Wikimedia Foundation elections/Board elections/2007/Reports/Day 2
2007 board elections |
Organization |
Committee reports |
On 29 June, 2007
- Total votes now sit at approximately 1480.
- No new technical problems are reported to Eleccom.
- Known individuals who share one IP address may vote.
- We continue to work issues related to the Software in the Public Interest (SPI) signed security certificate.
[edit]- Total votes now sit at approximately 1480. It says new 280 votes were casted in Day 2. Those votes may include votes from one user but multiple projects, voluntary strikes by users themselves or involuntary strikes by Election Committee members, and undetected frauds.
[edit]- [Shared IP] People eventually share one IP address, when they are living together, working in a same corporation or their ISP or even a country has a policy which assigns only one global IP address to users. Election Committee hopes those users to participate in this election. If their case is clear, well known and without objection, sharing IP will not be the reason to strike their votes.
[edit]- [Problem] In Day 2, no new technical problem was reported to the Election Committee.
- [Certificate] We continue to work issues related to the SPI signed security certificate, which was brought up to the Election Committee in Day 1.
Translation requests
[edit]- [New languages] Internationalization of the Election website is going on with many helps. In Day 2, new languages are added to the voting interface language: Rumanian, Russian, Hebrew, Malaysian, Serbian, Turkish, Slovenian, Greek, Croatian language. Category:Boardvote messages by language says currently 22 languages are available when you are voting.
[edit]- Questions about Election system: MetaWikiPedia:Talk:Board elections/2007/FAQ/en
- Bug reports, Comments, Compliments and others: MetaWikiPedia:Talk:Board elections/2007/en