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Eleições da Fundação Wikimedia/2017/Comité de Disseminação de Fundos/Candidatos

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki
This page is a translated version of the page Wikimedia Foundation elections/2017/Funds Dissemination Committee/Candidates and the translation is 13% complete.

A eleição terminou 11 junho 2017. Nenhum voto a mais será aceito.
Os resultados foram anunciados em 19 junho 2017. Por favor considere enviar quaisquer comentários sobre a eleição de 2017 na página de post mortem da eleição.

Esta página contém os candidatos para as eleições 2017 do Comité de Disseminação de Fundos. Os membros do Comité de Eleições de 2017 da Fundação Wikimedia, ou o pessoal da Fundação Wikimedia, verificarão os os requisitos de elegibilidade dos candidatos relativos às wikis. O pessoal da Fundação Wikimedia verificará a identificação e mais tarde verificará os requisitos offline dos candidatos. A verificação dos requisitos relativos às wikis e a identificação serão informados nesta página. Os requerimentos offline dos candidatos serão verificados em uma etapa posterior.

As declarações proporcionadas por aqueles candidatos que não sejam elegíveis para participar nesta eleição serão arquivadas em uma subpágina.

As declarações feitas por aqueles candidatos que retirem suas candidaturas serão arquivadas aqui.

The five individuals elected will join these members appointed to the Funds Dissemination Committee:

Name Languages Location
Anne Clin (Risker) en-N, fr-2 Canada
Garfield Byrd (Gtbiv) en-N United States
Bishakha Datta (Bishdatta) hi-N, en-N India
Candelaria Laspeñas (Cande_laspe) es-N, en-4 Argentina

Osmar Valdebenito (B1mbo)

B1mbo (talk meta edits global user summary CA  AE)

Detalhes do(a) candidato(a)
Osmar Valdebenito
  • Pessoal:
    • Nome: Osmar Valdebenito
    • Idade: 29
    • Localidade: Santiago, Chile
    • Idiomas: es-N, en-3
  • Editorial:
    • Wikimediano(a) desde: 2004
    • Wikis ativo: Spanish Wikipedia, Commons, Spanish Wikivoyage, Spanish Wikisource
Declaração Oi! Eu sou um Wikimedista experiente desde 2004 (principalmente a Wikipédia e Wikisource em espanhol). Me envolvi no passado com o processo do CDF tanto como membro do comitê quanto recebendo auxílio financeiro. Eu quero contribuir com a minha experiência para uma distribuição justa e acessível de fundos dentro do nosso movimento.
Perguntas obrigatórias 1. Quais de suas experiências você acha que melhorarão o trabalho e o processo de recomendação do CDF?
1.1. E sobre a direção e/ou avaliação dos planos e programas anuais?
Tenho uma experiência profissional extensiva em gerência e desenho e avaliação de programas. Sou um engenheiro industrial com mestrado em Gestão Pública e trabalhei em diferentes tipos de organizações (privadas, públicas e ONGs), o que me permite uma vista panorâmica das diferentes maneiras que organizações desenham, orçam e executam programas. Sou voltado para maximizar os valores dos projetos de nossos afiliados, sem negligenciar que e são desenvolvidos para um contexto particular em cada espaço. Em minha opinião isso é essencial para as avaliações e recomendações do CDF, que são fundamentais para os nossos afiliados melhorarem as suas performances e tenham um resultado melhor para o movimento em geral.
1.2. Em relação a concessão de bolsas("grants")?
Eu fui o primeiro presidente da Wikimedia Chile entre 2011 e 2012 e tesoureiro desde abril. Também, eu fui o diretor executivo da Wikimedia Argentina entre 2012 e 2014. Nessas funções, participei do processo de concessão de auxílios financeiros ("grants") desde diferentes perspectivas, como membro do conselho e como funcionário. Eu entendo as questões que capítulos enfrentam quando desenham os projetos, suas aspirações e frustrações e eu espero apoiá-los, a partir do CDF, a avançar as suas gestão como organização, especialmente os menores, aonde o comitê pode ser uma ferramenta vital para profissionalizá-los e fortalecê-los. Dada minhas origens e experiências, sou especialmente sensível aos desafios enfrentados por nossos afiliados nos países em desenvolvimento, que as vezes são muito diferentes do que aqueles de nossos afiliados mais estabelecidos (por exemplo, controle cambial, encontrar com agências governamentais, parceiros GLAM geralmente subfinanciados). Eu acredito que é importante ter uma composição do CDF que lide com essas questões e que esteja pronto para apoiar e ajudar no crescimento de nossas comunidades emergentes.

