Grants:Simple/Applications/Wikimedia Espana/2020
- Application or grant stage: grant in progress
- Applicant or grantee: Wikimedia España
- Amount requested: EUR 99,998
- Amount granted: EUR 100,000
- Funding period: 1 January 2020 - 31 December 2020
- Midpoint report due: 15 July 2020
- Final report due: 30 January 2021
[edit]Annual Plan
[edit]Budget Plan
[edit]Staffing Plan
[edit]Strategic plan
[edit]Wikimedia España is a Spanish non-profit organization, recognized by the Wikimedia Foundation as the chapter of Wikimedia in Spain. It was officially approved by the Wikimedia Foundation on February 7, 2011 and that same month was registered in the National Register of Associations of the Ministry of the Interior. In May 2011, an agreement was signed with the Valladolid City Council whereby the association's headquarters would be located in a municipal agency.
Although from the beginning of the organization the level of activity was intense, it was from 2015, the year in which Wikipedia won the Princess of Asturias Award for International Cooperation, when the demand for activities and projects throughout the country increased. Therefore, in 2016, we applied for a Simple Annual Plan Grant (APG) that included hiring our first employee, a Program Coordinator.
The following year, also within the APG, we applied for a second employee to be responsible for communications and community. All this involved a significant growth in activity and we realized the organization needed to re-define its structure and processes. For this reason, at the end of 2017 we started an internal process to define our strategy for the 2019-2021 period.
Thus, through different actions (Wikimedia Spain Conference, online survey and two weekend meetings involving board, staff and volunteers), a final document was written and approved in 2018. This strategy focuses on continuing working around the four areas we have been prioritising in recent years: diversity, education, GLAM and multimedia content, re-structured now in three new programmes and laid the foundations to reach a better and more effective management of our work.
However, throughout 2019, already with the new strategic plan implemented, we realized that with such a distribution of programs there were initiatives that did not fit them, but equally were interesting from the point of view of improving content and community participation. As a consequence some efforts could stay almost invisible. For example, this year we carried out a notable number of actions in the field of the defence of digital rights, with campaigns such as the new EU Copyright Directive, which did not fit such a strategy either; therefore, those actions were more difficult to measure and assess..
Therefore, in June 2019 we held a weekend meeting in Zaragoza, again involving board, staff and volunteers. There, after an analysis of our activity and a mapping of how other affiliates are organised, we decided to reorganize our programmes, in this same strategy, to three: content, community and institutional relations and public policy. What we are looking forward to in 2019:
- Strategy
Wikimedia España envisions now a new period of growth for the organization, which includes putting in the centre of our organization the strategic concepts of Knowledge Equity and Knowledge as a Service. We are, though, limited by budget restrictions and difficulties to diversify our income beyond the Simple APG we receive from the Wikimedia Foundation. We would need to invest time and resources to support new functions such as specific chapter fundraising, community capacity building, structural changes or technological improvements and development. The truth is that we are at the limit of our capacity both in terms of human resources and budget. As things get more clear on the Movement Strategy process and the access to resources for Affiliates, we will put some efforts on trying to get external support and funding in 2020, to start an income diversifying process.
- Staff
After our strategy meetings, we also saw we need to make some changes in our budget in order to being able to increase our staff salaries and other work conditions. This responds to the fact that we need to adjust salaries to labour market conditions, staff background and expertise as well as the level of responsibility and tasks staff executes. At the moment, our employees are underpaid and we don’t want to extend this situation on time any longer. Over the last few years we have prioritized increasing the impact of our programmes and activities. While we are still committed to that, we would like to focus on our HR and financial structures so we are adjusting our budget to make sure we retain our talent and apply best practices and fair salaries to our HR functions, as well as we redefine some internal and structural processes. Regarding other conditions, we decided that one of our employees, Rubén Ojeda, who does not live in the city where the Wikimedia España headquarters is, will work in a coworking office, so that he is not forced to work from home.
- Resources
Public Utility: we are working with external consultants to support us in the request of public utility statement/status and specially for bureaucratic tasks. In Spain, this status means important tax reduction for donors, and, at the same time, the social impact becomes greater. Technical tools and facilities: our staff have been working with their own laptops so far and this is another thing we would like to change ASAP as we understand we should provide them with their main working tool. As explained before, we are also renting a co-working space for one of them. Processes. As a part of the development of the organization, we plan to devote an important part of our efforts to process design, in order to optimize tasks and results.
- Why
Our first programme aims to develop projects and activities that favour the diversification of the contents of Wikimedia projects and improve the reliability and neutrality of existing contents. We seek to offer a more complete vision of knowledge, including voices that are usually not present in society or are under-represented, and that this knowledge is of quality to improve the experience of readers and achieve a better valuation as the main source of knowledge. Its activities are aimed at the general public, Wikimedia España members and volunteers.
- Context
Since Wikimedia Spain was started in 2011, we have worked tirelessly in the implementation of projects and activities aimed at diversifying content in Wikimedia projects. We believe that such diversity is essential to aspire to collect the sum of human knowledge, in addition to enriching and complementing existing content. Initiatives such as editathons or challenges focused on reducing the content gap on women (more than 600 articles in the last two years), Wiki Takes in rural areas to obtain multimedia material (more than 12,000 images since 2015), online initiatives such as PESCAR dedicated to unusual topics (more than 700 articles in two years) or activities that promote the editing of content in languages other than Spanish (more than 500 articles in the last two years) have contributed to increase that necessary diversity.
In addition, we consider that these contents, in addition to being diverse, must be of quality. The Wikimedia projects are consulted by millions of people every day, by all sectors of society, with special emphasis on education, so it is vital that the information is reliable, neutral and relevant. Hence the work done through various initiatives and campaigns that seek to improve the quality of content.
- How
In 2020 we plan to continue working on improving the diversity and quality of Wikimedia projects with more volunteers involvement. Part of the existing programs in 2019 (Diversity, Multimedia, Education and GLAM) have been included in this Content program, whose work will revolve around 5 lines of work.
Gender Gap. Since we organised the first women's editathon in Spain in 2015, we have successfully worked every year to reduce the gender gap in Wikipedia, with new articles and new women contributors. In 2020 we plan to follow this line with various online writing challenges around various commemorations, such as Female Writers' Day or Women and Girls in Science Day.
In addition, given that 2020 was declared the year of nurses, we will seek to collaborate with the Official College of Nursing in order to organize sessions and activities to involve their professionals and generate content on Wikipedia on nurses.
Culture of Spain. Over the years we have seen that cultural content tends to take a back seat, receiving more prominence, for example, sports, current events or personalities. For this reason, we plan several online activities, some of them already habitual, like Wiki Loves Monuments or Wiki Loves Folk, to obtain multimedia material, and other new ones, like challenges of edition on museums, monuments and celebrations, with the objective, among others, to give use to the material obtained in the contests of photography.
We will also try to collaborate with different institutions, such as the Cervantes Institute, the Navy, the Royal Theatre or the Andalusian Institute of Historical Heritage to carry out initiatives related to this subject, involving both the institution and society.
Rural Heritage. For several years we have been working to make visible and increase the content on rural areas since, in the case of Spain, for decades have suffered a progressive state of abandonment and invisibilization, which affects a heritage often in danger of disappearing. Among the initiatives proposed are two online, such as the Wiki Loves Earth competition and the writing challenge on natural areas (again with the aim of using the images obtained in the competition), and two Wiki Takes, whose purpose will be to obtain multimedia material on municipalities without a previous photo in Commons. These last activities are part of the documentation project that we have been developing since 2015, No Spanish Municipality Without Photo, thanks to which we have already obtained more than 14,000 images and reduced the number of municipalities without photos from 2,295 to around 200 (end of 2019).
This work of documentation and visibility of the rural world will also seek the collaboration of institutions such as the Spanish Railways Foundation, the Spanish Federation of Mountain Sports and Climbing, or various museums focusing on dovecotes.
Encounter between cultures. In recent years we have carried out different initiatives focused on geographical areas not usually published in the most consulted languages in Spain, such as Asia, Africa or Oceania. Our forecast is to continue working on contents related to Asia and Africa, through online activities. In addition, the success of previous years encourages us to organize again Wiki Loves the Olympics, with the aim of increasing content on the Olympic and Paralympic Games, venues, sports, athletes, taking into account the diversity and cultural richness of these events, where different cultures are represented.
Quality. For several years we have been promoting and participating in campaigns such as 1lib1ref, with the aim of improving the quality of Wikipedia content, in this case improving its verifiability. Our aim for 2020 is to continue promoting this initiative; to this end, several sessions are planned, for example, with the Official College of Librarians and Documentalists of the Valencian Community, with whom we signed an agreement in 2019.
As well, we run sessions every two weeks in the Laboratorio Wikimedia in MediaLab Prado (Madrid) working on fact-checking data and misinformation analysis and this group is in contact with the research group of the Wikimedia Foundation.
In addition, with the aim of improving the quality of content, e.g. Wiktionary, and the diversification of files in Commons, we will continue to promote the creation of audio or video files through initiatives such as Lingua Libre.
- Objectives
- Decrease the knowledge gaps about Spain and geographical areas typically not well covered in the languages of Spain
- Increase the diversity of multimedia content, like audio and video files in several languages and infographics, on Wikimedia Commons
- Release free materials from diverse GLAM institutions
- Metrics
- At least 1000 Wikipedia articles related to knowledge gaps (eg. rural world, women)
- At least 600 audio/video files on Wikimedia Commons
- Release free material from three different GLAM institutions that was not previously available on the Wikimedia projects
- Why
The second program aims to strengthen our community through two aspects; on the one hand, since our members are volunteers, we consider it essential that they receive support, both financial and formative, to improve their contribution to the Wikimedia movement, both personally and collectively, as it will strengthen their local communities with the involvement of new volunteers and new projects. On the other hand, we seek to diversify our community so that different voices, coming from different contexts, can contribute their vision and experience to the growth and strengthening of the Wikimedia movement.
We consider it essential to facilitate the organization and implementation of initiatives by volunteers and institutions, without having to depend entirely on, for example, the board or staff.
Existing resources developed by other chapters and the Wikimedia Foundation are not always adapted to our local context or languages therefore the chapter should work to fix it.
- Context
In the last two years, parallel to the process of redefining our strategy, and based on conversations with members and staff from institutions, we have valued the importance of working on training for members, board,members, volunteers and institutions to enable them to acquire experience and knowledge that can then be applied between their communities.
Geographical decentralization is one of the characteristics of Wikimedia Spain, which brings various advantages and opportunities, such as working directly with a larger number of institutions and collectives and reaching a wider and more diverse audience.
In the past we have explored the different resources and courses like Wikipuentes (WMAR), Green House (WMF), audiovisual material by Wikimedia Chile, Learning Days during Wikimania and board training after the Wikimedia Summit, and courses from external institutions.
- How
Our 2020 plan revolves around three key axes: training, support and diversity. Training for volunteers and staff of institutions by experienced volunteers will focus on organizing capacity building sessions that will include previously developed materials on how to organize and manage activities, use of tools, communication, etc.).
Support volunteers to attend international events such as Wikimania and the various thematic meetings held throughout the year (Celtic Knot, Hackaton, education and GLAM events, etc.) like it has been done in previous years. We plan to continue the development of knowledge, maintaining the obligation of the scholarship recipients to report on how this scholarship helped them to better contribute to the Wikimedia movement and their local communities. Diversity: In our annual conference we will continue to offer different types of sessions, such as workshops, presentations, debates, in which the local community has a main role, therefore as a way of empowering those communities and offering training to members and volunteers.
Editathons and similar events are dedicated to increasing the number of collaborators from under-represented communities, with specific training and networking sessions. In previous years we have worked with women and older people, and our plan for 2020 is to continue this line, trying to attract other communities and involve them in both Wikimedia and Wikimedia España projects.
To this end, we will explore the collaboration of various institutions, such as the Colegio Oficial de Doctores y Licenciados en Filosofía y Letras de Madrid, the Swedish Embassy and the National Library, for the organisation of activities around various commemorations, such as Women's Day, Women Writers' Day or Women and girls in Science Day.
