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Grants:Project/Rapid/Project/Rapid/PH-WC/Wiki Loves Earth 2020 in the Philippines/Report

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Report accepted
This report for a Rapid Grant approved in FY 2019-20 has been reviewed and accepted by the Wikimedia Foundation.



Did you meet your goals? Are you happy with how the project went?

The 3rd edition of Wiki Loves Earth in the Philippines was conducted to promote the natural heritage sites of the Philippines. Due to the global pandemic, no photo walk was conducted this year.



Please report on your original project targets.

Target outcome Achieved outcome Explanation
Number of participants: 100 254 Met the target beating the previos 2 editions. Holding the contest 3 years in a row has created following.
Number of photos uploaded on Wikimedia Commons: 1000 989 See commons:Category:Images from Wiki Loves Earth 2020 in the Philippines. Short of 11 photos but within the target. Offline outreach activities would have boosted this figure.
Number of photos used on Wikimedia projects: 100 65 No offline outreach activity was organize this year. WPWP would have also helped if the activities were conducted.



Projects do not always go according to plan. Sharing what you learned can help you and others plan similar projects in the future. Help the movement learn from your experience by answering the following questions:

  • What worked well?

Social media promotion made it possible to still reach the target despite of pandemic and lack of outreach activities. I see it as a convenient way to promote the contest aside from the banner. Having fb page is also an advantage.

  • What would you do differently next time?

If possible, offline activities like photo walks should be conducted next year to engage photographers and interested contributors.



Grant funds spent


Please describe how much grant money you spent for approved expenses, and tell us what you spent it on.

1 USD = PHP 50.92 (as of April 2, 2020 according to www.oanda.com)
Project budget table
No. Quantity Total (PHP) Total (USD) Total Expense (PHP) Notes
1 Social media promotion PHP 5,000 USD 98.19 Php 5472.86 Sponsored posts to reach wider audience
2 Prizes PHP 45,000 USD 883.74 Php


1st prize: Gift Certificate - PHP 20,000 (USD 392.77)
2nd prize: Gift Certificate - PHP 10,000 (USD 196.39)
3rd prize: Gift Certificate - PHP 5,000 (USD 98.19)
Runners-up (4th-10th Place Winners) - Gift Certificate - PHP 1,000 (each) (USD 137.47)
Special prize (Participant with the most number of quality images contributed): Gift Certificate - PHP 3,000 (USD 58.91)
3 Plaques PHP 3,000 USD 58.91 none Framed certificates
4 Tokens PHP 7,125.23 USD 139.93 Php


10 Wikipedia globe pins, 50 pcs. buttons and 50 pcs. stickers (from the Wikipedia Store; including shipping fee) for local volunteers and jurors, top and special prize, and future outreach give aways
5 Courier fee PHP 5,000 USD 98.19 Php


Courier for the certificates and transaction fees for the prizes
6 Incorporation fees PHP 5,705 USD 112.04 Php


Incorporation fee, membership book, notarial fees, fare
7 Permits PHP 2,260 USD 44.38 Php


Business permits, community tax certificate, business clearance
8 New bank account PHP 15,000 USD 294.58 Php


Bank fee and initial deposit
9 Other assessments PHP 6,000 USD 117.83 Php


Organizing expenses; tax identification number, other permits, receipts printing
TOTAL: PHP 92, 697.15

Total fund received: PHP 91, 655.39 (USD 1,800.18)

Remaining funds


Documentation of expenditures has been received by WMF.

Do you have any remaining grant funds? none

Anything else


Anything else you want to share about your project? We are so happy to announce that The Crown within the Lake by Michael Angelo Luna made it to Top 8 while The Noblest Flyer Philippine Eagle by Shemlongakit made it to top 29 in the international round.