2. Como é que a sua história com a Wikimedia torna-o adequado para o CDF?

Eu sou um editor da Wikipédia desde 2004 e um membro de capítulo desde 2010, quando fui um dos fundadores da Wikimedia Chile. Depois, fui Diretor Executivo da Wikimedia Argentina de 2012 a 2014, em um período de rápida profissionalização que incluiu a candidatura para as primeiras rodadas de financiamento do APG. Eu fui membro do comitê que auxiliou na criação do CDF em 2012 e depois um membro de 2014 a 2016. Estive nos dois lados do balcão: eu sei o que significa ser parte do CDF e o que significa solicitar auxílio a ele. Após um ano fora por motivos profissionais, gostaria de voltar ao Comitê para apresentar uma abordagem da perspectiva de nossos afiliados, especialmente aqueles de comunidades emergentes.
Verificação Verificação realizada pelo comitê de eleições ou pelos funcionários da Fundação Wikimedia.
Elegibilidade: Verificado
Verificado por: Matanya (talk) 22:10, 27 May 2017 (UTC)[reply]
Identificação: Verificado
Verificado por: Jalexander--WMF 17:20, 26 May 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Liam Wyatt (Wittylama)

Wittylama (talk meta edits global user summary CA  AE)

Detalhes do(a) candidato(a)
Apresentando na conferência de Wikimedia Polónia, Museu Nacional de Varsovia (2016)
  • Pessoal:
    • Nome: Liam Wyatt
    • Idade: 32
    • Localidade: Italy
    • Idiomas: En-N, Fr-3, It-3, Sv-1
Declaração O CDF precisa ajudar a recompensar eficácia, garantir transparência financeira, construir profissionalismo e ser parte de um sistema robusto de responsabilidade mútua em nosso movimento. Como membro atual do CDF eu acredito que tenho a experiência para ajudar a alcançar esse objetivo.
Perguntas obrigatórias 1. Quais de suas experiências você acha que melhorarão o trabalho e o processo de recomendação do CDF?
1.1. E sobre a direção e/ou avaliação dos planos e programas anuais?
Pelos dois últimos anos, tenho sido um membro eleito do CDF e o comitê me elegeu para a função de vice-presidente. Durante esse período tentamos garantir responsabilidade mútua entre as partes do movimento. Por exemplo, conseguimos com sucesso levar o plano anual da própria Fundação Wikimedia para revisão pública. A experiência prática de revisar os mesmos aplicantes por vários anos é extremamente importante - me permite ter uma visão de longo prazo do progresso de aplicantes individualmente e compreender o contexto em que recomendações anteriores foram feitas.

Em meu emprego atual com "Europeana" (assim como trabalho anterior com a "Biblioteca Nacional da Austrália" e "Creative Commons Austrália") eu tenho me envolvido no ciclo de vida completo de planejamento anual: de revisar os projetos anteriores (com sucesso, sem sucesso, incompletos), construindo nova estratégia e determinando objetivos operacionais, através do pedido de auxílio financeiro (e ajustes!), implementação e finalmente relatórios.

I have a strong track record of identifying and supporting innovative Wikimedia activities so that they are successful, scalable and replicable - most especially in the field of GLAM outreach and partnerships.

1.2. Em relação a concessão de bolsas("grants")?

I have been involved in many aspects of the WMF grantmaking process over the years - both as an applicant and as a reviewer - most obviously as a currently elected member of the FDC. Within just this last year I have: successfully applied for a WMF Conference grant to support an event I convened (European GLAMwiki Coordinators meeting), and been the Chair of the Wikimedia-Poland Wikimania scholarship committee; and been elected Deputy-Chair of the FDC itself.

In previous years I was: an inaugural member of the "Individual Engagement Grants" committee; organiser of several events that received "Project & Event" grants (2xGLAM-Wiki, 2xGLAMcamp), and I have successfully applied for two "Travel & Participation" grants. I believe this experience in many different forms of Wikimedia grants helps me understand what is expected - in both rights and obligations - at different levels of funding.

2. Como é que a sua história com a Wikimedia torna-o adequado para o CDF?

I believe my wide range of experiences in, and around, the Wikimedia movement help me understand the context of the various projects that Annual Plan Grant applicants propose. For a decade I have been deeply involved in movement-wide discussions on the nature of fundraising, funds dissemination, the role of affiliates and the WMF and, most recently, the new movement strategy. Over that time I have seen the processes change and evolve. I have worked for the WMF as a contractor; been an Deputy-Chair of a Chapter; received and coordinated several grants at different levels; coordinated multi-affiliate content creation campaigns; and have worked closely with a dozen other affiliate organisations - from the biggest chapters, to external non-profit organisations, and small Wikimedia user-groups. I believe this “institutional memory” is very important in deliberating on individual Annual Plan Grant proposals. Equally, it will be important for the forthcoming years as we shape the FDC’s role within the new movement strategy.

I have been involved in many aspects of the community. Currently I am leading an advocacy campaign in Australia on Wikipedia to encourage the government to enact Fair Use exceptions into national copyright law. I am most proud of being the founder of our GLAM project and being the first Wikipedian-in-Residence. I have helped organise or been involved with projects run by many chapters and community groups across the world, convened several international Wikimedia conferences, multi-day meetings, and training events.
I am Australian, live in Italy and work for Europeana as Wikimedia-liaison. I have previously coordinated digital engagement at the National Library of Australia and Creative Commons Australia. My academic work includes a thesis on the Historiography of Wikipedia and I have a Masters degree in Intellectual Property Law.

