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Grants:Programs/Wikimedia Community Fund/Conference Fund/GLAM Wiki:The Culture, Heritage and Wikimedia Conference 2023

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GLAM Wiki: The Culture, Heritage and Wikimedia Conference 2023
proposed start date2023-04-03T00:00:00Z
proposed end date2023-12-31T00:00:00Z
budget (local currency)150990 USD
amount recommended (local)158539 USD
decision fiscal year2022-23
applicant• Scann (WDU)
organization (if applicable)• Wikimedistas de Uruguay
Review Final Report

This is an automatically generated Meta-Wiki page. The page was copied from Fluxx, the web service of Wikimedia Foundation Funds where the user has submitted their application. Please do not make any changes to this page because all changes will be removed after the next update. Use the discussion page for your feedback. The page was created by CR-FluxxBot.

Applicant details

A. Are you applying as a(n)

Wikimedia Affiliate (chapter, thematic org., or user group)

B. Full name of organization presenting the proposal.

Wikimedistas de Uruguay

F. Do you have an account on a Wikimedia project?


F1. Please provide your main Wikimedia Username.

Scann (WDU)

F2. Please provide the Usernames of people related to this proposal.

Paula (WDU)

G. Are you legally registered?


If you are applying as an individual or your group is not a legally registered nonprofit in your country, we require that you have a fiscal sponsor.

I. Fiscal organization name.

Datos, Acceso a la Información y Transparencia

Objectives and Strategy

1. Please state the title of your proposal.

GLAM Wiki: The Culture, Heritage and Wikimedia Conference 2023

2.1. When will the event begin? Please enter the event start date.


2.2. When is the last day of your event?


3.1. When will you begin preparing for your event?


3.2. When will you expect to complete your last event payment?


4. In which country will the conference take place?


4.1. In which city will the conference take place?

5. Is it a remote or in-person event?

In-person event

5.1. What will be the total number of participants at the event? (including scholarship recipients + organizing team + other guests + self funded guests) (required)


6. Please indicate whether your work will be focused on one country (local), more than one or several countries in your region (regional) or has a cross-regional (global) scope.


6.1. If you have answered regional, please write the country names and any other information that is useful for understanding your proposal.

According to our survey, people from all the continents are interested in attending, if given the opportunity. Therefore, the scope of our conference is global, spanning countries across continents. The relevance of cultural, heritage & scientific partnerships to the movement has helped launch a variety of programs to increase the representation of the world's knowledge. This conference will be an opportunity to learn how other people in different contexts are working with these partnerships.

7. If you would like, please share any websites or social media accounts that your group or organization has.

https://twitter.com/wikimedistas_uy https://www.instagram.com/wikimedistasuy/?hl=es-la https://wikimedistas.uy/

8. Do you work with any thematic or regional platforms such as WISCom, CEE, Iberocoop, etc.


8.1. Please describe what platforms and your work with them.

We work with regional affiliates on a daily basis, organizing different content campaigns and working on strategic priorities. For this event, we are working with an initial steering committee formed by Wikimedia Chile, Wikimedia Argentina and Wiki Movimento Brasil as thought partners and overall support to make the event happen. We have been having bi-weekly pre-planning conversations with them & a representative from the WMF, and they collaborated in putting together this proposal. We also plan to involve the regional community further as we move along with planning the conference.

9. Please describe the target participants for this event.

- Members of Wikimedia communities, particularly those that are working in some type of project with a heritage institution, or running relevant campaigns on living heritage and overall improving the representation of cultural & heritage diversity.

  • Professionals from libraries, archives, museums and galleries, particularly those working with some type of alliance with the Wikimedia movement.
  • External partners such as academia, public policy, local communities (particularly underserved communities such as indigenous or afro descendant cultural communities), civil society actors, that are working on related topics to improve cultural & heritage diversity on Wikimedia projects or to advance policies that lead to more content being released as open access.
10. Please provide the link to the event's page if you already have one.


The following questions (11-14) will refer to the Community Engagement Survey which is required in order to submit a proposal. Here is the survey form that you can copy and use (if the link does not work): https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1ieEI8EFf2vxjD9wN_h8-srYeRCp4fhSp7_1_wiR2jh8/edit. This survey is required to access a Conference grant.

