Kode Etik Universal/Komite Perumus
Revisions Committee
The Revisions Committee consists of members of the two prior UCoC Drafting Committees who generously offered their time to help shape improvements to the Guidelines after the conclusion of the community vote on the guidelines in March. The Community Affairs Committee (CAC) of the Board of Trustees asked that several areas of the guidelines be reviewed for improvements before the Board does its final review. These areas were identified based on community discussions and comments provided during the vote. A big thank you to all who voted, especially to all who left constructive feedback and comments! The revisions committee will digest these comments and recommendations for changes and create a revised draft of the enforcement guidelines for community review.
Revisions Committee members
We are happy to announce that the revisions committee consists of the following members:
Revisions Committee Volunteers
Revisions Committee Staff members
Revisions Committee timeline
(will be available in June after Board of Trustees’ Community Affairs Committee has approved)
Fase 2
Komite Perumus Fase 2 Kode Etik Universal adalah sekelompok Wikimedian yang akan merumuskan rancangan panduan penegakan Kode Etik Universal (UCoC). Panduan ini akan diratifikasi oleh Dewan Pengawas Yayasan Wikimedia sesuai permintaan pada pernyataan Dewan tentang budaya komunitas pada tahun 2020. Komite ini akan beranggotakan sukarelawan yang dipilih melalui proses seleksi terbuka; staf organisasi mitra Wikimedia dalam kapasitas sukarelawan; dan staf Yayasan Wikimedia yang memiliki kemampuan tertentu (termasuk pengalaman di bidang hukum, keberagaman dan inklusi, serta kemampuan penerjemahan). Anggota Komite akan dipilih oleh Wakil Presiden Yayasan Wikimedia bidang Ketahanan dan Keberlangsungan Komunitas. Anggota Komite dari unsur sukarelawan idealnya adalah anggota komunitas yang terpandang dan memiliki sekurang-kurangnya dua dari kemampuan ini:
- pengalaman penegakan kebijakan dan panduan yang telah adai di proyek Wikimedia
- pengalaman kerja sama dalam jaringan
- empati
- pengalaman berkolaborasi dalam sebuah tim internasional
- pengalaman dalam mengambil keputusan secara partisipatif
Anggota Komite akan dipilih dengan mempertimbangkan keberagaman Gerakan Wikimedia dalam hal bahasa, letak geografis, gender, usia, besar proyek tempat berkontribusi utama, dan peran mereka dalam gerakan. Dengan berdasarkan pada rekomendasi yang dibuat oleh Kelompok Kerja Strategi Gerakan di bidang kesehatan komunitas, Komite akan bertugas untuk mengumpulkan aspirasi yang berasal dari komunitas Wikimedia, organisasi mitra, dan anggota dengan wewenang khusus mengenai keperluan dan kepentingan penegakan UCoC. Pekerjaan Komite akan dilangsungkan melalui sebuah struktur yang difasilitasi untuk mencegah kebuntuan dan menjamin fokus kepada hasil akhir. Seorang atau lebih anggota Komite akan dipilih karena kemampuan merancangan panduan yang berdasarkan masukan dari kelompok. Seorang Fasilitator akan bertugas untuk menyelenggarakan struktur kerja Komite dan mendukung apa saja yang diperlukan oleh anggota Komite.
Panggilan untuk bergabung dengan Komite Perumus Fase 2
Extended content |
Apakah Anda memiliki minat dan perhatian khusus tentang keamanan, inklusivitas, dan keramahtamahan dalam Gerakan Wikimedia? Apakah Anda tertarik dengan kebijakan dan panduan yang mengaturnya? Apakah Anda memiliki pengalaman menegakkan kebijakan? Apakah Anda memiliki gagasan bagaimana membuat sebuah sistem penegakan yang dapat berjalan dengan baik? Inilah peluang Anda untuk ikut serta! Yayasan Wikimedia sedang mencari sukarelawan untuk Komite Perumus Penegakan Kode Etik Universal. Jika Anda tertarik, harap baca informasi di bawah ini dan esai mengenai ciri-ciri seorang anggota Komite yang diharapkan.
Mengajukan diriUntuk mengajukan diri, silakan terakan nama Anda di bawah ini atau mengirimkan surel ke Christel Steigenberger sebelum 19 April. Harap terakan nama pengguna dan pranala ke halaman pengguna di proyek utama Anda untuk membuktikan pengalaman Anda. Silakan terangkan pula jabatan dan fungsi yang sedang atau pernah Anda jabat di Gerakan Wikimedia atau organisasi yang sejenis serta informasi lain yang dapat membantu kami mengambil keputusan dengan lengkap. Kami juga tertarik untuk mengetahui alasan Anda menyisihkan waktu untuk pekerjaan ini. Anda juga dipersilakan untuk mengabarkan sukarelawan atau staf organisasi mitra Wikimedia lain yang mungkin berminat untuk mengajukan diri; atau menerjemahkan halaman ini ke dalam bahasa yang Anda kuasai.