Verificação Verificação realizada pelo comitê de eleições ou pelos funcionários da Fundação Wikimedia.
Elegibilidade: Verificado
Verificado por: Matanya (talk) 22:10, 27 May 2017 (UTC)[reply]
Identificação: Verificado
Verificado por: Jalexander--WMF 07:26, 27 May 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Nurunnaby Chowdhury (Hasive)

Hasive (talk meta edits global user summary CA  AE)

Detalhes do(a) candidato(a)
  • Pessoal:
    • Nome: Nurunnaby Chowdhury
    • Idade: 31
    • Localidade: Dhaka, Bangladesh
    • Idiomas: bn-N, en-3, hi-3, ur-3, as-2, bp-2

I'm Hasive, I am from Bangladesh. I involved with Wikipedia since 2004. I am an active Wikipedian and board member of Wikimedia Bangladesh. I am a finance graduate & worked in the various non-profit national organization and government. I work as an active member of IEG & GAC.

Perguntas obrigatórias 1. Quais de suas experiências você acha que melhorarão o trabalho e o processo de recomendação do CDF?
1.1. E sobre a direção e/ou avaliação dos planos e programas anuais?
As a co-organizer, I’ve been part of the Wiki Loves Monuments & Wiki Love Earth in Bangladesh from the beginning. Also, I involve in the most large event as a lead organizer in Bangladesh. As a board member of Wikimedia Bangladesh, I have overnighted a couple of activities in the past where I helped raise new projects, evaluate them and made final decisions of financing them. I am serving as a Grants Advisory Committee & Individual Engagement Grants committee member for several years’ now and evaluate many various grant applications. As a consultant to Bangladesh National Museum, I advise in the evaluation process of various programs.
1.2. Em relação a concessão de bolsas("grants")?
As an active member of Wikimedia Bangladesh, with my other colleagues, I review and help writing grants, requesting the budget for the chapter's activities. I've experienced what it's like to be a recipient and the work that is necessary to be eligible. Beside that In my position as a Treasurer for the Bangladesh Open Source Network, I manage the distribution of funds to support projects around our activities and to individuals organizing volunteer activities in Bangladesh. All these skills and expertise will be useful in the role I wish to play for the FDC. As a consultant I headed several grants from Bangladesh Ministry of Culture, Ministry of ICT and governmental and also from industry.

2. Como é que a sua história com a Wikimedia torna-o adequado para o CDF?

Hopefully, this will be my first time to join the FDC team, however, I gather knowledge from my work & also by reading previous FDC work. Being part of an active chapter of Wikimedia Bangladesh and other organizations like Mozilla Bangladesh, Open Knowledge Bangladesh I have experience and communication skills. I have attended Wikimedia conference and Wikimania London, Mexico City, and Esino Lario. I've had quite a well-rounded experience with Wikimedia both online and offline. I joined Bengali Wikipedia in 2004 and from 2008, I was just an editor of Bengali the establishment of Wikimedia Bangladesh, I involved in Wiki-world in an organizational and international level. So, I had occasion to see the changes and progress of international wiki-community for quite long time, which, I believe, given me a sort of historical, long-term perspective, which might be a value for FDC. I was one of the lead organizers of Bengali Wikipedia 10th year celebration program where Jimmy Wales joined with us as chief guest. Also, I involved with first Bengali Wikipedia unconference as an organizational capacity. I regularly edit several wiki projects.
Verificação Verificação realizada pelo comitê de eleições ou pelos funcionários da Fundação Wikimedia.
Elegibilidade: Verificado
Verificado por: Matanya (talk) 22:10, 27 May 2017 (UTC)[reply]
Identificação: Verificado
Verificado por: Jalexander--WMF 18:32, 26 May 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Chris Keating (The Land)

The Land (talk meta edits global user summary CA  AE)

Detalhes do(a) candidato(a)
Me. My cat is also on Commons
  • Pessoal:
    • Nome: Chris Keating
    • Idade: 36
    • Localidade: London, UK
    • Idiomas: English-n, French-1
  • Editorial:
    • Wikimediano(a) desde: 2004
    • Wikis ativo: en.wp, meta,
Declaração The FDC is vital for the impact and accountability of the movement. My experience as former Chair of Wikimedia UK means I can shape it towards being effective, transparent and supporting development and learning across the movement.
Perguntas obrigatórias 1. Quais de suas experiências você acha que melhorarão o trabalho e o processo de recomendação do CDF?
1.1. E sobre a direção e/ou avaliação dos planos e programas anuais?

Last Autumn, I reviewed most of the APG proposals even though I wasn’t on the FDC. As a trustee of Wikimedia UK for 5 years (and Chair for about 18 months), I've overseen the hiring of staff, handling ED transitions, development of our governance, strategy - as well as reviewing, challenging and agreeing our own annual plans.

At work, I'm responsible for budget of roughly £1.5M expenditure and £15M income, including our department annual planning process and then for knowing exactly what our performance has been and the reasons for it.

If elected my priorities will be to help improve the FDC's transparency and communication around its expectations, through open dialogue with affiliates and the community. Further, I will work towards improved metrics to prove our impact, and work to streamline and de-bureaucratise the process where possible.