- Objectives
- Increase the number of contributors from under-represented communities in Wikimedia projects, like older people, women and people from rural areas.
- Broaden the training and experience of members and institutions through the development of training programmes
- Metrics
- 250 contributors from under-represented communities.
- 50 people participating in training sessions.
- At least 70% of satisfaction after training session among participants.
Institutional Relations and Public Policy
- Why
Our 3rd program aims at shaping favorable policies to boost and protect free knowledge as well as increasing the scope of our projects by getting more support and resources for our chapter and its activities. With this program we merge our advocacy and public policy efforts with our work to help partner institutions embrace free knowledge and open practices. The activities under this program targets: general public, media, partners, policy makers and potential donors.
According to some activities we have been involved in within the last one year and a half, we have understood the importance of working on digital rights, advocacy and public policies and also the positive impact this work has on our organization. It is key to raise awareness about free knowledge and the fragility of the ecosystem where it operates, which we understand as one of our major tasks as a non-profit representing the Wikimedia movement in Spain. That’s the reason why we are implementing the new Institutional Relations and Public Policy Program, which will help us follow the lead on digital rights advocacy that the Wikimedia Movement has already started.
- Context
In 2018, we started allocating time (mainly from our Communications Manager) to activities such as the EU Copyright reform and the effects it will have on our projects and community. This time allocation intensified in 2019 with several EU Advocacy efforts and special focus on the final vote for the EU Copyright Directive resulting on an invitation to speak up on a debate at the EU Parliament in Strasbourg. Besides, we also got engaged on a few more actions such as:
- Partnering up with other digital related non-profits and developing 46 measures for the Public Administration in Valladolid (the city our fiscal entity is based) to improve their use of technology thanks to free software, free hardware and free knowledge recommendations.
- Co-hosting, together with the Foundation’s legal team, the 1st Wikimedia Workshop on Public Policy, which took place in Madrid in June 2019 and had about 15 wikimedians from across the movement.
- Starting a working line to analyse how desinformation makes its way to Wikipedia and how we can identify it and neutralise it.
- Taking part in the working group representing “organized population” for the Basque Country Public Administration. We are involved in the Open Government Partnership, and help to select new datasets to increase the amount of open data available for citizens.
- Collaborating with CIECODE to help improve their Political Watch tool “TiPi Ciudadano”, including digital rights and Internet freedom concepts into their dictionary for political transparency in Spain.
We also realized that some GLAM and other institutions we already work with are not always sufficiently aware of free knowledge ecosystem.
- How
As a result of this, we have realized that we are able to build new and stronger partnerships, at the same time as we raise awareness and gain visibility for Wikimedia and its values. With this work on advocacy we contribute to shaping public policies that allow people to access, create, share and remix free knowledge and we protect our community from eventual legal threats that compromise the objectives of the Free Knowledge Movement. This work helps us raise awareness about the Wikimedia Projects for both institutions and society, and it gives visibility to the amazing job our community is carrying out. It also helps us get closer to our mission statement while we better understand the ecosystem we work in and we are better understood by our partners. The focus of this program is not only influencing public policy to support free knowledge, as it also includes expanding our efforts when advocating for free knowledge in current and future partnerships with cultural and educational institutions.
For that reason, and having in mind actual social discussions around themes like authorship or net neutrality, we are planning to allocate more time and resources to our Public Policy and Advocacy work on 2020. Next year, we will mainly focus on the 3 following working lines:
Shaping EU Copyright Transposition in Spain and EU Advocacy work. We will continue advocating for free knowledge within the Spanish and European public policy and legislative field.
Fighting disinformation. We have created a new working group within the chapter that involves staff and volunteers that are interested in researching and finding solutions to address this issue. We plan to develop a specific working line on disinformation, which includes partnerships with organizations such as Xnet. We have also redefined our Laboratorio Wikimedia in Medialab-Prado to work in this line with a focus on verifying information in Wikipedia.
Serving as a hub for Spanish speaking content on Public Policy within the movement. After our EU Copyright work and the co-organization of the Wikimedia Public Policy Workshop in Madrid, we have been giving informal support to some Spanish-speaking chapters or user groups. We plan to better coordinate this work by sharing and adapting more Public Policy resources.
We will also continue working on supporting and enable other organisations to adopt more open policies and practices, promoting and facilitating changes towards open knowledge.
- Objectives
- Building partnerships with institutions, participating in major events and working on advocacy to raise awareness and dissemination of free knowledge.
- Increase awareness and support for our public policy agenda.
- Working in coordination with partners to identify the largest barriers to producing and accessing free knowledge and contributing to create changes in policy and practice that support the vision of the Wikimedia Movement.
- Metrics
As a new program, we still need to put time into measuring, comparing and evaluating our public policy work. As a first attempt, we will measure our progress in the following areas:
- Participation in at least 8 meetings with lawmakers, allies, media and other stakeholders, with the aim of enforcing Wikimedia’s values within public policy conversations or expanding free knowledge opportunities.
- Setting up a Spanish coalition with at least 2 other organizations to support our work on the national transposition of the Copyright in the Digital Single Market Directive.
Grant Metrics Reporting
[edit]Metrics, targets and results: grants metrics worksheet here.
Midterm report
[edit]Program story
[edit]Program Progress
This programme is structured around five lines of work: gender gap, culture of Spain, rural heritage, encounter between cultures and quality. Although many of the proposals to be carried out were to be held online, the outbreak of the coronavirus disease pandemic altered the plans foreseen in different initiatives (since the second week of March, Wikimedia España announced the cancellation of all its face-to-face events) and, in turn, motivated the organization of others not initially planned.
- Gender Gap
In our work to reduce the gender gap, both in terms of articles on women and number of female editors, we have held four events, two around the International Day of Women and Girls in Science (February 22th) and two around International Women's Day (March 8th). In relation to the first date, for the third consecutive year we organized, together with the Official College of Doctors and Graduates in Philosophy and Letters of Madrid, an on-site event, which took place on February 8th, and whose theme was related, as in previous editions, to women archaeologists and their achievements. The other event around this commemoration was an online editathon, held throughout February, which focused on biographies of scientists from different specialties.
In relation to the second date, on March 7th, an editathon was held at the Nicolau Primitiu Valencian Library in collaboration with the Official College of Librarians and Documentalists of the Valencian Community and Amical Wikimedia. During the event, biographies of a list of Valencian women related to culture were published.
Putting violet glasses on Wikipedia Editathon
Putting violet glasses on Wikipedia Editathon
group photo -
Women in the Valencian Library Editathon
Women in the Valencian Library Editathon
group photo
Also, a new edition of the WikiGap editathon was scheduled for March 10th, at the Swedish Embassy in Madrid. On this occasion, with the collaboration of the International Film Festival made by Women, the theme proposed was women in culture. The agenda included six presentations by six experts in various cultural fields (film, music, performing arts, education, visual arts, journalism), who would talk about the situation of women in these areas, and a workshop on editing Wikipedia, by Wikimedia España. Afterwards, the content editing session would take place.
However, on March 9th the Ministry of Health and the regional governments agreed on a series of measures in response to the spread of the pandemic, including the recommendation of teleworking and the suspension of face-to-face activities, so we agreed with the embassy to postpone the event until circumstances allowed it to be held in complete safety for organisers and participants.
Finally, in view of this situation would continue for a long period of time, the embassy proposed to hold the event online, and it was decided to set it for May 30th. The agenda was altered and instead of six presentations we enjoyed only two, offered by Jara Yáñez and Isabel Royán, from the field of film and music, followed by a workshop on editing Wikipedia. This first video conference, held in the morning, was complemented by another one in the afternoon, dedicated to solve doubts or problems that the participants had when editing from home.
WikiGap editathon
WikiGap editathon
WikiGap editathon
WikiGap editathon
- Culture of Spain
In the field of Spanish culture, in these first six months we have held an online writing event, focused on museums, with the aim of increasing the content on these fundamental institutions in the conservation of heritage. It took place throughout the month of June. We can also add the only coverage of events held during these months, the 2020 Goya awards, whose ceremony took place in Malaga on February 25th and where a volunteer was able to obtain, as in previous years, more than 200 photographs of personalities from the Spanish cinema. The rest of the coverage proposals could not be carried out, either because the events were cancelled or because it was decided to postpone them due to the pandemic.
- Rural Heritage
Another of our lines of work is rural heritage. Among the different actions planned, we have only been able to carry out an online editing challenge, focused on expanding content on natural areas, which did not receive the expected response and only involved 3 people. Another of the activities is Wiki Loves Earth, the photography contest on natural areas that is usually held in May; on this occasion, however, we decided to postpone it for later due to the confined situation during that month, which greatly impeded the participation and enjoyment of the activity. After talking to the international organizing team, we will celebrate our local edition during July. For future editions, we have established contact with two entities committed to the conservation and dissemination of natural areas, the Autonomous Organization of National Parks and Europarc, and after verifying that we share the same objectives, we hope that this relationship will bear fruit in a collaboration that will lead to different actions.
Finally, another of the actions linked to this topic, and which we have been carrying out in recent years, is a Wiki Takes, through which a group of volunteers devote a weekend to photograph a specific geographical area in the rural environment. In 2020 we had planned to carry out one in the provinces of Salamanca and Zamora, at the beginning of May, for which we already had practically everything ready, but due to the pandemic it was postponed until it was possible to carry it out. In the meantime, and as far as possible, the volunteers have continued to upload some photographs of municipalities without a photo and, at this time, only 152 municipalities are still to be completed.
- Encounter between cultures
In the field of the encounter between cultures, through which we seek to expand the contents of Wikipedia related to thematic areas or territories not usually edited, we have carried out several actions, three of them online and one in person. For the third consecutive year, we have organized the PESCAR contest, which focuses on the history of humanity and in which each month a set of articles related to a particular historical moment are suggested.
During the month of May, and for the first time in Spanish Wikipedia, we organized the African Month; in 2019 it was celebrated for the first time in French Wikipedia, and encouraged us to organize it also in Spanish as a way to increase the content on this continent. Finally, between June 20th and 23rd we celebrated an online editathon on the occasion of the Olympic Day (June 23rd), in which we proposed the edition of contents about the Olympic Games of Antiquity.
On a face-to-face level, together with the Romanian Cultural Institute and the Faculty of Documentation of the Complutense University of Madrid, we organised a face-to-face editathon on February 21th, within the framework of Constantine's Day Brâncuși, an important date in the Romanian cultural calendar. During the event, which was attended by students from the university and people linked to the Institute, biographies of personalities from Romanian culture were edited on Wikipedia in Spanish.
- Quality
Finally, in the field of quality, we participated in the global campaign #1lib1ref, encouraging the community to improve references in Wikipedia articles. In 2019 we signed a collaboration agreement with the Official College of Librarians and Documentalists of the Valencian Community, and as part of this agreement, in order to encourage the library community to participate, two training sessions were planned on this subject, how to add references, etc., although in the end only one could be held in Alicante.
In addition to the initiatives related to these 5 lines of work, the special circumstances we are experiencing led us to consider other activities within the framework of the #QuédateEnTuCasaYEditaWikipedia campaign. Thus, two online editathons were organized; the first, between 18th and 22nd April, on the occasion of the International Day of Monuments and Sites, and the second, between 23th and 26th April, in the context of International Book Day.
Thanks to all these proposals and the enthusiasm of our community, more than 3,200 articles have been edited in these months with the aim of reducing those knowledge gaps. Regarding the content of Commons, we continue to encourage the recording of audios or videos to diversify the type of content, and we have already obtained a good number of files, including audios recorded with Lingua Libre, and videos from the online sessions. Also linked to Commons, we have not been able to get any institution to release materials from their collections; the difficult situation the country is going through has also affected the pace of work of the institutions. However, we are in talks with three institutions (CENEAM, Instituto Geográfico Nacional and Instituto Geológico y Minero de España) with the aim of working together in the coming months.
