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Несвободные материалы

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki
This page is a translated version of the page Non-free content and the translation is 73% complete.
На этой странице рассматривается статус несвободных материалов (например, добросовестное использование) в разных проектах Фонда Викимедиа. Учтите, что лицензионная политика Викимедиа требует, чтобы в любом проекте Викимедиа, который содержит несвободные материалы, было сформулировано Правило Доктрины Исключения (ПДИ).

Правило Доктрины Исключения

Лицензионная политика Викимедиа требует, чтобы в любом проекте Викимедиа, который содержит несвободные материалы, было сформулировано Правило Доктрины Исключения (ПДИ).

Ссылки на некоторые из таких ПДИ собраны в элементе Викиданных: Википедия:Критерии добросовестного использования (Q4391089).

Ниже приведён список, составленный вручную.

Note that, regardless of policy, some Wikimedia projects have zero local media files, and therefore have no non-free content. If the situation is permanent (e.g. because local upload was disabled), the policy may be superseded.

Списки локальных правил доктрины исключения и другая информация, сгруппированная по проектам Викимедиа

Описание полей таблицы

  • Language code: the Wikimedia language code, followed by a colon for easier searching
  • Local uploads: either yes/no, or names of user groups (i.e. only available if you have one of the corresponding permissions).
    • Please note: being "yes" doesn't mean you can just start local uploading right now, being autoconfirmed users on each wikis are the minimum requirement for uploading functions (except Commons, but non-free contents are not allowed).


