversations" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | |
tags | |
langs | "en" |
"ar" |
"de" |
"es" |
"fr" |
"ru" |
"zh" |
"id" |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1606335543 |
dtmodified | 1606335543 |
dtstart | 1607274000 |
dtend | 1607288400 |
title | "Movement Strategy Global Conversations" |
description | "During this set of discussions, we will focus on the top global priorities and start discussing what implementation can actually look like. What are the steps needed to put Strategy into action? Everyone’s invited to help enrich these conversations. Since implementation will be different from one context to another, we need as many voices as possible included to create a movement-wide implementation plan." |
link | "Strategy/Wikimedia movement/2018-20/Transition/Global Conversations" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | |
tags | |
langs | "en" |
"ar" |
"de" |
"es" |
"fr" |
"ru" |
"zh" |
"id" |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1606457087 |
dtmodified | 1606457144 |
dtstart | 1606924800 |
dtend | 1606928400 |
title | "Search Platform Office Hours" |
description | "The Search Platform Team usually holds office hours the first Wednesday of each month. Come talk to us about anything related to Wikimedia search, Wikidata Query Service, Wikimedia Commons Query Service, etc.! Etherpad:" |
link | "" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | |
tags | |
langs | |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1607091128 |
dtmodified | 1607091128 |
dtstart | 1607630400 |
dtend | 1607634000 |
title | "Community Resilience & Sustainability office hour" |
description | "Topics within scope include Trust and Safety (and the Universal Code of Conduct, with a second phase launching in January), Community Development, and Human Rights." |
link | "Talk:Community Resilience and Sustainability" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | |
tags | |
langs | |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1607226998 |
dtmodified | 1607234036 |
dtstart | 1608325200 |
dtend | 1608332400 |
title | "Wellington Meetup" |
description | "Wellington, New Zealand meetup" |
link | "w:en:Wikipedia:Meetup/Wellington/Meetup_19_December_2020" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | "Oceania" |
"New Zealand" |
"Wellington" |
tags | "Wikipedia" |
"Wikidata" |
"Wikimedia Commons" |
langs | |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1607274748 |
dtmodified | 1607465608 |
dtstart | 1607371200 |
dtend | 1607374800 |
title | "Wikimedia Technical Talks 2020 #9: Writing PHP unit tests for MediaWiki" |
description | "This talk will cover tooling, tips, and best practices. Learn more here: YouTube stream:" |
link | "mw:Wikimedia Technical Talks#Episode 9: Writing PHP unit tests for MediaWiki" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | |
tags | |
langs | |
id | "1607326020-Lea_Lacroix_(WMDE)" |
dtcreated | 1607326020 |
dtmodified | 1607367749 |
dtstart | 1607706000 |
dtend | 1607713200 |
title | "Coolest Tool Award Ceremony" |
description | "The second edition of the Coolest Tool Award will happen virtually! The event will be live streamed on Youtube in the MediaWiki channel." |
link | "Coolest Tool Award" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | |
tags | |
langs | |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1607465222 |
dtmodified | 1607465392 |
dtstart | 1607698800 |
dtend | 1607898600 |
title | "WikiConference North America 2020" |
description | "annual conference of Wikimedia enthusiasts and volunteers from throughout North America" |
link | "WikiConference North America/2020" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | |
tags | |
langs | |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1607635767 |
dtmodified | 1608184726 |
dtstart | 1607783400 |
dtend | 1607796000 |
title | "Atelier-éditathon sur des résistantes des années 1940" |
description | "Atelier en ligne avec le musée de la Résistance et de la Déportation de l'Isère" |
link | "fr:WP:Noix#Next" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | |
tags | "Edit-a-thon" |
"Wikipedia" |
langs | |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1607682910 |
dtmodified | 1607682910 |
dtstart | 1607799600 |
dtend | 1607803200 |
title | "LIVE Wikidata editing #25 - climate change" |
description | "Wikipedia Weekly Network" |
link | "Wikipedia_Weekly_Network#Upcoming" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | |
tags | |
langs | |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1609699091 |
dtmodified | 1609699091 |
dtstart | 1610218800 |
dtend | 1610222400 |
title | "LIVE Wikidata editing #26" |
description | "Wikipedia Weekly Network" |
link | "Wikipedia_Weekly_Network#Upcoming" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | |
tags | |
langs | |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1610296863 |
