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Izbori u Zakladi Wikimedia/2022/Kandidati/Joris Darlington Quarshie

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This page is a translated version of the page Wikimedia Foundation elections/2022/Candidates/Joris Darlington Quarshie and the translation is 100% complete.

Joris Darlington Quarshie (Joris Darlington Quarshie)

Joris Darlington Quarshie (talk meta edits global user summary CA  AE)

Rezime izbora
Joris Quarshie
  • Osobno:
    • Ime: Joris Darlington Quarshie
    • Lokacija: Ghana
    • Jezici: English, Akan, Asante Twi, Fanti, Akuapem, Basic French and Basic Spanish.
  • Uvodnik:
    • Wikimedijac od: 2018.
    • Aktivni wikiji: Wikimedia Commons, Wikidata, Meta-Wiki, Wikipedia, Mediawiki and Outreach-Wikimedia
Introductory statement / Application summary.
This section to be translated. (150 word maximum)
Djelovao sam kao mentor, moderator i voditelj zajednice te sam pružao tehničku podršku za više nedovoljno zastupljenih Wikimedijinih zajednica i volontera, pogotovo u Africi. Iskreno se radujem mogućnosti pružanja pomoći drugim nedovoljno zastupljenim zajednicama i suradnicima diljem svijeta.

U proteklih nekoliko mjeseci moj je glavni fokus bio na lokalizaciji Wikimedijinih alata i projekata radi rješavanja nekih zahtjevnih problema povezanih s nedovoljno zastupljenim zajednicama diljem svijeta. Jedan je od mojih ciljeva i suradnja s Wikimedijinim podružnicama i zajednicama kako bismo zajedno pronašli bolje alate za podršku višejezičnim bazama slobodnog znanja u svim projektima Wikimedije i doprinijeli rješenju globalnih problema Wikimedije.

Na temelju mog prošlog iskustva u javnim politikama, želim doprinijeti implementiranju politika koje su u skladu s implementiranjem strategije pokreta i Globalnim vijećem kako bi se osigurala ravnopravnost za sve.

Doprinosi Wikimedia projektima, članstvo u Wikimediа organizacijama ili podružnicama, aktivnosti u ulozi organizatora pokreta Wikimedia ili sudjelovanje u organizaciji koja je saveznik pokreta Wikimedia.
(najviše 100 riječi)
For contributions to Wikimedia projects, here are a few;
  1. Contributed to Wikiloop Double-Check as an Editor, Translator and an Artificial Intelligence Researcher in 2019.
  2. Facilitated and Co-organized the African Wikimedia Developers Project for 2019,2021 and 2022.
  3. Worked with Open Foundation West Africa as the Technical and Programs Officer whereby I co-organized events and projects by providing Technical Support to the Open Foundation West Africa and its community.
  4. Established a successful African technical community for the African Wikimedia Developers Project which is in the process of re-branding the project to be named the African Wikimedia Technical Community.
Stručnost u vještinama koje je Odbor identificirao kao potrebne.
  • Organizacijska strategija i upravljanje
  • Tehnologija platforme na razini poduzeća i/ili razvoj proizvoda
  • Javna politika i zakon
  • Znanost o društvenim podacima, analiza velikih podataka i strojno učenje

(najviše 150 riječi)

