Grants:Project/Rapid/"Her Art and Her Digital Story"
Please see the sample Editathon/Training application before drafting your application.
Project Goal
[edit]In this project, our aim is to provide knowledge to the Zambian Female Artists as well as talented students concerning how they can advertise their work on Wikipedia. In this process, we shall engage them in essential training that will educate them on how to utilize Wikipedia in revealing their works to the world at large. In this process also, they shall be taught how to edit information in line with their work, showcase and perfect displaying of the images of their work. More so, these shall also learn how to update their information in the various contexts such as the historical, contemporary, and modern art. In all this, we shall have to recruit more female artists and talented students
Our main aim in this is to:
- To promote female art in Zambia
- To establish a strong Wikimedia community in Zambia
- To promote open data especially the use of Wikimedia projects to female artists in Zambia
- To promote digital literacy among female artists and students in Zambia
- Last, to promote Zambian related content worldwide through Wikipedia
Project Plan
[edit]In mobilizing all Female Artists in Zambia, we shall carryout one week event that will involve submitting letters to the Zambian National Arts Council and meeting with the Zambian Authoritarian Art body with the purpose of ensuring the success of our project. In this same week also, we shall engage with the National Arts Council for recognition of our project. The event will mainly focus on revealing the Wiki community to the Zambian Female Artists and students in how they can advertise their art content through posting it on Wikimedia. This will enable them to market their work to the outside world, increase their online presence for their performing and non-performing forms of art. We are preparing to with over 50 female artists and 20 female art students that shall be introduced to the Wiki Community and shall be taught how to advertise their art work on the Wikimedia. These shall also be taught how to carry out research concerning the art works that that lately accomplished by the different female artists.
[edit]Tell us how you'll carry out your project. Be sure to answer the following questions:
1. Are you doing one editathon or training or a series of editathons or trainings?
- We shall carryout an introductory Edit-a -thon and a follow up Edit-a-Thon/ Workshop.
Letters shall be written and submitted to the main Art Body of Zambia, the National Arts Council and in this also and meetings shall be organized with them to ensure how best we can assist one another in attaining rolled out and a colorful event that will be dedicated to Zambian Female Artists as well as expanding our established Wiki community in the Arts Sector. Other essential Government Ministries that are concerned with art shall be engaged in a way of forming a partnership with them to enable us utilize their ministerial platform in reaching out to various Zambia Female artists as possible since in our country female artists are hardly celebrated for in our country their achievements when compared to their male counterparts are. In this process, we shall carry out a (#AdWikiFemArt) edit-a thon training event. Our partners in organizing this event shall engage in contacting famous Zambian female artists with the purpose of spreading the influence of our (#AdWikiFemArt) Event.
2.How will you let your community know about the event? Please paste links below to where relevant communities have been notified of your proposal, and to any other relevant community discussions.
- We will create Social Media pages (Facebook,twitter,instagram)
- We will roll out a social media campaign with the hashtag (#AdWikiFemArt)
- We will print flyers and issue them out at strategic public malls.
3. Do you have experienced Wikimedia editors to lead the event?
- We have one experienced Wikimedia editor to lead the event and I also run a female led Digital Consultancy company and that is one of the reasons I am passionate about women getting involved in the digital evolution and to take control of their own presentation of their art.
My Usernames is Gertrudeh. 4. Do participants have the equipment or skills needed to participate and contribute high quality content? If not, how will you support them?
- Our participants may possess minimum experience in to contribute high quality content, and we as a team, we are ready to work hard towards ensuring that quality content is uploaded as our event co-coordinator has over a decade's worth of experience and pro volunteer in Wikimedia as she has been editing articles and writing articles on wikimedia for over half a decade. As earlier mentioned she owns a female led Technology consultancy firm and has engaged with staff that have agreed to participate in demonstrating basic technological skills in article writing to our participants.
5. How will you engage participants after the event(s)?
- By the end of the project, we would be finished with training over 50 Zambian Female Artists and 20 talented students concerning how to advertise their art work on Wikipedia and this will give them a sense of empowerment over their own work, and we will have gathered more members to the Wiki community as well as show people how to use Wikimedia.
We will form a registry with our participants’ phone numbers and email addresses to enable us to get feedback on their use of wikimedia as well as to encourage them to continue advertising their work on Wikimedia as well as volunteering in different wiki media projects, it will be of the utmost importance to us that every participant/ volunteer follows our meta page.
6. Is there anything else you want to tell us about this project? We are highly passionate about art and culture and would want nothing more than for these artistic women's beautiful talent to be shared with world, far and wide digitally.
[edit]How will you know if the project is successful and you've met your goals? Please include the following targets:
- Number of events- Two (2)
- Number of participants-Twenty Five (70)
- Number of new editors- Five(5)
- Number of of articles posted or improved- Minimum of twenty five (70)
- Number of repeat participants (for projects that include a series of events)-twenty five (70)
We will know if our project is successful by viewing the number of articles placed on the Meta page by our new participants as well as the growth in numbers of Social media interactions with the general public on the promotion of our (#AdWikiFemArt) campaign.
[edit]What resources do you have? Include information on who is organizing the project, what they will do, and if you will receive support from anywhere else (in-kind donations or additional funding).
- We have chairs
- We have a projector
- We have tables
- We have 4 laptops
- We have a router
- We have volunteers
- We have a venue
The project facilitator will be Gertrude Namitala and Mr Christopher Chilongo will act as the project Co-Facilitator.
What resources do you need? For your funding request, list bullet points for each expense and include a total amount.
- Stationary/Pull up Banner= US 250
- T-Shirts/Caps( to be used as prizes to volunteers/participants who will show outstanding contribution to our (#AdWikiFemArt)
We plan to offer 20 T-shirts at US 240 and 10 caps at US 100 bringing the total amount to US 340
- Art+Feminism event/ articles as a way of advertising this new project in Zambia= US 200
We want to create awareness of our campaign and would like to place a short article in the local paper on our idea and what we are trying to achieve . We will place 2 articles in 2 of our nation's local press to elaborate on our campaign and Wiki Grants.
- Social Media promotion= US 250
We plan to place paid for promotions on YouTube and Facebook entailing our campaign and encourage female artists to attend our edit a thons over a period of 2 weeks, i week of advertising before the event and one week showing the public what transpired at our (#AdWikiFemArt) event as to keep the ball of discussion going well after the event.
- Venue= US 250
- Transport for organizers=US 250
- Refreshments and Snacks= US 250
- Branded Pens/ notepads with (#AdWikiFemArt) Logo to give away at event and to promote it US= 200
- Internet =US 180
- Gift card for prizes to the most active participants (Grocery gift cards)= US 300
Our 1st prize voucher will be US 150 the second prize will be US 100 and our third prize will be US 50 So, In total we plan to give out 3 Gift cards.
- Total amount= US 2,470
[edit]Community members are encouraged to endorse your project request here!
Support on behalf of Art+Feminism --Siankevans (talk) 14:58, 20 January 2020 (UTC)