1.2. Em relação a concessão de bolsas("grants")?
Since the very beginning of the FDC I have been involved in giving feedback on the APG process. I believe we need a much deeper impact of what impact means in the Wikimedia movement that looks at quality, diversity and volunteer capacity, as I set out in this essay, and if elected I'll push to move away from the Global Metrics model towards something more nuanced. Also, I work in fundraising and have worked for many organisations that receive significant grant or other restricted funding, so I understand grantmaking outside of the specific Wikimedia context.

2. Como é que a sua história com a Wikimedia torna-o adequado para o CDF?

I’ve been a Wikimedian since April 2004 and an administrator since 2006. On-wiki I’ve mainly focused on content creation and have led four English Wikipedia featured articles. So I have a great understanding of the values and working of our movement.

Also my time with Wikimedia UK was not alway easy, as I helped the chapter overcome some serious governance challenges in 2012. This has given me extensive experience of dealing with difficult conversations in a collaborative and respectful way, and of working effectively in an international context.

I have worked to promote good governance and organisational development. I ran two strategy and governance workshops for affiliate board members, served on the Wikimedia Conference programme committee for a number of years, and shared the learning points from the Wikimedia UK Governance Review to help other affiliates develop more productively. Of course the FDC isn't strictly meant to be involved in governance or capacity building itself, but in practice the FDC is heavily involved in these issues and where appropriate I will work to promote them.

Verificação Verificação realizada pelo comitê de eleições ou pelos funcionários da Fundação Wikimedia.
Elegibilidade: Verificado
Verificado por: Matanya (talk) 22:10, 27 May 2017 (UTC)[reply]
Identificação: Verificado
Verificado por: Jalexander--WMF 18:32, 26 May 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Frank Schulenburg (Frank Schulenburg)

Frank Schulenburg (talk meta edits global user summary CA  AE)

Detalhes do(a) candidato(a)
  • Pessoal:
    • Nome: Frank Schulenburg
    • Idade: 48
    • Localidade: California
    • Idiomas: de-N, en-4, fr-3, la-2
Declaração The FDC plays a vital role in allocating funds to projects that advance our mission. I’d like to serve the community by identifying, nurturing, and enhancing initiatives that make a difference.
Perguntas obrigatórias 1. Quais de suas experiências você acha que melhorarão o trabalho e o processo de recomendação do CDF?
1.1. E sobre a direção e/ou avaliação dos planos e programas anuais?
Evaluation is the only way to know whether a program works or not. It’s a way to be accountable to your donors. And evaluation is also the main driver of impact.
I’ve been involved in running Wikimedia-related programs since 2006. Based on that experience, the Wikimedia Foundation asked me in 2012 to build evaluation capacity within the movement. I both worked with larger chapters in Europe and loose groups of volunteers in other parts of the world. I look at programs and their impact within the underlying context and I have a very good sense for promising initiatives based on my broad experiences.
1.2. Em relação a concessão de bolsas("grants")?
I know both sides of the coin: As Senior Director of Programs from 2012 until 2014 I supported the Wikimedia Foundation’s grantmaking team by providing analysis and expertise to the FDC. In my role as Executive Director of the Wiki Education Foundation, I’m deeply involved in raising funds, ensuring that the money gets used effectively, and in reporting back to funders.

2. Como é que a sua história com a Wikimedia torna-o adequado para o CDF?

I’ve devoted my life for the last 12 years to Wikimedia projects. I get up every morning and go to my day job as ED of Wiki Education Foundation, where we run programs connecting education and Wikipedia in the US and Canada. I spend my weekends traveling around to take photographs to illustrate Wikipedia articles, and on poor weather days, to write articles to improve the German Wikipedia. I do this because I believe free knowledge is the most important contribution I can make to this world.

I’ve had a lot of different roles in the Wikimedia universe: chapter board member, program leader, ED, WMF staff, Wikipedian, Commons photographer. Throughout all of these, I’ve tried to bring a strong focus on evaluation and ensuring effectiveness of our movement’s most precious resources: volunteer time and donor money.

Verificação Verificação realizada pelo comitê de eleições ou pelos funcionários da Fundação Wikimedia.
Elegibilidade: Verificado
Verificado por: Matanya (talk) 22:10, 27 May 2017 (UTC)[reply]
Identificação: Verificado
Verificado por: Jalexander--WMF 07:26, 27 May 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Katherine Bavage (Leela0808)

Leela0808 (talk meta edits global user summary CA  AE)

Detalhes do(a) candidato(a)
Katherine Bavage. Image derivative from 'Burgon Society Editathon' by RockDrum (Thanks RockDrum!). Both licensed CC-BY-SA 3.0.
  • Pessoal:
    • Nome: Katherine Bavage
    • Idade: 32
    • Localidade: Leeds, UK
    • Idiomas: English-n
Declaração The FDC must be the gatekeeper for millions of our donors. In my current job I am confronted daily with the problem of making funding outcomes meaningful. This will make me sympathetic to the challenges this presents to applicants, but also very able to spot gaps or things unsaid in reports to FDC.
Perguntas obrigatórias 1. Quais de suas experiências você acha que melhorarão o trabalho e o processo de recomendação do CDF?
1.1. E sobre a direção e/ou avaliação dos planos e programas anuais?

