WikiArabia 2019/ISA Challenge
WikiArabia 2019 | Venue | Program | Participants | Travel Guide | Submissions | Team | Friendly Space Policy | FAQ | Extra Activities |
Participate now...
How to participate? Simply follow the steps below!
- Just try this! It is beginner friendly :-)
- You can play/participate on a mobile phone, or on a laptop or desktop computer.
- Go to Make sure you log in!
- If you prefer to use ISA in French, you can switch the language in the menu on top.
- Start writing down what you see in each image! Be as accurate/precise as possible and make sure to click or tap on 'Save' before you switch to a new image.
- Describe as many images as you like. You can skip images if you don't know how to describe them.
... and win a delicious prize!
[edit]There is a small award for the most active challenge participants at WikiArabia!
- The winners receive a selection of Dutch or Belgian cookies and candies from Sandra F.!
- This is for the top three (3) participants of this challenge who attend the WikiArabia 2019 conference...
- Who have added the most structured data to files about Marrakech via ISA, according to this statistics page.
- The contributions will be counted on Sunday 6 October at 13.00. So make sure to do your edits before that time!
About the ISA tool
[edit]This campaign runs via the ISA tool, a new, simple tool to add multilingual structured data to files on Wikimedia Commons. It is beginner friendly!
ISA is a multilingual, mobile-first tool, that makes it easy for people to add 'micro-contributions' in the form of structured data (descriptions, captions, tags, etc.) to images that have been contributed to Wikimedia Commons.
Anyone with a Wikimedia account can use ISA, and can create campaigns in it. You can organize small tagging 'competitions' with ISA, just like this one at WikiArabia 2019.
- ISA - general information page
- ISA manual
- Did you find a bug, or do you have a feature request? Please report this on Phabricator.
ISA is a collaboration between Wiki In Africa, Histropedia, and the Structured Data on Commons project. ISA is not only an acronym for Information Structured Acceleration, but is also a chiShona language word for 'put' or 'place'.
More information
[edit]- This challenge is organized by Sandra F. Feel free to chat with her at the conference if you have any questions.
- You can learn more about the ISA tool here:
- You can learn more about Structured Data on Wikimedia Commons here:, and of course also during the Structured Data on Commons workshop at WikiArabia 2019.