Wikimedia CEE Meeting 2017/Programme/Submission/Various ways to motivate contestants

Title of your proposal
[edit]Various ways to motivate contestants
Name(s) and/or username(s)
[edit]Marko Adam, User:AxeAdam20
Wikimedia Serbia, Board Member
[edit]- Content Contests (Article writing contests/challenges, Photo contests)
Type of submission (Please choose one)
[edit]- Presentation (one-to-many)
[edit]In this session, we will present different contests held by Wikimedia Serbia, both local contest and global, and various marathons. It will be show what are our results, how we are using that data, and how we deal with new users, who just come for contest.
Expected outcomes
[edit]Participants will get better insight into WMRS contest, the process of creating them and revision of articles and photos.
Duration (without Q&A)
[edit]15 minutes
Specific requirements
[edit]1. Projector for static slides (PDF on a USB stick). 2. Network and projector connection for showing live examples.
Slides or further information