As a former Wikimedia UK member of staff I had the chance to learn from and work with editors and staff from chapters around the world, in visits to WMDE in 2012 and WMF in 2013, and when the chapter hosted Wikimania 2014. I have a good view of how the different parts of our movement, from editors right along to the WMF Board sit alongside each other.

I have a strong understanding of how the FDC grant making process works, having helped write Wikimedia UK past annual grant applications, and annual grant reports. I have also supported applications for individual engagement grants and special project grants. As someone who has been ‘on the other side of the table’ as an applicant I have a good understanding of the difficulties it involves, but also the benefits of directly funding staff and programmes around the world.

I started editing English wikipedia as a logged in user shorty before joining Wikimedia UK as a member of staff. Since leaving in 2015 I have continued to edit as well as run outreach events. In the two years since my primary relationship with the Wikimedia movement became that of a volunteer, I have gained a much deeper understanding of how movement funding and governance can seem disconnected from the experience of simply editing or outreach. This insight shapes my belief that affiliates have to be very clear how proposals will sit alongside or directly support volunteers online and offline.

In 2015 I moved to work within a UK University as the dedicated person for delivering institutional applications to charitable trusts and foundations. My focus is seeking grants varying hugely in complexity, focus, and range (from £5,000 to £1million), working with academics and colleagues to report on successfully funded projects.

I routinely work at both ends of this process, evaluating the strength of proposed project plans before putting them in front of funders, and at the end of projects to evaluate and present the impact of grants on research or other activities. I am used to reviewing projects with complex budgets, with multiple (often international) partners across several different geographic locations with all the additional complexities that can entail. My job is at the interface between grantmaking organisations and University project groups, working to develop projects that meet the needs of both.

1.2. Em relação a concessão de bolsas("grants")?

I joined the Wikimedia UK Evaluation Panel in 2016, which deliberates in person and remotely to review project proposals from chapter staff and volunteer applications for outreach event and project funding. This requires a keen sense of what the chapter’s mission and goals are, as well as a good understanding of accounting practice to factor impact and value into decision making.

In my current professional role my experience is one of being a grantee within a wide range of grant-making processes. This offers useful understanding about what are helpful and unhelpful practices in grant-making, as well as the sorts of standards and reporting requirements it's reasonable to expect of grantees.

2. Como é que a sua história com a Wikimedia torna-o adequado para o CDF?

My experience gives me some pretty unique insights. As a former member of chapter staff I understand the challenges movement entities face applying for and reporting on FDC grant allocations. As a volunteer over the last two years, I can see the frustrations readers, editors and donors have when those challenges aren’t well communicated and they don’t feel the direct benefit of funding to their work. As a professional fundraiser I am optimistic that there is more we can do to improve both.
Verificação Verificação realizada pelo comitê de eleições ou pelos funcionários da Fundação Wikimedia.
Elegibilidade: Verificado
Verificado por: Matanya (talk) 22:10, 27 May 2017 (UTC)[reply]
Identificação: Verificado
Verificado por: Jalexander--WMF 21:58, 27 May 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Abel Lifaefi Mbula (BamLifa)

BamLifa (talk meta edits global user summary CA  AE)

Detalhes do(a) candidato(a)
Abel, 2016
  • Pessoal:
    • Nome: Abel Lifaefi Mbula
    • Idade: 25
    • Localidade: Kisangani, DR Congo
    • Idiomas: En-3, Fr-5
  • Editorial:
    • Wikimediano(a) desde: February 2015
    • Wikis ativo: frwiki, enwiki, lnwiki, swwiki (occasionnely)
Declaração The more time passes, the more those who began with the movement miss time and energies to properly help it going forward. They are attracted by other projects, other passions. Now is the time for well motivated new commers to take things on hands and serve the cause of this movement.
Perguntas obrigatórias 1. Quais de suas experiências você acha que melhorarão o trabalho e o processo de recomendação do CDF?
1.1. E sobre a direção e/ou avaliação dos planos e programas anuais?
I am a CS Teacher and have sufficient background in project managements. For years I have directed CS departements/services where I was called to produce annual/semestrial plans or programs for courses. Evaluate teachers and or cashier, etc. I also designed profit-making projects. All those expericences to well understand different aspects of project management: planning, priority, risk managment, ...
1.2. Em relação a concessão de bolsas("grants")?
Although I am not a FDC member, I am particularly sensitive to WKM-initiated or other chapters grant programs. I find that some projects are more grant funded while other can't be funded enough. I also find that the FDC need more tansparence then ever. So, if elected I'll do all my best to solve these issues.