Objective | Goal | Status |
Decrease the knowledge gaps about Spain and geographical areas typically not well covered in the languages of Spain | At least 1000 Wikipedia articles related to knowledge gaps | 113,8% |
Increase the diversity of multimedia content, like audio and video files in several languages and infographics, on Wikimedia Commons | At least 600 audio/video files on Wikimedia Commons | 40,66% |
Release free materials from diverse GLAM institutions | Release free material from three different GLAM institutions that was not previously available on the Wikimedia projects | 0% |
This program, new in 2020, has as its main focus the training and support of volunteers, and the diversity of our community. As in the content program, the coronavirus disease pandemic has significantly affected the development of the various activities planned at the beginning of the year. Thus, for example, the cancellation of national and international events made it impossible for our community to receive such training or support to attend them.
However, as soon as the state of alarm was decreed, which led to a lockdown that lasted almost three months, we redirected our activity to the online environment; we promoted the #QuédateEnTuCasaYEditaWikipedia campaign (#StayAtHomeAndEditWikipedia), through which different possibilities were offered to collaborate in the Wikimedia projects, from data improvements in Wikidata, uploading multimedia material to Commons, to different editing challenges and Wikipedia editathons. The edits made under a hashtag reached 3980, made by 29 users in 10 differentes projects.
Also, as part of this campaign, we decided to organize a set of online sessions, which are still taking place, focused on different Wikimedia projects, such as Wikipedia, Commons, Wikidata, Wiktionary, Wikivoyage and Wikisource, as well as other aspects related to them, such as tools, conflicts between wikipedians or free licenses. One of them, moreover, was dedicated exclusively to staff from GLAM institutions and was attended by more than 60 people. In total, so far, there have been 27 sessions, in which 637 people have participated, with an average of 23 per session.
In addition to this campaign, other sessions were held, some of which were face-to-face events, such as the one held on February 12 on Commons at the Esquinas del Psiquiátrico Civic Centre, or those organised online, on April 22 for the staff of the Cervantes Institute in Tokyo, and on May 9 for the OSCEC association, which works in favour of the Extremaduran language. Likewise, in the educational context, although the different collaborations have been affected by the situation in these months, it has been possible to carry out 12 training sessions, five of them dedicated to teachers, in which a total of 182 people participated, 40 of whom were teachers.
As a way of evaluating the results of the training sessions, we have obtained a total of 216 responses to our surveys, which were shared during the online sessions and educational initiatives. In them, in addition to asking about the contents of the sessions, the speaker or ideas for future sessions, the aim was to find out the degree of satisfaction after the session, which so far is a bit more of 86%.
At the diversity level, we have maintained different proposals planned in relation to the increase of content on women in Wikipedia and the increase in the number of female editors, and in most cases the institutional relationship has been key. Thus, as previously stated, four events were held; two of them were face-to-face, on February 8th and March 7th, in collaboration with the Valencian Library and the Official College of Doctors and Graduates in Philosophy and Letters of Madrid, while the other two were online: one was already planned, around the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, and the other, the WikiGap editathon, had to be adapted to the new situation and so, while a face-to-face event was initially planned, it was finally organised online, on May 30th. Other actions in this field have included an online session on Wikiemakumeok and the reduction of the gender gap in Wikipedia on June 4th, a collaborative mapping workshop on Women's Streets, on February 13th in Zaragoza, and a talk for CodeOp, in Barcelona, on February 25th. In all these events 128 people participated, 73 of which were women. To all of them we must also add the participants in the various educational initiatives.
Another milestone in these months has been the launch of our new website. The process has consisted of a total reform of the site, changing its visual image, integrating the blog, and offering more information about who we are, our work, the Wikimedia projects, digital rights and a calendar of activities. All this with the aim of bringing the public and our community closer to what our work consists of, and to motivate and facilitate participation and collaboration in the Wikimedia movement.
Objective | Goal | Status |
Increase the number of contributors from under-represented communities in Wikimedia projects, like older people, women and people from rural areas | 250 contributors from under-represented communities | 107,2% |
Broaden the training and experience of members and institutions through the development of training programmes | 50 people participating in training sessions | 1490% |
At least 70% of satisfaction after training session among participants | 122,85% |
Institutional Relations and Public Policy
The main to reasons for having this brand new program at WMES are 1) to help shape favorable policies in order to boost and protect free knowledge and 2) to get support and resources from allyships in order to increase the scope of the Wikimedia Projects.
With the arrival of the global pandemic we have had to change some of our initial plans for the first half of 2020. We were not able to attend major international events like the Creative Commons Summit in Lisbon or the Wikimedia Big Fat Brussels Meeting. We had form a partnership to host a free knowledge track within esLibre (the annual Spanish free software conference) that was going to be celebrated in Madrid in June, but the whole event also got cancelled. The same happened to our bi-weekly sessions of Laboratorio Wikimedia in MedialabPrado, where we research about desinformation and the Wikimedia projects with a committed community.
However, we have managed to adjust our plans and do plenty:
- EU Copyright Transposition
Shaping EU Copyright Transposition in Spain is one of the main challenges concerning this program in 2020. During this 6 months, we have managed to position WMES as a key stakeholder in the process. Although Spain doesn’t have a draft text for transposition yet and therefore any round of public consultation has been still put in place by the Spanish Government, we had been able to advance some of our concerns regarding the new legal frame and access to knowledge. Our advocacy efforts had lead to a meeting with the Spanish Ministry of Consumption through their General Deputy Director for Arbitration and Consumer Rights and one of their Advisers to the Minister, who were happy to learn about the Wikimedia Movement’s position on the DSM Directive. With the objective of enhancing implementation best practices to protect user rights, we submitted several proposals to take into account when implementing a wide range of the DMS Directive Articles, specially focusing during this meeting in the specificities of upload filters.
Following the same line, we sent out letters to Congress Deputies, informing about WMES position on the new copyright legal scenario and the will to participate in the legislative process as a key stakeholder. The COVID-19 crisis had a slow down effect on the process and the Ministry of Culture, who is leading the process, has not yet submitted a draft text for public consultation. For this second round, following the first we participated in at the end of 2019, we are planning to participate in coalition with other cultural and heritage organizations that share our same values. We have hosted 3 meetings with different actors in order to close this coalition, and the working process is still ongoing.
We’ve become the Spanish point of contact for the DSM Directive Implementation Tracker that our European partner Communia launched earlier this year. The tracker is one of the main reference tools for tracking how Member States are Implementing the new Copyright Directive. WMES updates Spain related information, working closely with other organizations. Our collaboration with Communia and the Free Knowledge Advocacy Working Group EU continues and WMES has virtually attended several of their meetings and webinars during this term to gain expertise and knowledge about advocating for fair copyright.
In terms of resources, we have been able to get an increase of more than x3 on the initial program budget for direct costs, thanks to an external grant that will cover new actions on our Copyright Advocacy working line within this term.
We have also joined several campaigns for EU/International Advocacy work, strengthening some partnerships and creating new ones but mostly speaking up in the interest of free knowledge:
- Open Letter to EU Council on terreg or antiterrorist content regulation and preservation of human rights in the digital ecosystem. 27th March 2020.
- Letter to Francis Gurry, General Director of the World Intellectual Property Organization, WIPO, on Copyright and COVID-19. 3th of April 2020.
- Wikimedia Chapters Letter to EEAS concerning EU positioning on South African Copyright reform. 4th of May 2020.
- LaEsconditeConf
In mid june WMES has co-hosted, together with Trackula, LaEsconditeConf. It was a 2 days virtual conference on privacy, digital rights and technological sovereignty. The event gathered around 30 activists, tech professionals, researchers and non-profit workers to discuss about privacy challenges in a post-COVID-19 era. For this first edition, 3 working groups were formed to deeply discuss about the links between privacy and 3 other major topics: 1) education, 2) work, telework and mobility and 3) democracy. Conclusions and results of the working groups can be watched at this public session that is available online.
Regarding new partnerships, we have continued working to raise awareness about free knowledge and the fragility of the ecosystem where it operates amongst GLAM institutions, with the idea of forming new allyships in order to increase the scope of the Wikimedia Projects and make their collections more accessible. In this concern, we started prospections and negotiations to set an exciting and new Collaboration Agreement with IGME, the Geological and Mining Institute of Spain, who is keen on opening up their collection and working in joint actions to improve Earth science related knowledge in the Wikimedia Projects. Due to the sanitary crisis, the signature of the agreement has been postponed. We hope to formalize it in the coming months.
Finally, the launch of our brand new website has been a major milestone. During the redesign process we have made a big effort on better explaining what is free knowledge and why it is important. In Wikipedia and beyond. Much more information is now available in 5 languages (the four official languages in Spain and English) for our potential partners, members and donors. There is aswell a new section for press, with easier-to-find frequently updated information. And we have added a new digital rights section to make visible and accessible our advocacy work.
Objective | Goal | Status |
Building partnerships with institutions, participating in major events and working on advocacy to raise awareness and dissemination of free knowledge | Participation in at least 8 meetings with lawmakers, allies, media and other stakeholders, with the aim of enforcing Wikimedia’s values within public policy conversations or expanding free knowledge opportunities | 75% |
Working in coordination with partners to identify the largest barriers to producing and accessing free knowledge and contributing to create changes in policy and practice that support the vision of the Wikimedia Movement | Setting up a Spanish coalition with at least 2 other organizations to support our work on the national transposition of the Copyright in the Digital Single Market Directive | Meetings, working sessions and negotiations with 4 organizations so far. No signature yet as we need to wait for copyright transposition legal draft. |
Spending update
[edit]Please include the total amount of Simple APG funds you spent during the grant period:
- EUR 45,010.25
Grant Metrics Reporting
[edit]Metrics, targets and results: grants metrics worksheet here.
Final report
[edit]Program story
[edit]Learning story
[edit]Programs Impact
Este programa se estructura en torno a cinco líneas de trabajo: brecha de género, cultura de España, patrimonio rural, calidad y encuentro entre culturas. Debido al impacto de la pandemia por coronavirus, en la segunda semana de marzo Wikimedia España anunció la cancelación de sus eventos presenciales; algunas de las propuestas tuvieron que adaptarse a la nueva situación, otras fueron canceladas y otras surgieron como respuesta al traslado de nuestra actividad al ámbito en línea.
- Brecha de género
Nuestro trabajo en torno a la brecha de género se ha articulado principalmente en torno a distintas fechas o eventos conmemorativos, que aprovechamos para concienciar sobre la falta de mujeres en Wikipedia, tanto en contenidos como en editoras, y para reducir dicha brecha.
Así, con motivo del Día Internacional de la Mujer y la Niña en la Ciencia (11 de febrero), por tercer año consecutivo organizamos, junto con el colectivo de Arqueólogas Feministas del Colegio Oficial de Doctores y Licenciados en Filosofía y Letras de Madrid, un evento presencial, que tuvo lugar el 8 de febrero, y cuya temática estuvo centrada en las arqueólogas y sus logros. También a raíz de esta celebración se organizó un editatón en línea a lo largo del mes de febrero, centrado en biografías de científicas de diferentes especialidades.
En relación con el Día Internacional de la Mujer (8 de marzo), el 7 de marzo se celebró un editatón presencial en la Biblioteca Valenciana Nicolau Primitiu en colaboración con el Colegio Oficial de Bibliotecarios y Documentalistas de la Comunidad Valenciana y con Amical Wikimedia. Durante el evento se publicaron biografías de editoras valencianas.
Editatona Poniendo las gafas violeta a Wikipedia
Editatona Poniendo las gafas violeta a Wikipedia. Foto de grupo
Editatón Mujeres en la Biblioteca Valenciana
Editatón Mujeres en la Biblioteca Valenciana. Foto de grupo
En torno a esa celebración también estaba programado, para el 10 de marzo, un nuevo evento WikiGap en colaboración con la Embajada de Suecia en España. En esta ocasión se contaba, además, con la colaboración del Festival Internacional de Cine hecho por Mujeres, motivo por el cual el tema propuesto era «Las mujeres de la cultura». El programa incluía seis presentaciones de seis expertas en diversos campos culturales (cine, música, artes escénicas, educación, artes visuales, periodismo), que hablarían sobre la situación de las mujeres en estos ámbitos, y un taller sobre la edición de Wikipedia a cargo de Wikimedia España. Posteriormente, tendría lugar la sesión de edición de contenidos.
