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Wikimedia Foundation elections/2021/Meetings/Candidates meet with Middle East and North Africa (MENA)/Report

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Meeting was held successfully, you can find the report for it below:




  • Farah Jack Mustaklem
  • Reda Kerbouche
  • Dariusz Jemielniak
  • Pavan Santhosh
  • Ashwin Baindur
  • Gerard Meijssen
  • Rosie Stephenson-Goodknight
  • Michael Peel
  • Pascale Camus-Walter
  • Lorenzo Losa
  • Vicki Doronina
  • Vinicius Siqueira


  • dezedien
  • Ravan Jaafar
  • Mervat Salman
  • Nanour Garabedian
  • Anas Sedrati
  • Osama Eid
  • Adel Nehaoua
  • Walaa M Abdulmonim
  • Sandra Hanbo
  • Donia ElDomiaty
  • Michel Bikni
  • Ahmed Elarosi
  • Yamen Bousrih

Chat Text


21:58:26 From dezedien to Everyone : hello all  :)
21:58:36 From Dariusz Jemielniak (he/him) to Everyone : hello! :)
21:59:23 From pavansanthosh to Everyone : Hi
21:59:34 From Mervat (her/she) to Everyone : Hello
21:59:51 From Ashwin Baindur to Everyone : Hello everyone :)
22:00:08 From GerardM to Everyone : how many Arabic people are expected to join?
22:00:08 From Rosie Stephenson-Goodknight to Everyone : Hi everyone.
22:00:24 From Dariusz Jemielniak (he/him) to Everyone : Hi Rosie!
22:00:58 From Ravan Jaafar (she/her) to Everyone : Hello Everyone
22:07:07 From Dariusz Jemielniak (he/him) to Everyone : I apologize if I took too long - I don't know what the expected limits are!
22:07:36 From Dariusz Jemielniak (he/him) to Everyone : I've been a profesor for my whole adult life, so I can keep talking and talking for hours ;)
22:07:57 From Mervat (her/she) to Everyone : Not at all, what you said if really what we need to hear
22:08:42 From Nanour Garabedian to Everyone : and happy to listen to you Dariusz
22:08:54 From Dariusz Jemielniak (he/him) to Everyone : (Michel: many thanks for interpreting - and WOW! I can't imagine how difficult it is to load so much into your head :O )
22:10:22 From Mervat (her/she) to Everyone : إذا كان لديكم أسئلة محددة للمتحدثين، يمكنكم كتابتها هنا وسنعود لها
22:15:03 From Mervat (her/she) to Everyone : Rosie we lost you
22:15:16 From Anass (he/him) to Everyone : السلام عليكم ميرفت، نعم عندي سؤال لو سمحت. من من المرشحين يدعم فكرة المراكز الإقليمية؟ و من منهم يعدنا بمساندة فتح مركز للمنطقة العربية إن ربح و دخل مجلس الأمناء؟
22:16:47 From Anass (he/him) to Everyone : سؤال 2: من من المرشحين يلتزم بتطوير المنطقة العربية عن طريق تشغيل أعضاء أكثر من المنطقة في المؤسسة؟
22:18:34 From Michael Peel to Everyone : Should we answer questions here, or wait until they are asked on the call?
22:18:36 From Anass (he/him) to Everyone : سؤال 3 : من من المرشحين بلتزم بفتح التقديم للفصول (chapters) من جديد ويسمح لمجموعات المنطقة بالوصول لهذه المرحلة؟
22:19:01 From Anass (he/him) to Everyone : شكرا مسبقا للمرشحين على أجوبتهم
22:19:03 From Mervat (her/she) to Everyone : Michael, after the introduction,
22:19:34 From Michael Peel to Everyone : ok, thanks, although I suspect introductions will take most of the hour. ;-)
22:19:48 From Anass (he/him) to Everyone : HHHH this is true Michael :D
22:19:58 From Mervat (her/she) to Everyone : yes, we'll do our best.