I do have the skills in monitoring and evaluation, organisational strategy, programs management, product and project management, data science, facilitation and mentoring, community development and management in my previous professional positions for these companies and communities respectively; AirtellTigo Ghana, Open Foundation West Africa, Azubi Africa, Zindi Africa, Upath Canada, Starters Technology and the African Wikimedia Technical Community. Where I worked as an Independent entrepreneur developer for AirtelTigo Ghana, Technical and Programs Officer for Open Found West Africa, Data Scientist for Azubi Africa, Country Ambassador for Zindi Africa, Product Manager for Upath Canada, STEM and STEAM facilitator and Community Lead for the African Wikimedia Technical Community. I have also been able to develop skills in public policy and the law whiles working for an outsourcing and recruitment company in Ghana called Elite Jobs Ghana as one of their Technical Recruitment Managers on a contractual basis.
Proživljena iskustva u svijetu. Posebno smo zainteresirani za čitanje o proživljenim iskustvima u regijama Afrike, Južne Azije, Istočne i Jugoistočne Azije i Pacifika te Latinske Amerike i Kariba. Vjerujemo da bi iskustvo u tim regijama moglo pomoći u proširenju sposobnosti odbora da ispuni cilj strategije pokreta, a to je pravednija zastupljenost. Naravno, svjesni smo da bi i druga iskustva također mogla dati važan doprinos.
(najviše 250 riječi)
I am a Ghanaian Wikimedian, born, raised, working and currently living in Ghana in the African Region. One of my experiences is about "Open the Knowledge." For many years, foreign media and tourists have provided insufficient content about Africa to the world, which paints a negative picture of the African region. So far I have seen Wiki-in-Africa and some other African affiliates of the Wikimedia Foundation putting in some work with regards to the Open Knowledge initiative in order to raise awareness of the biases, under-representation, and inequities in our movement that continue to close Wikimedia projects to much of the world’s people and knowledge. I do have the motive of collaborating with African Wikimedians to change the narrative or perception when it comes to the African Continent as a whole.
Odlično poznavanje drugih kultura, regija i jezika koji nije vaš materinski. Interkulturalna svest pomaže u izgradnji mostova u našoj multikulturalnoj zajednici.
(najviše 250 riječi)
I grew up learning multiple languages in school and in my local community due to the diverse people I stayed with and schooled with. I was able to learn how to read and write some languages such as Afrikaans, Asante Twi, Fanti, Akan, Akuapem Twi, English and some basic French and Spanish. I have worked on multiple contractual translation jobs remotely and voluntary. Some of the organisations I have done translations for are; RightsCon and the Ghana Bible Society. Aside from my external translation jobs, I have contributed massively when it comes to translating pages on Wikimedia projects, tools and other softwares. I am currently in the process of creating a translation tool to help contributors in Africa to translate Wikimedia Projects from English into their local languages specifically for Afrikaans, Twi, Akan, Ewe, Dagbani, Hausa, Yoruba, Igbo, and Swahili. One of my translation projects was for the Kiwix Andriod app on playstore. I am currently also collaborating with some Nigerian Wikimedians to come up with a tool and a Wikimedia Education Program to help the blind and visually impaired people to be able to read and contribute to Wikimedia Projects. Through my previous Wikimedia Projects and events, I have collaborated and worked with people from diverse backgrounds based on countries, ethnicities, religions and tribes to have successful events and projects. Which has contributed a lot to my life in terms of knowledge.
Iskustvo u ulozi zagovornika stvaranja sigurnih i kolaborativnih prostora za sve i/ili iskustvo u situacijama ili kontekstima cenzure, represije ili drugih napada na ljudska prava.
(najviše 250 riječi)
As a citizen of the global village, I am an advocate for human rights, specifically in the area of silent threats against the safety of journalists around the world with regard to freedom of expression and media development. In recent years, I have advocated with UNESCO to help protect the rights of journalists around the world and to provide safe spaces for them. Looking at the global and regional killings of journalists around the world from 2016 to 2020, the impunity of crimes against journalists and other attacks and threats, such as enforced disappearance, kidnapping, and arbitrary detention, is what motivates me to advocate for the human rights of journalists not only in Africa but the world at large.
Iskustvo u odnosu na grupu (ili iskustvo kao člana grupe, u mjeri u kojoj to odlučite podijeliti) koja se suočila s povijesnom diskriminacijom i nedovoljnom zastupljenošću u strukturama moći (uključujući, ali ne ograničavajući se na kastu, rasu, etničku pripadnost, boju kože, nacionalno podrijetlo, nacionalnost, rodni identitet, spolno izražavanje, seksualnu orijentaciju, dob, vjeru, jezik, kulturu, obrazovanje, sposobnosti, prihod i okruženje).
(najviše 250 riječi)
I do come from a smaller ethnic group in Ghana, which is underrepresented when it comes to power and influence. In terms of population, we are about 1.4% of the total population of Ghana. I would prefer not to share further details at the moment.
Verification Identity verification performed by Wikimedia Foundation staff and eligibility verification performed by the Elections Committee
Eligibility: Potvrđeno
Potvrđeno: Matanya (talk) 09:01, 17 May 2022 (UTC)[reply]
Identification: Potvrđeno
Potvrđeno: Joe Sutherland (Wikimedia Foundation) (talk) 23:54, 18 May 2022 (UTC)[reply]