Wikimedia Indonesia/Notarial Deed No 5 2008
Annual Meeting Of Members Decision │ Establishment│ Bylaw │ Approval by Ministry of Law and Human Right │ Resolution │ Policy │ Regulation

This document has been revised by Notarial deed number 60 dated 30 June 2011 currently used as Wikimedia Indonesia bylaw
Today, Friday, 05 September 2008 (two thousand and eight) at 14:00 WIB (fourteen hundred hours) Indonesian time. Presence in front of me (Yualita Widyahari, Bachelor of Law),
Notary in Jakarta, witnesses whose name will be mentioned in the end of this notarial deed:
Presence in front of me, individuals, who I, the Notary, recognize. The individuals would like to established an association whose name and the article of incorporation states as follows:
[edit]Wikimedia Indonesia is a legal association under the law of Republic of Indonesia according to Staadsblad 1870-64 (Dutch Colonial State Gazette).
Wikimedia Indonesia established as an association with a mission to promote knowledge in general and free source in particular.
Therefore, by the blessing of God, we as the founders, stated our articles of incorporation as follows:
[edit]Section 1: Name and Location.
[edit]The Association's name is "Wikimedia Indonesia" and will be called the "Association" from this time forward. This Association's headquarter is located in Jakarta and officially established on 5 September 2008, for unlimited time.
This Association can open its branch or other representative office in other places either inside or outside the territory of Republik Indonesia according to the decision made by Extraordinary General Meeting of Members.
Section 2: The Association's Logo.
[edit]The Association's logo will have a W shape representing "wiki" consist of three colours of red, blue, and green as three primary colours of light. The green area represent a book, which is a symbol of knowledge. The blue arc surrounding the book represents the association's hope of encompassing, directing, and leading the knowledge in the form of supporting the Wikimedia projects. The smaller red circle interrupts the blue arc represent the incomplete nature of a wiki. Completing the arc would imply that all knowledge has been encompassed, which is a practical impossibility. Serendipitously, the combination of all these elements also forms a humanoid, with the red circle being the head, the blue arc being arms and the book of knowledge being the heart/torso.
Section 3: Principles and Objectives.
[edit]- Principles
- The Association principles will be based on volunteerism, brotherhood, and honesty.
- Objectives
- (a) The Association objective is to support all effort in providing and spreading open source knowledge and content in bahasa Indonesia and other languages used in Indonesia.
- (b) The Association objective is to support all effort in empowering and stimulating the general public to participate in contributing and collaborate to gather, develop, and distribute all open source knowledge content in bahasa Indonesia and in other languages used in Indonesia.
Section 4: Efforts.
[edit]In order to achieve the Association's goal, the association will try to do the following:
- To initiate public activities align to the association's goal in socializing free source projects.
- To carry out ways to raise public awareness and dissemination of free source knowledge to general public.
[edit]Section 5: Membership.
[edit]An official member is someone that is qualified and fulfill all the requirement to be a member as stated in bylaws.
[edit]Section 6: Authority and Organizational Structure.
[edit]- The highest auority in the Association lies in the hands of its member through General Meeting of Members.
- General Meeting s has the right to decide the Association's Articles of Incorporation, bylaws, to select members of Board of Trustees and a Pre
Section 7: Board of Trustees.
[edit]Board of Trustees will have at least 3 (three) members and their duty is to supervise Board of Executive performance.
Section 8: Board of Executives.
[edit]Board of Executives is the positions responsible to carry out daily activities of the Associations in order to achieve its goals.
[edit]Section 9: The Nature of Assemblies.
[edit]- General Meeting of Members, consist of Annual General Meeting of Members and Extraordinary General Meeting of Members.
- Board of Trustees meeting.
- Board of Executives meeting.
[edit]Section 10: Fiscal Year, Work Plan, and Annual Report.
[edit]- The fiscal year of the Association shall be 1 January to 31 December each year.
- Board of Executives is required to create Executive Working Plan and Annual Budget in order to achieve the association's goal.
- Board of Executives is required to generate an annual report and made it accessible by public.
Section 11: Audits.
[edit]In order to achieve administration excellence, the accounts of the Association shall be supervised and audited by the Board of Trustees.
Section 12: The Association's Source of Funding.
[edit]The Association's source of funding will came from:
- a. Membership tuitions.
- b. Income as a result from the association's funding management.
- c. Donations from other party.
- d. Other efforts, legal by law, and in line with the Association's bylaw.
[edit]Section 13: Modification of Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws.
[edit]All rules stated by Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws could only be change by a resolution from General Meeting of Members held especially for this reason.
Section 14: Dismissal of the Association.
[edit]- The dismissal of the Association could only be possible if an Extraordinary General Meeting of Members held especially for this reason, attended by 2/3 (two third) of all Regular Members and more than 2/3 (two third) regular member vote to agree.
- If the dismissal of the Association take place, therefore all the settlement for asset and debts of the association will be decided by an Extraordinary General Meeting of Members held especially for this reason where a liquidator is determined.
- If the dismissal of the Association take place, therefore all rights and obligation will be carried equally by all the members.
Section 15: Electing Board of Executives and Board of Trustees For the First Time
[edit]After the establishment of Wikimedia Indonesia the first array of Board of Trustees and Board of Executives will be elected by the founders.
[edit]Section 16
[edit]Other elements that has not been decided or has not been throughly specified in this Articles of Incorporation will be specified in Bylaws.
Jakarta, 05 September 2008
Ivan Razela Lanin (on behalf of himself and the other 17 founders of Wikimedia Indonesia)
Leo Cahyadi
By notarial deed in Jakarta, Indonesia.