Wiki Loves Butterfly/List of butterflies/Nymphalidae/Nymphalinae
This is a list of Nymphalinae taxon of butterfly, which are documented through Wiki Loves Butterfly project. The list is automatically populated by data from Wikidata. |
This list is generated from data in Wikidata and is periodically updated by a bot.
Edits made within the list area will be removed on the next update!
Name | mating | egg | caterpillar | pupa | adult ventral | adult dorsal |
Aglais caschmirensis aesis (Himalayan Tortoiseshell) |
Aglais ladakensis () |
Araschnia dohertyi (Manipur Map) |
Doleschallia bisaltide indica (Himalayan Autumn Leaf) |
Hypolimnas bolina jacintha (Oriental Great Eggfly) |
Hypolimnas misippus (Danaid Eggfly) |
Junonia almana almana (Oriental Peacock Pansy) |
Junonia atlites atlites (Oriental Grey Pansy) |
Junonia hierta hierta (Oriental Yellow Pansy) |
Junonia iphita iphita (Oriental Chocolate Pansy) |
Junonia lemonias lemonias (Chinese Lemon Pansy) |
Junonia orithya ocyale (Dark Blue Pansy) |
Kallima inachus inachus (Himalayan Orange Oakleaf) |
Kallima knyvetti (Scarce Blue Oakleaf) |
Kaniska canace canace (Chinese Blue Admiral) |
Symbrenthia brabira brabira (Himalayan Yellow Jester) |
Symbrenthia hypselis cotanda (Himalayan Spotted Jester) |
Symbrenthia lilaea khasiana (Khasi Common Jester) |
Symbrenthia niphanda niphanda (Himalayan Bluetail Jester) |
Vanessa cardui (Painted Lady) |
Vanessa indica indica (Himalayan Red Admiral) |
End of auto-generated list.