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Wikimedia CH/Grant apply/Wiki Loves Sport 2024: Covering diversity in the Olympic and Paralympic Games

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  • Name of the project: Wiki Loves Sport 2024: Covering diversity in the Olympic and Paralympic Games
  • Amount requested: 1000 EUR
  • Type of grantee: INDIVIDUAL
  • Name of the contact: Camelia Boban, User:Camelia.boban
  • Contact: camelia.boban(_AT_)gmail.com
In case of questions, please write to grant(_AT_)wikimedia.ch

The problem and the context


What is the problem you're trying to solve?


Since 2011 when the problem was clearly focused, various WMF community reports, researches, surveys and accademic researches have highlighted a huge gender gap in the in Wikimedia projects, and women in sport is one of the less represented topic. According to Humaniki, three of the four official Swiss languages are on the top 10 list of most spoken languages. Seeing the Gender By Language data, from the 713.264 biographies in French Wikipedia, only 142.513 (19.980%) are about women and 1.026 (0.144%) are relative to the LGBTQIA+ community. In German and Italian Wikipedia the numbers are even lower: 17.848% and 0.069% in German Wikipedia and 16.871% and 0.086% in Italian Wikipedia.

Campaign's context

Wiki Loves Sport 2024 is the sixth edition of the campaign ideated and organized since 2019 as part of WikiDonne Roadmap, one of the projects awarded in 2018. The objective is to improve and extend content related to sport in general - related to the events it covers in particular - with a special focus on content concerning missing or underrepresented groups (women, LGBTQIA+ community, para athlets). This year the campaign runs from 17th July to 22th Sptember, during EuroGames Vienna (17 - 20 July), 2024 Olympic (26 July - 11 August) and Summer Paralympic Games (28 August - 8 September) Paris 2024.

People involved

Besides WikiDonne User Group, up to now we have registered the participation of

What is your solution to this problem (please explain the context and the solution)?


Wiki Loves Sport 2024 campaign aims to significantly address the gender gap in sports coverage by amplifying women in sports contributions. Our multi-pronged approach includes:

  • Outreach: Partnership with women's sports organizations like ASSIST, athletes, and journalists to encourage participation in the contest in order to create awareness about Wiki Loves Sport and highlight the importance of documenting women in sport history.
  • Thematic challenges: Within the broader Wiki Loves Sport contest, we established specific challenges focused on women's sports and para athlets that will receive additional points.
  • Edit-a-thons: Organize online and offline edit-a-thons specifically dedicated to creating and improving Wikipedia and Wikiquote articles and the wikibook related to the contest. These events will provide training and support for new editors and foster collaboration.
  • Recognition and awards: Besides the prizes, the participants effort will be recognized by barnstars and digital certificates of participation or award, recognitions that will incentivize participation and highlight the value of these contributions.

Project goals


In the past, Wiki Loves Sport registered a good number of written articles in different languages. For example, in 2022, 16 users wrote 636 articles in seven languages (it, de, ar, en, ha, ak, bn).

Expected outcomes for this year, from 17 July to 22 September:

  • Increased content: We expect a significant rise in the number of articles related to diverse sports figures on Wikimedia projects in at least 4 languages.
  • Improved content quality: The contest will motivate participants to contribute high-quality content that meets Wikipedia's standards. we have a points system that rewards not only the creation of new entries, but also the improvement, in order to resolve all the warnings that an entry may have: lack of sources, orphan entry, entry to be helped or wikified, stub etc.
  • Enhanced diversity: The project will significantly improve representation of female, non-binary, and para-athletes in Wikipedia's sports coverage.
  • Empower new editors: We aim to attract new editors (especially with athletic backgrounds) to the Wikimedia community.

Project impact


How will you know if you have met your goals?


The results of Wiki Loves Sport 2024 won't be completely available until after the contest concludes on September 22nd, 2024. However, it is always possible monitoring the impact through the number of participants and content produced, number of Wikipedia and Wikiquote articles, number of Wikidata items, the visibility on social media, articles written on our site and on Diff etc. The metrics will be available:

  • The campaign results page will collect the articles linked in the original language and the total points per user.
  • Dashboard: will contain the participants, the written articles, the resources added and many other metrics provided by the tool. This is a complehensive campaign page, but any single local event was invited to create its own program.

Do you have any goals or metrics around participation or content?


We aim to have at least 10 participants to write 300 articles in Wikipedia covering 5 languages. We also aim to have at least 10 articles in Wikiquote and a chapter written in our Wikibook about wome athletes. We will also create items in Wikidata, but it is difficult to make an estimation at that moment.

Project plan




Wiki Loves Sport 2024 is the sixth edition of the campaign ideated and organized since 2019 as part of WikiDonne Roadmap, one of the projects awarded in 2018. The objective is to improve and extend content related to sport in general - related to the events it covers in particular - with a special focus on content concerning missing or underrepresented groups (women, LGBTQIA+ community, para athlets). This year the campaign runs from 17th July to 22th Sptember, during EuroGames Vienna (17 - 20 July), 2024 Olympic (26 July - 11 August) and Summer Paralympic Games (28 August - 8 September) Paris 2024.

During these more than 2 months, are planned the following activities:

  • Workshops and webinars: Hosting online workshops and webinars to equip participants with necessary skills for editing. In Italian we will have at least one preliminary webinar before having the in person editing event.
  • Edit-a-thons in various languages of Wikipedia: Local sessions that incentivizes writing new articles in different Wikipedia languages or improving existing ones, with the focus on female, non-binary, and para-athletes biographies. Creating the related item in Wikidata or adding additional metadata would be a plus, I hope we can do it in all the langues, in order to have all data connected.
  • Writing related quotes in Italian Wikiquote: during many activity, usually WikiDonne enrich the female activities by writing also the Wikiquote article.
  • Writing a wikibook in Italian Wikibooks: Following the partnership with Assist - National Female Athletes Association, we considered it appropriate to make use of their knowledge and their expertise in the field of women's sport, through the writing of a wikibook - WikiWomen and Sport - that enhances women in the various competitive sports specialties, on the model of those already made in the past or that they are a work in progress (Profili di donne lucane, Profili di donne emiliano-romagnole, Profili di donne toscane, Punk rock femminile in Italia, Le ragazze sanno disegnare, about women in comics).
  • Graphics, outreach and promotion: Designing eye-catching graphic materials and develop an effective outreach strategy to promote the contest across social media platforms, relevant online communities, and sports organizations.



This is the budget table containing the expenses.

Description Unit Amount (EUR)
1 International prizes (various languages) 6 300 €
2 Local prizes (Italian projects) 6 300 €
3 Graphic design 1 200 €
4 Social media promotion 1 200 €
1000 €

Community engagement


For this event a central notice banner was requested and the edit-a-thon was signed on the Calendar. Communities will be informed through notifications to the village pump and talk pages. The campaign will be promoted throw our and our partner social media channels and sites.

Wikimedia CH's response


Dear Camelia,
We are happy to accept this grant request. I will e-mail you shortly so we can tackle payment details. Once the activity is over, I will also need from you or anyone involved in the funded activity a report of at least one paragraph (and ideally with some illustration) to share on WMCH's reports/newsletter.--Flor WMCH (talk) 13:57, 2 July 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Thank you Flor. Of course, I will send the documents you need and I will send the report once the contest is over. Camelia (talk) 14:32, 2 July 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Report, receipts, results


The expenses report. All the other documents (report, receipts, results, metrics) were sent to the WMCH's grant manager on October 7th. --Camelia (talk) 14:59, 5 December 2024 (UTC)[reply]