#WPWPCampaignScreenshot of the homepage of the tool.
Hashtags is a tool for monitoring and searching the usage of hashtags in Wikimedia edit summaries. The tool monitors edits to all Wikimedia projects (except Wikidata) and allows users to search for them.
This tool has been a major tool for tracking metrics by the Wikipedia Pages Wanting Photos Campaign.
The #WPWP Campaign uses this tool to track the following metrics;
The list and total number of articles improved with photos, audios and videos
The list of user names and total number of participants from your community
The ranking of users from your communities in descending order of contributions
The list and total number of language Wikipedia improved with photos, audios and videos
A hashtag (starting with the character #) is added to the edit summary of a page edited during the campaign, so that metrics tracking can occur. There are two categories of hashtags created by the #WPWPCampaign International Organizing Team. They are (1) a general hashtag and (2) the community-specific hashtags.
General hashtag
The general hashtag is #WPWP. It tracks all the contributions of the entire participating communities, when it is added to the edit summary of a page.
The hashtag is not a substitute for "a descriptive edit summary". The hashtag, #WPWP or the community-specific hashtag must be added to the edit summary box of pages edited alongside a descriptive edit summary. (See the screenshot below). Preview your edits before you publish your changes. Then, save your edits.
Do not insert hashtags in the body of articles edited. You must preview your changes before clicking on the "save button".
For organizers: How to query or check your metrics
Screenshot showing how to add the WPWP hashtags to edit summary in source editingScreenshot showing how to add the WPWP hashtags to edit summary in visual editing