2. Como é que a sua história com a Wikimedia torna-o adequado para o CDF?

Since I've discovered the movement I'm wondering about how it is functionning and what will it be in coming years. I'm an active wikimedian. I'm participating in decission making discussions, convincing new contributors to join in, sharing with friends, ... Locally I usually organise training in order to help people discovering what Wikimedia movement is about, to help some getting started. As most of people in my land can't have (good) Internet, I use Kiwix so that everyone can use Wikipedia or its sister projects. As one of wikimedians living in a poor country (yes I've no matter about Internet, but my community), I well know the real needs and difficulties for small communities or begining projects have. I hope to be qualified to represent the community on FDC.
Verificação Verificação realizada pelo comitê de eleições ou pelos funcionários da Fundação Wikimedia.
Elegibilidade: Verificado
Verificado por: Matanya (talk) 22:10, 27 May 2017 (UTC)[reply]
Identificação: Verificado
Verificado por: Jalexander--WMF 21:58, 27 May 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Ad Huikeshoven (Ad Huikeshoven)

Ad Huikeshoven (talk meta edits global user summary CA  AE)

Detalhes do(a) candidato(a)
Ad Huikeshoven
  • Pessoal:
    • Nome: Ad Huikeshoven
    • Idade: 53
    • Localidade: The Hague, The Netherlands
    • Idiomas: nl-N en-4
  • Editorial:
    • Wikimediano(a) desde: February 1st, 2005
    • Wikis ativo: Dutch Wikipedia, meta
Declaração Passionate long time Wikimedian. WMF spends less than 10% of its money on Annual Plan Grants of affiliates. My intention is to spend my time proportionate to size of grant.
Perguntas obrigatórias 1. Quais de suas experiências você acha que melhorarão o trabalho e o processo de recomendação do CDF?
1.1. E sobre a direção e/ou avaliação dos planos e programas anuais?
In the last years I followed several trainings in communication, including in the Gordon method. I followed the online u.lab course about Theory U by Otto Scharmer and have hosted a u.lab hub in the past five months. I have learned new techniques in facilitating dialogue and group decision making. From 2012 to 2016 I have been a board member of Wikimedia Nederland, starting as treasurer. I’ve been involved in developing annual plans and grant application for WMNL since 2012 four times including reporting and overseeing reporting.
1.2. Em relação a concessão de bolsas("grants")?
In my daytime job I have had experience with coordinating evaluations of a several dozens grants in a program totaling several hundred million euro. For Wikimedia Nederland I have been involved in setting up and executing a micro grant program. I have developed and overseen a scholarship program for Wikimania for three years. The amount of scrutiny by the FDC on Annual Plan Grants of affliates should imho be proportionate to the amount of scrutiny by the FDC on the Annual Plan of the WMF dollarwise.

2. Como é que a sua história com a Wikimedia torna-o adequado para o CDF?

I served on the Audit Committee of the Wikimedia Foundation in the period 2007 to 2012. I have been a board member of an affiliate at the time the first employees were hired. I am one of two most frequent visitors of the Wikimedia Conferences in Berlin and Milan. I have visited Wikimania Haifa, Hong Kong, London, Mexico City and Esino Lario. I graduated in 1992 in Economics and Business Adminstration at Maastricht University.
Verificação Verificação realizada pelo comitê de eleições ou pelos funcionários da Fundação Wikimedia.
Elegibilidade: Verificado
Verificado por: – Ajraddatz (talk) 16:14, 28 May 2017 (UTC)[reply]
Identificação: Verificado
Verificado por: Kalliope (WMF)--WMF 21:58, 27 May 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Michał Buczyński (Aegis Maelstrom)

Aegis Maelstrom (talk meta edits global user summary CA  AE)

Detalhes do(a) candidato(a)
Wikimedia Polska meet-ups are both work and fun!
  • Pessoal:
    • Nome: Michał Buczyński
    • Idade: 35
    • Localidade: Warsaw, Poland
    • Idiomas: pl-N, en-4, de-1.5
  • Editorial:
    • Wikimediano(a) desde: 2004
    • Wikis ativo: pl.wiki, meta, chapter, Wikidata

Humanity deserves free knowledge; donors scrutiny; volunteers support and staff deserves guidance.

The FDC assists with dialog and quotas, aiming to highlight great practices, spur efficacy and transparency, foster applicants' healthy growth. This service I'd like to continue.

Perguntas obrigatórias 1. Quais de suas experiências você acha que melhorarão o trabalho e o processo de recomendação do CDF?
1.1. E sobre a direção e/ou avaliação dos planos e programas anuais?

As an economist and finances professional (10+ years of experience in risk, reporting and supervision), I know the good, the bad and the ugly sides of reports, budgets and metrics. I would be happy to work with my colleagues, WMF and grantees to further improve the framework. As a data cruncher, with a MBA visit at UCLA and unfinished PhD (wikis and job won), I utilize benchmarks and numbers.

Furthermore, and perhaps foremost, I am a long-time Wikimedian. I come from an ambitious wiki and for five years I have been serving as a vice-president of Wikimedia Polska: a healthy mid-size CEE chapter, somewhat bridging experiences of East and West, big and small budget, emerged and yet-to-emerge countries. Therefore, I believe I understand many dilemmas and challenges the grantees face, and when I don't I try asking and learning. Moreover, Wikimedia taught me that the trust is crucial, great ideas essential and best practices vital, so I've been working with chapters, WMF staff, volunteers, donors and others, and I hope to build many new bridges in the future.

Finally, my two years in the FDC were the best lesson about this framework, grantees and our Movement, making me a proud part of its institutional knowledge. Now I would like to share the labored insights and longer term visions of our grantees' success, as they allow FDC to serve its goal better, understanding old considerations and thinking beyond one year.