11. How many people did you send the community engagement survey to?


11.1. When did you conduct the survey, and for how long?

We distributed the survey through ≈40 community channels, in Spanish, English & Portuguese. We conducted the survey from 20ish of November till January 15th. Total: 2 1/2 months.

12. How many people responded to the survey?


13. What are the main objectives of the event?

This will be the first time that the GLAM Wiki Conference is held in Latin America, so we want to use this as an opportunity to show how the communities in the region are working from a Global South perspective, and come together to reflect and take action for our heritage to gain more global representation through GLAM Wiki. The event will allow us to:

  • Identify strategic priorities for the GLAM Wiki communities that promote knowledge equity, diversity and inclusion. How can we find local and global priorities that acknowledge the contextual differences among our communities?
  • Exchange and build capacity around GLAM Wiki tools, outreach and collaborations. How is GLAM Wiki work being done? How can we improve it? How can we teach it to others?
  • Reflect, discuss and think of new roadmaps for our existing tools and platforms. What are the technical and community debts that our platforms need to solve?
  • Reconnect after the pandemic, network and discuss the future of GLAM Wiki.
14. Based on survey responses, what are the most important things your community should do at the conference to achieve these objectives?

According to the survey and the objectives identified, here are the four things necessary to do for accomplishing them:

  • Strategy sessions and sprints, before, during and after the conference. In particular, people signaled the need to work previous to the conference, in order to get there with some work done that makes the most out of the time spent in the conference.
  • Capacity building activities and workshops, and knowledge sharing sessions. Survey responses asked for training sessions to learn more about tools and outreach strategies, as well as sessions to exchange knowledge and programs.
  • Mapping tools and platforms activities. Building “lists of pain” in our tools and platforms, helping develop roadmaps and identifying new opportunities to make Wikimedia platforms better for GLAM Wiki collaborations.
  • Networking activities. People identified the need to learn from others in ways that allow for more personal interaction.
15. Please state if your proposal aims to work to bridge any of the identified CONTENT knowledge gaps (Knowledge Inequity)? Select up to THREE that most apply to your work.

Not applicable

15.1. In a few sentences, explain how your work is specifically addressing this content gap (or Knowledge inequity) to ensure a greater representation of knowledge. (optional recommended).


16. Please state if your proposal includes any of these areas or THEMATIC focus. Select up to THREE that most apply to your work and explain the rationale for identifying these themes.

Advocacy, Culture, heritage or GLAM , Open Technology

17. Will your work focus on involving participants from any underrepresented communities?

Geographic , Ethnic/racial/religious or cultural background, Linguistic / Language

18. Do you intend to invite or engage with non-Wikimedian individuals or organizations? If so – can you explain your intention for this outreach?

This event is about cross-collaboration between non-Wikimedia actors, such as cultural & scientific heritage institutions and other communities working to improve cultural diversity. We will engage with:

  • GLAM communities: in order to understand how Wikimedia initiatives can help cultural & scientific heritage institutions meet their goals and overcome barriers;
  • Academia & public policy: to help us advocate and build our case to more broadly support opening up knowledge;
  • Civil society and local communities: to build long lasting partnerships to bring their knowledge online;
  • Underserved communities, such as indigenous and afro descendant communities: to learn more about respectful ways to engage with their knowledge on Wikimedia platforms.
19. What will you do to make sure participants continue to engage in your activities after the event?

We expect that as a result of the event, we will be able to engage with the following participants:

  • Local & regional GLAM communities: affiliates in the region (including us) have a strong component of GLAM activities, we expect that the conference will help us build a closer relationship with them and undertake joint planning.
  • Wikimedia communities: we expect that as a result of the capacity building activities & strategizing sessions, we will have created a sense of community and help us achieve a larger impact by establishing priorities.
  • Academia, civil society & public policy sectors: we will aim to holding different sessions that allow them to better understand how they can become part of the movement and support our work.

We will keep on working with these participants with online & on-site activities.

20. In what ways do you think your proposal most contributes to the Movement Strategy 2030 recommendations. Select a maximum of THREE options that most apply.

Increase the Sustainability of Our Movement, Coordinate Across Stakeholders, Invest in Skills and Leadership Development

Logistical Aspects

21. Do you have any proposed venue for the event?

Yes. The School of Information & Communication of the University of the Republic of Uruguay (FIC) will be the main venue.