22:20:01 From Michael Peel to Everyone : (this was why I was brief. ;-) )
22:23:42 From Dariusz Jemielniak (he/him) to Everyone : @Mervat: to confirm, we should not post our replies/clarifications in the chat, but wait till the whole round of presentations?
22:24:35 From Mervat (her/she) to Everyone : Yes Darius, not replies in the chat, if we can, we allow replies after the introductions, otherwise, we'll keep until the next meeting
22:25:04 From Dariusz Jemielniak (he/him) to Everyone : Understood, thank you.
22:25:42 From Michael Peel to Everyone : Funds Dissemination Committee
22:26:05 From Dariusz Jemielniak (he/him) to Everyone : it was a body responsible for distribution of movement funds 22:27:30 From Adel Nehaoua (he/him) to Everyone : أعتقد أن أهم سؤال ماذا سيقدمه المرشحون للمجتمع العربي
22:30:04 From Anass (he/him) to Everyone : أعتقد أخي عادل أن هذا السؤال سهل و سيكون الجواب عنه فضفاضا (لغة الخشب ههه)، في الحقيقة من الجبد لو يفصّلو أكثر في ماذا سنستفيد حقا كمجتمع
22:30:35 From Osama Eid to Everyone : 👍👍👍👍
22:34:07 From Adel Nehaoua (he/him) to Everyone : هل يوافق المرشح على وجود مقعد دائم للمنطقة
22:34:45 From Anass (he/him) to Everyone : سؤال: من من المرشحين يلتزم بجعل لقاءات مجلس الأمناء ومخرجاتها عمومية ومفتوحة للجميع ليقرأها؟
22:34:52 From Pascale Camus-Walter (she/her) to Everyone : Choukran for the translation !
22:36:17 From Adel Nehaoua (he/him) to Everyone : si Pascale présente en sa langue maternelle sera mieux pour moi
22:36:59 From Nanour Garabedian to Everyone : more than 50 %
22:37:30 From Pascale Camus-Walter (she/her) to Everyone : @Adel dommage, tu aurais du me le dire ! :-)
22:37:49 From Farah Jack Mustaklem to Everyone : @Adel, mais pas pour tous ;)
22:38:21 From Farah Jack Mustaklem to Everyone : Arbitration Committee
22:38:23 From Michel Bakni to Everyone : You were twice member of
22:38:43 From Michael Peel to Everyone : Russian Wikipedia arbitration committee
22:39:03 From dezedien to Everyone : Michel a bien traduit en arabe  :)
22:41:10 From Walaa M to Everyone : أتفق مع مُداخلات أناس وعادل
22:41:51 From Adel Nehaoua (he/him) to Everyone : هل الفكر الثوري لفيكي لا يؤثر على حيادتها
22:43:47 From Reda Kerbouche to Everyone : what about north Africa ? ;)
22:44:43 From Pascale Camus-Walter (she/her) to Everyone : Using Google translation :
22:46:38 From pavansanthosh to Everyone : Telugu
22:47:48 From Reda Kerbouche to Everyone : Pascale the translation is not correct
22:48:32 From Pascale Camus-Walter (she/her) to Everyone : What is the good translation ?
22:48:34 From Farah Jack Mustaklem to Everyone : أناس c'est gens, mais c'est le nom de notre ami "Anass" :)
22:48:56 From Pascale Camus-Walter (she/her) to Everyone : Lol !
22:48:59 From Reda Kerbouche to Everyone : oui Elle ecrit quelle est d'acord avec les commontaire de Anas et Adel
22:49:28 From dezedien to Everyone : شكرا ميسل للترجمة الرائعة
22:49:30 From pavansanthosh to Everyone : Thanks for translation :)
22:49:35 From dezedien to Everyone : ميشل *
22:49:43 From Nanour Garabedian to Everyone : pourquoi tous le mond parle en francais?
