Grants:APG/Proposals/2019-2020 round 1/Wikimedia Argentina/Proposal form/Brief 2019 projects' description
Education Program
[edit]What are our projects for 2019?
Knowledge as Service
[edit]Remote learning: Wikipuentes
[edit]We develop two online training courses for educators, of a 5-week duration each, to address the use of Wikipedia in the classroom and encourage the educators’ ability to edit in the classroom and in their educational projects. These courses are aimed at educators and university students with the objective of generating exchange on the use of the Wikimedia projects in the school syllabus. The focal point is the editing tool as the main element to tackle Wikipedia content and add it to their educational activities. The final objective of these dynamics is the production of projects by the educators, so they can practice looking up and editing Wikipedia during their classroom activities with their students. These online experiences are carried out on our online campus, designed with the goal of consolidating the region’s own online spaces within the community.
- To have 1 edition of the virtual course “Wikipuentes” for teachers across the country.
The "Editing Clubs" are a proposal to work locally with teachers and students. The project is carried out from three instances: 1) Training of teachers, 2) Research on local heritage led by teachers in their subjects, implementing with students the use of Wikimedia Projects and 3) Development of an editatón in which the students upload the content investigated to Wikipedia and Wikimedia Commons with the support of the education team of Wikimedia Argentina. The project is carried out in one month and allows us to be present in different regions of our country and to be able to follow up the teaching activities in their specific contexts.
- To coordinate with the Ministries of Education at province level to position 2 editing clubs across the country.
- To coordinate with public and private schools at Buenos Aires Province to organize 10 editing clubs with teachers and students.
In the "Wikipedia at the university" project, we conduct virtual and face-to-face trainings with higher education teachers. From the education program we train teachers and advise on how to design a pedagogical activity that includes the use of Wikipedia in their classrooms. The trainings are carried out in person and the activities are monitored through virtual meetings with the teachers.
- To articulate Wikipedia in the classroom in at least 10 new higher education spaces nationally.
- To create a webpage specifically for the project to encourage teachers across the country using wikipedia as an academic tool in university signatures
To promote a learning community among teachers and organizations linked to the educational field. We will work in three different kind of activities.
Lectures about Education and Free Culture
[edit]- To develop 5 lectures involving at least 300 hundred teachers addressing issues related to open knowledge and digital culture.
- Alliance with local organizations: Amnesty, Pent FLACSO, Faro Digital, WMAR, Human Rights, Gender, MINU.
Academic Research
[edit]- To provide at least 6 training courses about the use of wikimedia projects in academic fields.
- To produce, along with teachers and researchers, case of studies about tools that are useful at measuring quality and use of Wikipedia in classrooms.
Website of Open Educational Resources LATAM
[edit]- To create 1 website of open educational resources, to disseminate resources on various topics at the regional level.
Iberocoop and Education
[edit]To scale Wikipuentes at a regional level.
Wikipuentes regionally
- To scale Wikipuentes with Wikimedia Venezuela and Wikimedia México.
- To mentor and carry out 6 training courses with Venezuela and Mexican teams.
- To develop pedagogic resources to go with the virtual activities in every country.
Knowledge as Right
[edit]To continue developing Wiki Human Rights project in Argentina provinces and LATAM related to Human rights violations in the region and LGBT+ content.
Wiki Human Rights in Argentina
[edit]Continue consolidating the "Wiki Human Rights" project at national level with institutions and researchers referring to Human Rights violations and LGBT+ content to strengthen the community of editors related to this topics.
- Conduct 4 Wiki Human Rights meetings in Argentina with institutions related to Human Rights and LGBT+ at 4 provinces in the country: Mendoza, Tucumán, Santa Fe and Cordoba.
Wiki Human Rights in LATAM
- 3 (Wiki & Rights) meetings Paraguay, Brasil and Argentina.
- To create 6 new counterparts in human rights and universities regionally.
- To mentor the proposal locally giving 6 training courses.
- To develop the necessary pedagogic resources to go with Wiki Human Rights in every country.
1st series of Human Rights and Digital Rights Webinars in LATAM
[edit]- 5 Webinars on the experiences of digital rights related to Human Rights, in LATAM and the Caribbean.
- Training of activists and leaders of social organizations that work on Human Rights and digital rights.
1st Human Rights Conference:
[edit]- To organise the first Human Rights Conference in Argentina about "Human Rights and Digital Rights".
Culture & Open Knowledge
[edit]What are our projects for 2019?
Knowledge as Service
[edit]Fostering Cultural Community
[edit]In "Fostering Cultural Community" we will conduct online and offline training in governamental spaces, traditionals institutions, librarians, emerging communities and with civil societies with the main objetive of release, generate and add new locally relevant content.
- At least 10 training course in cultural spaces about differents Wikimedia projects.
- To release material from 10 organizations.
- To involve 5 cultural communities.
- To support and train 300 people.
- Create pedagogical resource to train cultural referents.
Knowledge as Right
[edit]Wikipedia in debate
[edit]The Wikipedia in debate project tries to promote a critical use of Wikipedia in argentinean society. In this way we will use Wikipedia for the analysis of public debate and current affairs in Argentina.
- 5 training courses with journalist and our local community to involve 30 volunteers as part of the project.
- At least 3 coverage of public agenda topics in online platforms
- Involve at least 5 new partners.