dtmodified | 1610297259 |
dtstart | 1610823600 |
dtend | 1610827200 |
title | "Wikidata Live editing #27" |
description | "Wikipedia 20 theme" |
link | "Wikipedia 20/Events/Wikidata Live Editing" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | |
tags | |
langs | |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1610318319 |
dtmodified | 1610318319 |
dtstart | 1615057200 |
dtend | 1615060800 |
title | "Wikidata Live Editing Open Data Day" |
description | "Wikipedia Weekly Network" |
link | "Wikipedia_Weekly_Network#Upcoming" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | |
tags | |
langs | |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1610830333 |
dtmodified | 1610830333 |
dtstart | 1610888400 |
dtend | 1610895600 |
title | "Wikidatasnack" |
description | "Träff med tema Wikidata" |
link | "d:Wikidata:Events/Swedish online editathon" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | |
tags | |
langs | |
rrule | freq | "weekly" |
interval | "1" |
until | 1614545338 |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1610907583 |
dtmodified | 1610907583 |
dtstart | 1613692845 |
dtend | 1613951995 |
title | "Technology and Labour Organising Edit-a-thon" |
description | "Edit-a-thon to improve coverage of trade unions, worker organisations in the technology sector in English, German and other languages" |
link | ":en:Wikipedia:WikiProject_Organized_Labour/Online_edit-a-thon_Tech_February_2021" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | |
tags | "Edit-a-thon" |
"Wikipedia" |
langs | |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1611510260 |
dtmodified | 1611510260 |
dtstart | 1612033200 |
dtend | 1612036800 |
title | "LIVE Wikidata editing #29" |
description | "Wikipedia Weekly Network" |
link | "Wikipedia_Weekly_Network#Upcoming" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | |
tags | |
langs | |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1612998657 |
dtmodified | 1612999272 |
dtstart | 1613206800 |
dtend | 1613218040 |
title | "ArtandFemisnim,Edithathon For Ghanaian Women in Technology" |
description | "This competiton is aimed at increasing content of ghanaian women in technology on wikidata" |
link | "" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | |
tags | |
langs | |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1613817141 |
dtmodified | 1613817141 |
dtstart | 1607587695 |
dtend | 1607592195 |
title | " webinar Wikipedija i Wikimediji uvod " |
description | "Introduction webinar for librarians in and around Rijeka" |
link | "" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | |
tags | "Wikipedia" |
"Wikimedia Commons" |
"Wikidata" |
"GLAM" |
"1Lib1Ref" |
"Rijeka" |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1613936353 |
dtmodified | 1613936353 |
dtstart | 1614452400 |
dtend | 1614456000 |
title | "Live Wikidata editing #33" |
description | "Wikipedia Weekly Network" |
link | "Wikipedia_Weekly_Network#Upcoming" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | |
tags | |
langs | |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1614017259 |
dtmodified | 1614017397 |
dtstart | 1614556800 |
dtend | 1614556800 |
title | "Art+Feminism" |
description | "Gender, feminism, and the arts" |
link | "" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | |
tags | |
langs | |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1614017587 |
dtmodified | 1614017587 |
dtstart | 1614556800 |
dtend | 1614556800 |
title | "Mujeres con Calle" |
description | "women who bear their names on the streets" |
link | "" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | |
tags | |
langs | |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1614017701 |
dtmodified | 1614017701 |
dtstart | 1616630400 |
dtend | 1616630400 |
title | "Le donne in Dante" |
description | " Women in Dante's work" |
link | "" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | |
tags | |
langs | |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1614017815 |
dtmodified | 1615157364 |
dtstart | 1616630400 |
dtend | 1616630400 |
title | "WikiGap Challenge" |
description | "Gender" |
link | "WikiGap_Challenge" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | |
tags | |
langs | |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1614017956 |
dtmodified | 1614019848 |
dtstart | 1615161600 |
dtend | 1615161600 |
title | "VisibleWikiWomen" |
description | "global campaign to add more images of women to Commons and Wikipedia" |
link | "" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | |
tags | |
langs | |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1614018176 |
dtmodified | 1614018176 |
dtstart | 1614988800 |
dtend | 1614988800 |
title | "Internationale Vrouwendag" |
description | "Special focus: Women in the Caribbean" |
link | "" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | |
tags | |
langs | |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1614018380 |