Правило доктрины исключения (ПДИ) ПДИ кратко Корневая категория
для несвободных материалов
ab: абхазский администраторы ? Unclear
af: африкаанс да да af:Wikipedia:Beleidsontwerp vir beperkte gebruik van nie-vrye media originally based on enwiki Kategorie:Nie-vrye kentekens
als: швейцарский немецкий да custom Erklärige zum Urheberrächt similar to dewiki Kategorie:Wikipedia:Bild
am: амхарский да ? Unclear
an: арагонский администраторы да Imáchens con licencias no libres an:Categoría:Imáchens no libres
ang: староанглийский администраторы ? Unclear
ar: арабский да да Non-free content similar to enwiki ar:تصنيف:صور استعمال عادل
as: ассамский да ? Unclear শ্ৰেণী:সকলোবোৰ অ-মুক্ত মিডিয়া
az: азербайджанский administrators, uploaders да az:Vikipediya:Ədalətli istifadə meyarları Similar to trwiki Kateqoriya:Vikipediya faylları
azb: South Azerbaijani да да azb:ویکی‌پدیا:غیر آزاد محتوا مئیارلاری Similar to enwiki. azb:بؤلمه:ویکی‌پدیا غیر آزاد محتوا مئیارلاری
ban: балийский administrators да Daging mapangikat similar to older idwiki policy Kategori:Semua media nonbebas
bar: Bavarian да custom Reglweak fia pragmatische Ausnahma similar to dewiki Kategorie:Bild (Meta)
be: белорусский да да Крытэрыі добрасумленнага выкарыстання similar to enwiki Катэгорыя:Файлы:Добрасумленнае выкарыстанне
be-tarask: белорусский (тарашкевица) да да Крытэры добрасумленнага выкарыстаньня similar to enwiki Катэгорыя:Вікіпэдыя:Файлы з абгрунтаваньнем добрасумленнага выкарыстаньня
bg: болгарский администраторы нет
bh: Bhojpuri администраторы да विकिपीडिया:Non-free content Similar to enwiki श्रेणी:Fair use images
bn: бенгальский да да উইকিপিডিয়া:মুক্ত নয় এমন উপাদান developing similar to enwiki's; non-free images of living people are strongly discouraged বিষয়শ্রেণী:সৌজন্যমূলক ব্যবহারের চিত্র
br: бретонский администраторы нет
bs: боснийский да да Kriteriji upotrebe neslobodnog sadržaja similar to enwiki bs:Kategorija:Neslobodni sadržaj na Wikipediji
ca: каталанский да да Continguts no lliures Narrowly defined circumstances when no other option is or will be available and when it is necessary to understand the subject; cannot be used for decorative purposes; strongly discouraged for living people. Categoria:Imatges d'ús legítim
ce: чеченский администраторы, загружающие да Дикачу ойланца лелор Категори:All non-free media
ckb: центральнокурдский администраторы да ویکیپیدیا:بارکەرەکان پۆل:ھەموو ڕاگەیێنەرە نائازادەکان
cs: чешский администраторы нет Licenční politika u souborů
cy: валлийский да да Wicipedia:Cynnwys di-rydd Categori:Cyfryngau i gyd nad yw'n rhydd
de: немецкий да custom Bilder, deren Urheber nicht bekannt ist Some simple logos are uploaded using the tag "Bild-LogoSH". The design of such logos is below the threshold of originality. The copyright tag does not mention this clearly (to avoid complaints). Therefore, Bild-LogoSH is not a fair use but a public domain tag.
If the date of death of the creator is unknown, images are allowed if they are old enough. Some of these images can be non-free. These images are marked with Bild-PD-alt-100 or Bild-PD-alt-1923.
dty: Doteli администраторы да विकिपिडिया:अ‍-मुक्त सामग्री Similar to enwiki श्रेणी:All non-free media
el: греческий да да Βικιπαίδεια:Κριτήρια εύλογης χρήσης Fairuse criteria, not a new policy Allowed for logos, album covers, paintings and such, frames of films and generally images that are absolutely necessarily to the article. Simple artilcle illustration and portrait of a person (even deceased) is not "fair use" except for actors and fashion models. The criteria are almost the same as those on English Wikipedia, based on US copyright law. The Greek law has a provision that short excerpts of a work can be used for presentation, critical analysis, commentary etc. Κατηγορία:Αρχεία εύλογης χρήσης
eml: Emiliano-Romagnolo да да eml:Wikipedia:File mia lìber Like it.wiki.
en: английский да да Non-free content criteria Narrowly defined circumstances, strongly discouraged for images of living people. en:Category:Wikipedia non-free content
eo: эсперанто да да Vikipedio:Regularo pri justa uzo Kategorio:Bildoj sub Justa uzo