Sin embargo, el 9 de marzo el Ministerio de Sanidad y los gobiernos regionales acordaron una serie de medidas en respuesta a la propagación de la pandemia, incluyendo la recomendación del teletrabajo y la suspensión de las actividades cara a cara, por lo que acordamos con la embajada posponer el evento hasta que las circunstancias permitieran que se celebrara con total seguridad para organizadores y participantes.
Finalmente, viendo de que la situación continuaría durante un largo período de tiempo, la embajada propuso realizar el evento en línea, y se decidió fijarlo para el 30 de mayo. La agenda fue modificada y en lugar de seis presentaciones solo se plantearon dos, ofrecidas por Jara Yáñez e Isabel Royán, del ámbito del cine y la música, seguidas de un taller de edición de Wikipedia. Esta primera videoconferencia, realizada por la mañana, se complementó con otra por la tarde, dedicada a resolver las dudas o problemas que los participantes tenían al editar desde su casa.
Editatón WikiGap
Editatón WikiGap
Editatón WikiGap
Editatón WikiGap
Como en años anteriores, celebramos el Día de las Escritoras (lunes más cercano al 15 de octubre) en colaboración con la Biblioteca Nacional de España. Se planteó un evento en línea para el 24 de octubre, en el cual, a modo de bienvenida, intervinieron la vicepresidenta de Wikimedia España, la directora de la Biblioteca Nacional y las presidentas de otras entidades impulsoras de esta celebración. A continuación se llevó a cabo una introducción a la edición en Wikipedia, y posteriormente tuvo lugar la sesión de edición de contenidos.
Paralelamente se organizó el editatón en línea del Mes de las Escritoras, durante todo octubre, para el cual la Biblioteca Nacional donó varios libros como premio a las tres personas que más artículos creasen. También en relación con esa fecha, el 12 de diciembre se celebró en la Biblioteca Central de Cantabria un editatón con el foco en contenidos sobre escritoras de Cantabria. Previamente, en octubre, presentamos la actividad durante la celebración del Día de las Escritoras en la biblioteca.
Editatón Día de las Escritoras
Editatón Día de las Escritoras
Editatón Día de las Escritoras
Editatón Día de las Escritoras
En noviembre, con motivo de la Semana de la Ciencia y la Innovación, organizamos una nueva edición en línea de WikiGap. En esta ocasión, además de la embajada de Suecia en España, colaboraron en la organización la Fundación Madri+d de la Comunidad de Madrid, la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid y el Consorcio Madroño de bibliotecas universitarias. El foco de la actividad era editar artículos sobre mujeres en la investigación.
El evento se dividió en cuatro sesiones, celebradas los distintos jueves de noviembre. La primera sesión sirvió como presentación, y en ella intervinieron representantes de Wikimedia España, la embajada de Suecia y la Fundación Madri+d; la investigadora Rosa Lillo ofreció una charla motivadora, y se realizó una introducción a la edición en Wikipedia. La segunda sesión se centró en la liberación de material audiovisual en Wikimedia Commons, la tercera en la creación y mejora de artículos en Wikipedia, y la cuarta en la traducción de artículos. Para cerrar el evento, se expusieron sus resultados en un acto público celebrado en el Círculo de Bellas Artes de Madrid, en el contexto de la Noche Europea de los Investigadores. Una de las pautas que llevamos a cabo, y que no habíamos trabajado hasta entonces, fue la de crear un grupo de Telegram específico para el evento; así, durante todo el mes, las personas que participaron pudieron recibir asistencia de manera directa y rápida, para resolver dudas, problemas o cualquier cuestión relacionada con la edición.
Segunda sesión de WikiGap Semana de la Ciencia
Tercera sesión de WikiGap Semana de la Ciencia
Tercera sesión de WikiGap Semana de la Ciencia
Cuarta sesión de WikiGap Semana de la Ciencia
Por último, también en noviembre tuvo lugar la que ha sido nuestra primera colaboración con el Museo del Prado. Con motivo de la exposición Invitadas, que el museo ofrece hasta marzo de 2021, se organizó una editatona en línea con el objetivo de incorporar o mejorar en la enciclopedia las entradas sobre las artistas protagonistas de la exposición. El evento se desarrolló en dos sesiones. La primera sirvió como presentación, con la bienvenida por parte de una representante del Museo y otra de Wikimedia España, y con una introducción a la edición a Wikipedia. Por su parte, la segunda se centró en la creación y edición de los contenidos.
Primera sesión de la editatona Invitadas
Primera sesión de la editatona Invitadas
Primera sesión de la editatona Invitadas
Segunda sesión de la editatona Invitadas
- Cultura de España
Las actividades de esta línea de trabajo se han desarrollado en varios ámbitos. Por un lado, distintos retos de edición de Wikipedia, celebrados en línea y centrados en una temática relacionada con la cultura y el patrimonio de España; así, en junio tuvo lugar uno sobre museos, en septiembre otro sobre monumentos y en diciembre otro sobre fiestas, con resultados dispares en cada uno de ellos. Además de los contenidos o la participación, es interesante resaltar el feedback que obtenemos de los participantes, que agradecen este tipo de propuestas y nos ayudan a mejorar, por ejemplo, las reglas de participación de cara a futuras actividades. A nivel presencial, L'ETNO. Museu Valencià d'Etnologia organizó el 15 de octubre un maratón de edición en sus instalaciones, con motivo de la renovación de su exposición permanente; previamente, el 15 de septiembre, tuvo lugar un backstage para wikipedistas para conocer dicha exposición.
En el ámbito de la fotografía hemos de destacar dos concursos: Wiki Loves Monuments, que organizamos por décimo año consecutivo, y Wiki Loves Folk, en su quinta edición. En relación al primero, en esta ocasión tuvimos la colaboración del Organismo Autónomo Parques Nacionales, que colaboró en la difusión del concurso y aportó obsequios para el segundo premio y para un premio especial relacionado con reservas de la biosfera. Los resultados, teniendo en cuenta la situación actual, fueron satisfactorios. No ocurrió lo mismo con Wiki Loves Folk; la pandemia, que durante 2020 provocó la cancelación de todas las fiestas y tradiciones y limitó la movilidad de la gente, afectó negativamente al concurso y, si bien animamos a que la gente compartiera material de años anteriores, la participación fue muy baja.
Una situación similar vivimos con las coberturas de eventos; muchos de ellos se cancelaron, se pospusieron o bien tenían restricciones para el acceso, por lo que el número de ellas fue muy bajo comparado con otros años. Únicamente se cubrieron un festival de jazz, en San Sebastián, en julio, y dos eventos cinematográficos en Málaga, los premios Goya el 25 de febrero y el Festival de Cine de Málaga del 21 al 29 de agosto, en los cuales se consiguieron casi 500 fotografías de personalidades del cine.
Por último, mantuvimos reuniones con el Teatro de la Zarzuela y con la Dirección General de Gobernanza Pública, Transparencia, Participación Ciudadana y Agenda 2030 del Gobierno del Principado de Asturias. En ambos casos hablamos de posibilidades de colaboración, por ejemplo a efectos de mejora de contenidos o de subida de material a Wikimedia Commons.
- Patrimonio rural
En el ámbito de Wikipedia, en abril organizamos un reto de edición centrado en la ampliación de contenidos sobre áreas naturales, que no recibió la respuesta esperada, y el 25 de julio tuvo lugar un maratón de edición mixto, presencial y en línea, relacionado con la comarca dels Ports; como preparación, tres días antes se celebró un taller.
Por otra parte, en el ámbito de la obtención de fotografías, organizamos nuevamente el concurso Wiki Loves Earth. Habitualmente tiene lugar en mayo, pero en esta ocasión decidimos posponerlo debido a la situación de confinamiento durante ese mes, que dificultaba enormemente la participación y el disfrute de la actividad. Después de hablar con el equipo organizador internacional, celebramos nuestra edición local en julio, con una participación modesta.
Por último, otra de las acciones vinculadas a este tema, y que venimos realizando en los últimos años, es un Wiki Takes, en el cual un grupo de voluntarios dedica un fin de semana a fotografiar una zona geográfica concreta del medio rural, en el contexto del proyecto «Ningún municipio español sin foto». Estaba previsto realizar uno en las provincias de Salamanca y Zamora, a principios de mayo de 2020, para el que ya teníamos prácticamente todo preparado, pero debido a la pandemia se decidió posponerlo, al igual que el resto de actividades. En tanto que la planificación ya está hecha, esperamos poder llevarlo a cabo cuando la situación mejore y la seguridad de todos los participantes esté garantizada. Mientras tanto, y en la medida de lo posible, los voluntarios continuaron subiendo algunas fotografías de municipios sin foto, y a fecha de 29 de enero de 2021, solo faltan 134 municipios sin foto en Wikimedia Commons. También en relación con dicho proyecto, según el seguimiento a través de la etiqueta hashtag #NMESF, se llevaron a cabo 44 ediciones en 42 artículos por parte de 4 personas, que añadieron fotografías o mejoraron los artículos de localidades del medio rural.
- Encuentro entre culturas
Las acciones llevadas a cabo fueron en línea, excepto un evento presencial, que se pudo celebrar antes de que las restricciones por la pandemia estuvieran vigentes. Se trató de un editatón con el Instituto Cultural Rumano y la Facultad de Documentación de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, que tuvo lugar el 21 de febrero, en el marco del Día de Constantino Brâncuși. Durante el evento, al que asistieron estudiantes de la Universidad y personas vinculadas al Instituto, se editaron biografías de personalidades de la cultura rumana en Wikipedia en español.
Ya en el ámbito en línea, por tercer año consecutivo organizamos el concurso PESCAR, centrado en la historia de la humanidad, y en el que en cada mes del año se propuso editar un conjunto de artículos relacionados con un momento histórico determinado, siempre buscando la diversidad geográfica. La edición de 2020 volvió a ser un éxito, con la creación de prácticamente todos los artículos propuestos, más otro buen número de ellos fuera de concurso que los participantes consideraron adecuados para rellenar lagunas de contenido.
En mayo, y por primera vez en Wikipedia en español, organizamos el Mes de África; en 2019 se celebró por primera vez en la Wikipedia en francés, y en 2020 nos animamos a organizarlo también en español, con el fin de aumentar el contenido sobre este continente. En la misma línea, organizamos nuevamente el Mes de Asia, en noviembre. En ambos casos la iniciativa tuvo buena acogida, tanto en contenidos como en participación.
En el contexto del confinamiento, para ofrecer propuestas a la gente que estaba en sus casas, decidimos organizar varias actividades de edición, como un editatón entre el 18 y el 22 de abril, con motivo del Día Internacional de los Monumentos y Sitios Unesco; otro editatón entre el 23 y el 26 de abril, por el Día Internacional del Libro; y un editatón con motivo del Día Olímpico, entre el 20 y el 23 de junio, en el que propusimos la edición de contenidos sobre los Juegos Olímpicos de la Antigüedad.
Por último, entre el 15 de julio y el 15 de agosto celebramos una nueva edición de Wiki Loves the Olympics. Si bien en 2020 estaba previsto celebrar una nueva edición de los Juegos Olímpicos de Verano, estos se aplazaron debido a la pandemia por coronavirus. A pesar de ello, nos entusiasmaba la idea de mantener la propuesta para mejorar y aumentar el contenido sobre las Olimpiadas, y para esta tercera edición propusimos centrarnos en medallistas, tanto olímpicos como paralímpicos, de cualquier edición de los juegos, en cualquier idioma.
- Calidad
Para terminar con el programa de contenidos, en el ámbito de la calidad llevamos a cabo varias acciones. En primer lugar, participamos en la campaña mundial #1lib1ref, alentando a la comunidad a añadir referencias en los artículos de Wikipedia. En 2019 habíamos firmado un convenio de colaboración con el Colegio Oficial de Bibliotecarios y Documentalistas de la Comunidad Valenciana, y en el marco de este convenio, con el fin de animar a la comunidad bibliotecaria a participar, se planificaron dos sesiones de formación sobre este tema, aunque al final solo se pudo realizar una en Alicante.