dtmodified | 1615157391 |
dtstart | 1616851800 |
dtend | 1616866200 |
title | "Les sans pagEs: Suresnes" |
description | "Médiathèque de Suresnes" |
link | "w:fr:Projet:Les_sans_pagEs/Suresnes" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | |
tags | "Wikigap" |
"Les sans pagEs" |
"GLAM" |
langs | |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1614018591 |
dtmodified | 1614018591 |
dtstart | 1614556800 |
dtend | 1614556800 |
title | "Women in Red: Art+Activism" |
description | "Women's History Month" |
link | "" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | |
tags | |
langs | |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1614018637 |
dtmodified | 1614018637 |
dtstart | 1614556800 |
dtend | 1614556800 |
title | "Women in Red: VisibleWikiWomen" |
description | "Women's History Month" |
link | "" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | |
tags | |
langs | |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1614018696 |
dtmodified | 1614018696 |
dtstart | 1614556800 |
dtend | 1614556800 |
title | "Women in Red: Women in Africa contest" |
description | "Women's History Month" |
link | "" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | |
tags | |
langs | |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1614019203 |
dtmodified | 1614559048 |
dtstart | 1615051800 |
dtend | 1615059000 |
title | "A+F: The Met x Wikipedia" |
description | "Wikimedia NYC" |
link | "" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | |
tags | |
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id | "1614183175-Eric_Luth_(WMSE)" |
dtcreated | 1614183175 |
dtmodified | 1614183175 |
dtstart | 1615212000 |
dtend | 1615224600 |
title | "WikiGap Kickoff" |
description | "Kicking off the global WikiGap Campaign" |
link | "WikiGap/2021/Global_kickoff" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | |
tags | |
langs | |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1614455778 |
dtmodified | 1614531504 |
dtstart | 1617042600 |
dtend | 1617049800 |
title | "University at Albany Art + Feminism Edit-a-thon" |
description | "Join us for a communal updating, via Zoom, of Wikipedia entries on subjects related to art and feminism. This edit-a-thon is co-sponsored by the Information Literacy Department of the University Libraries and the University Art Museum. We will provide links to tutorials for the beginner Wikipedian and to relevant reference sources. Information about women artists connected with the University Art Museum will also be available. Between 2:30-4:30 pm Eastern Daylight Time, we will provide individual or small group assistance within the Zoom session. Students, faculty, staff, alumni, and community members of all gender identities and expressions are invited to participate." |
link | ",_2021)?enroll=ibarzevg" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | |
tags | "Wikipedia" |
"Edit-a-thon" |
"Wikigap" |
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id | "" |
dtcreated | 1614531840 |
dtmodified | 1614531870 |
dtstart | 1615140000 |
dtend | 1615143600 |
title | "Wikimedians for Sustainable Development" |
description | "User group meeting" |
link | "m:Wikimedians for Sustainable Development/Next meeting" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | |
tags | |
langs | |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1614531991 |
dtmodified | 1614595978 |
dtstart | 1614614400 |
dtend | 1614618000 |
title | "Wikimedia UK Interview with Kira Wisniewski from Art+Feminism" |
description | "YouTube interview with Kira Wisniewski" |
link | "" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | |
tags | |
langs | |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1614557213 |
dtmodified | 1614557369 |
dtstart | 1614686400 |
dtend | 1614657600 |
title | "A+F: Nigeria" |
description | "Art & Feminism campaign and iTEACH Disrupt Africa in Nigeria" |
link | "" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | |
tags | |
langs | |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1614557511 |
dtmodified | 1614557511 |
dtstart | 1614556800 |
dtend | 1614556800 |
title | "A+F: Amplifying Appalachia" |
description | "West Virginia University Libraries edit-a-thon" |
link | "" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | |
tags | |
langs | |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1614558441 |
dtmodified | 1614558817 |
dtstart | 1615050000 |
dtend | 1615064400 |
title | "A+F: Editatona Mujeres Artistas Mexicanas" |
description | "Wikimedia México" |
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registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | |
tags | |
langs | |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1614558659 |
dtmodified | 1614558659 |
dtstart | 1615042800 |
dtend | 1615053600 |
title | "A+F: National Museum of Women in the Arts Black Artists Matter" |
description | "National Museum of Women in the Arts and Wikimedia DC" |