et: эстонский да да Mittevaba sisu kriteeriumid art works open to public in Estonia Kategooria:KunstiteoseFoto
fa: персидский да да معیارهای محتوای غیر آزاد Similar to enwiki. رده:تصاویر استفاده منصفانه
fi: финский да да Sitaattioikeus Non-free images or music samples are allowed if 1) they are not replaceable by free content considering the purpose which they are serving in the article and 2) they are used in accordance with the quotation right of the Finnish copyright law. Historically significant non-free images are forbidden, as they could be replaced. Also non-free images of living people are forbidden. Luokka:Kuvat
fr: французский да да Exceptions au droit d'auteur Logotypes, recent buildings and money. Catégorie:Wikipédia:Exceptions au droit d'auteur
frr: северный фризский да custom License types incl. non-free content (B.,D.,E.,F.,G.) Policy according to dewiki. Kategorie:NoCommons
fy: западнофризский да да Unclear Kategory:Unfrij ôfbyld
ga: ирландский да да ga:Vicipéid:Leathanach tuairiscithe íomhá Catagóir:Íomhánna nach bhfuil saor
gan: гань администраторы нет
gl: галисийский да нет Unclear
glk: Gilaki да да غیرآزاد تاتایي نهأن Similar to enwiki. glk:Wikipedia:منصفانه استفاده
he: иврит да да he:ויקיפדיה:רישוי תמונות/שימוש הוגן Looks like similar to enwiki but also mentioned fair use rationales within Israel, strongly discouraged for images of living people. Most likely, other Hebrew projects (see below sections) are copy-pasting same policy from hewiki. קטגוריה:ויקיפדיה - תמונות שימוש הוגן
hi: хинди да да Uses the one from English Wikipedia.[1][2] Same as enwiki.[1][2] hi:श्रेणी:सभी ग़ैर-मुक्त मीडिया
hr: хорватский да да Politika doktrine izuzetaka Kategorija:Pravedna uporaba
hu: венгерский да да Nem szabad tartalom felhasználása Allows fair use and limited permissions from copyright holders. Fair use in Hungary is very limited, and only applies to "non-conventional" work types (e.g. screenshots), never photos or paintings. Limitations on namespace, resolution etc. are similar to those on English Wikipedia. Kategória:Jogvédett fájlok
hy: армянский да да Ոչ ազատ պատկերների օգտագործում Based on Armenian legislation (Law on Copyrights and related rights, article 22). Very similar to enwiki. Կատեգորիա:Բոլոր ոչ ազատ պատկերներ
id: индонезийский да да Kriteria isi nonbebas Similar to enwiki as of 1 October 2020 with additional legislation for Indonesian content (2014 Indonesian Copyright Act No. 28 and its neighbouring and child rules). Thousands copyright violations; the wiki was notified of their non-compliance, and will be exterminated under the new policy. Living people and active musical groups are strongly discouraged. id:Kategori:Semua media nonbebas
inh: ингушский да да Дикача уйлаца пайда эцара бехкамаш Similar to enwiki. Non-free content must have no free equivalent, must not hurt the copyrighted work's commercial value, must have been previously published elsewhere, must be used minimally, and is permitted only in article and incubator namespaces.
is: исландский да да EDP per is.wiki 1) Allowed when no comparable file is on commons. 2) Short excerpts of a work can be used for critical analysis or commentary. 3) Pictures of buildings and artwork placed permanently outdoors with the photographers' permission. 4) Pictures of trademarks. 5) Documents from the Icelandic government. 6) Free images should be uploaded to commons. Note: All text on is.wiki, including information about images, has to be in Icelandic. Flokkur:Ófrjálst efni
it: итальянский да да EDP per it.wiki Non-free images are allowed if they are not replaceable by free content considering the purpose which they are serving in the article. Narrowly defined circumstances when no other option is or will be available and when it is necessary to understand the subject. Allowed only for: institutional logos (not associations or other logos), stamps and such, frames of films, deceased persons. Disallowed for living people. The Italian copyright law has a provision that short excerpts of a work can be used for presentation, critical analysis, commentary, etc.

