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Grants talk:TPS/Geraki/EEPEK2016/Report

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Latest comment: 8 years ago by Jtud (WMF) in topic Report accepted

More action requested


Dear Geraki,

Thank you for submitting this report. The committee will accept this report, contingent upon completion of the outcome requirement and some clarification surrounding your finances. We appreciate very much that you have shared your paper and your slide deck. However, per the reporting guidelines, as communicated when we accepted your initial request, an outcome does not include the materials you prepare to present at the event. Rather, it should be created during or after the event ‘’because’’ of your participation, such as a link to something new that was co-created by you and your fellow participants at the event, a blog post you wrote to share your experience with others after the event, or a learning pattern to teach others something you've learned at the event.

As for the expenses, the receipts we received from you did not match the amounts listed on your report for transportation (claimed 61.4 €; receipts provided for 55.40 €) and per diem (claimed 16.4 €; receipts provided for 15.42 €). Could you provide some explanation for the difference? Or perhaps we did not receive all your scanned receipts.

Additional Feedback:

  • We are glad to hear there were thirty people in attendance at the event!
  • It’s great that you were able to make a connection with the vice-director of the Model Experimental High School of the University of Thessalonik. Please let us know if you would like support from our Wikipedia Education Program staff in further fostering this connection.

Thanks for your contribution! As soon as you complete the requested outcome, I will be in touch with you to arrange your reimbursement and close your TPS grant.

-- Best wishes, JTud (WMF), Grants Administrator (talk) 00:50, 19 January 2017 (UTC)Reply

Hi Jtud,

here are some updates and clarifications

  • a blog post was published in http://blog.wikimedia.gr/2016/10/eepek-report/
  • the paper was published in the EEPEK Conference Proceedings, ISSN: 2529-1580, volume 1, pp 209-215, available for free through the conference website, something that will spread the word to many more educators in Greece, than the 30 who attended the presentation.
  • we have already agreed for at least one presentation next month for the educators of the Model Experimental High School of AUTH.
  • I checked the scans and it seems I should have written some notes on them: Scans 2 and 3 are the toll road receipts (most motorways here have a barrier toll system instead of exit tolls) and Scan 1 contains the receipt for fuel. The sum of those is 61.4 €. The other three receipts of Scan 1 that sum 11.4€ are per diem, but I have not included a receipt for 5.00€ for my breakfast on the road (while driving), as I bought it the day before while shopping for my family so the receipt contains many more things than this.

-Geraki TL 11:11, 20 January 2017 (UTC)Reply

Report accepted


Thank you, Geraki, for adding the requested information/links to your report. This completes the requirement for the outcome of your participation, and your report is accepted. Thank you as well for providing clarification on your expenses and submitted receipts. We confirm that your reimbursement amount is 137.80 EUR. I will reach out to via email with the details of your grant funds transfer. -- Best wishes, JTud (WMF), Grants Administrator (talk) 17:50, 23 January 2017 (UTC)Reply