También, con objeto de diversificar el material multimedia existente en Wikimedia Commons, conviene destacar el fomento de la grabación y subida de audios o vídeos; en 2020 sumamos casi 800 audios grabados con Lingua Libre, y una veintena de vídeos de las sesiones en línea.
En 2020 nos propusimos que tres instituciones que no lo habían hecho previamente compartiesen materiales bajo licencia libre. La situación vivida como consecuencia de la pandemia también afectó al ritmo de trabajo de las instituciones, con cambios en sus prioridades o adaptación al nuevo contexto en línea, por lo que la relación con ellas en este sentido se ha visto afectada. Sin embargo, podemos celebrar que el Museo del Prado, en el marco de la editatona Invitadas, subió 66 archivos, y que el Instituto Geográfico Nacional, del cual ya subimos algunos materiales con anterioridad, llevó a cabo la subida de nuevos materiales por su cuenta, sin la mediación de un voluntario o el personal de Wikimedia España, lo que consideramos un primer paso para que esta institución colabore con Wikimedia Commons de forma autónoma. Los responsables del Centro Nacional de Educación Ambiental (CENEAM) aceptaron realizar una primera subida de materiales, varios cientos de fotos de sus colecciones, pero en el último momento la dirección no les permitió ejecutarla. Esperamos que en el futuro esta situación cambie y puedan contribuir como tenían previsto.
De forma global, a través de todas las propuestas de edición, en 2020 se han editado más de 5300 artículos en el contexto de reducción de estas lagunas de contenido, y han participado 405 personas.
Objetivo | Meta | Estatus |
Reducir las brechas de contenido sobre España y zonas geográficas que normalmente no están bien cubiertas, en las lenguas de España | Al menos 1000 artículos de Wikipedia relacionados con las brechas de contenido | 503,8 % |
Aumentar la diversidad de los contenidos multimedia, como archivos de audio y vídeo en varios idiomas e infografías, en Wikimedia Commons | Al menos 600 archivos de audio/vídeo en Wikimedia Commons | 128,8 % |
Liberar materiales de diversas instituciones GLAM | Liberar material de tres instituciones GLAM diferentes que no estaba disponible anteriormente en los proyectos Wikimedia | 66,6 % |
This program is structured around five lines of work: gender gap, culture of Spain, rural heritage, encounter between cultures and quality. Due to the impact of the coronavirus pandemic, since the second week of March WMES announced the cancellation of its offline events, some of the proposals had to be adapted to the new situation, others were cancelled and others arose as a response to the transfer of our activity to the online environment.
- Gender Gap
Our work around the gender gap has been articulated, mainly, around different dates or commemorative events that we take advantage of both to raise awareness about the lack of women in Wikipedia, both in content and editors.
Thus, on the occasion of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science (February 11), for the third consecutive year we organized together with the group of Feminist Archaeologists of the Official College of Doctors and Graduates in Philosophy and Letters of Madrid, an offline event, which took place on February 8, and whose theme was focused on women archaeologists and their achievements. Also in connection with this celebration, an online editathon was organized throughout the month of February, focusing on biographies of women scientists from different specialties.
In relation to the International Women's Day (March 8th), on March 7th an editathon was held at the Biblioteca Valenciana Nicolau Primitiu in collaboration with the Colegio Oficial de Bibliotecarios y Documentalistas de la Comunidad Valenciana (Official Association of Librarians and Documentalists of the Valencian Community) and Amical Wikimedia. During the event, biographies of a list of Valencian women related to culture were edited.
Putting violet glasses on Wikipedia Editathon
Putting violet glasses on Wikipedia Editathon
group photo -
Women in the Valencian Library Editathon
Women in the Valencian Library Editathon
group photo
A new WikiGap event was also scheduled for March 10, in collaboration with the Swedish Embassy in Spain. On this occasion it was also in collaboration with the International Women's Film Festival, which is why the proposed theme was women in culture. The program included six presentations by six experts in various cultural fields (film, music, performing arts, education, visual arts, journalism), who would talk about the situation of women in these fields, and a workshop on editing Wikipedia, by Wikimedia Spain. Afterwards, the content editing session would take place.
However, on March 9 the Ministry of Health and regional governments agreed on a series of measures in response to the spread of the pandemic, including the recommendation of teleworking and the suspension of offline activities, so we agreed with the embassy to postpone the event until circumstances allowed it to be held in complete safety for organizers and participants.
Finally, in view of the fact that the situation would continue for a long period of time, the embassy proposed to hold the event online, and it was decided to set it for May 30. The agenda was modified and instead of six presentations there were only two, given by Jara Yáñez and Isabel Royán, from the fields of film and music, followed by a Wikipedia editing workshop. This first videoconference, held in the morning, was complemented by another one in the afternoon, dedicated to solving any doubts or problems that participants had when editing from home.
WikiGap editathon
WikiGap editathon
WikiGap editathon
WikiGap editathon
As in previous years, we celebrated Women Writers' Day (Monday closest to October 15) in collaboration with the National Library of Spain. An online event was planned for October 24 in which, as a welcome, the vice-president of Wikimedia Spain, the director of the National Library and the presidents of other entities promoting this celebration intervened. This was followed by an introduction to Wikipedia editing and then a session on content editing.
At the same time, the Women Writers' Month online editathon was organized throughout October, for which the Biblioteca Nacional donated several books to the three people who created the most articles. Also in connection with this celebration, an editathon was held at the Central Library of Cantabria on December 12, focusing on content about women writers from Cantabria. Previously, in October, we presented the activity during the celebration of Women Writers' Day at the library.
Women Writers Day Editathon
Women Writers Day Editathon
Women Writers Day Editathon
Women Writers Day Editathon
In November, on the occasion of the celebration of Science and Innovation Week, we organized a new online edition of WikiGap. On this occasion, in addition to the Swedish Embassy in Spain, the Madri+d Foundation of the Community of Madrid, the Autonomous University of Madrid and the Madroño Consortium of university libraries collaborated in the organization. The focus of the event was to edit articles on women in research.
The event was divided into four sessions, held on different Thursdays in November. The first session served as a presentation and involved representatives from Wikimedia Spain, the Swedish Embassy and Fundación Madri+d, researcher Rosa Lillo gave a motivational talk and an introduction to editing on Wikipedia. The second session focused on releasing audiovisual material on Wikimedia Commons, the third on creating and improving Wikipedia articles and the fourth on translating articles. To close the event, the results were presented in a public event held at the Círculo de Bellas Artes in Madrid, in the context of the European Researchers' Night. One of the guidelines that we carried out, and that we had not worked on until then, was to create a specific Telegram group for the event; thus, during the whole month, the people who participated could receive direct and quick support to solve doubts, problems or any question related to the edition.
Second session of the WikiGap Science Week editathon
Third session of the WikiGap Science Week editathon
Third session of the WikiGap Science Week editathon
Fourth session of the WikiGap Science Week editathon
Finally, also in November, our first collaboration with the Museo del Prado took place. On the occasion of the Invitadas exhibition, which the museum is organizing until March 2021, an online editathon was organized with the aim of incorporating into the encyclopedia entries on the artists featured in the exhibition about whom there was little information or no article. The event took place in two sessions. The first served as an introduction, with a welcome from a representative of the Museum and another from Wikimedia Spain, and an introduction to Wikipedia editing. The second session focused on content creation and editing.
First session of the Invitadas editathon
First session of the Invitadas editathon
First session of the Invitadas editathon
Second session of the Invitadas editathon
- Culture of Spain
The activities of this line of work have been carried out in several areas. On the one hand, different Wikipedia editing challenges, held online and focused on a topic related to the culture and heritage of Spain; thus, in June there was one on museums, in September another on monuments and in December another on festivals, with mixed results in each of them. In addition to the content and participation, it is interesting to highlight the feedback we get from the participants, who appreciate this type of proposals and help us to improve, for example, the rules of participation for future activities. On a face-to-face level, L'ETNO. Museu Valencià d'Etnologia organized on October 15 an editing marathon in its facilities on the occasion of the renovation of its permanent exhibition; previously, on September 15, a backstage for Wikipedians was held to learn about the exhibition.
In the field of photography, we highlight two photography contests, Wiki Loves Monuments, which we organized for the tenth consecutive year, and Wiki Loves Folk, in its fifth edition. In relation to the first one, on this occasion we had the collaboration of the National Parks Autonomous Organization, which collaborated in the dissemination of the contest and provided gifts for the second prize and for a special prize related to biosphere reserves. The results, considering the current situation, were satisfactory. The same was not true for Wiki Loves Folk; the effects of the pandemic, which during 2020 caused the cancellation of all festivals and traditions and limited people's mobility, negatively affected the contest and, although we encouraged people to share material they had taken in previous years, participation was very low.
We experienced a similar situation with the coverage of events; many of them were cancelled, postponed or there were access restrictions, so the number of them was very low compared to other years. Only one jazz festival was covered, in San Sebastian in July, and two film events in Malaga, the Goya Awards on February 25 and the Malaga Film Festival from August 21 to 29, thanks to which almost 500 photographs of film personalities were taken.
Finally, we held meetings with the Teatro de la Zarzuela and with the Directorate General of Public Governance, Transparency, Citizen Participation and Agenda 2030 of the Government of the Principality of Asturias. In both cases we discussed possibilities for collaboration, for example in terms of improving content or uploading material to Wikimedia Commons.
- Rural heritage
In the context of Wikipedia, in April we organized an editing challenge focused on expanding content on natural areas, which did not receive the expected response, and on July 25 an editing marathon related to the Ports region took place, which, in preparation, held a workshop three days earlier.
On the other hand, in the field of photography, we organized again the Wiki Loves Earth contest. It is usually organized in May, but on this occasion we decided to postpone it for a later date due to the confinement situation during that month, which made participation and enjoyment of the activity very difficult. After talking with the international organizing team, we held our local edition in July, with a modest participation.
Finally, another of the actions linked to this theme, and which we have been carrying out in recent years, is a Wiki Takes, through which a group of volunteers dedicates a weekend to photograph a specific geographical area of the rural environment, in the context of the No Spanish municipality without a photo project. In 2020 we had planned to carry out one in the provinces of Salamanca and Zamora, at the beginning of May, for which we had practically everything ready, but due to the pandemic it was decided to postpone it, as well as the rest of the activities. While the planning is already done, we hope to be able to carry it out when the situation improves and the safety of all participants is guaranteed. In the meantime, and as far as possible, the volunteers continued to upload some photographs of municipalities without photos, and as of January xx, 2021, there are only 134 municipalities without potos in Spanish Wikipedia. Also in relation to this project, and thanks to the follow up through the hashtag #NMESF, 44 edits were carried out, in 42 articles by 4 people, who added photographs or improved the articles of rural localities.
- Encounter between cultures
Most of the actions carried out were online except for one face-to-face event, which was held before the pandemic restrictions were in force. This was an editathon together with the Romanian Cultural Institute and the Faculty of Documentation of the Complutense University of Madrid, which took place on February 21, in the framework of Constantino Brâncuși Day. During the event, which was attended by university students and people linked to the Institute, biographies of Romanian cultural personalities were edited in Wikipedia in Spanish.
Already in the online context, for the third consecutive year we organized the PESCAR contest, focused on the history of mankind and in which in each month of the year we proposed to edit a set of articles related to a particular historical moment and always seeking geographical diversity of the proposed contents. The 2020 edition was once again a success, with practically all the proposed articles created, to which were added a good number of articles that, outside the contest, the participants also considered creating to fill in gaps in content.
In May, and for the first time in Spanish Wikipedia, we organized the African Month; in 2019 it was held for the first time in French Wikipedia, and in 2020 we organized it also in Spanish as a way to increase the content on this continent. Along the same lines we again organized Asian Month in November. In both cases the initiative was well received, both in terms of content and participation.
