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Wikimedia CH/Micro Grant/Achat d'ordinateur pour le projet "Noircir Wikipédia"

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki

Please provide the following information for your micro-grant request:

Your Username: AfricanadeCuba

Your Country of residence: Suisse


Amount requested:1000.00 CHF

CHF 1000.-

Planned activity: Continuer à animer les ateliers du projet "Noircir Wikipédia" et contribution personnelle aux projets Wikimédia.

Continuing to organize the Noircir Wikipedia workshops and personal contribution to Wikimedia projects.

People involved
(e.g. How many people can benefit from the micro grant you request): Moi même et les participant·e·s des ateliers "Noircir Wikipédia"

Myself and "Noircir Wikipédia" workshop participants

Please explain what influence your activity will have on Wikimedia Projects
(e.g. quantitative: number of new pictures uploaded to commons, no of new articles created / qualitative: strengthen the community of german-speaking wikipedia authors etc,): Mon activité consistera à:

  • donner quatre à cinq ateliers à Genève en 2020, chacun motivant 4 Wikipédien·ne·s de longue date à contribuer, et formant 1 débutant en moyenne par atelier.
  • me permettre de continuer à donner du contenu aux ateliers "Noircir Wikipédia") et les faire connaître, et à contribuer personnellement (plus de 350 contributions en français en 2019, 8 articles créés en français et 6 en espagnol)
  • Me permettre d'y participer à des autres projets Wikipédiens desquels je fais partie aussi comme lessanpagEs.
  • me permettre de contribuer sur des autres projets comment wikicommons et wikidata où je voudrais lancer des campagnes de visibilité et des contenus en relation avec le projet.

My activity will consist in:

  • giving 4-5 workshops in Geneva in 2020, each with 4-5 long-time Wikipedians (average in 2019) and with one beginner per workshop (average in 2019)
  • allowing me to continue preparing content for "Noircir Wikipedia" workshops and advertizing them to the community, as well as contributing personally (2019: more than 350 contributions in French in 2019, creation of 8 articles in French and 6 in Spanish)
  • Allowing me to contribute to other Wikipedia projects that I contribute to, like Les sans pagEs
  • Allowing me to contribute to other Wikimedia projects, such as Wikimedia Commons and Wikidata, where I would also like to prepare visibility campaigns for contents related to the "Noircir Wikipédia" project.

Please provide links to your contributions after your project or activity ended:
Please provide the links to the categories on Wikimedia Commons, to the articles on Wikipedia or any other contributions on Wikimedia projects:
Les liens vers mon activité seront directement accessibles sur la page du projet Noircir Wikipédia: https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Projet:Noircir_Wikip%C3%A9dia

Links to my activity are directly accessible in the reports of the "Noircir Wikipédia project page":


Important: AFTER having submitted your request, please write an eMail to info@wikimedia.ch with your contact details (at least: Name, Surname, Email address)



This section needs to be filled out by the Microgrants-Committee





Grant accepted.