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WikiArabia 2022/Submissions/En/ Wikisource projects to enable Historical Linguistics on Gender Issues

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Logo WikiArabia ID : Wikisource projects to enable Historical Linguistics on Gender Issues
Facilitators : Dr Nada Al BUNNI(--Dew (talk) 16:29, 11 July 2022 (UTC) ) - PhD in Web Science., Fatime ALHArbi[reply] Time block : Start :
Location : Duration : 45 Minutes
Description :

Arabic Wikisource provides an excellent platform for collaborating and dissemination of this new field of applied linguistics ( computional and historical linguistics) . Let alone the wonderful power of visualisation the could be built on the results. This presentation aims for wider engagements in digitalising Arabic traditions and making use of the huge corpus to produce a new view on the traditions that begets the contemporary misunderstandings. The presentation will take the Arabic terms used by United Nations and shows how the mismatches affects the international effforts in the Middle East and North Africa in Gender issues.

Theme : Wider Engagement in Wikimedia projects
Key words : Wikisource, Historical Linguistics, Computational linguistics
Notes :
Intended outcomes :

This presentation aims for wider engagements in digitalising Arabic traditions and making use of the huge corpus to produce a new view on the traditions that begets the contemporary misunderstandings.

Interested participants


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