22:49:55 From Farah Jack Mustaklem to Everyone : pour Adel :)
22:49:58 From Nanour Garabedian to Everyone : ce bien de pratiquer mon francais
22:50:13 From Michael Peel to Everyone : Pourquoi pas? ;-)
22:50:31 From Sandra HANBO to Everyone : مرحبا جميعا
22:50:49 From Nanour Garabedian to Everyone : je suis heureuse de ca
22:50:50 From dezedien to Everyone : marhaba - hello Sandra
22:50:57 From Sandra HANBO to Everyone : أجد الأفضل التحدث بالعربية 😉
22:50:57 From Adel Nehaoua (he/him) to Everyone : j'ai la phobie de l'anglais
22:51:10 From Reda Kerbouche to Everyone : lol il faut pas Adel
22:51:20 From Dariusz Jemielniak (he/him) to Everyone : hello Sandra, I also feel more comfortable… in Polish ;)
22:51:33 From Sandra HANBO to Everyone : لا تقلق لا مانع من بعض الأخطاء
22:52:06 From Reda Kerbouche to Everyone : czesc Dariusz
22:52:07 From Sandra HANBO to Everyone : أجل لكن الاجتماع للمجتمع العربي وليس الجميع متحدثين بالفرنسية
22:52:16 From Sandra HANBO to Everyone : 😕😕
22:52:23 From Michael Peel to Everyone : :)
22:52:38 From Adel Nehaoua (he/him) to Everyone : لكن نسمع الإنجليزية أكثر
22:52:41 From Sandra HANBO to Everyone : نأمل لو بإمكاننا فهم جميع اللغات
22:52:49 From Dariusz Jemielniak (he/him) to Everyone : Sandra - of course and I am not trying to persuade switching to Polish :)
22:52:50 From Donia ElDomiaty to Everyone : ميشيل يُترجم الإنجليزية، أعتقد أنّا بحاجة لمُترجم للفرنسية أيضًا😂
22:53:14 From Michel Bakni to Everyone : أنا أترجم الفرنسية أيضاً
22:53:28 From dezedien to Everyone : ميشيل يجيدها
22:53:40 From Farah Jack Mustaklem to Everyone : ميشيل متعدد المواهب
22:53:47 From Adel Nehaoua (he/him) to Everyone : جيد ميشيل كان لي الشرف أنك ترجمت حديثي
22:56:32 From Donia ElDomiaty to Everyone : أها صحيح، ميشيل متعدد المواهب فعلًا ما شاء الله
22:57:00 From Lorenzo Losa to Everyone : Thank you Michel!
22:57:01 From GerardM to Everyone : thanks
22:57:02 From Dariusz Jemielniak (he/him) to Everyone : many thanks Michel!
22:57:07 From Nanour Garabedian to Everyone : thank you Michel!
22:57:09 From Rosie Stephenson-Goodknight to Everyone : Thank you Michel!
22:57:15 From pavansanthosh to Everyone : Thank you Michel
22:57:23 From pavansanthosh to Everyone : *Michel
22:57:23 From Vicki Doronina to Everyone : thank you
22:57:25 From dezedien to Everyone : شكرا شكرا ميشيل
22:57:44 From Dariusz Jemielniak (he/him) to Everyone : we're almost at the hour, but I'd suggest that we definitely finish the whole round of candidate intros, right?
22:57:52 From Dariusz Jemielniak (he/him) to Everyone : otherwise it would not make sense or be fair
22:57:57 From Lorenzo Losa to Everyone : Definitely
22:58:04 From Rosie Stephenson-Goodknight to Everyone : Agree
22:58:06 From pavansanthosh to Everyone : Yes!
22:58:32 From Reda Kerbouche to Everyone : owe have to finish the whole round
23:00:30 From Lorenzo Losa to Everyone : unfortunately I think there will not be time for questions and answers... too bad
23:00:41 From Dariusz Jemielniak (he/him) to Everyone : yup…
23:02:05 From Rosie Stephenson-Goodknight to Everyone : I forgot to mention, but for transparency will share that Serbian is my first language, though I speak it poorly now.
23:02:08 From Michael Peel to Everyone : could we perhaps answer them here uinstead?
