WikiCite 2017

- For the parent page, see WikiCite
WikiCite 2017 was a 3-day conference, summit and hack day hosted in Vienna, Austria, on May 23-25, 2017. It expanded efforts started with WikiCite 2016 to design a central bibliographic repository, as well as tools and strategies to improve information quality and verifiability in Wikimedia projects. We brought together Wikimedia contributors, data modelers, information and library science experts, software engineers, designers and academic researchers who have experience working with Wikipedia's citations and bibliographic data.
[edit](Check out the complete program)
- 22 May 2017
- Travel day, attendees arrive in Vienna
- 23 May 2017
- Day 1. (Conference) – present progress on existing work and initiatives for citations and bibliographic data across Wikimedia projects
- 24 May 2017
- Day 2. (Summit) – discuss technical, social, outreach and policy directions
- 25 May 2017
- Day 3. (Hack) – get together to build, based on new ideas and applications
- 26 May 2017
- Travel day, attendees leave
[edit]This is the final list of participants, as of May 1, 2017 (see also this list of Twitter handles)
- Marcel R. Ackermann
- Vladimir Alexiev
- Henrique Andrade
- Thomas Arrow
- Phoebe Ayers
- Raphael Berchie
- Geoffrey Bilder
- Greg Boustead
- Terry Catapano
- Victoria Coleman
- Sjoerd de Bruin
- Antonin Delpeuch
- Fereshteh Didegah
- Eamon Duede
- Jonathan Dugan
- Muhammad Elhossary
- Asura Enkhbayar
- Rachel Farrand
- Robert Fernandez
- Besnik Fetahu
- Katie Filbert
- Heather Ford
- James Forrester
- Konrad Förstner
- Andrea Forte
- Marco Fossati
- Mauricio Genta
- Guilherme Gonçalves
- Mark Graham
- Aaron Halfaker
- James Hare
- Mahmoud Hashemi
- Lucie-Aimée Kaffee
- Avner Kantor
- Stefan Kasberger
- Jiro Kikkawa
- Meen Chul Kim
- Samuel Klein
- Peter Kraker
- Jonas Kress
- Léa Lacroix
- Rachael Lammey
- Stephen LaPorte
- Maxime Lathuilière
- Mairelys Lemus-Rojas
- Andrew Lih
- Lorenzo Losa
- Andy Mabbett
- Lauren Maggio
- Luca Martinelli
- Michele Mauri
- Raffaele Messuti
- Daniel Mietchen
- Katie Mika
- Eric Miller
- Pru Mitchell
- Jonathan Morgan
- Cameron Neylon
- Finn Nielsen
- Kaltrina Nuredini
- Jake Orlowitz
- Mathieu Orban
- Roderic Page
- Silvio Peroni
- Lydia Pintscher
- Merrilee Proffitt
- Florian Reitz
- Sian Roderick
- User:Sahehco
- Mohses Salek
- Jodi Schneider
- Elizabeth Seiver
- Adam Shorland
- David Shotton
- Arthur Smith
- Chiara Storti
- Carly Strasser
- Studio Calibro
- Dario Taraborelli
- Katherine Thornton
- Gergő Tisza
- User:Tpt
- Jesús Tramullas
- Jure Triglav
- User:TweetsFactsAndQueries
- Giorgio Uboldi
- Sahar Vahdati
- Andra Waagmeester
- Joe Wass
- User:WikiAnika
- Sam Wilson
- Olga Zagovora
- Andrea Zanni
- Philipp Zumstein

[edit]The list of organizations and projects WikiCite 2017 participants are affiliated with includes:
- Aarhus University
- American Physical Society
- American University
- Biodiversity Heritage Library
- Bruno Kessler Foundation
- Centre for Culture and Technology, Curtin University
- Columbia University Libraries
- Collaborative Knowledge Foundation
- ContentMine
- Crossref
- Dissemin
- Drexel University
- eLife Sciences
- Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO)
- German National Library of Economics (ZBW)
- Genewiki
- Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation
- Haifa University
- Harvard University
- Hatnote
- Indiana University–Purdue University Indianapolis University Library
- Internet Archive
- Knowledge Lab, University of Chicago
- Leeds University
- L3S Research Center, Leibniz University Hannover
- Mannheim University Library
- Micelio
- MIT Libraries
- Ontotext Corp
- Open Foundation West Africa
- Open Knowledge Austria
- Open Knowledge Maps
- OpenCitations
- Plazi
- Politecnico di Milano (DensityDesign Lab.)
- Public libraries network of Romagna (Rete Bibliotecaria di Romagna e San Marino)
- Public Library of Science (PLOS)
- Schloss Dagstuhl LZI, dblp computer science bibliography
- Simons Foundation
- Studio Calibro
- Technical University of Denmark
- The Library.Link Network
- University of Bologna
- University of Bonn
- University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- University of Leeds
- University of Oxford
- University of Tsukuba
- University of Würzburg
- University of Zaragoza
- Wikimedia Argentina
- Wikimedia Australia
- Wikimedia Deutschland
- Wikimedia District of Columbia
- Wikimedia España
- Wikimedia Foundation
- Wikimedia Italia
- Wikisource Community User Group
- Yale University Library
Attending the event
[edit]WikiCite is a hands-on event. These are examples of skills we looked for:
- I am a regular Wikipedia contributor
- I have contributed data, data models, or new property proposals to Wikidata
- I am a regular contributor to other Wikimedia projects
- I write code and web applications
- I have experience with SPARQL
- I have experience writing bots / automated agents
- I have experience writing text and markup parsers
- I have worked with tools and applications for citations
- I have written tools to extract or analyze citations
- I have translated technical documentation
- I have experience visualizing data
- I have experience with bibliographic / citation standards and data models
- I work for an organization that will directly benefit from these efforts
These are examples of contributions we expected from participants:
- defining a technical roadmap / strategic directions for efforts focused on citations and source metadata
- mapping Wikimedia source metadata and Wikidata properties to existing bibliographic data models
- designing, product managing or developing tools/software
- conducting research and data analysis on citation and bibliographic data in Wikimedia projects
- performing user testing and/or writing documentation
- review existing quality control mechanisms
- organizing community outreach and engagement within Wikimedia communities
Important dates
[edit]- February 9, 2017: applications open
- February 27, 2017: applications close, waitlist opens
- March 10, 2017: all final notifications of acceptance are issued, waitlist processing begins
- March 31, 2017: attendee list is finalized
[edit]WikiCite '17 was held at JUFA Wien City Hotel in Vienna, Austria.
- JUFA Wien City Hotel
on OpenStreetMap
- Mautner-Markhof-Gasse 50, 1100 Wien
- Nearest underground station: Enkplatz
of line U3
The Wikimedia Hackathon 2017 was held at the same location on May 19-21.
- Wikimedia Hackathon 2017 page about Venue and Vienna
- Wikimedia Hackathon 2017 page about transport in Vienna
- Wikivoyage page on Vienna
[edit]WikiCite '17 was hosted by the Wikimedia Foundation and logistically supported by Wikimedia Austria. The event was generously supported by:
- the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation
- the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
- Science Sandbox, a Simons Foundation initiative.
These restricted gifts to cover the cost of the event, and related development and outreach activities, were approved by the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees.
Organizing committee
[edit]- Dario Taraborelli
- Jonathan Dugan
- Lydia Pintscher
- Daniel Mietchen
- Cameron Neylon
- Elizabeth Seiver
- (onsite logistics help) Rachel Farrand
- (remote support) Sarah Rodlund
You can contact the organizers via