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Grants:TPS/Reem Al-Kashif/The seventh World Innovation Summit for Education/Report

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2 of 2 report for this TPS is posted at https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Grants:TPS/لا_روسا/The_seventh_World_Innovation_Summit_for_Education/Report

Event name


The seventh World Innovation Summit for Education (WISE)

Participant connections


I have met many people specialized in various fields related to education. Among the interesting possible partners is Ms. Mariecar Fernando. She is a program manager in Ayala Foundation who is interested in introducing Wikipedia and other Wikimedia projects in her institution. There is also Mr. Derrick Hann, program coordinator in College of the North Atlantic in Qatar who is enthusiastic about Wiki projects. Another interesting person would be Mr. Costa Constantinou, director of educational services in Veema Education, a teacher training institution. Right now I'm exchanging emails with them to discuss how to get started. Find the detailed list of connections and topics discussed here.


Option 1: Shared Experience: What is one way you shared something from your experience with your community (either locally or globally), after the event?
My blog post.

In addition to sharing my experience with the community, all the outcomes of my participation are also detailed in "My achievements" section in this blog post. In summary, I managed to get many people interested in editing Wikipedia and running a WEP. Right now, I have a scheduled an online meeting this week with Veema's representative, Mr. Constantinou. I'm also exchanging emails with Mr. Hann and Ms. Fernando to see how can they introduce Wikipedia in their institutions.


Item Amount Notes
Travel (round trip airfare from Cairo to Doha) 312.70 USD tickets were booked and paid for by the WMF travel team
Accommodation x 5 753.285 USD booking was made and paid for by the WMF travel team
Conference registration 1500 USD registration fees were paid by the WMF grants team
Per diem 226.98 USD per diem expenses include food, drinks, personal items for daily use

Amount left over


Amount left over: 1523.02 USD

Anything else


Slides used & sent to other conference attendees:

Brochures handed & sent to attendees:

Pictures taken of the venue & workshop (personal pictures of me in the conference have been excluded):