See Wikimania05/Introduction for a summary.
[edit]- Jimmy Wales: Ten Things That Will Be Free
- Ross Mayfield: Case studies on Wiki use within Enterprises for Project Communication
- Ward Cunningham: Wikis then and now
- Richard Stallman: Copyright and Community
[edit]See Category Presentation and Category Paper
- Achal Prabhala: Access to learning materials in Southern Africa
- Andreas Brand: Comparing WP with other open source projects
- Andreas Brändle: Content quality: Too Many Cooks Don't Spoil the Broth
- Ascander Suarez & Juan David Ruiz: The Spanish Fork of Wikipedia
- Boudewijn: NPOV and meme evolution
- Brion Vibber: Extending and embedding the MediaWiki framework
- Cathy Ma: Anonymous users as good users
- Christina Hengel & Barbara Pfeifer: VIAF: Linking the Library of Congress and OCLC records with Personendaten
- Cormac Lawler: Wikipedia as a learning community
- Daniel Kinzler: Mining the Wiki
- Deng Chieh: Chinese conversion the wiki way
- Domas Mituzas: HyperWiki
- Erik Moeller: The future of MediaWiki
- Erik Zachte: Unified Timeline of Human History
- Eugene Kim: Back to the Future: Lessons from the Past on Collaboration and Tools
- Florence Devouard: How to get Wikimedia into the developing world
- Frédéric Philipp Thiele: Wiki Trifft Pixel
- Gerard Meijssen: The excitement of (Ultimate) Wiktionary
- Heidi Fischer-Ritter, Zeno Gantner, Hendrik Tessendorf & Christoph Hölscher: Usability of Wikipedia
- Hossein Derakhshan: Wiki use in Iran
- Mingli Yuan: Overview of Chinese Wikipedia
- Isaac Mao: We-create-pedia in China
- Isam Bayazidi: Technology in schools and Open-Content Awareness in Arab Countries
- Jakob Voss: Metadata with Personendaten and beyond
- Jan Ulrich Hasecke: Wikitution – The Constitution for Europe
- Jan-Bart de Vreede: Wiki in Dutch Education
- Janne Jalkanen: DavWiki – the next step of WikiRPC-Interfaces?
- Jean-Baptiste Soufron: Politics of Wikimedia
- Jens Kammann: Geo-coding articles and images
- John Breslin: An ontology for describing and exchanging articles
- Kasper Souren: Thoughts on the Bambara Wikipedia
- Kilian Kissling: Wikipedia on DVD
- Lambert Heller: Scientific publishing via wiki
- Limor Garcia: Cellphedia inspirations and future
- Marco Prestipino: Creating knowledge in virtual communities
- Markus Krötzsch & Denny Vrandečić & Max Völkel: Wikipedia and the Semantic Web – the missing links
- Michael Anobile: Translation and localization
- Milton Ainehuranga: Women of Uganda Network
- Phoebe Ayers: The Information behaviour of Wikipedia users
- Revo Arko Soekatno: The Indonesian language Wikipedia
- Rodrigo Vergara: Logos: world's largest free dictionary
- Roland Burger: Long-term sustainable development
- Ronald Beelaard: On Searching in Libraries
- Russell Buckley: Extending Wikipedia into the Physical World
- Salvor Gissurardottir: Education with wikis
- Samuel Klein: History of the Reference Work
- Sunir Shah: Controversy and stability: How wikis have productive conflict
- Tim Starling: How you can help out with MediaWiki
- Tsahi Hayat: Wikipedians' sense of community, motivations, and knowledge building: a cross-cultural study
- Tsila Hassine: NPOV dispute dynamics
- Wolfgang Georgsdorf: WikiSIGN - Sign Language Wiktionary
[edit]- André Engels: Python Wikipediabot Framework
- Arnulf Christl: Summarizing Activities around Open Geospatial Data projects
- Brion Vibber: Extending and Customizing MediaWiki
- Frank Antwerpes: Talking about money
- Gerard Meijssen: Workshop recording sound/pronunciations
- Hanno Wagner: GPG Signing
- Jean-Baptiste Soufron: Copyright on Wikipedia
- Jakob Voss, Erik Zachte: Analysing and visualizing Wikipedia
- Tobias Dahinden: Kartengestaltung in Wikipedia (in German)
- Thomas Gries: Getlets: extending the Interwiki concept beyond any limits
- Thomas Thaler: Finding new sources of free knowledge
Additional Papers
[edit]See Category Paper
paper accepted but could not attend conference
- Amruta Lonkar, Marcela Musgrove Chavez, Selim Sermet Akbay: Global Wikipedia. Communities of Langues & Culture
papers without presentation - some of them won't finish the paper?
- Mark Pellegrini: An Analysis of the English Wikipedia Featured Article Process
- Marco Kalz: Strukturierungstheorie: Ein Rahmenwerk für die Wiki-Forschung?
- Joseph Reagle: A Case of Mutual Aid: Wikipedia, Politeness, and Perspective Taking
- Francesco Bellomi & Roberto Bonato: Network Analysis for Wikipedia
- Stefan Magdalinski: On Wikiproxy, auto-classification of documents, and unusual applications of wikipedia
- Jeremy Tobacman: The Motivation of Wikipedia Contributors
- Chee Siang Ang, Panayiotis Zaphiris, Stephanie Wilson: Wiki-mediated Collaborative/Distributed Narrative Construction of Game Communities
Will be removed because there is no paper
Changhua Yang & Hsin-Hsi Chen: Wikipedia as Multilingual Comparable Corpora
Jama Poulsen: Wikicompany: a global business platform
[edit]See Category Poster
- Ingo Frost: Zivilgesellschaftliches Engagement in virtuellen Gemeinschaften? - Eine systemwissenschaftliche Analyse des deutschsprachigen Wikipedia-Projektes
- Luis Henrique Fagundes: Morcego - Wiki 3D visualization framework
- Kai Koster & Bo Hu: Ein praxisnahes Modell zur intrinsisch motivierten Qualitätssteigerung auf Basis eines objektiven und transparenten Punktesystems
- Douwe Osinga: Getting paid to write free content
- Barbara Pfeifer: Personendatei
- Sebastian Wallroth: Schneller und kostenloser Zugang zu Sponsoren und Spenden für Wiki-Projekte
Additional Events
[edit]Exhibition, Trivia contents, Awards, Closing panel.