1.2. Em relação a concessão de bolsas("grants")?

During my first term in FDC the committee handled a variety of cases. They included reviews of mid-size and large chapters, as well as of WMF itself where we provided both a possibly detailed programmatic review and important general/governance remarks. This work included our personal efforts to grow common understanding between FDC representing community, WMF and WMDE (on e.g. future of Wikidata) and others (on shared responsibility) which I find important for the Movement's future. The FDC is an unique actor, able not only to disseminate funds and insight from the Movement but also to facilitate communication and governance, and I would be happy to continue this service using earned experience.

Besides the FDC, I have been serving on the board of the volunteer-centric and carefully evolving mid-size chapter. The board went through hiring our first programmatic staff members and taking responsibilities, expanding programmes and exploring new ideas, accepting and declining offers, seeking funds and experiencing many issues the FDC applicants need to deal with. Moreover, my involvement with the chapter's cross-border initiatives from WMCEE to WCA bring much knowledge and benchmarks I find useful to understand the submissions and general picture.

My past involvement in GAC and programs&evaluation was also benefitial, as well as own quantitative research on affiliates (their budgets included) back in 2013.

2. Como é que a sua história com a Wikimedia torna-o adequado para o CDF?

During the last 12.5 years I have acted in numerous roles: editor, sysop, arbcom; speaker, trainer, researcher; advisor, evangelist and evaluator. Needs make me learn wearing new hats and shoes: last year I was responsible for a chapter-assisted WMF fundraising event, observing fundraising from various viepoints (donors included!), and this co-operation may blaze some new trails for affiliates in not far future.

My home chapter (including its successful small grants programme) is a vast resource of benchmarks and insight; the same should be written about the WMCEE region and all the submissions. As a bonus, being self-funded and uninvolved in the FDC process, WMPL provides me with a rare viewpoint: avoiding any potential budgetary conflicts of interests but sharing general responsibility and accountability to the Movement.

Finally, my previous meetings with WMF Staff and fellow Wikimedians, research, GAC and FDC itself gave me the global perspective to understand context of the submissions. I believe combining the lessons learned locally and insight from global communities with my general background and CEE, volunteer perspective allows me to add something important. After my first term I know I made my difference in every allocation, and now, thanks to the earned insight, I should be able to assist the Movement even better.

Verificação Verificação realizada pelo comitê de eleições ou pelos funcionários da Fundação Wikimedia.
Elegibilidade: Verificado
Verificado por: – Ajraddatz (talk) 16:14, 28 May 2017 (UTC)[reply]
Identificação: Verificado
Verificado por: Jalexander--WMF 18:01, 28 May 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Lorenzo Losa (Laurentius)

Laurentius (talk meta edits global user summary CA  AE)

Detalhes do(a) candidato(a)
  • Pessoal:
    • Nome: Lorenzo Losa
    • Idade: 31
    • Localidade: Italy
    • Idiomas: Italian-N, English-3, Spanish-1, Python-3
  • Editorial:
    • Wikimediano(a) desde: 2004
    • Wikis ativo: Italian Wikipedia, Wikidata, Meta
Declaração Each year, five million donors trust the global Wikimedia movement with their donations. They expect that we will spend them in an open, transparent and impactful way, fairly putting resources where most needed. In my past two years as an elected FDC member I have worked towards this goal.
Perguntas obrigatórias 1. Quais de suas experiências você acha que melhorarão o trabalho e o processo de recomendação do CDF?
1.1. E sobre a direção e/ou avaliação dos planos e programas anuais?

In my Wikimedia life, I have worked on a wide range of activities, from education to GLAMs, advocacy, organization of public events and conferences, etc. I have done so on different levels, first directly running activities, and more recently in the development of annual and longer-term plans and in their evaluation.

In my non-Wikimedia life, I am a mathematician, and analytical skills are one of my strengths. Three years ago I have cofounded a start-up company, where planning, executing, evaluating, and often recognizing your failures are key.

1.2. Em relação a concessão de bolsas("grants")?

Within Wikimedia Italia, I have been exposed to different kinds of grants. In particular, I worked on the two only Wikimedia Foundation grants asked by Wikimedia Italia: to support the Wikimedia Conference in 2013, and an Annual Plan Grant in 2015. I worked also on a few external grants, both national (granted by Italian foundations) and international ones.

On the granter side, I have been in the Funds Dissemination Committee for the last two years.

At a much smaller scale, in the last few months I have also worked to set up a microgrant program in Wikimedia Italia. It is about to start, and it will be a simpler, more transparent way to decide which projects are worth investing in, and to provide support to other volunteers. My hope is that an open process and peer feedback will help everyone to learn and develop more impactful projects.

2. Como é que a sua história com a Wikimedia torna-o adequado para o CDF?

I have been in the Wikimedia movement for 13 year: my first edit on Italian Wikipedia was in April 2004, and I have been an administrator since 2007.

I have been active in the Italian chapter since January 2006 (shortly after its founding), and I am currently the chair. Since 2011, when I was first elected in the board, many things have changed: we went from hiring the first part-time employee to a staff of nearly ten people; from a handful of active volunteers, most of which in the board, to a larger network of committed members spread across the country; and from a group of unlinked projects to a comprehensive plan. I understand that each phase has its different traits, and each one should be treated accordingly: each organization has its own working model and structure, with its strengths and its needs, and has to be considered in its own context.

