WikiCite/WikidataCon 2017
< WikiCite
WikidataCon 2017 (Berlin, 28-29 October 2017) received many submissions of relevance to WikiCite, beyond the overview of the project:
- WikiCite: Wikidata as a structured repository of bibliographic data -- Dario Taraborelli, Lydia Pintscher Daniel Mietchen
- Wikidata as a reference manager -- Daniel Mietchen
- Using Wikidata for Author Disambiguation -- Adam Bannister
- Describing Software So We Can Cite Software -- Katherine Thornton, Finn Årup Nielsen
- An open source tool for fishing Wikidata entities in text and PDF documents -- Patrice Lopez
- Combining Wikidata with other linked databases -- Andra Waagmeester, Dragan Espenschied
- Employing Wikidata for Fostering Scholarly Research -- Adelheid Heftberger et al.
- FRBR and Ontologies of Popular Music in Wikidata -- Gamaliel
- Introductiong to cross-contributing to Wikidata and Inventaire to build a comprehensive database on books -- Maxime Lathuilière, Vincent Jumeaux
- Scholia -- Finn Årup Nielsen
- State of identifiers in Wikidata --- Jakob Voß
- The Zika corpus as a test case for exploring knowledge around a specific topic -- Daniel Mietchen
- Using Shape Expressions for data quality and consistency in Wikidata -- Andra Waagmeester et al.
- WikiFactMine -- Tom Arrow
- Wikidata and Research --Tpt
- Wikidata as universal (library) thesaurus -- Theo van Veen