In the context of the confinement, and as a way of offering proposals to the people who were at home, we decided to organize several editing activities, such as an editathon between April 18 and 22, on the occasion of the International Day of Monuments and Sites Unesco, another editathon between April 23 and 26, for the International Book Day, and an editathon on the occasion of the Olympic Day, between June 20 and 23, in which we proposed the edition of contents on the Olympic Games of Antiquity.
Finally, between July 15 and August 15 we held a new edition of Wiki Loves the Olympics. Although a new edition of the Summer Olympics was planned for 2020, due to the coronavirus pandemic, it was postponed. Despite this, we were excited to maintain the proposal to improve and increase the content about the Olympics, and for this third edition we proposed to focus on medalists, both Olympic and Paralympic, from any edition of the games, in any language.
- Quality
To finish with the content program, in the area of quality we carried out several actions. First, we participated in the global campaign #1lib1ref, encouraging the community to improve references in Wikipedia articles. In 2019 we signed a collaboration agreement with the Official Association of Librarians and Documentalists of the Valencian Community, and within the framework of this agreement, in order to encourage the library community to participate, two training sessions were planned on this topic, how to add references, etc., although in the end only one could be held in Alicante.
Also, in order to diversify the existing multimedia material on Wikimedia Commons, it is worth mentioning the encouragement of the recording and uploading of audios or videos, which in 2020 totaled almost 800 audios recorded with Lingua Libre, and twenty videos of the online sessions.
In 2020 we proposed that three institutions that had not previously done so share materials under a free license. The situation experienced as a result of the pandemic also affected the pace of work of the institutions, with changes in their priorities or adaptation to the new online context, so the relationship with them in this regard has been affected. However, we can celebrate that the Prado Museum, in the context of the Invitadas editathon, uploaded 66 files and that the National Geographic Institute, although we uploaded some of its materials previously, uploaded new materials on its own, without the mediation of a volunteer or wmes staff, which we consider a first step for this institution to collaborate with Wikimedia autonomously. Another institution, CENEAM, agreed to make a first upload of materials, several hundred photos from their collections, but at the last moment the management did not allow them to proceed. Hopefully in the future this situation will change and they will be able to contribute as planned.
Globally, thanks to all the editing proposals, more than 5300 articles have been edited in 2020 in the context of reducing these content gaps, and 405 people have participated.
Objective | Goal | Status |
Decrease the knowledge gaps about Spain and geographical areas typically not well covered in the languages of Spain | At least 1000 Wikipedia articles related to knowledge gaps | 503,8 % |
Increase the diversity of multimedia content, like audio and video files in several languages and infographics, on Wikimedia Commons | At least 600 audio/video files on Wikimedia Commons | 128,8 % |
Release free materials from diverse GLAM institutions | Release free material from three different GLAM institutions that was not previously available on the Wikimedia projects | 66,6 % |
Al igual que el programa de contenido, la pandemia por coronavirus afectó significativamente al desarrollo de las diversas actividades planificadas a principios de año. Así, por ejemplo, se cancelaron o pospusieron eventos nacionales e internacionales, por lo que ese aspecto de nuestro programa anual, con el objetivo de alentar y apoyar la asistencia y capacitación de voluntarios, no pudo llevarse a cabo.
Sin embargo, tan pronto como se decretó el estado de alarma, que llevó a un confinamiento que duró casi tres meses, redirigimos nuestra actividad al entorno en línea. Promovimos la campaña #QuédateEnTuCasaYEditaWikipedia, con la que se buscó motivar a la comunidad a colaborar y participar no solo en esas actividades propuestas, sino en general, destacando el valor de mejorar y ampliar una fuente de conocimiento libre en unos momentos en que era más consultada que nunca. Las contribuciones bajo esa premisa se pudieron seguir mediante una etiqueta, que en 2020 fue usada en 4997 ediciones, en 2361 artículos, por 30 personas.
Además, como parte de esa campaña, decidimos organizar un conjunto de sesiones en línea centradas en diferentes aspectos de los proyectos Wikimedia, como Wikipedia, Commons, Wikidata, Wiktionary, Wikivoyage y Wikisource: funcionamiento, herramientas, conflictos entre wikipedistas, licencias libres, etc. Una de ellas, además, se dedicó exclusivamente al personal de las instituciones GLAM, y contó con la participación de más de 60 personas. Se celebraron 27 sesiones, en las que participaron un total acumulado de 646 personas, con una media de prácticamente 24 personas por sesión.
A lo largo del año tuvieron lugar otras sesiones de formación y divulgación; algunas de ellas pudieron ser presenciales, como la celebrada el 12 de febrero en el Centro Cívico Esquinas del Psiquiátrico, pero la mayoría fue en línea. Destacamos entre ellas: el 8 de abril sobre el mapeado de bibliotecas en Wikidata para el Col·legi Oficial de Bibliotecaris i Documentalistes de la Comunitat Valenciana (COBDCV); el 22 de abril para el personal del Instituto Cervantes de Tokio; el 9 de mayo para la asociación Órganu de Siguimientu i Cordinación del Estremeñu i la su Coltura (OSCEC), que trabaja a favor de la lengua extremeña; y el 21 de noviembre sobre Wikidata para Akademy-es. A ellas habría que sumar las tres promovidas internamente, para socios de Wikimedia España, con el objetivo de que conocieran la estructura del movimiento Wikimedia, el sistema de grants, así como la estrategia, programas y presupuesto de Wikimedia España de cara a la preparación del programa de 2021.
Asimismo, en el ámbito educativo, aunque las diferentes colaboraciones se han visto afectadas por la situación en estos meses, se pudieron realizar 14 sesiones de formación, 5 de ellas dedicadas al profesorado, en las que participaron un total de 304 personas, 40 de las cuales eran profesores.
Como forma de evaluar los resultados de las sesiones de capacitación, propusimos rellenar una encuesta, compartida durante las sesiones en línea e iniciativas educativas. En total obtuvimos 216 respuestas y en ellas, además de preguntar por el contenido de las sesiones, el ponente o ideas para futuras sesiones, conocimos el grado de satisfacción, que de forma global fue algo más del 86%.
En el ámbito de la diversidad, hemos llevado a cabo diferentes acciones con el fin de aumentar el número de editoras en Wikipedia y de concienciar sobre el problema de la brecha de género, que afecta igualmente al porcentaje de contenidos sobre mujeres en la enciclopedia. Se celebraron nueve eventos, tres de ellos presenciales, en colaboración con la Biblioteca Valenciana, el Colegio Oficial de Doctores y Licenciados en Filosofía y Letras de Madrid y la Biblioteca Central de Cantabria, y otros seis en línea: uno en relación al Día Internacional de la Mujer y la Niña en la Ciencia; dos relacionados con la campaña WikiGap, en colaboración con la Embajada de Suecia en España y la Fundación Madri+d; otro en colaboración con el Museo del Prado; y otros dos en relación con el Día de las Escritoras, en colaboración con la Biblioteca Nacional de España.
Otras acciones en este campo han incluido un taller de mapeo colaborativo sobre las calles con nombre de mujeres, el 13 de febrero en Zaragoza, y una charla para CodeOp, en Barcelona, el 25 de febrero. En el conjunto de los eventos relacionados con la brecha de género participaron 187 personas, 160 de las cuales eran mujeres. A ellas hay que añadir 190 participantes en las diferentes iniciativas educativas.
Otro hito en 2020 fue el lanzamiento de nuestro nuevo sitio web, con una reforma completa, cambiando su imagen visual, integrando el blog y ofreciendo más información sobre quiénes somos, nuestro trabajo, los proyectos Wikimedia y los derechos digitales, así como un calendario de actividades. Todo ello con el objetivo de acercar al público y a nuestra comunidad qué hacemos, y de motivar y facilitar la participación y colaboración en el movimiento Wikimedia. Durante el proceso de rediseño hemos hecho un gran esfuerzo para explicar mejor qué es el conocimiento libre y por qué es importante, en Wikipedia y más allá. Ahora hay mucha más información disponible en cinco idiomas (los cuatro idiomas oficiales en España e inglés) para nuestros potenciales socios, miembros y donantes. También hay una nueva sección para medios de comunicación, con información más fácil de encontrar y actualizada frecuentemente.
Además, el grupo del Laboratorio Wikimedia de verificación de datos, compuesto por nueve personas, se reúne desde junio de 2019 dos veces al mes para trabajar en Medialab Prado sobre metodologías de detección de información falsa en proyectos Wikimedia. Aunque durante el segundo trimestre del año esta actividad se tuvo que cancelar por la pandemia, se retomó con normalidad a partir de julio, pero en formato virtual. La comunidad sigue comprometida en la labor de investigar sobre metodologías de verificación de datos en los proyectos Wikimedia.
Por último, y como forma de acercar Wikipedia al gran público, concienciar sobre algunos de sus problemas, explicar su funcionamiento, y presentar las múltiples posibilidades de colaboración y los distintos procesos y tareas en los que la comunidad participa habitualmente, desde septiembre contamos con un espacio semanal (#Wikiverso) en el programa de variedades Tarde lo que tarde, de Radio Nacional de España, una de las principales emisoras de radio del país. Además de la emisión en directo, todas las intervenciones, que corren a cargo de nuestra vicepresidenta, están subidas a Ivoox, con el fin de documentar y divulgar esos contenidos.
Objetivo | Meta | Estatus |
Aumentar el número de colaboradores de comunidades poco representadas en los proyectos Wikimedia, como las personas mayores, las mujeres y los habitantes de zonas rurales | 250 participantes de comunidades infrarrepresentadas | 144 % |
Ampliar la formación y la experiencia de los socios y las instituciones mediante el desarrollo de programas de formación | 50 personas participando en las sesiones de formación | 2674 % |
Al menos un 70% de satisfacción tras las sesiones de formación entre los participantes | 122,8 % |
As with the content program, the coronavirus pandemic significantly affected the development of the various activities planned at the beginning of the year. For example, national and international events were cancelled or postponed, so that aspect of our annual program, aimed at encouraging and supporting volunteer attendance and training, could not be taken into account.
However, as soon as the state of alarm was decreed, which led to a confinement that lasted almost three months, we redirected our activity to the online environment; we promoted the #StayAtHomeAndEditWikipedia campaign, through which different possibilities to collaborate in Wikimedia projects were proposed, from data improvements in Wikidata, uploading multimedia material to Commons, to different editing challenges and Wikipedia editathons. We sought to motivate the community to collaborate and participate not only in these proposed activities but in general, presenting their contribution to free knowledge as a way to, for example, improve and expand the information to which at that time more people than ever had access. The contributions under this premise could be followed by means of a hashtag and in 2020 there were 4997 editions, in 2361 articles by 30 people.
In addition, as part of this campaign, we decided to organize a set of online sessions focused on different Wikimedia projects, such as Wikipedia, Commons, Wikidata, Wiktionary, Wikivoyage and Wikisource, as well as other aspects related to them, such as tools, conflicts between Wikipedians or free licenses. One of them, moreover, was dedicated exclusively to the staff of GLAM institutions and was attended by more than 60 people. A total of 27 sessions were held, in which 646 people participated, with an average of almost 24 people per session.
Throughout the year other training and dissemination sessions took place, some of them could be in person, such as the one held on February 12 at the Esquinas del Psiquiátrico Civic Center, but most of them were online; among them, one on April 8 about mapping libraries in Wikidata for the Col·legi Oficial de Bibliotecaris i Documentalistes de la Comunitat Valenciana (COBDCV), on April 22 for the staff of the Cervantes Institute in Tokyo, on May 9 for the Órganu de Siguimientu i Cordinación del Estremeñu i la su Coltura (OSCEC) association, which works in favor of the Extremaduran language, or on November 21 about Wikidata for Akademy-es. To these should be added the three internally promoted, for wmes members, with the aim of getting to know the structure of the Wikimedia movement, the grants system, as well as the strategy, programs and budget of WMES, with a view to preparing the 2021 program.