- Carry out 1 campaing about the use of Wikipedia as a reliable source of information regionally
Share Data
[edit]The Share Data project tries to train and strengthen our work with gubernamental institutions and third sector organizations such as Buenos Aires Data, and FOOS communities. Through Wikidata, build, share and socialize dataset for strengthening citizenship.
- Position Wikidata as a project in at least 5 open data community/ organizations. Involve our emerging Wikidata community.
- Create or release at least 5 databases locally relevant.
- To develop educational resources about Wikidata for the local society.
Wikimedia informa
[edit]Training on the right to information, fact-checking, data analysis, digital rights.
- 5 online and offline trainings about fact-checking, data analysis, cyber-activism in Argentina and in Latin America.
- Create communication resources to make advocacy about fact-checking, data analysis and cyber-activism.
- #WikipediaInforma periodically facts about public agenda.
Digitizing project
[edit]Through our WIR, mentoring, training and releasing diverse and currently missing content from local and regional cultural heritage.
- Strengthening our work with the Argentine Academy of Letters, the Library of the Legislature of Buenos Aires Province, the General Direction of Libraries of Buenos Aires and the Fine Arts Museum of Argentina.
- Get al least 2 new institutions involved in our project.
- To position the granted material in strategic spaces to facilitate its re-usage by editors and society.
[edit]We will continue to design and carry out local, regional and global campaigns involving current and new editors to add and improve missing content to the Wikimedia projects. We will work mainly in the Spanish Wikipedia. However we will also focus on designing new projects with other Wikimedia communities mainly from the Global South and strengthen our work regarding Wikisource and Wikidata.
- Promote La Mujer que Nunca Conociste globally.
- Work with theme communities like OpenHouse to generate specific content within Wikimedia projects.
- Continue developing #1lib1ref regionally.
- Launch at least one challenge where we position the Latin American culture in other Wikipedias.
The pioneers
[edit]To promote the access to the cultural heritage of three excluded cultural communities; indigenous people, gender and diversity and science/ STEM.
[edit]Knowledge as Service
[edit]Iberocoop & SD
[edit]We will create a space for the exchange and discussion among the Iberocoop network's leaders to work towards the strategy direction in the movement.
- Monthly meeting
Iberocoop development
[edit]Support the growth of chapters and user groups in the region with the with the objetive of professionalizing the region.
- To develop specific traning spaces along with Wikimedia México and Wikimedia Chile for newcomers.
- To menthor the growth of slow-down groups and new ones.
- Create resources to support the regional development.
Knowledge as Right
[edit]Iberocoop & Public Policy
[edit]Create a network of analysis, monitoring and advocacy on public policies related to copyright, free licenses and open knowledge.
- To create a map of the state of free knowledge and culture in the region.
- To promote a regional campaigns for promotion of free culture in the region.
Community building
[edit]Knowledge as service
[edit]Developing and strengthening a diverse local community that represents Argentine culture and idiosyncrasy, and which guarantees participation on equal terms for all its members.
Established communities (Themed communities):
[edit]The project "Editors of the Round-Table" aims to generate co-working spaces for small groups. For this we will work to expand the existing communities (Gender, photographers and long-standing community) according to the interests of the editors to help each other in the development of new projects. Our objetive for 2019 is to continue, from this perspective, strengthening the existing communities. A healthy community is also a diverse community, and in Argentina's case, it is a community that integrates both Wikimedists and non-Wikimedists. Our challenge is to integrate our partners with those who are active editors through the thematics communities.
- To strength and expand 3 thematic communities within WMAR.
- To accompany the communities’ projects by follow-up meetings.
- To foster 5 thematic projects.
- To design materials to be used by the thematic communities.
- At least 25 micro-grants for our activities.
- 1 call for project presentations. To call and select mentors.
- 14 offline meetings (1 monthly space for editing)
- 3 Wikidata webinars.
New comunities:
[edit]Consolidate the formation of 2 new thematic communities incorporating new profiles of volunteers and establishing alliances with strategic local organizations. Our goal is to generate working groups with other organizations that allow us to address specific problems at the same time we involve new volunteers.
- To foster 2 new thematic communities.
- To promote 3 thematics workshops :
- Training in the use of Wikipedia to built knowledge locally.
- "Wikimedia commons: construyendo una memoria visual"
- "Enlazando proyectos: Wikipedia y periodismo".
- 5 offline meetings in several provinces around the country.
- 4 Lectures to disseminate Wikimedia projects.
Knowledge as equity
[edit]WMAR is recognized as an open and inclusive community that promotes the participation of citizens and diverse social actors as developers of locally relevant knowledge.
"Huellas digitales"
[edit]Involve new leaders from Argentine civil society and / or social organizations in the Wikimedia movement by designing new training and volunteering opportunities in the WMAR community.Wikimedia as a space for current construction and citizen participation.
- 5 workshops about citizenship and Wikimedia.
- Financial support for 3 projects that address issues of citizenship from Wikimedia projects.
- 1 Photo campaign to gain insight and built a memory of the citizenship.
“Barra Libre”
[edit]Thematic encounters involving people and organizations that work on the construction and dissemination of knowledge.
- 3 Meetings to disseminate projects and organizations that deal with current issues and citizenship.
- To foster 6 new alliances.
- 80 new participants.