Anggota Komite Perumus Fase 2
Kami dengan senang hati mengumumkan bahwa Komite Perumus Kode Etik Universal untuk Fase 2 telah terbentuk. Kami mendapatkan permohonan dari 35 sukarelawan, baik yang mendaftar secara publik di halaman Meta, atau dengan mengirimkan surel. Para pemohon berasal dari setidaknya 20 negara yang berbeda dan menyumbang pada 26 proyek wiki. Ada berbagai peran yang dimiliki oleh para pemohon, ditambah berbagai pengalaman di wiki dan keterampilan dalam pembuatan kebijakan di luar gerakan Wikimedia. Sekali lagi, sangat sulit untuk memilih dari para pemohon yang sangat beragam dan berkualitas ini.
Kami merasa beruntung bahwa kami dapat memilih dari kumpulan kandidat yang begitu luas dan menarik untuk membentuk sebuah komite yang akan berkolaborasi satu sama lain secara efektif dan membuat pedoman penegakan terbaik untuk Kode Etik Universal Gerakan Wikimedia.
Komite ini terdiri atas sekelompok Wikimedian dari 9 negara berbeda dan berkontribusi pada 11 edisi bahasa berbeda. Secara total, mereka memegang peran Pengurus pada 13 proyek berbeda dan 11 jabatan yang lebih tinggi, termasuk 2 orang Pengurus Global dan 2 orang anggota Komite Arbitrase. Sayangnya, tidak ada Steward atau mantan Steward yang melamar, tetapi kami dapat menggunakan salah satu slot dari staf WMF untuk menunjuk seorang mantan Steward. Beberapa anggota komite telah mengedit sejak 2008. Satu orang membantu mengorganisir Wikimania 2007, dan seorang lain baru bergabung dengan gerakan Wikimedia pada tahun 2021. Secara total, anggota Komite ini telah menyumbangkan sekitar 395.000 edit. Terdapat pula pendiri dan pengurus pada beberapa Organisasi Mitra Wikimedia, anggota Komite Organisasi Mitra (AffCom) yang sedang menjabat, serta beberapa anggota tim OTRS.
Kami sangat berterima kasih kepada semua yang mengajukan diri, dan tentu saja kepada mereka yang telah menerima tanggung jawab untuk menyusun dokumen awal ini. Proses ini akan menjadi titik awal proses perumusan strategi penegakan UCoC yang akan berkembang dari waktu ke waktu. Kami menyadari bahwa akan ada banyak percakapan yang sulit di dalam dan di luar Komite, dan kami berharap semua orang yang berkepentingan akan berpartisipasi saat kami bekerja sama untuk mencoba menciptakan sistem yang adil untuk semua.
Anggota Komite
For the time after community review:
- Alhen
- Barkeep49
- Blossom Ozurumba
- Htchien
- Luke081515
- Ruby D-Brown
- Taylor 49
- Vermont
- Waltercolor
Staf pendukung
Lini masa Komite Perumus Fase 2
Rincian | Tanggal | Ringkasan | Komitmen waktu |
Onboarding call (pilihan) | 29 April | Ucapan selamat datang, tinjauan bahan bacaan, panduan kerja, ekspektasi kerja, lini masa, Kebijakan Ruang Ramah Acara, alat dan platform kerja, etiket pekerjaan daring, sesi tanya-jawab. | 1 jam. |
Onboarding bahan bacaan dan kepustakaan | 26 April – 10 Mei | Meninjau kepustakaan untuk bacaan yang diperlukan sebelum sesi perumusan pertama. | 5 hingga 8 jam. |
Sesi perumusan | 14 Mei – 9 Juli | Sesi perumusan akan digelar setiap minggu, ditambah pekerjaan yang bersifat asinkronus. | Sesi perumusan selama 2 jam/minggu. Pekerjaan asinkronus hingga 4 jam/minggu. |
Penerjemahan rancangan | 10 Juli – 20 Juli | Reses Komite | Tidak ada waktu diperlukan |
Periode peninjauan publik | 20 Juli – 20 September | Reses Komite dengan pilihan partisipasi pada diskusi komunitas sebanyak 1-2 jam/minggu. | Tidak ada waktu diperlukan. |
Harmonisasi rancangan panduan yang dihasilkan oleh Komite Perumus | 19 Oktober – 30 November | Komite kembali bekerja dengan mempertimbangkan masukan komunitas. | Sesi harmonisasi 2 jam/minggu. Pekerjaan asinkronus hingga 2 jam/minggu. |
Translation work | 3 Januari 2022 ... 24 Januari 2022 | Started before the committee finalized the document. | No time required. |
Publication | 24 Januari 2022 | Universal Code of Conduct/Enforcement guidelines | Phase completed. |
The ideal drafting committee paradox - a short essay
- Essay by CSteigenberger (WMF)
In an ideal world, the drafting committee would represent the full diversity of our movement and all members would have important insights into how policies are applied successfully on different Wikimedia projects, but also elsewhere in the world. It would have members who have held extended rights for a long time, sat on ArbComs and other committees, as well as newcomers to our projects. Some of its members would be Wikimedians who have been targeted by harassers, others would be people who have resolved incidents around harassment successfully. There would also be Wikimedians who have falsely been accused of harassment. On the committee we would see Wikimedians from different projects from all around the world. Young Wikimedians, old Wikimedians, women, men, non-binary Wikimedians, Wikimedians with different skin tones, different religious backgrounds, working in different topic areas and more.