Likewise, in the educational field, although the different collaborations have been affected by the situation in these months, 14 training sessions were held, five of them dedicated to teachers, in which a total of 304 people participated, 40 of whom were teachers.
As a way to evaluate the results of the training sessions, we asked to fill out a survey, shared during the online sessions and educational initiatives. In total we obtained 216 responses and in them, in addition to asking about the content of the sessions, the speaker or ideas for future sessions, we found out the degree of satisfaction after the session, which overall was just over 86%.
In the area of diversity, we have carried out different actions in order to increase the number of female editors in Wikipedia and to raise awareness of this problem, which also affects the percentage of content about women in the encyclopedia. Nine events were held, three of them in person, in collaboration with the Valencian Library, the Official College of Doctors and Graduates in Philosophy and Letters of Madrid and the Central Library of Cantabria, and another six online: one in relation to the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, two related to the WikiGap campaign, in collaboration with the Swedish Embassy in Spain and the Madri+d Foundation, another in collaboration with the Prado Museum, and another two in relation to Women Writers' Day, in collaboration with the National Library of Spain.
Other actions in this field have included a collaborative mapping workshop on women's streets on February 13 in Zaragoza, and a talk for CodeOp in Barcelona on February 25. In all these events related to the gender gap, 187 people participated, 160 of whom were women. In addition to these, 190 people participated in the various educational initiatives.
Another milestone in 2020 was the launch of our new website, with a complete overhaul, changing its visual image, integrating the blog and offering more information about who we are, our work, Wikimedia projects and digital rights, as well as a calendar of activities. All this with the aim of bringing the public and our community closer to what we do, and to motivate and facilitate participation and collaboration in the Wikimedia movement. During the redesign process we have made a great effort to better explain what free knowledge is and why it is important, on Wikipedia and beyond. There is now much more information available in five languages (the four official languages in Spain and English) for our potential partners, members and donors. There is also a new media section, with easier to find and frequently updated information.
In addition, the Wikimedia Data Verification Lab group, made up of nine people, has been meeting twice a month since June 2019 to work at Medialab Prado on methodologies for detecting false information in Wikimedia projects. Although this activity had to be cancelled during the second quarter of the year due to the pandemic, it resumed as normal in July, but in a virtual format. The community remains committed to the work of researching data verification methodologies in Wikimedia projects.
Finally, and as a way to bring Wikipedia closer to the general public, raise awareness about some of its problems, explain how it works, present the multiple possibilities of collaboration and the different processes and tasks in which the community usually participates, since September we have a weekly slot (#Wikiverso) in the variety show Tarde lo que tarde, of Radio Nacional de España, one of the main radio stations in the country. In addition to the live broadcast, all the interventions, which are in charge of our vice president, are uploaded to Ivoox, as a form of documentation and dissemination of such content.
Objective | Goal | Status |
Increase the number of contributors from under-represented communities in Wikimedia projects, like older people, women and people from rural areas | 250 contributors from under-represented communities | 144 % |
Broaden the training and experience of members and institutions through the development of training programmes | 50 people participating in training sessions | 2674 % |
At least 70% of satisfaction after training session among participants | 122,8 % |
Institutional Relations and Public Policy
En 2020 hemos incluido por primera vez este programa en nuestra planificación, con dos objetivos principales:
- Ayudar a dar forma a políticas que impulsen y protejan el conocimiento libre en España.
- Obtener apoyo y recursos de nuestros aliados para aumentar el alcance de los proyectos Wikimedia.
Con la llegada de la pandemia en 2020, tuvimos que ajustar algunos de nuestros planes. El impacto de la crisis sanitaria en este programa ha sido mayor en lo relativo a nuestras actividades de outreach, ya que no hemos podido asistir a eventos internacionales como la Cumbre de Creative Commons en Lisboa o la Reunión sobre Políticas Públicas de Wikimedia Big Fat Brussels en Bruselas. Durante la segunda mitad de 2020, sin embargo, pudimos participar en el Internet Governance Forum de manera virtual. El siguiente área de trabajo en la que la pandemia ha tenido mayor impacto ha sido la transposición de la Directiva Europea sobre Copyright, la DEMUD (de la que hablaremos más adelante) al marco jurídico español. El Gobierno español ha puesto en espera el proceso y todavía no ha facilitado ningún borrador para revisión o consulta pública.
Sin embargo, hemos logrado ajustar nuestros planes generales y avanzar en la consecución de los objetivos de este programa:
- Incidencia política
Durante todo 2020 hemos estado en contacto con legisladores y políticos para defender el acceso al conocimiento y los valores del Movimiento Wikimedia. Enviamos cartas a los diputados del Congreso informando sobre la posición de WMES en el nuevo escenario legal de los derechos de autoría y nuestra voluntad de participar en el proceso legislativo de transposición de la DEMUD como una de las principales partes interesadas.
También nos hemos sumado a varias campañas internacionales o regionales, reforzando algunas colaboraciones y creando otras nuevas, pero sobre todo actuando en defensa del conocimiento libre:
- Carta abierta al Consejo de la UE sobre la regulación del contenido terreg o antiterrorista y la preservación de los derechos humanos en el ecosistema digital (27 de marzo de 2020).
- Carta a Francis Gurry, director general de la Organización Mundial de la Propiedad Intelectual, OMPI, sobre el derecho de autor y la COVID-19 (3 de abril de 2020).
- Carta de los capítulos Wikimedia al SEAE sobre el posicionamiento de la UE en la reforma de los derechos de autor en Sudáfrica (4 de mayo de 2020).
- Carta de varios capítulos europeos al Servicio Europeo de Acción Exterior sobre la petición de la Fundación Wikimedia del estatus de observadora en la WIPO (redactada y en espera para enviar a principios de 2021).
La configuración de la transposición de los derechos de autoría de la UE en España fue uno de los principales retos de este programa en 2020. Logramos posicionar a WMES como un actor clave en el proceso: nos hemos convertido en el punto de contacto español para el rastreador de implementación de la Directiva DSM que nuestro socio europeo Communia lanzó a principios de año. El rastreador es una de las principales herramientas de referencia para el seguimiento de cómo están implementando los Estados Miembros la nueva Directiva de Derechos de Autor. WMES actualiza la información relacionada con España, trabajando en colaboración con otras organizaciones. Nuestra colaboración con Communia y el Grupo de Trabajo de Defensa del Conocimiento Libre de la UE continúa, y WMES ha asistido virtualmente a varias de sus reuniones y seminarios web durante todo el año para adquirir experiencia y conocimientos sobre la defensa de unos derechos de autoría justos. Aunque España no tiene todavía un borrador de texto para la transposición y, por lo tanto, el Gobierno español todavía no ha puesto en marcha la última ronda de consulta pública, hemos podido transmitir algunas de nuestras preocupaciones en relación con el nuevo marco legal y el acceso al conocimiento. Estamos en contacto directo con el Ministerio de Consumo español a través de su subdirector general de Arbitraje y Derechos del Consumidor y de uno de los asesores del ministro, quienes además de conocer la posición del Movimiento Wikimedia sobre la Directiva DSM (mostrando especial interés en nuestra posición sobre la salvaguarda de los derechos de las personas usuarias a los que hace referencia el Art 17), nos informarán cuando el borrador llegue a otros Ministerios.
Hemos desarrollado una coalición con otras tres organizaciones vinculadas con el ámbito GLAM, y en septiembre hemos organizado unas jornadas sobre políticas públicas y cultura libre, con foco en la mencionada directiva, de las que hablaremos en otro apartado. En 2021 seguiremos trabajando con estas organizaciones para seguir el proceso y realizar una campaña conjunta de incidencia política.
A principios de 2020 conseguimos triplicar el presupuesto inicial del programa en el apartado de costes directos, gracias a una subvención externa que cubrirá nuevas acciones en nuestra línea de trabajo de Defensa del Derecho de Autoría, cuyo remanente podremos asignar a la campaña en 2021.
- BCN Fem tech friendly
En diciembre participamos en una reunión con la alcaldesa de la ciudad de Barcelona y la regidora de Feminismos, coordinada por nuestras socias de DigitalFems, con el fin de abordar retos y oportunidades vinculados con políticas públicas que permitan que Barcelona sea una ciudad “FemTech Friendly” y reduzca la brecha tecnológica. Participaron, además de WMES, una treintena de organizaciones vinculadas con procesos de igualdad en la tecnología, y habrá sesiones de trabajo posteriores. Esta es una oportunidad para avanzar en la inclusión de nuestras propuestas sobre políticas públicas y acceso al conocimiento en la agenda del consistorio, y para generar nuevas alianzas.
- Carta de derechos digitales
El Ministerio de Asuntos Económicos y Transformación Digital de España está elaborando una Carta de Derechos Digitales que se ha sometido a consulta pública. La Carta ofrecerá un marco de actuación no vinculante en lo relativo a la regulación del ecosistema digital. En diciembre, el Ministerio abrió una ronda de consulta pública a la que WMES envió sus aportaciones. Todas van en la línea de promover la defensa de los derechos digitales, el acceso a la cultura y al conocimiento en el ámbito digital, el software libre y los datos abiertos, entre otros. El texto presentado se puede consultar aquí.
- Actividades, eventos y materiales
- LaEsconditeConf
A mediados de junio WMES coorganizó, junto con el colectivo defensor de la privacidad Trackula, LaEsconditeConf. Se trata de una conferencia virtual de dos días sobre privacidad, derechos digitales y soberanía tecnológica, que reunió a unos 30 activistas, profesionales de la tecnología, investigadores y trabajadores sin ánimo de lucro para discutir sobre los retos de la privacidad en una era post-COVID-19. En esta primera edición, se formaron tres grupos de trabajo para discutir en profundidad sobre los vínculos entre la privacidad y otros tres temas clave: 1) educación, 2) trabajo, teletrabajo y movilidad y 3) democracia. Desde WMES coordinamos el grupo sobre democracia. Las conclusiones y resultados de los grupos de trabajo pueden verse en esta sesión pública que está disponible en línea.
- esLibre
Prevista para el mes de mayo de forma presencial y pospuesta a septiembre, participamos en la organización de esLibre, la conferencia anual española sobre software libre que se celebró de manera virtual para cumplir con todas las medidas de seguridad relativas a la crisis sanitaria. La conferencia la hospedaba la Oficina de Conocimiento y Cultura Libres de la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos en Madrid (OfiLibre de la URJC) y desde Wikimedia España colaboramos organizando una sala sobre cultura libre, que tuvo lugar el viernes 18 de septiembre. La sala contó con dos sesiones:
Sesión formativa sobre #GLAMWiki, en la que Santiago Navarro Sanz y Florencia Claes, de Wikimedia España, guiaron al personal de instituciones culturales por el universo Wikimedia para explicar cómo pueden dichas instituciones difundir sus colecciones y contenidos en los proyectos Wikimedia y por qué es importante participar en ellos. A la sesión asistieron 45 personas, la mayoría trabajadoras en instituciones GLAM, y se puede ver aquí.
Mesa redonda sobre derechos de autoría y acceso a la cultura, en la que se debatió sobre la reforma de los derechos de autoría (DEMUD). Moderada por Florencia Claes, en la sesión participaron representantes de las organizaciones que forman parte de nuestra coalición para la defensa del conocimiento libre en el proceso de transposición de la directiva: Silvia Losa, de REBIUN; Ariadna Matas, de Europeana; Ciro Llueca Fonollosa, de FESABID; y Virginia Díez Gobernado, de Wikimedia España. A la sesión asistieron más de 70 personas y fue la que tuvo mayor afluencia entre todas las actividades programadas durante esLibre 2020. Se puede ver aquí.
- I Encuentro sobre lucha contra la desinformación en Wikipedia
En noviembre organizamos un encuentro virtual de tres días sobre desinformación y acceso al conocimiento, en colaboración con Medialab-Prado. Reunimos a periodistas que trabajan en verificación de datos, personas que se dedican a la investigación científica, activistas y wikimedistas para generar conocimiento y estrategias de lucha contra la desinformación en Wikipedia. El encuentro constó de dos partes:
- Un taller de dos días, al que invitamos a 10 personas expertas en la materia, para profundizar en las metodologías de lucha contra la desinformación y su posible aplicación en el entorno específico de Wikipedia.