link | "" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | |
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id | "1614620234-Hé" |
dtcreated | 1614620234 |
dtmodified | 1614620234 |
dtstart | 1622505600 |
dtend | 1625011200 |
title | "Mois des compositrices Wikipédia" |
description | "edit-a-thon on the theme of women composers of classical music on French Wikipedia" |
link | "w:fr:Wikipédia:Mois des compositrices Wikipédia" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | |
tags | "Wikipedia" |
"Edit-a-thon" |
"Les sans pagEs" |
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id | "1614621788-Nattes_à" |
dtcreated | 1614621788 |
dtmodified | 1614621992 |
dtstart | 1614615319 |
dtend | 1614621679 |
title | "Gender in the making RESETǃ" |
description | "gender studies course at the University of Geneva" |
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registration | false |
geoloc | |
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tags | "Les sans pagEs" |
"Education" |
"GLAM" |
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dtcreated | 1614622104 |
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dtstart | 1614859245 |
dtend | 1614866445 |
title | "Wikimidi" |
description | "Wiki permanence des sans pagEs en ligne" |
link | "ève#Description_du_projet" |
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geoloc | |
location | |
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id | "1614622284-Nattes_à" |
dtcreated | 1614622284 |
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title | "Wikimidi" |
description | "Wiki permance (fr)" |
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"Wikipedia" |
"Wikipermanence" |
"Wikidata" |
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id | "1614622380-Nattes_à" |
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"Wikipermanence" |
"Wikipedia" |
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id | "1614622460-Nattes_à" |
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"Wikipedia" |
"Wikidata" |
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id | "1614622468-Nattes_à" |
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"Wikipedia" |
"Wikidata" |
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id | "1614622745-Nattes_à" |
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"Wikipermanence" |
"Wikipedia" |
"Wikidata" |
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"Wikipermanence" |
"Wikipedia" |
"Wikidata" |
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"Wikipermanence" |
"Wikipedia" |
id | "1614623419-Nattes_à" |
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title | "Séances évaluations" |
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"Les sans pagEs" |
"Wikipermanence" |
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id | "1614623502-Nattes_à" |
dtcreated | 1614623502 |
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"Wikipermanence" |
"Wikipedia" |
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id | "1614623577-Nattes_à" |
dtcreated | 1614623577 |
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description | "séances évaluations des articles créés dans le cadre du projet" |
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"Wikipermanence" |
"Wikipedia" |
id | "1614623662-Nattes_à" |
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description | "évaluation des articles créés par le projet des sans pagEs" |
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tags | "Wikipedia" |
"Les sans pagEs" |
id | "1614623810-Nattes_à" |
dtcreated | 1614623810 |
dtmodified | 1615156984 |
dtstart | 1614556800 |
dtend | 1617148800 |
title | "les 150 ans de la Commune de Paris" |
description | "mois de la contribution" |
link | "w:fr:Wikipédia:%C2%AB_Les_150_ans_de_la_Commune_%C2%BB_:_mois_de_contributions" |
registration | false |
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tags | "Wikipedia" |
"Les sans pagEs" |
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id | "1614624297-Nattes_à" |
dtcreated | 1614624297 |
dtmodified | 1615157036 |
dtstart | 1615488079 |
dtend | 1615747279 |
title | "Editathon Femmes et sciences" |
description | "Les sans pages organise un atelier de contribution sur les femmes scientifiques" |
link | "w:fr:Projet:Editathon_Femmes_%26_Sciences_2021" |
registration | false |
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tags | "Wikipedia" |
"Les sans pagEs" |
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id | "1614624396-Nattes_à" |
dtcreated | 1614624396 |
dtmodified | 1615157335 |
dtstart | 1616429700 |
dtend | 1616436043 |
title | "Gender in the making ː RESETǃ" |
description | "cours de formation de l'université de Genève " |
link | "w:fr:Projet:Editathon_Femmes_%26_Sciences_2021" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | |
tags | "Les sans pagEs" |
"Wikipedia" |