All those people would interact with each other respectfully and in harmony, making room for the viewpoints of others but also bringing forward their own insights and ideas. They would be flexible in their scheduling and accommodating the needs of other committee members. They would be solution focused and effective in creating a text in English that is easily translatable. They would enjoy creating guidelines for enforcement, taking into account existing community processes and making sure they are in compliance with legal requirements the Wikimedia Foundation has to fulfill.
At the same time this ideal committee would be made up of ordinary, real people, just like you. People who might have work obligations, families, social lives and a wide variety of interests outside the Wikimedia movement and who also need time to sleep, to rest and to do lots of things not connected to the UCoC. People with a limited understanding of the complexity of the task and people with limited energy. People who make mistakes, create misunderstandings, might be moody or even difficult at times and might get sick or experience other unexpected problems.
It will take people with traits on both sides of this paradox to create the best possible drafting committee. We want to encourage you to think about what parts of this ideal committee describe you best and to let us know about them!
Phase 1
Phase 1 Drafting committee recruiting and meeting notes
The Universal Code of Conduct Drafting committee (UCoCDC or “the committee”) is a group of Wikimedians brought together with the purpose of finalizing the draft of the Universal Code of Conduct by August 30, 2020, for Board ratification as requested in the Board statement on community culture 2020. The committee will consist of volunteer movement members brought in through an open application process, and qualified Foundation staff based on specific skills (including legal experience, diversity & inclusion experience, and translatability expertise). Members will be selected by the Vice President of Community Resilience and Sustainability of the Wikimedia Foundation. Volunteer members for the committee will be respected community members with at least two of the following skills or traits:
- experience in policy drafting
- experience in cooperating online
- empathy
- experience in collaborating in an international team
- participatory decision making
They will be selected as much as possible to also represent the diversity of our movement in respect to languages spoken, geography, gender, age, project size of their home wiki, and their roles within the Wikimedia movement. Building on the detailed recommendations made by the movement strategy working group on community health, the Committee will use the Contributor Covenant as baseline and incorporate feedback gathered as appropriate. Work will be conducted through a facilitated structure to avoid impasses and maintain focus. One or two people will be selected for their writing skills to do the actual drafting based on input from the group. A dedicated Foundation team, Community Development, will provide this structure, lead the facilitation, and provide additional resources as needed.