Non-free images must be used only in the main namespace of the article directly referring to the subject of the image itself (not in templates, talk pages, user pages, etc) and cannot be used for decorative purposes.

ja: японский да да 1) 屋外美術を被写体とする写真の利用方針 ("policy on usage of images portraying outdoor artwork"), 2) 日本で著作権が消滅し、米国で著作権が消滅していない画像の利用方針 ("policy on the use of images whose copyright expired in Japan but not in the United States of America", experimental policy) 1) This is a policy on usage of photographs portraying outdoor artwork, concerning freedom of panorama. §46 of Japanese copyright law allows non-commercial reproduction of artistic works located permanently in open places accessible by public, or where it could easily be seen by public. The use must be considered "fair use" regarding the US copyright. 2) This is an experimental policy on usages of images that are in the public domain in Japan but not in the United States because of URAA (Uruguay Round Agreement Act). The use must be considered "fair use" regarding the US copyright. Category:自由利用できないファイル
kn: каннада да да kn:ವಿಕಿಪೀಡಿಯ:ಸದ್ಬಳಕೆ File size restriction, pixel restriction for images, time limits for audio & video. Also per Indian Copyright exemptions, It copyright law identifies certain types of uses, including criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research as examples of activities that may qualify as a fair use.
ko: корейский администраторы, загружающие да ko:위키백과:비자유 저작물의 공정한 이용 similar to enwiki but a permission is required to upload to local ko:분류:위키백과 비자유 저작물
ks: кашмири sysop (current) да ks:وِکیٖپیٖڈیا:غٲر آزاد مَواد مٕیار similar to enwiki ks:زٲژ:غٲر آزاد مَواد مٕیار
ky: киргизский администраторы ? Unclear Категория:Эркин эмес файлдар
lad: ладино администраторы да lad:Vikipedya:Exemption Doctrine Policy Substantially the same as enwiki, with a few minor tweaks Kateggoría:Fair use images
lb: люксембургский да да Richtlinne fir d'Applikatioun vun der Ausnamsdoktrin similar to enwiki Kategorie:Fair-use-Bild
lt: литовский да да Fairuse Kategorija:Sąžiningo naudojimo paveikslėliai
lv: латышский да да Godprātīga lietošana
mai: майтхили администраторы ? Unclear
mk: македонский да да mk:Википедија:Подигање на слики#Праведна употреба mk:Категорија:Википедија:Неслободна содржина
ml: малаялам да да Unclear similar to enwiki [citation needed] വർഗ്ഗം:All non-free media
mr: маратхи да sysops विकिपीडिया:मराठी विकिपीडिया संचिका परवाना नीती
ms: малайский нет да Kriteria kandungan tidak bebas somewhat similar to enwiki, but taking into account the Akta Hakcipta Malaysia.
Local uploading function has been disabled since 27 July 2016, albeit with a very weak consensus with only one user support the disabling of local uploads. Another voting session towards the disabling of local uploading function was held for one month until 6 July 2024, which clearly indicated only half of the community supported the disabling of local uploading function while another half opposed it, revealing that consensus on disabling of uploading function was not reached.
ms:Kategori:Kandungan Wikipedia bukan bebas
my: бирманский да да my:ဝီကီပီးဒီးယား:အခမဲ့မဟုတ်သော အကြောင်းအရာ သတ်မှတ်ချက် Similar to enwiki my:ကဏ္ဍ:ဝီကီပီးဒီးယား အခမဲ့မဟုတ်သော အကြောင်းအရာ
mzn: мазандеранский да да غیرآزاد چیون معیار Similar to enwiki, with a difference in the use of the image of living people. mzn:وپ:منصفانه استفاده
ne: непальский да ? Unclear
nl: нидерландский администраторы нет
nn: нюнорск да нет Unclear
no: норвежский да нет Unclear
oc: окситанский администраторы да Excepcions al drech d'autor Logotypes, recent buildings, stamps, and money. Categoria:Imatge en fair use
or: ория администраторы да Unclear Similar to enwiki. Narrowly defined circumstances, strongly discouraged for images of living people. [citation needed] en:Category:ଉଇକିପିଡ଼ିଆ ଅଣମୁକ୍ତ ଚିତ୍ର
pa: панджаби да да Non-free content similar to enwiki
pt: португальский да да Política de Isenção da Doutrina The policy allows only the content that is relevant to understanding the article. Users need to be extended confirmed (have an account that is at least 30 days old and with at least 500 edits) to post non-free files and the maximum upload size is 500 kilobytes. pt:Categoria:!Conteúdo restrito
ro: румынский да да Materiale_protejate Similar to enwiki's. Romanian copyright law allows for similar fair use exemptions. Categorie:Imagini cu utilizare cinstită
ru: русский администраторы, загружающие, удаляющие, переименовывающие файлы да Добросовестное использование Similar to enwiki. Non-free content must have no free equivalent, must not hurt the copyrighted work's commercial value, must have been previously published elsewhere, must be used minimally, and is permitted only in article and incubator namespaces. ru:Категория:Файлы:Несвободные
sa: санскрит да да Unclear Similar to enwiki's. As of now, no formal policy page exists, but one is in development. [citation needed]
si: сингальский да да Unclear similar to enwiki [citation needed] ප්‍රවර්ගය:Wikipedia non-free images
simple: Simple English администраторы, загружающие нет Image use policy no image uploads, but free-use sound uploads are allowed Category:Wikipedia audio files
sl: словенский да да Politika izjem similar to enwiki Kategorija:Slike - poštena uporaba
sq: албанский да sysops Wikipedia:Përmbajtja jo e lirë Kategoria:Fair use
sr: сербский да да Политика доктрине изузећа Категорија:Слике под поштеном употребом
ta: тамильский да да Unclear in development [citation needed]
tcy: Tulu да да tcy:ವಿಕಿಪೀಡಿಯ:ಸದ್ಬಳಕೆ Similar to English Wikipedia and exactly as w:kn:ವಿಕಿಪೀಡಿಯ:ಸದ್ಬಳಕೆ, additional requirements File size restriction, pixel restriction for images, time limits for audio & video. Also per Indian Copyright exemptions, It copyright law identifies certain types of uses, including criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research as examples of activities that may qualify as a fair use.
te: телугу да да te:వికీపీడియా:Non-free content criteria Similar to enwiki. te:వర్గం:Fair use images
th: тайский администраторы, загружающие да เงื่อนไขสำหรับเนื้อหาไม่เสรี similar to enwiki but a permission is required to upload to local th:หมวดหมู่:ภาพมีลิขสิทธิ์ที่ผู้อัปโหลดยอมรับการใช้งานอย่างชอบธรรม
tl: тагалог администраторы да in development
Pamantayan ng nilalamang 'di-malaya
Similar to enwiki as the Philippines shares the same fair use doctrine of the United States, but modified to allow for the use of looser Philippine fair use interpretations in certain circumstances. Strongly discouraged for images of living people, and images of standing buildings are forbidden. tl:Kategorya:Mga larawan sa ilalim ng patas na paggamit
tr: турецкий да да Adil kullanım politikası strongly discouraged for images of living people tr:Kategori:Adil kullanım görselleri
tt: татарский да да Намуслы куллану шартлары Төркем:All non-free media
uk: украинский да да Критерії добропорядного використання similar to enwiki uk:Категорія:Зображення:Сумлінне використання для конкретних статей
uz: узбекский да да Insofli foydalanish mezonlari Similar to enwiki. Non-free content must have no free equivalent, must not hurt the copyrighted work's commercial value, must have been previously published elsewhere, must be used minimally, and is permitted only in article and incubator namespaces. Turkum:Noerkin fayllar
vec: венецианский да да Unclear Categoria:File
vi: вьетнамский да да Tiêu chuẩn cho nội dung không tự do similar to enwiki vi:Thể loại:Nội dung không tự do Wikipedia
wuu: у администраторы ?
zh-min-nan: миньнань администраторы нет
zh-yue: кантонский да да Project:公平使用 Similar to enwiki and zhwiki, with however the exception that non-free living people are prohibited here, by uploading such files, uploaders may be subject to blocks. zh-yue:Category:合理使用图像
zh: китайский да да 非自由内容使用准则 Similar to enwiki; strongly discouraged for images of living people. A bot removes all EDP images from non-article namespaces. zh:Category:合理使用图像


