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Hubs (od engl. Hub, čvorište) je naziv za organizacijske jedinice u pokretu Wikimedia koje podržavaju više od jedne volonterske zajednice. One su jedna od inicijativa iz preporuka Strategije pokreta. Ideja o Hubovima predstavlja odgovor na iskazanu želju za raspodjelom ovlasti kojom se proces donošenja odluka približava uključenim zajednicama. Također, od hubova se očekuje da će donijeti veću učinkovitost pri radu unutar jedne regije ili teme, u usporedbi s trenutnim centraliziranim modelom u Zakladi Wikimedia.
Zasad nema jasnih definicija, uloga ili odgovornosti za hubove. Uloge i odgovornosti ovih „čvorišta“ bit će definirane u nadolazećoj Povelji pokreta. S obzirom da je izrada te povelje na vidiku, trenutno se raspravlja o tim ulogama i odgovornostima. Postoji i niz mogućih Hub projekata koji su predmetom istraživanja, rasprave ili planiranja.
Hubovi su zamišljeni kao regionalne (npr. Srednjoistočna Europa) i tematske organizacije. Oni će predstavljati poboljšanje postojećih entiteta i suradnje između podružnica ili će donijeti nove strukture formirane za određenu svrhu. Slijedeći načelo supsidijarnosti, od njih se očekuje da će nastati kroz proces „prepoznavanja i zalaganja za potrebe zajednica i organizacija kojima služe“.
Očekuje se da će hubovi ispuniti nekoliko uloga prema svojim potrebama, zrelosti i resursima. Moguće uloge uključuju: pravnu podršku, dodjelu resursa (davanje grantova), izgradnju kapaciteta, koordinaciju među grupama, razvoj tehnologije, mentorstvo, usluge evaluacije i još mnogo toga. Neke uloge (poput dodjele bespovratnih sredstava) mogu zahtijevati osnivanje pravnih osoba. Ostale uloge mogu obavljati čvorišta koja nisu podržana od strane pravne osobe, a u potpunosti se temelje na radu volontera.
= Vrste
Regionalni hubovi
Regional hubs focus on supporting specific regions, allowing contextualizing activities, tools, and information. The recommendation states that "If appropriately resourced, they will empower groups of affiliates to collaborate on capacity building, knowledge transfer, and coordination."
Tematski hubovi
Thematic hubs focus on supporting global thematic areas. Thematic hubs are described in the recommendation as "allow[ing] for specialization and work across the Movement, where shared objectives benefit from coordinated solutions". Thematic topics were also defined in the recommendations as covering "areas of expertise", of which some mentioned examples are "advocacy, capacity building, partnerships, research, etc.".
One possible form of thematic hubs is linguistic hubs. Language is of utmost importance to guarantee diversity, inclusion and representation amongst dispersed communities (sharing the same language). Language is perhaps the most important cultural component of the movement. It often occurs that one country has multiple official languages, and one language is spoken in multiple countries.
List of events about hubs:
Date | Event |
27 November 2021 | Hubs co-creation workshop (event page) |
21 February 2022 - 4 March 2022 | Hubs Dialogue (findings summary, other languages) |
12 March 2022 | Hubs Global Conversations (event page) |
24 June 2022 - 26 June 2022 | Hubs Global Conversations (event page) |
In June 2010, Iberocoop, Wikimedia's first regional collaborative, was established. In the years following, several more groups were created, such as the East, Southeast Asia and the Pacific Regional Cooperation (2018?) and Wikimedia Central and Eastern Europe (2011), WikiConference North America (2016), among others.
During the 2018–20 Strategy Process, proposals for regional and thematic hubs were put forward by both the Resource Allocation Working Group (see early draft recommendations for regional hubs: first draft, second draft; thematic hubs: 1, 2), and the Roles and Responsibilities Working Group (first proposed as part of the "Quotiel" model, see draft recommendation, which mentions inspiration from the existing regional collaborations).
The Advocacy and Capacity Building Working Groups developed draft recommendations for dedicated organizations for Advocacy and Capacity Building, respectively (see drafts, advocacy 1, 2, capacity building 1, 2); these were then integrated as examples of possible thematic hubs. The recommendations were revised in a third-iteration draft, before arriving at the final version in May 2020. The overall proposal, together with the rest of the strategy recommendations, was then approved by the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees.
During the strategy transition, several discussions on Hubs took place: See reports on Hubs discussions in November, December, and January.