Phase 1 call for applications
Universal Code of Conduct/Drafting committee/id |
Do you care for safety and friendliness in the Wikimedia movement? Are you interested in the guidelines and policies that guide it? Do you enjoy helping improvements in these areas? This is your chance to get involved! We are looking for volunteers to join the Drafting Committee for the Universal Code of Conduct. If you are interested, please read the following important information for candidates: *Who will be on the committee? - five or six volunteers and four or five Foundation staff members and (depending on how many candidates apply) *When will the committee be active? - July 22 - September 30 2020 *What will they do? Read background material and draft a Universal Code of Conduct that will provide a minimum baseline guiding the behaviour of every contributor to the Wikimedia movement. See more information here. *How will they work? They will meet online and work on shared documents, starting from the Contributor Covenant as a starting text. A facilitation team will help them to organize the work, and experts in different areas will be available to provide support. *How much time should I plan to spend per week? There will be online meetings (2-4 hours per week), as well as background reading in the early phases resulting in up to 8-10 hours each week. *What skills should I bring to the process? Ideally you would have experience in policy drafting, experience in cooperating online and in writing in English. We would also love our candidates to have empathy; for example, experience in mentoring, resolving difficult disputes, and communicating with compassion are valuable. *How will the committee members be selected? The Trust and Safety Team together with the Legal Team of the Wikimedia Foundation will vet all candidates. Then, the Vice president of Community Resilience and Sustainability, Maggie Dennis, will choose committee members based on the level of skills and experience of candidates in combination with diversity factors. Ideally we will be able to form a competent committee that reflects the diversity of the movement not only in the usual demographic areas like language, geographic location, gender, age, but also in wiki specific areas like the project size of their home wiki, roles in the Wikimedia movement, project type and more. If you are interested in applying, please let us know before July 15 by signing up below or mail to Christel Steigenberger. Please include your username and link to your userpage of your home wiki and provide links demonstrating your experience. Let us know about the roles you hold or held in Wikimedia or similar organizations. Feel free to add any additional information that will help us make an informed choice. Please forward this message to any volunteers you think might be interested, and encourage them to apply and help us spread the word. We also welcome your help translating this message here. |
Phase 1 applications for the drafting committee
Universal Code of Conduct/Drafting committee/id |
Please sign up here. Applications can also be sent per mail here. Mailing there is also the way to provide additional information you do not want publicly onwiki (e.g. proof of work for other organizations that would compromise your anonymity on the Wikimedia projects).
Phase 1 drafting committee members
We are happy to announce that the Universal Code of Conduct drafting committee has been assembled. We had 26 volunteers apply, either by publicly signing up on the Meta page, or by sending an email. Volunteers from 18 different countries applied, speaking 11 different languages.
We had Wikimedian applicants with different levels of experience on-wiki, from someone who started editing only last year to people who have been editing for more than 18 years and/or have more than 300,000 edits. Applicants held a variety of different roles within the movement, and also informed us about interesting and relevant experiences in their real-life careers. It was very hard to narrow down from this diverse and extremely qualified pool of applicants.
For the final selection, two aspects guided the decision making - we want a committee that at the one hand will represent important parts of the movement. Prolific editors as well as Wikimedians whose strength is more in organizing events, Wikimedians from different demographics, contributors from small and large wikis, and people holding different roles within the movement. We also wanted a group of people who will collaborate with one another effectively and create the best possible Universal Code of Conduct for the Wikimedia movement. Experience has taught us that committees that are too large find it difficult to work effectively, so we decided to cap the number of seats to 6 volunteer seats and 3 staff seats. Please note that more chances for engagement are coming up during the community draft review period starting from August 24.
Sukarelawan Fase 1
- Civvì
- ProtoplasmaKid - reserve member, joined Aug. 18 (Founder Wikimedia Mexico chapter)
mastimember stepped down
- RachelWex (St. Cloud State University, US, associate professor)
- Sami Mlouhi (President Wikimedia Tunisia User Group, Secretary Wikimedia Affiliates Committee)
- Uzoma (Wikimedia Incubator)
Anggota staf Fase 1
- Jrogers (WMF)
- KMpumlwana (WMF)
- THasan (WMF)
- SRientjes (WMNL), Chapter Vereniging Wikimedia Nederland
Peran penasihat Fase 1
The Universal Code of Conduct Drafting committee is being supported by Wikimedia Foundation staff in terms of logistics and coordination, but also from community members offering insights and draft feedback through Advisory roles. They provided insights about specific processes, such as running content drives, starting new editing communities, keeping real-life events safe, and serving on movement committees. Advisory roles were selected from interested parties who offered some of these relevant experiences during the application period for the Drafting Committee.
How do Advisory members take part in the process?
Advisory members will be supported by staff to provide focused insights, data, and experiences to the Drafting Committee through interviews, written briefs, and informational video call sessions. Their input will also inform Phase 2 of the UCoC project.
Anggota penasihat Fase 1
- ANKAN, advisor providing insights from the perspective of a chapter in South Asia.
- Bobbyshabangu, advisor providing insights into the situation of African minority language communities and from the perspective of an African chapter.
- Joy sagar Murmu, advisor providing insights into the situation of a minority language community with a relatively new wiki.
- Nattes à chat, advisor providing insights into the situation for female organizers and women editing the projects.
- Protoplasmakid, advisor providing insights into Latin American communities and connections between behavioural issues and Human Rights issues. Protoplasmakid stepped up to the drafting committee on Aug 18.
- RFarrand (WMF), advisor providing insights about behavioural issues at events and her experience with the application of relevant existing policies.
Phase 1 meeting summaries
Please see this subpage for summaries of the 9 Phase 1 meetings: Universal Code of Conduct/Drafting committee/Phase 1 meeting summaries.