FIC to Carrasco International Airport: 24 km Carrasco Airport to Ibis Hotel: 22 km Ibis to FIC: 1 km

Cons: we will need to provide wifi. Pros: FIC is the school were related careers to the topic of the conference are taught. The building has been recently built and renovated, so it meets accesibility standards. They have a radio and television studio that we can use.

22. Is the event venue and hotel accessible for people with physical disabilities?


23. How many scholarships would you like to offer?

We would like to offer around 50 full scholarships (final number of scholarships granted will depend on where people is travelling from and the actual cost of the flight tickets).

24. What expenses will the scholarship cover?

Full scholarship will include: travel, accommodation costs and a 100USD stipend to cover airport taxi.

25. How will scholarship recipients be selected?

We want to use this as an opportunity to bring as many people from the region together as possible, and give space for people from underserved communities. A rough idea for scholarship allocation is: 50% of scholarships to Latin America (≈25 people); 25% to Africa (including the MENA region) (≈13 ppl); 15% to Asia (including Australia & Oceania) (≈6 ppl); 10% of the remaining scholarships to Europe (including CEE) and North America (≈5 ppl).

We will develop a process to create a clear, straightforward and transparent criteria to select scholarship recipients; if time permits, we will have a scholarship committee. Criteria will likely include the relationship of the person to the GLAM Wiki space; quality of the application; how will the recipient implement, communicate and/or share what they learn at the conference; quality and/or quantity of the involvement of the person with the GLAM Wiki movement. We expect to further develop this criteria as we move forward with the process.

26. In which ways can Wikimedia Foundation staff support your event onsite?

We would benefit from Wikimedia Foundation helping us with the following tasks: a) Developing a strategy with the GLAM team and the Product & Tech department to make sure that the Conference delivers the most impacts and results for the money, time and energy invested. b) Outreach and communications efforts, particularly through Diff and Wikimedia Foundation social media channels. c) Help us develop regional or international partnerships relevant to the conference, particularly with UNESCO offices and funding organizations. d) To help with T&S training for on-site T&S people. e) Help us develop a robust MLE framework for the conference.

26.2. Do you intend to invite any WMF staff members to your event? (please note that all WMF staff travel and accommodation costs will be covered by the foundation). Please indicate what is the limit number of WMF staff members you would like to welcome at your event.

Yes, we do. We would love to have representatives from the following teams: a) Partnerships, Community Resources and Community Programs. b) Product & Tech team: Commons, Wikidata, and developers working on Wikisource. We'd particularly love to have Selena Deckelmann if she could come. c) Movement Strategy.

We welcome everyone that wants to participate and there's no limit number for WMF staff members that want to take part in the conference.

27. Please outline the roles and responsibilities of the organizing team for the conference.

Wikimedia Foundation Liasion: GFontenelle (WMF) Project manager: Scann (WDU) Project manager's assistant: Paula (WDU) Steering Committee: Anna Torres (WMAR); PDiazR (WMCL); SSoster_(WMB)

In addition to this, we have at least 3 upcoming roles at Wikimedistas de Uruguay (1 Comms role and 2 fellows), and people from our fiscal sponsorship organization that will be providing capacity, such as Daniel “Chino” Carranza and Patricia Díaz, who will be helping with partnerships and overall organization of the event. We expect to also count with the invaluable support of our local community of volunteers and the GLAM Wiki volunteers at large.

28. Do you have plans to co-organize the event with other Wikimedia communities, groups or affiliates?


28.1. If yes, can you please explain how you are going to co-organize the event and what responsibilities each partner will have.

We believe that in order for this event to have a relevant regional focus, it is crucial to have the input and work in alliance with the rest of affiliates from the region, to the extent of their capacity. Right now, Wikimedia Argentina, Wikimedia Chile and Wiki Movimento Brazil have been thought partners in the process and providing input, but we expect that their support will grow as the planning moves along.

29. What kind of risks do you anticipate and how would you mitigate these?

We anticipate the following risks:

  • Not being able to fundraise money to cover for potential shortcomings in funding.
  • Not having enough capacity or overworking Wikimedistas de Uruguay current capacity.
  • Challenges to capture relevant metrics to evaluate the process.
  • Not gathering enough interest from outside partners across the region & internationally (which would lead to a decrease in participation).