Правило доктрины исключения (ПДИ) ПДИ кратко
cs: чешский администраторы нет
de: немецкий администраторы нет
en: английский администраторы да Wiktionary:Non-free content criteria based on enwiki's but only 1 fair use file is uploaded (as of 2023), non-sysops who want to upload local files based on good reasons should seek a consensus (and then contact any of the adminships) at wikt:Wiktionary:Grease pit
es: испанский администраторы нет
he: иврит да yes? Unclear [1] gives some pages mentioned "fair use" but unclear whether they allow it or not
is: исландский администраторы нет
it: итальянский администраторы нет
ja: японский нет нет
pl: польский да нет
pt: португальский нет нет
ru: русский да да Викисловарь:Критерии добросовестного использования based on ruwiki's
sv: шведский администраторы нет
th: тайский администраторы нет
vec: венецианский администраторы нет
vi: вьетнамский нет нет
zh: китайский нет нет


Правило доктрины исключения (ПДИ) ПДИ кратко
oldwikisource oldwikisource да нет
ar: арабский администраторы ? Unclear
as: ассамский администраторы ? no non-free files present (as of 2013-01-21)
az: азербайджанский администраторы ? Unclear
be: белорусский администраторы ? no non-free files present (as of 2013-01-21)
bg: болгарский администраторы нет
bn: бенгальский администраторы нет কপিরাইট নীতিমালা No non-free files present. Locally hosted PD-books according to lex loci but not PD-US.
br: бретонский no (de facto) да some non-free texts, no policy
bs: боснийский администраторы ? no non-free files present (as of 2013-01-21)
ca: каталанский да да Continguts no lliures Unfree media is discouraged; some media files are free according to US law but not to lex loci.
cs: чешский администраторы нет
cy: валлийский администраторы ? no non-free files present (as of 2013-01-21)
da: датский администраторы нет
de: немецкий да ? Non-free media seems to be disallowed, but the situation is unclear.
el: греческий администраторы ? Non-free media seems to be disallowed, but the situation is unclear.
en: английский да нет Unclear Fair use is explicitly prohibited on Wikisource. But for files 1. that are public domain in the United States but not in their source countries (if not US-origin), and/or 2. out of Commons' Scope, like project-internal stuffs, not mainspace contents, they are uploaded locally per se.
eo: эсперанто администраторы ? no non-free files present (as of 2013-01-21)
es: испанский администраторы ? no non-free files present (as of 2013-01-21)
et: эстонский администраторы ? no non-free files present (as of 2013-01-21)
fa: персидский администраторы да Defers to Persian Wikipedia This project does not have its own EDP; instead, it links across to fawiki's.
fi: финский да нет no non-free files present (as of 2013-01-21)
fo: фарерский администраторы ? no non-free files present (as of 2013-01-21)
fr: французский да да Respect du copyright, Vote Unfree media is discouraged; some media files are free according to lex loci but not US law.
gl: галисийский администраторы ? Unclear
gu: гуджарати администраторы ? Unclear
he: иврит да ? s:he:ויקיטקסט:רישוי תמונות/שימוש הוגן Many images, some of which may be non-free, are present.
hu: венгерский администраторы ? Unclear
hy: армянский администраторы ? Unclear
id: индонезийский нет нет Unclear
is: исландский администраторы ? no non-free files present (as of 2013-01-21)
it: итальянский администраторы ? Unclear
ja: японский нет нет
kn: каннада администраторы да kn:project:ಸದ್ಬಳಕೆ same as Kannada Wikipedia, per Indian Copyright exemptions, It copyright law identifies certain types of uses, including criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research as examples of activities that may qualify as a fair use.
ko: корейский администраторы нет
la: латинский администраторы ? No non-free files present (as of 2013-01-21).
li: лимбургский администраторы ? No non-free files present (as of 2013-01-21).
lt: литовский администраторы ? No non-free files present (as of 2013-01-21).
mk: македонский администраторы ? No non-free files present (as of 2013-01-21).
ml: малаялам администраторы ? Unclear
mr: маратхи администраторы ? Unclear
nl: нидерландский нет нет
no: норвежский администраторы ? No non-free files present (as of 2013-01-21).
pl: польский да нет
pt: португальский да нет
ro: румынский администраторы ? Unclear
ru: русский да да Unclear Unfree media is discouraged; some media files are free according to lex loci but not US law. Fair use limited allowed for photographs on author pages.
sa: санскрит администраторы ? Unclear
sah: саха администраторы ? Unclear
sk: словацкий администраторы ? No non-free files present (as of 2013-01-21).
sl: словенский администраторы ? Unclear
sr: сербский администраторы ? Unclear
sv: шведский администраторы, автопатрулируемые нет Media published in Sweden and Finland has to respect Swedish and Finnish copyright law, besides the US.
ta: тамильский администраторы да Unclear Some non-free files appear to be present.
te: телугу да ? Unclear
th: тайский администраторы ? Unclear
tr: турецкий администраторы ? No non-free files present (as of 2013-01-21).
uk: украинский администраторы ? Авторське право, Голосування
vec: венецианский администраторы ? No non-free files present (as of 2013-01-21).
vi: вьетнамский администраторы нет
yi: идиш администраторы
zh: китайский нет нет There are still local files to cleanup, the community has decided to fully disable uploading of files due to handling uncertain copyright easter eggs.
zh-min-nan: миньнань да ? No non-free files present (as of 2013-01-21).