- Una mesa de debate abierta sobre desinformación y conocimiento libre. A la sesión se conectaron más de 30 personas y ya ha sido visionada por 360 personas en diferido. Se puede ver aquí.
Después del encuentro, recopilamos el trabajo realizado en el taller y elaboramos una serie de recomendaciones para hacer frente a la desinformación en la enciclopedia libre y dar herramientas a las comunidades lectora y editora. Las hemos publicado en forma de un decálogo para la lectura crítica de Wikipedia y otro decálogo táctico para la edición en Wikipedia con foco en la lucha contra la desinformación.
- Conversaciones sobre derechos digitales y conocimiento libre
En diciembre grabamos una serie de tres videoentrevistas para hablar sobre los retos que tendrá el movimiento por el conocimiento libre en materia de políticas públicas en 2021 y acercar estos temas a nuestras comunidades. Los vídeos se producirán y publicarán en el primer trimestre de 2021, y las personas entrevistadas son Diego Naranjo, Head of Policy en eDri; Ariadna Matas, Policy Advisor en Europeana, y Simona Levi, cofundadora de Xnet y codirectora del posgrado en tecnopolítica y derechos en la era digital de la Universidad de Barcelona.
- Relaciones institucionales
En cuanto a las nuevas asociaciones, hemos seguido trabajando para concienciar a las instituciones GLAM sobre el conocimiento libre y la fragilidad del ecosistema en el que opera, con la idea de formar nuevos aliados para aumentar el alcance de los proyectos Wikimedia y hacer más accesibles sus colecciones. En este sentido, iniciamos prospecciones y negociaciones para establecer un nuevo e interesante Acuerdo de Colaboración con el IGME (Instituto Geológico y Minero de España). Debido a la crisis sanitaria y a cambios en la dirección del centro, la firma del acuerdo ha sido pospuesta, pero esperamos formalizarlo en los próximos meses.
En 2020 cerramos una colaboración con MyPublic Inbox, para formar parte de las organizaciones a las que los participantes en la plataforma pueden dirigir sus donaciones.
Objetivo | Meta | Estatus |
Crear asociaciones con instituciones, participar en eventos destacados y trabajar en la promoción para aumentar la concienciación y la difusión del conocimiento libre | Participación en al menos 8 reuniones con legisladores, aliados, medios de comunicación y otras partes interesadas, con el objetivo de hacer valer los valores de Wikimedia en las conversaciones sobre políticas públicas o ampliar las oportunidades de conocimiento libre | 125% |
Trabajar en coordinación con las instituciones para identificar las mayores barreras a la producción y el acceso al conocimiento libre y contribuir a crear cambios en la política y la práctica que apoyen la visión del Movimiento Wikimedia | Creación de una coalición española con al menos otras 2 organizaciones para apoyar nuestro trabajo sobre la transposición nacional de la Directiva sobre derechos de autor en el mercado único digital | 100% |
In 2020 we have included this program in our planning for the first time, with two main objectives:
- Help shape favorable policies to promote and protect free knowledge in Spain.
- Obtain support and resources from partners to increase the reach of the Wikimedia projects.
With the arrival of the pandemic in 2020 we had to adjust some of our plans. The impact of the health crisis on this program has been greater in terms of our outreach activities, as we have not been able to attend international events such as the Creative Commons Summit in Lisbon or the Wikimedia Big Fat Brussels Public Policy Meeting in Brussels. During the second half of 2020, however, we were able to participate in the Internet Governance Forum virtually. Another working line in which the pandemic has had a major impact has been the transposition of the DSM European Copyright Directive (which we will talk about later) into the Spanish legal framework. The Spanish Government has put the process on hold and has not yet provided any draft for public review or consultation.
However, we have managed to adjust our overall plans and make progress in achieving our goals for this program:
- Public policy
Throughout 2020 we have been in contact with legislators, policymakers and politicians to defend access to knowledge and values of the Wikimedia Movement. We sent letters to the deputies of Congress, informing about the position of the WMES in the new legal scenario of copyright and the willingness to participate as one of the main stakeholders in the legislative process of DSM Directive transposition.
We have also joined several international or regional campaigns, reinforcing some collaborations and creating new ones, but above all acting in defense of free knowledge:
- Open letter to the Council of the EU on the regulation of terrorist or terrorist content and the preservation of human rights in the digital ecosystem. March 27, 2020.
- Letter to Francis Gurry, Director General of the World Intellectual Property Organization, WIPO, on copyright and COVID-19. April 3, 2020.
- Letter from Wikimedia chapters to EEAS on the EU's position on copyright reform in South Africa. May 4, 2020.
- Letter from various European chapters to the European External Action Service on the Wikimedia Foundation's request for observer status at WIPO. Drafted and awaiting shipment in early 2021.
- DSM Directive
The configuration of the transposition of EU copyright in Spain was one of the main challenges of this program in 2020. We managed to position WMES as a key player in the process. We have become the Spanish point of contact for the DSM Directive implementation tracker that our European partner Communia launched earlier this year. The tracker is one of the main reference tools for tracking how Member States are implementing the New Copyright Directive. WMES updates the information related to Spain, working in collaboration with other organizations. Our collaboration with Communia and the EU Free Knowledge Advocacy Working Group continues and WMES has virtually attended several of their meetings and webinars throughout the year to gain experience and knowledge on defending fair copyright. . Although Spain does not yet have a draft text for transposition and therefore the Spanish Government has still launched the latest round of public consultation, we have been able to advance some of our concerns regarding the new legal framework and access to knowledge. We are in direct contact with the Spanish Ministry of Consumer Affairs through its Deputy Director General for Arbitration and Consumer Rights and one of its advisers to the Minister, who in addition to knowing the position of the Wikimedia Movement on the DSM Directive (showing special interest in our position on the safeguarding the rights of users who refer to Art 17), they will inform us when the draft reaches other Ministries.
We have developed a coalition with three other organizations linked to the GLAM field and in September we organized a conference on public policies and free culture, with a focus on the directive, which we will talk about in another section. In 2021 we will continue to work with these organizations to follow the process and carry out a joint advocacy campaign.
At the beginning of 2020 we managed to triple the initial budget of the program for direct costs, thanks to an external grant that will cover new actions in our line of work for the Defense of Authorship Rights, the remainder of which we can assign to the campaign in 2021.
- BCN Fem tech friendly
In December we took part in a meeting with the Mayor of the city of Barcelona and the Councilor for Feminisms, coordinated by our partners DigitalFems with the aim of analysing challenges and opportunities related to public policies that make the city of Barcelona a “FemTech Friendly” and reducing the technology gender gap. In addition to WMES, about thirty organizations related to equality processes in technology participated and there will be subsequent work sessions. This is an opportunity to advance in the inclusion of proposals on public policies and access to knowledge in the council's agenda and generate new alliances.
- Digital Rights Charter
The Spanish Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation is preparing a Charter of Digital Rights that has been subjected to public consultation. The Charter of Digital Rights of Spain will offer a non-binding framework of action regarding the regulation of the digital ecosystem. In December, the Ministry opened a public consultation round to which WMES sent its input. All are in line with promoting the defense of digital rights, access to culture and knowledge in the digital sphere, free software and open data, among others. The presented text can be consulted here.
- Activities, events and materials
- LaEsconditeConf
In mid-June, WMES co-organized together with the privacy advocacy group Trackula, LaEsconditeConf. It is a two-day virtual conference on privacy, digital rights and technological sovereignty. The event brought together some 30 activists, technology professionals, researchers, and nonprofits to discuss privacy challenges in a post-COVID-19 era. For this first edition, three working groups were formed to discuss in depth the links between privacy and three other main topics: 1) education, 2) work, telework and mobility, and 3) democracy. From WMES we coordinate the room on democracy. The conclusions and results of the working groups can be seen in this public session that is available online.
- esLibre
Scheduled for the month of May in person and postponed to September, we participated in the organization of esLibre (the annual Spanish conference on free software) which was held virtually to comply with all security measures related to the health crisis. The conference was hosted by the Office of Knowledge and Free Culture of the Rey Juan Carlos University in Madrid (OfiLibre of the URJC) and from Wikimedia Spain we collaborated by organizing a track on free culture, which took place on Friday, September 18. The room had two sessions:
Training session on #GLAMWiki: in which Santiago Navarro Sanz and Florencia Claes, from Wikimedia Spain, guided the staff of cultural institutions through the Wikimedia universe to explain how cultural institutions can disseminate their collections and content in Wikimedia projects and why it is important participate in them. The session was attended by 45 people, most of them workers in GLAM institutions, and you can see it here.
Round table on copyright and access to culture: in which a debate on copyright reform (DSM) was held. Moderated by Florencia Claes, the session was attended by representatives of the organizations that are part of our coalition for the defense of free knowledge in the process of transposition of the directive: Silvia Losa, from REBIUN; Ariadna Matas, from Europeana; Ciro Llueca Fonollosa, from FESABID and Virginia Díez Gobernado, from Wikimedia Spain. The session was attended by more than 70 people and it was the one with the highest influx of all the activities scheduled during esLibre 2020. You can see it here.
- I Meeting on the fight against disinformation in Wikipedia
In November we organized a three-day virtual meeting on anti-disinformation and access to knowledge, in collaboration with Medialab-Prado. We brought together journalists who work in fact checking, people who are dedicated to scientific research, activists and wikimedians to generate knowledge and strategies to fight disinformation on Wikipedia. The meeting consisted of two parts:
- A two-day workshop to which we invited 10 experts in the field to deepen in the methodologies to combat disinformation and its possible application in the specific environment of Wikipedia.
- An open discussion table on disinformation and free knowledge. More than 30 people connected to the session and it has already been viewed by 360 people on a delayed basis. It can be consulted here.
After the meeting, we compiled the work done in the workshop and elaborated a series of recommendations to deal with misinformation in the free encyclopedia and give tools to the reading and publishing communities. We have published them in the form of a Decalogue for the critical reading of Wikipedia and another anti-disinformation tactical decalogue for Wikipedia editors.
- Conversations about digital rights and free knowledge
In December we recorded a series of three video interviews to talk about the challenges that the movement for free knowledge will have in public policy in 2021 and bring these issues closer to our communities. The videos will be produced and published in the first quarter of 2021 and the people interviewed are Diego Naranjo, Policy Officer at eDri; Ariadna Matas, Policy Advisor at Europeana and Simona Levi, co-founder of Xnet and co-director of the postgraduate course in technopolitics and rights in the digital age at the University of Barcelona.
- Institutional relations
Regarding new partnerships, we have continued working to raise awareness in GLAM institutions about free knowledge and the fragility of the ecosystem in which it operates, with the idea of forming new alliances to increase the reach of the Wikimedia projects and making GLAM collections more accessible. In this sense, we began prospecting and negotiations to establish a new and interesting Collaboration Agreement with the IGME (Geological and Mining Institute of Spain). Due to the health crisis and changes in the management of the center, the signing of the agreement has been postponed. We hope to formalize it in the coming months.
In 2020 we closed a collaboration with MyPublic Inbox, to be part of the organizations to which the participants in the platform can direct their donations.
Objective | Goal | Status |
Building partnerships with institutions, participating in major events and working on advocacy to raise awareness and dissemination of free knowledge | Participation in at least 8 meetings with lawmakers, allies, media and other stakeholders, with the aim of enforcing Wikimedia’s values within public policy conversations or expanding free knowledge opportunities | 125% |
Working in coordination with partners to identify the largest barriers to producing and accessing free knowledge and contributing to create changes in policy and practice that support the vision of the Wikimedia Movement | Setting up a Spanish coalition with at least 2 other organizations to support our work on the national transposition of the Copyright in the Digital Single Market Directive | 100% |
Spending update
[edit]Please include the total amount of Simple APG funds you spent during the grant period:
- EUR 95,711.56
Grant Metrics Reporting
[edit]Metrics, targets and results: grants metrics worksheet here.