23:02:38 From Dariusz Jemielniak (he/him) to Everyone : or meta
23:02:46 From Michael Peel to Everyone : for me, the Q&A was the main aim for the session - frustrating that intros have taken so long!
23:03:01 From Vicki Doronina to Everyone : +1 / I don't like this format
23:03:05 From Lorenzo Losa to Everyone : I agree.
23:03:15 From pavansanthosh to Everyone : Same for me. Q&A is the reason I am here.
23:03:15 From Michael Peel to Everyone : is there a good place that people can ask questions on meta, beyond the curated list, that we’re allowed to reply to?
23:03:36 From Dariusz Jemielniak (he/him) to Everyone : I'm not happy with the curated list, to be perfectly honest
23:03:49 From Dariusz Jemielniak (he/him) to Everyone : it does not contain some questions that people would like to see answered
23:03:52 From Michael Peel to Everyone : or should we just give links to our user talk pages and direct questions there? ;-)
23:03:57 From Vicki Doronina to Everyone : All the edgy questions gone
23:04:10 From Lorenzo Losa to Everyone : Yes, there are a few questions on meta that make sense and should be answered
23:04:51 From Ravan Jaafar (she/her) to Everyone : We assure everyone that another meeting will follow as an open session for questions and answers
23:05:09 From Vicki Doronina to Everyone : Great
23:05:09 From Michael Peel to Everyone : With more introductions from other candidates that didn’t make this call? ;-)
23:05:17 From Vicki Doronina to Everyone : lol
23:05:24 From Dariusz Jemielniak (he/him) to Everyone : :) we also need very clear time limits
23:05:30 From Michael Peel to Everyone : +1 on time limits!
23:05:36 From Vicki Doronina to Everyone : =1
23:05:38 From Dariusz Jemielniak (he/him) to Everyone : I don't feel comfortable cutting into other people's time, when there are no limits :)
23:05:44 From Ashwin Baindur to Everyone : Will we have time today for my introduction?
23:05:45 From Mervat (her/she) to Everyone : Yes, we hope the other candidates could join next time.
23:05:55 From Adel Nehaoua (he/him) to Everyone : فرح أنت تتحدث مع المجتمع العربي لا أظن أنك تحتاج لترجمة حديثك
23:05:59 From Dariusz Jemielniak (he/him) to Everyone : Ashwin, we definitely should wait for the whole round, it is only fair.
23:06:02 From pavansanthosh to Everyone : //Will we have time today for my introduction?// Yes, Ashwin
23:06:24 From Mervat (her/she) to Everyone : Yes Ashwin,
23:06:24 From Sandra HANBO to Everyone : أتفق معك عادل
23:06:43 From Mervat (her/she) to Everyone : your turn is right after Farah, we'll keep Reda to the end :)
23:07:29 From Reda Kerbouche to Everyone : Mervat you are killing me lol
23:08:10 From vinic to Everyone : It's a pitty that we will not have time to hear the volunteers and to answear their questions. You can reach me on telegram https://t.me/vini_175 . I have another appointment now. Thank you all! Thank you for the translators!
23:08:10 From Adel Nehaoua (he/him) to Everyone : فرح ما هي خطتك في إيجاد تمثيل حقيقي للمجتمع العربي
23:08:11 From Mervat (her/she) to Everyone : سماح رضا
23:09:14 From Mervat (her/she) to Everyone : thanks Vinic
23:09:37 From Ahmed Elarosi to Everyone : honestly, as an Arab community member I was looking for an open discussion with the candidates so we can know more about their thoughts
23:10:00 From Vicki Doronina to Everyone : So did we all
23:10:01 From Lorenzo Losa to Everyone : Ahmed, as a candidate, I was looking for that too
23:10:06 From Dariusz Jemielniak (he/him) to Everyone : @Ahmed: agreed. It is the first meetup though, so we're all learning
23:10:34 From Lorenzo Losa to Everyone : This is the first meeting of this format. Let's take it as an experiment, we will do it better next time!