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id | "" |
dtcreated | 1614628198 |
dtmodified | 1614628408 |
dtstart | 1614556800 |
dtend | 1614556800 |
title | "(Nie)znane kobiety Wikipedii" |
description | "Start akcji (Nie)znane kobiety Wikipedii 2021" |
link | "" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | |
tags | |
langs | |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1614629353 |
dtmodified | 1614629353 |
dtstart | 1614877200 |
dtend | 1614880800 |
title | "Femmes en Auvergne" |
description | "" |
link | "" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | |
tags | |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1614629519 |
dtmodified | 1614636997 |
dtstart | 1614873600 |
dtend | 1614877200 |
title | "Femmes en Auvergne" |
description | "De 17h à 18h en France, bilan de deux ateliers de contribution sur les biographies de femmes en Auvergne" |
link | "w:fr:Projet:Femmes_en_Auvergne" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | |
tags | |
langs | |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1614629943 |
dtmodified | 1614629943 |
dtstart | 1615024800 |
dtend | 1615125600 |
title | "Ecuador: Editatona La Mujer Escribe la Historia" |
description | "Evento online por el día de la mujer en Ecuador" |
link | "" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | |
tags | |
langs | |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1614652552 |
dtmodified | 1615157150 |
dtstart | 1615017639 |
dtend | 1619240439 |
title | "Kampanya kan Arte+Feminismo sa Pilipinas 2021" |
description | "This is the 2nd year of the A+F in the Philippines. This will include edit-a-thons, tutorials, exhibits, and interviews." |
link | "w:bcl:Art_%2B_Feminism_in_the_Philippines_Campaign_2021" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | |
tags | |
langs | |
id | "1614748397-Dimas_H_(WMID)" |
dtcreated | 1614748397 |
dtmodified | 1614748593 |
dtstart | 1614600000 |
dtend | 1614607200 |
title | "Indonesia: WikiGap" |
description | "WikiGap Campaign in Indonesia" |
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registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | |
tags | |
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id | "1614748539-Dimas_H_(WMID)" |
dtcreated | 1614748539 |
dtmodified | 1614748602 |
dtstart | 1614859200 |
dtend | 1614866400 |
title | "Indonesia: WikiGap" |
description | "WikiGap campaign in Indonesia" |
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registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | |
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id | "1614750539-Dimas_H_(WMID)" |
dtcreated | 1614750539 |
dtmodified | 1615157010 |
dtstart | 1615204800 |
dtend | 1615212000 |
title | "Indonesia: WikiGap" |
description | "WikiGap campaign in Indonesia" |
link | "Bulan_Wiki_Perempuan" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | |
tags | |
langs | |
id | "1614750644-Dimas_H_(WMID)" |
dtcreated | 1614750644 |
dtmodified | 1615157830 |
dtstart | 1615464000 |
dtend | 1615471200 |
title | "Indonesia: WikiGap" |
description | "WikiGap campaign in Indonesia" |
link | "Bulan_Wiki_Perempuan" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | |
tags | |
langs | |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1614769477 |
dtmodified | 1615157128 |
dtstart | 1615382100 |
dtend | 1617235199 |
title | "Women in Wikipedia" |
description | "Translation editathon and training in Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece" |
link | "" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | |
tags | |
langs | |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1614772136 |
dtmodified | 1615157089 |
dtstart | 1615382100 |
dtend | 1617232980 |
title | "Wikipedia+Women" |
description | "Translation editathon about Female scientists at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki" |
link | "" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | |
tags | "wikipedia" |
"editathon" |
"translation" |
"wikigap" |
langs | |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1614792608 |
dtmodified | 1614792608 |
dtstart | 1615392000 |
dtend | 1615399200 |
title | "WikiGap in Ukraine Webinar" |
description | "" |
link | "Вікіпедія:WikiGap 2021#Вебінар" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | |
tags | |
langs | |
id | "1614834242-Rima_H_(WMID)" |
dtcreated | 1614834242 |
dtmodified | 1614835251 |
dtstart | 1615615200 |
dtend | 1615622400 |
title | "Indonesia: Kelas Wikidata I" |
description | "Pelatihan dasar menyunting di Wikidata" |
link | "Bulan Wiki Perempuan" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | |
tags | |
langs | |
id | "1614835566-Rima_H_(WMID)" |
dtcreated | 1614835566 |
dtmodified | 1614835566 |
dtstart | 1615701600 |
dtend | 1615708800 |
title | "Indonesia: Kelas Wikidata II" |
description | "Pelatihan dasar menyunting di Wikidata" |
link | "Bulan Wiki Perempuan" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | |
tags | |
langs | |
id | "1614835783-Rima_H_(WMID)" |
dtcreated | 1614835783 |
dtmodified | 1614835809 |
dtstart | 1615806000 |
dtend | 1615827599 |
title | "Indonesia: Datathon Bulan Wiki Perempuan" |
description | "Kompetisi menyunting di Wikidata tentang data tokoh perempuan" |
link | "Bulan Wiki Perempuan" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | |
tags | |
langs | |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1614938137 |
dtmodified | 1614938137 |
dtstart | 1615196943 |
dtend | 1615715343 |
title | "Woman weeks competition in fiwiki" |
description | "Weekly article writing competition with a topic Women and non-binary gender" |
link | ":w:fi:Wikipedia:Viikon kilpailu/Viikon_kilpailu_2021-10" |
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geoloc | |
location | |
tags | "edithaton" |
"wikipedia" |
"wikigap" |
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"se" |
"sms" |
"smn" |
"olo" |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1614943298 |
dtmodified | 1614944251 |
dtstart | 1615024800 |
dtend | 1615039200 |
title | "Editatón Mujeres en la Ciencia" |
description | "Editatón organizado por la Oficina de Software Libre de la Universidad de Granada y Wikimedia España " |
link | "" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | |
tags | |
langs | |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1614943759 |
dtmodified | 1615157726 |
dtstart | 1614877246 |
dtend | 1614844846 |
title | "Art+Feminism in Malta" |
description | "Art+Feminism in Malta 2021" |
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registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | |
tags | |
langs | |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1614955200 |
dtmodified | 1615157191 |
dtstart | 1615222846 |
dtend | 1615230046 |
title | "Art+Feminism in Malta" |
description | "Art+Feminism in Malta 2021" |
link | "" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | |
tags | |
langs | |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1614975402 |
dtmodified | 1615157266 |
dtstart | 1616198400 |
dtend | 1618099199 |
title | "Viquidones de la Casa Masó" |
description | "Project to create and improve Wikipedia articles about women in Girona" |
link | "w:ca:Viquiprojecte:Viquidones_de_la_Casa_Mas%C3%B3" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | |
tags | |
langs | |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1614975697 |
dtmodified | 1615156881 |
dtstart | 1615161600 |
dtend | 1615766399 |
title | "Dones independents" |
description | "Project to create and improve Wikipedia articles about 19th century Latin American women" |
link | "w:ca:Viquiprojecte:Concursos/Dones_independents" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | |
tags | |
langs | |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1615140086 |
dtmodified | 1615157804 |
dtstart | 1615161600 |
dtend | 1615244400 |
title | "WikiGap" |
description | "Gender gap/International Women's Day" |
link | "Special:MyLanguage/WikiGap" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | |
tags | |
langs | |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1615156785 |
dtmodified | 1615156785 |
dtstart | 1615662000 |
dtend | 1615665600 |
title | "Live Wikidata editing #35" |
description | "Wikipedia Weekly Network" |
link | "Wikipedia_Weekly_Network#Upcoming" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | |
tags | |
langs | |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1615215674 |
dtmodified | 1616357101 |
dtstart | 1616785200 |
dtend | 1616799600 |
title | "Women on Wikipedia Edit-a-thon" |
description | "Online" |
link | "w:en:Wikipedia:Meetup/Rochester,_NY/RIT/Women_on_Wikipedia_2021" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | |
tags | |
langs | |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1615235651 |
dtmodified | 1615235651 |
dtstart | 1615663800 |
dtend | 1615674600 |
title | "Tecendo redes: onde estão xs editorxs da Wikipédia em português?" |
description | "Evento da Wikipédia em português para aumentar a participação de mulheres na comunidade." |
link | "édia_em_portugu%C3%AAs%3F" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | |
tags | |
langs | |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1615279210 |
dtmodified | 1615302200 |
dtstart | 1615389300 |
dtend | 1616282639 |
title | "Translathon for Women" |
description | "Students of Aristotle University translate Women in Red articles enwiki to elwiki" |
link | "w:el:Βικιπαίδεια:Γυναίκες στα Κόκκινα/Ημέρα της Γυναίκας 2021" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
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tags | "Editathon" |
"Wikipedia" |
"Translation" |
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id | "1615302400-Bachounda_(WMF)" |
dtcreated | 1615302400 |
dtmodified | 1615324619 |
dtstart | 1615528800 |
dtend | 1615534200 |