Правило доктрины исключения (ПДИ) ПДИ кратко
af: африкаанс администраторы ? No non-free files present (as of 2013-01-24).
ar: арабский администраторы ? Unclear
az: азербайджанский администраторы да Unclear The fair-use tag does not link to an EDP.
be: белорусский администраторы ? No non-free files present (as of 2013-01-24).
bg: болгарский администраторы нет
bn: бенгальский администраторы нет Unclear The upload form description (copied verbatim from bn.wp) says that non-free media is allowed. However, no EDP is correctly linked from that form.
bs: боснийский администраторы да Unclear The fair use policy is a broken link.
ca: каталанский администраторы нет
cs: чешский администраторы нет
cv: чувашский администраторы да Unclear Various screenshots of non-free software are present.
cy: валлийский администраторы да Unclear Various screenshots of non-free software are present.
da: датский администраторы нет Non-free media are not allowed per Wikibooks:da:Wikibooks:Ophavsret.
de: немецкий да нет
el: греческий администраторы да Unclear The image use policy is a redlink. Many images that appear non-free are present.
en: английский sysop, uploader да Media Local uploads for non-free content only.
eo: эсперанто администраторы ? No non-free files present (as of 2013-01-24).
es: испанский нет нет
et: эстонский администраторы да Unclear Various screenshots of non-free software are present.
eu: баскский администраторы ? Unclear
fa: персидский да да Defers to Persian Wikipedia This project does not have its own EDP, instead linking across to fawiki.
fi: финский администраторы ? Unclear
fr: французский администраторы ? Unclear
fy: западнофризский администраторы ? No non-free files present (as of 2013-01-24).
gl: галисийский администраторы ? Unclear The image use policy is a redlink.
he: иврит да ? b:he:ויקיספר:רישיונות/שימוש הוגן
hi: хинди администраторы ? No non-free files present (as of 2013-01-30).
hr: хорватский администраторы да Unclear The fair-use tag, in use on 2 images (as of 2013-01-30), does not link to an EDP.
hu: венгерский да ? Unclear The upload form description (copied verbatim from hu.wp) contains a broken link to "image guidelines". A template used on hundreds files states no copyright information is provided, which is clearly a copyright violation.
hy: армянский администраторы да Unclear Various screenshots of non-free software are present.
ia: интерлингва администраторы ? No non-free files present (as of 2013-01-30).
id: индонезийский администраторы да Unclear Fair use is permitted per the upload form, there is plenty of non-free media present, and a license tag (b:id:Template:Fairuse) exists. But there is no EDP.
is: исландский администраторы нет
it: итальянский да да b:it:Aiuto:Copyright immagini#(d) Fair use The EDP (if you can call it that) only allows non-free images of money.
ja: японский да ? Unclear Like fa, ja defers to Japanese Wikipedia. However, it links to jawiki's general image use policy, not specifically to the EDP, so it is unclear if non-free media is accepted on Japanese Wikibooks. Some non-free media seems to exist.
pt: португальский администраторы нет
ru: русский да да b:ru:Викиучебник:Критерии добросовестного использования based on ruWiki's
vi: вьетнамский администраторы да Unclear Various screenshots of non-free software are present.
zh: китайский да да b:zh:Wikibooks:版权信息#合理使用原则和特殊条款


Note: All Wikiquote editions host text under fair use doctrines. Currently, the table below relates to images only. Anyone is welcome to expand the table to include text-related EDP links.

