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This page is a translated version of the page Tech/News/2013/47 and the translation is 58% complete.
föregående 2013, vecka 47 (måndag 18 november 2013) nästa

Senaste tekniknyheterna från Wikimedias tekniska gemenskap. Informera gärna andra användare om dessa förändringar. Alla förändringar kommer inte att påverka dig. Översättningar finns tillgängliga.

Nya funktioner

  • The Beta Features announced before are now available on all Wikimedia wikis. You can test new features easily by changing your Beta preferences. VisualEditor is one of those features on sites where it works and isn't automatically enabled. There is also a new media viewer and changes in the article text style. [1]
  • Tools developers can now create tools that use the OAuth protocol to connect to accounts on Wikimedia sites. As a user, you can use those tools to make edits and other changes with your account without giving the tool your password. [2]



  • There will be no major code changes on the week of November 25 because many developers will be on holiday for Thanksgiving.
  • The editing interface of Page: pages on Wikisource (working with the Proofread Page extension) will soon also work without JavaScript. [3]

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