Wikimedia CH/Micro Grant/Plug Kiwix for Kocc Barma school (Thiès, Sénégal)
Please provide the following information for your micro-grant request:
Your Username:
GastelEtzwane (talk) 14:02, 7 June 2015 (UTC)
Your Country of residence:
Amount requested:
Approximately 500 CHF
- Two external hard drives (Silicon Power Armor A15 500 Go Noir (USB 3.0), approx 72 CHF, water & dust resistant, Windows XP compatible as well as Mac & Linux).
- A few USB sticks.
- One night in Thiès .
- Two days meals.
- Transportation between Thiès and Dakar.
Planned activity:
Two half-days of training (first week of August 2015)
- First half-day
- Kiwix & offline content files (note from Muriel: French, English, Arabic, Bambara, Fufulde and other Senegalese language-Wikipedias will be stored on the haard drives and the usb keys)
- Updating data files & locating new ones.
- Comparison of offline Kiwix reader and other hard copy reference material.
- Comparison of offline Kiwix reader and online Wikipedia.
- Second half-day
- Definition of a format for lesson plans (which will take into account the local specificities).
- Discussion of the timetable of deliverables.
- Basics of Wikipedia and Wikimedia editing.
- Setting up a local user group using Wikimedia accounts.
People involved
(e.g. How many people can benefit from the micro grant you request):
- The staff (management and teachers) of the Kocc Barma private school.
- The US Peace Corps training base in Thiès.
- A few teachers fom the local public high-schools.
Please explain what influence your activity will have on Wikimedia Projects
(e.g. quantitative: number of new pictures uploaded to commons, no of new articles created / qualitative: strengthen the community of german-speaking wikipedia authors etc,):
French is the major language in Senegal and it is the main language taught in schools. Some teachers are also teach some of the other official Senegalese languages. For the moment, in Thiès, there is very little internet connectivity in the schools, but most people have internet connections at home. The teachers will be able to join the Wikimedia community and contribute from their homes.
It is expected that the Kocc Barma teachers work out a few lesson plans involving the use of Kiwix in a school environment. The Kiwix files can be copied from the external hard drives, and most teachers will give it a try if the have a well thought out lesson plan ahead of time. One of the expected deliverables is a plan for using Kiwix during an exam.
This introduction to Wikipedia at the high school level will also reach one of our main target groups: young university students. Most students from this private school go on to study at the university level.
Important: After having submitted your request, please write an eMail to with your contact details (at least: Name, Surname, Email address)
This section needs to be filled out by the Microgrants-Committee
- --Muriel Staub (WMCH) (talk) 06:01, 12 June 2015 (UTC)
- --Ilario (talk) 10:04, 14 June 2015 (UTC)
- --Cassinam (talk) 10:05, 14 June 2015 (UTC)
- --Nennes (talk) 14:58, 14 June 2015 (UTC)
- --Shalf (talk) 13:49, 3 July 2015 (UTC)
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- ...
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Result: The Micro-grant committee approved this request.