Правило доктрины исключения (ПДИ) ПДИ кратко
af: африкаанс администраторы ? No non-free files present (as of 2013-01-06).
ar: арабский администраторы ? Unclear The image use policy is a redlink. There appear to be a few non-free files.
az: азербайджанский администраторы ? Unclear There are a couple of non-free (?) logos.
be: белорусский администраторы ? No non-free files present (as of 2013-01-06).
bg: болгарский администраторы нет
br: бретонский администраторы да Defers to Breton Wikipedia This project does not have its own EDP, instead linking across to brwiki.
ca: каталанский администраторы да Unclear There are a few non-free files copied from other projects (such as q:ca:File:Companys.jpg).
cs: чешский администраторы нет
de: немецкий администраторы нет
el: греческий администраторы ? No non-free files present (as of 2013-01-06).
en: английский нет нет Text governed by Fair use.
eo: эсперанто администраторы ? No non-free files present (as of 2013-01-06).
es: испанский нет нет
et: эстонский администраторы ? No non-free files present (as of 2013-01-06).
eu: баскский администраторы ? No non-free files present (as of 2013-01-06).
fa: персидский администраторы да Defers to Persian Wikipedia This project does not have its own EDP, instead linking across to fawiki.
fi: финский администраторы ? No upload form and no fair-use files are actually present.
fr: французский администраторы ? No non-free files present (as of 2013-01-06).
gl: галисийский администраторы ? No non-free files present (as of 2013-01-06).
gu: гуджарати администраторы ? No non-free files present (as of 2013-01-06).
he: иврит да да q:he:ויקיציטוט:רישוי/שימוש הוגן
hi: хинди администраторы ? No non-free files present (as of 2013-01-06).
hr: хорватский администраторы ? No non-free files present (as of 2013-01-06).
hu: венгерский администраторы нет
hy: армянский администраторы да Unclear There are a few non-free files, but no evidence of a policy.
id: индонезийский администраторы да Unclear There are a few non-free files, but the fair use policy is a redlink.
is: исландский бюрократы нет
it: итальянский нет нет
ja: японский администраторы ? Unclear Like br and fa, ja defers to Japanese Wikipedia. However, it links to jawiki's general image use policy, not specifically to the EDP, so it is unclear if non-free media is accepted on Japanese Wikiquote. Whatever the case, there is no non-free media present.
ka: грузинский администраторы да Unclear There are non-free content tags in use on several images, but the linked policy page does not exist.
kn: каннада администраторы ? No non-free files present (as of 2013-01-06).
ko: корейский нет нет No obviously non-free files present (as of 2013-01-06).
ku: курдский администраторы ? No non-free files present (as of 2013-01-06).
ky: киргизский администраторы ? No non-free files present (as of 2013-01-06).
la: латинский администраторы ? No non-free files present (as of 2013-01-06).
li: лимбургский администраторы ? No non-free files present (as of 2013-01-06).
lt: литовский администраторы ? No non-free files present (as of 2013-01-06).
ml: малаялам администраторы ? No non-free files present (as of 2013-01-06).
mr: маратхи администраторы ? No non-free files present (as of 2013-01-06).
nl: нидерландский администраторы ? No non-free files present (as of 2013-01-06).
nn: нюнорск администраторы ? No non-free files present (as of 2013-01-06).
no: норвежский администраторы ? No non-free files present (as of 2013-01-06).
pl: польский нет нет
pt: португальский администраторы да Unclear There are a few non-free files, but no evidence of a policy.
ro: румынский администраторы да Unclear There are a few non-free files, but no evidence of a policy.
ru: русский нет нет
sk: словацкий администраторы ? No non-free files present (as of 2013-01-06).
sl: словенский администраторы ? No non-free files present (as of 2013-01-06).
sq: албанский администраторы ? No non-free files present (as of 2013-01-06).
sr: сербский администраторы ? No non-free files present (as of 2013-01-06).
su: сунданский администраторы ? Google Translate doesn't understand Sundanese :(
sv: шведский администраторы ? No non-free files present (as of 2013-01-06).
ta: тамильский администраторы да Unclear There are a few non-free files, but no evidence of a policy.
te: телугу администраторы ? No non-free files present (as of 2013-01-06).
te: телугу администраторы да Unclear There are many non-free files, but no evidence of a policy.
th: тайский администраторы нет No non-free files present (as of 2020-02-25).
tr: турецкий администраторы ? No non-free files present (as of 2013-01-06).
uk: украинский администраторы ? No non-free files present (as of 2013-01-06).
ur: урду администраторы ? No non-free files present (as of 2013-01-06).
uz: узбекский администраторы ? No non-free files present (as of 2013-01-06).
vi: вьетнамский администраторы нет
wo: волоф администраторы ? No non-free files present (as of 2013-01-06).
zh: китайский нет нет No non-free files present (as of 2013-01-06).