Recognizing that our is a global movement, I have contributed also at the international level, including being part of the Funds Dissemination Committee since 2015.

Even though it is the sixth-largest Wikimedia chapter in terms of finances, Wikimedia Italia has submitted a proposal to the FDC only once, in 2015. At the time I was not yet in the FDC, and there is no plan to request an annual plan grant in the near future. Since it is able to raise funds from other sources, Wikimedia Italia is happy to leave the global funds to other entities in the movement.

Verificação Verificação realizada pelo comitê de eleições ou pelos funcionários da Fundação Wikimedia.
Elegibilidade: Verificado
Verificado por: – Ajraddatz (talk) 16:14, 28 May 2017 (UTC)[reply]
Identificação: Verificado
Verificado por: Jalexander--WMF 14:14, 29 May 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Viswanathan Prabhakaran (viswaprabha)

viswaprabha (talk meta edits global user summary CA  AE)

Detalhes do(a) candidato(a)
  • Pessoal:
    • Nome: Viswanathan Prabhakaran
    • Idade: 52
    • Localidade: Thrissur, Kerala, India.
    • Idiomas: ml-N, en-4, hi-3,ta-2, ar-2,sa-2,ur-1, pa-1
  • Editorial:
    • Wikimediano(a) desde: February 2005
    • Wikis ativo: Malayalam Wikipedia, Wikisource, Wiktionary, English Wikipedia, Sanskrit Wikipedia, Wikidata, Commons
Declaração I am a long time Wikimedian, Engineer and Project Manager with a career and social experience with multi-regional cultures spanning 3 decades. I am a former & elect Board Member WMIN, former Treasurer WMIN (India), former GAC member, lead finance planner & organizer for many WikiConferences in India and a key resource person for regular WM Training programs.
Perguntas obrigatórias 1. Quais de suas experiências você acha que melhorarão o trabalho e o processo de recomendação do CDF?
1.1. E sobre a direção e/ou avaliação dos planos e programas anuais?

I have three decades of professional experience in customer relations management, project planning and execution, program design and evaluation. I have worked with a wide international array of communities and cultures in India, Middle East and Europe and have dealt with people and societies ranging from most affluent to the least empowered. A graduate Electrical engineer, I have worked through a wide field of technical expertise such as industrial production, telecommunications, computer hardware, microelectronics, radiation physics, laboratory science, analytical chemistry, biomedical engineering, construction & project management, MIS, ERP etc. An advanced user of spreadsheets, RDBMS and other data processing tools with deep knowledge in financial budgeting, cost & feasibility analysis. Experienced in assessment of legal and technical compliance in large scale proposals and procedures.

For the last six years, I have been solely dedicating most of my time for the growth of Wikimedia Indic projects, particularly that of Malayalam community. During this period, I have acquired first hand experience of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats faced within communities of Global South. This has potentially enhanced my outlook and vision on how to best serve a typical Wikimedia stakeholder community with optimized but limited funds and resources. I would now like to impart my skills and talents to the FDC in a direct and effective manner.

1.2. Em relação a concessão de bolsas("grants")?

I have intensively volunteered my time and efforts to build up the Wikimedia India Chapter during its nascent stages (2012 to 2014) as a board member and treasurer. In this capacity, I had deeply involved in formalizing the grant protocols and procedures for the chapter in its evolving stage for WMF and FDC interactions. Besides, I have been the chief designer of financial plans and event coordination for Wikisangamotsavam, an annual conference and community get-together of Malayalam Wikimedians since 2012. For some time, I have participated in the Grants Advisory Committee under WMF. I also prepared the budget and financial context of PEG application for the highly successful WikiConference India 2016, major Wikimedia event event executed in 2016 August. As of now, I have been elected as the WMIN board member for its current term.

As a chapter board member, I confidently understand the significance of the role of FDC in ensuring meticulous and timely dissemination of available funds and resources with strict, judicious but compassionate wisdom.

2. Como é que a sua história com a Wikimedia torna-o adequado para o CDF?

I had embarked upon the Wikimedia bandwagon since its early days, as a casual unregistered user. In 2005, I decided to devote more time as a registered user and focus on to my local community (Malayalam). Ever since, I have spared constant efforts to build up a large ecology of users familiar with localized input methods and open knowledge culture via blogs and social networks, eventually driving them to the Wikimedia mission. In 2011, I relinquished my job overseas and returned to my homeland to dedicate full time towards the cause of Wikimedia projects. Apart from being a veteran editor and chapter activist, I have also led or participated in many discrete events and projects including GLAMs, digitization drives, outreach workshops, training and media campaigns. These experiences have provided me with a deep understanding of the functional and programing aspects of Wikimedia chemistry. Today, I feel sufficiently confident that I have matured enough to become a qualified FDC member.
Verificação Verificação realizada pelo comitê de eleições ou pelos funcionários da Fundação Wikimedia.
Elegibilidade: Verificado
Verificado por: Ruslik (talk) 11:38, 29 May 2017 (UTC)[reply]
Identificação: Verificado
Verificado por: Jalexander--WMF 00:56, 29 May 2017 (UTC)[reply]