23:10:35 From pavansanthosh to Everyone : I feel same @Ahmed! Would love to have a good discussion.
23:10:40 From Ahmed Elarosi to Everyone : I hope we have another meeting soon :)
23:10:59 From Dariusz Jemielniak (he/him) to Everyone : Yup! :)
23:11:02 From pavansanthosh to Everyone : See you soon :)
23:11:16 From Mervat (her/she) to Everyone : thank Pavan
23:12:37 From Vinicius Siqueira to Everyone : Thank you all! I hope we have a new opportunity with the MENA community.
23:20:25 From Dariusz Jemielniak (he/him) to Everyone : I apologize profusely, but I'm 1.5h behind my bedtime - I 'm not able to follow anymore. I will watch later
23:20:50 From Vicki Doronina to Everyone : Da vidzenia, Dariusz
23:21:22 From Lorenzo Losa to Everyone : Bye Dariusz!
23:21:23 From Dariusz Jemielniak (he/him) to Everyone : I'm really sorry not to stay till the end (apologies for missing 2 intros!)
23:21:25 From Dariusz Jemielniak (he/him) to Everyone : bye
23:21:32 From pavansanthosh to Everyone : It is 2 am here in India :) (Ofcourse, Ashwin is also in same timezone) Need to go to bed. Sorry. Bye
23:21:54 From dezedien to Everyone : choukran - Thanks Darius
23:21:55 From pavansanthosh to Everyone : Couldn’t keep myself up
23:22:01 From pavansanthosh to Everyone : See you all!
23:22:03 From Lorenzo Losa to Everyone : You will have many occasions to hear other candidates :-)
23:23:00 From Vicki Doronina to Everyone : Bye
23:23:19 From Farah Jack Mustaklem to Everyone : بالعربي
23:23:35 From Pascale Camus-Walter (she/her) to Everyone : we are all tired...
23:23:57 From Farah Jack Mustaklem to Everyone : عادل ممكن تغلق الصوت
23:24:28 From Adel Nehaoua (he/him) to Everyone : آسف لم أنتبه
23:24:46 From dezedien to Everyone : .
23:24:47 From dezedien to Everyone : .
23:25:00 From Pascale Camus-Walter (she/her) to Everyone : @Ashwin : your mic is open
23:27:05 From dezedien to Everyone : شكرا رافان للترجمة
23:27:06 From Adel Nehaoua (he/him) to Everyone : رضا بالدارجة
23:27:16 From dezedien to Everyone : عفوا ميرفت
23:27:28 From dezedien to Everyone : مسموع
23:27:33 From Vicki Doronina to Everyone : Thank you for the translation, I know it's difficult
23:27:46 From Nanour Garabedian to Everyone : great opportunity to hear all of you! Merci a tous! شكرًا لفريق التنظيم لإتاحة هذه الفرصة!
23:27:52 From Nanour Garabedian to Everyone : مسموع
23:28:26 From Ashwin Baindur to Everyone : @Pascale, thank you for telling me :)
23:29:53 From Walaa M to Everyone : خارج السياق: أنا مُستاءة من انسحاب بعض المرشحين أثناء تقديم العروض التقديمية للزملاء الأخرين، حتى لو تجاوزنا الوقت، بس هما محتاجين أصواتنا وإحنا متطوعين بالفعل
23:30:45 From Farah Jack Mustaklem to Everyone : كل واحد ووقته ولاء. لا نعلم ظروف الجميع، وإن كنت أود أن يبقى الجميع هنا
23:31:07 From Nanour Garabedian to Everyone : شكرا رضا
23:31:11 From Walaa M to Everyone : هما مش بيمنوا علينا لقائهم ده يا فرح من الآخر
23:32:10 From Michael Peel to Everyone : Bear in mind the difficult timezones - it’s difficult for some candidates to stay for a full meeting, or even attend at all.
23:32:27 From Nanour Garabedian to Everyone : privet ;)



You can listen to the full record of the meeting here.