Правило доктрины исключения (ПДИ) ПДИ кратко
ar: арабский администраторы нет
bs: боснийский нет нет
ca: каталанский нет нет
cs: чешский администраторы ? No files have been uploaded other than the logo (as of 2013-01-06).
de: немецкий да да Unclear
el: греческий нет нет
en: английский да да Fair use
eo: эсперанто нет нет
es: испанский нет нет
fa: персидский администраторы ? ویکی‌خبر:استفاده منصفانه (Unclear consensus) Fair use is allowed with {{تصویر خبر فوری}} temporarily in case of breaking news, they are being listed in رده:تصاویر خبرهای فوری, exactly like en.news' {{Breaking news image}}. ویکی‌خبر:نظرخواهی برای افزودن بخش بارگذاری پرونده originally asked upload enabling; cf. phab:T28565. "Policy" page was created in December 2014 without any apparent discussion.
fi: финский нет нет
fr: французский нет нет
he: иврит да ? Unclear There are a few non-free files, but no evidence of a policy.
it: итальянский администраторы да Unclear Image copyright tags link back to Italian Wikipedia policies
ja: японский нет нет
ko: корейский администраторы нет
no: норвежский администраторы да n:no:Wikinytt:Bildepolicy
pl: польский да да Dozwolony użytek
pt: португальский нет нет
ro: румынский нет нет
ru: русский нет нет
sr: сербский нет нет
sq: албанский нет нет
sv: шведский нет нет
ta: тамильский нет нет
uk: украинский нет нет
zh: китайский нет yes? n:zh:Wikinews:合理使用 There's somewhat a consensus to enable local upload, but the task to request enable upload has declined because the consensus is foggy on establishing EDP.


Правило доктрины исключения (ПДИ) ПДИ кратко
betawikiversity betawikiversity администраторы ? Presumably, non-free content would not be permitted on this project, but there doesn't seem to be a policy.
cs: чешский администраторы нет No non-free files present (as of 2013-01-06).
el: греческий администраторы ? Under development Doesn't appear to have any non-free content (as of 2013-01-06).
en: английский да да Uploading files: Exemption Doctrine Policy
es: испанский нет нет Local upload form hidden by CSS.
fi: финский администраторы ? Unclear. Some non-free files appear to be present
fr: французский администраторы ? Unclear. Some non-free files appear to be present
it: итальянский администраторы ? Most files are awaiting deletion.
ja: японский администраторы ? No non-free files present (as of 2013-01-06).
ko: корейский да нет ?
ru: русский да ? Unclear
sl: словенский администраторы ? No non-free files present (as of 2013-01-06).
sv: шведский нет нет
zh: китайский нет ? Unclear. Some non-free files appear to be present


Правило доктрины исключения (ПДИ) ПДИ кратко
de: немецкий администраторы ? Unclear; appears to accept some free media that is not accepted by Commons
el: греческий администраторы ? Unclear; no non-free files present as of 2013-08-08.
en: английский да да Non-free content Only photographs of travel-relevant artwork and architecture are allowed, and aside from the copyrighted content, the photos must otherwise be freely licensed.
es: испанский нет нет
fa: персидский да да Non-free content Policy was translated from English Wikivoyage and it describes fair use exemptions in multi countries, of copyrighted artwork and architecture. other free licensed works are allowed. (Consensus). Local upload was enabled with T102714.
fr: французский да да Contenu non libre
Only photographs of travel-relevant artwork and architecture are allowed, and aside from the copyrighted content, the photos must otherwise be freely licensed.
he: иврит да ? Unclear
it: итальянский администраторы нет
ja: японский администраторы ?
nl: нидерландский нет нет
pl: польский администраторы ? Unclear; no files present as of 2013-08-08.
pt: португальский нет нет
ro: румынский администраторы ? Unclear; no files present as of 2013-08-08.
ru: русский да да Правила добросовестного использования Only photographs of travel-relevant artwork and architecture are allowed, and aside from the copyrighted content, the photos must otherwise be freely licensed.
sv: шведский администраторы нет "All content is 100% free." (voy:sv:Wikivoyage:Regler och riktlinjer)
uk: украинский администраторы, загружающие нет only noFOP photos are allowed
vi: вьетнамский нет нет
zh: китайский да да voy:zh:Wikivoyage:合理使用
(Translated from enwikivoyage, needs more discussion)
Only photographs of travel-relevant artwork and architecture are allowed, and aside from the copyrighted content, the photos must otherwise be freely licensed.

Другие проекты

Правило доктрины исключения (ПДИ) ПДИ кратко
commons commons global uploads нет
incubator incubator бюрократы нет No local file uploads, except logos and XML archives of deleted test projects.
mediawikiwiki mediawikiwiki uploaders, administrators нет Uncertain status, mw:Project:Uploaders says not the place to upload non-free media, mw:Project:Fair use policy is proposed for merging with mw:Project:Image policy.
meta meta uploaders, administrators нет Meta:Fair use has been rejected as per consensus.
outreach outreach нет нет
species species нет нет Image guidelines
wikidata wikidata нет нет
wikifunctions wikifunctions нет ? A new developing project, lack of discussions on this matter yet
wikimania wikimania uploaders, administrators да wikimania:Wikimania:Uploaders logos of partners or sponsors, when considered not free by Commons, are uploaded to Wikimania Wiki locally
wikitech wikitech да нет Someone asked an administrator here to find up such a policy for local uploading, but nothing given

См. также