title | "Topic panel “Skills for Board work” " |
description | "There is no current consensus about the skills desired in community candidates. For a moment, let’s imagine: What if… the Board would specify a set of skills desired in community candidates selected this year? How could the current practices be changed to promote the nomination and selection of candidates with appropriate skills and community support? What role should the Trustee Evaluation Form play?" |
link | "" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | |
tags | "Call for feedback , Topic panels,WMF, Topic panel,Wikimedia, Board, Trustees, Cff, Seats,Foundation" |
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id | "1615303442-Bachounda_(WMF)" |
dtcreated | 1615303442 |
dtmodified | 1615303582 |
dtstart | 1615642200 |
dtend | 1615647600 |
title | "Call for feedback Final Sprint: Four Topic Panels:Support for candidates" |
description | "Many people agree with the idea of better supporting candidates in elections and potential candidates well before elections. What exactly should we start planning for the upcoming Board election? What types of support can increase the quantity and diversity of candidates with chances to win a seat? What changes could be done to the nomination and campaign periods for equal support of each candidate?" |
link | "" |
registration | false |
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id | "1615303548-Bachounda_(WMF)" |
dtcreated | 1615303548 |
dtmodified | 1615303756 |
dtstart | 1615651200 |
dtend | 1615656600 |
title | "Call for feedback Final Sprint: Four Topic Panel: Board - Global Council - Hubs" |
description | "In the Movement Strategy conversations, it has not been decided how the Interim Global Council, the Global Council, and the Regional and Thematic Hubs will work. Their relationship with the Board and the s/election processes for all these bodies are not known either. For a moment, let’s imagine: How could the different s/election processes of these bodies be organized? How would it be possible to reach out to potential candidates, getting apt volunteers for each body, without confusing or exhausting everyone?" |
link | "" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | |
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langs | |
id | "1615303834-Bachounda_(WMF)" |
dtcreated | 1615303834 |
dtmodified | 1615303834 |
dtstart | 1615726800 |
dtend | 1615732200 |
title | "Call for feedback Final Sprint: Four Topic Panel: Regional diversity" |
description | "In the Movement Strategy conversations, it has not been decided how the Interim Global Council, the Global Council, and the Regional and Thematic Hubs will work. Their relationship with the Board and the s/election processes for all these bodies are not known either. For a moment, let’s imagine: How could the different s/election processes of these bodies be organized? How would it be possible to reach out to potential candidates, getting apt volunteers for each body, without confusing or exhausting everyone?" |
link | "" |
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geoloc | |
location | |
tags | |
langs | |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1615765240 |
dtmodified | 1615765240 |
dtstart | 1616932800 |
dtend | 1616950800 |
title | "London virtual meetup" |
description | "Social gathering, and teaming up to review some Good Article nominations" |
link | "Meetup/London/168" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | |
tags | |
langs | |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1616100773 |
dtmodified | 1616100773 |
dtstart | 1616273306 |
dtend | 1616273306 |
title | "1000 Women in Religion Edit-a-thon" |
description | "90 minute Edit-A-Thon" |
link | ",_2021" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | |
tags | |
langs | |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1616100881 |
dtmodified | 1616100881 |
dtstart | 1616273306 |
dtend | 1616273306 |
title | "1000 Women in Religion Edit-a-thon" |
description | "90 minute Edit-A-Thon" |
link | ",_2021" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | |
tags | |
langs | |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1616356948 |
dtmodified | 1616356948 |
dtstart | 1616871600 |
dtend | 1616875200 |
title | "Live Wikidata editing #37" |
description | "Wikipedia Weekly Network" |
link | "Wikipedia_Weekly_Network#Upcoming" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | |
tags | |
langs | |
id | "" |
dtcreated | 1616357066 |
dtmodified | 1616357066 |
dtstart | 1617580800 |
dtend | 1618185599 |
title | "Climate lexeme week" |
description | "Themed editing week" |
link | "d: Wikidata:WikiProject Climate Change/Climate lexeme week" |
registration | false |
geoloc | |
location | |
tags | |
langs | |
id | "1616588412-Katie_Crampton_(WMUK)" |
dtcreated | 1616588412 |
dtmodified | 1616588412 |
dtstart | 1615219200 |
dtend | 1615 |