Mitigation strategies include:

  • Working early with the Partnerships team to identify potential funding sources both in the region and outside from it.
  • Have a clear action plan that balances our current responsibilities with the additional responsibilities that planning the conference will entail. We’ve been involved with Wikimania COT, but we will also hear from relevant recommendations from other conference organizers in the movement.
  • Work early with WMF’s Learning & Evaluation Team to make sure we have a plan to capture the metrics appropriately.
  • While we obtained a good number of survey responses (over 200), we need to do an early engagement with institutional partners that can bring in more participants aside from the ones that can be funded through a scholarship.
30. Friendly space policy - Please add the link to the friendly space policy that your community will be using for this event.

We will be using Wikimedia’s Foundation Friendly space policy: https://foundation.wikimedia.org/wiki/Policy:Friendly_space_policy. We will select volunteers, staff and event organizers to act as a Trust & Safety points of contact. They will receive a training prior to the event. We also welcome any WMF staff members that would like to act as Trust & Safety points of contact during the event.

Learning, Sharing, and Evaluation

31. What do you hope to learn from your work organising this conference?

Here are some of our learning questions:

  • How relevant are GLAM projects for the future of Wikimedia? Are GLAM institutions an entry point for new communities that improves the sustainability of our movement?
  • What are some of the challenges that the GLAM sector is facing, particularly in the Global South, and how can Wikimedia communities better respond to these? How are these challenges preventing them from collaborating with the movement?
  • How GLAM Wiki partnerships can improve and build more digital skills in GLAM institutions, and what can the Wikimedia movement learn from the GLAM sector?
  • What are the technical barriers that are preventing the GLAM Wiki community to scale and grow in sustainable ways? How can we overcome them?

We expect to also work with the WMF’s Learning & Evaluation Team to refine these metrics and ways to capture the information.

32. Main open metrics
Main Open Metrics Data
Main Open Metrics Description Target
Interest from partners Representatives from different organizations coming to the event (30 representatives)

New partnerships developed after the event (5 new partnerships) Diversity of non-Wikimedia speakers (10 speakers) Participants from outside of the Wikimedia movement (30 participants)

Challenges & solutions Documentation from the event includes at least 5 concrete challenges and 10 potential solutions

Documentation from the event outlines at least 7 “pain points” for collaboration between the Wikimedia movement and the GLAM sector

Joint learnings GLAM & Wikimedia Documentation from the event outlines at least 20 different ways in which the Wikimedia movement and the GLAM sector can build more digital skills and learn from each other 20
20 Documentation form the event outlines at least 10 “pain points” in our most relevant platforms for GLAM work (Wikipedia, Commons, Wikisource & Wikidata) and tools and 10 potential solutions to work around them N/A

Financial Proposal

33. What is the amount you are requesting from Wikimedia Foundation? Please provide this amount in your local currency.


34. Select your local currency.


35. Please upload your budget for this proposal or indicate the link to it.


36. Do you expect to receive funding for this conference from other organizations to support your work?


36.1. If yes, what kind of resources are you expecting to get?

Fundraising money in Latin America is extremely complicated, particularly for issues such as cultural heritage. We might be able to get in-kind support for different activities, but in our context it is very hard to do fundraising unless we receive proper support from WMF's Partnership team.

We/I have read the Application Privacy Statement, WMF Friendly Space Policy and Universal Code of Conduct.


Please use this optional space to upload any documents that you feel are important for further understanding your proposal.
Other public document(s):

Endorsements and Feedback


Please add endorsements and feedback to the grant discussion page only. Endorsements added here will be removed automatically.

Community members are invited to share meaningful feedback on the proposal and include reasons why they endorse the proposal. Consider the following:

  • Stating why the proposal is important for the communities involved and why they think the strategies chosen will achieve the results that are expected.
  • Highlighting any aspects they think are particularly well developed: for instance, the strategies and activities proposed, the levels of community engagement, outreach to underrepresented groups, addressing knowledge gaps, partnerships, the overall budget and learning and evaluation section of the proposal, etc.
  • Highlighting if the proposal focuses on any interesting research, learning or innovation, etc. Also if it builds on learning from past proposals developed by the individual or organization, or other Wikimedia communities.
  • Analyzing if the proposal is going to contribute in any way to important developments around specific Wikimedia projects or Movement Strategy.
  • Analysing if the proposal is coherent in terms of the objectives, strategies, budget, and expected results (metrics).
