Wikimedia chapters/Reports/Wikimedia Polska/April-June 2009
Wikimedia Polska report: April-June 2009:
Financial matters
[edit]- The budget of the Wikimedia Polska as calculated on 27 April 2009
- Current account: 17514.59 PLN (3884 EUR, 5376 USD)
- Tax deducible donation account: 105095.68 PLN (23300 EUR, 32260 USD
- In cash: 1450.56 PLN and 85,75 EUR
- Balanace:
- At the of 2008: 146898.66 (32570 EUR, 45090 USD)
- Expenditures in 2009: 34039.48 (7548 EUR, 10450 USD)
- Income in 2009: 10704.16 (2373 EUR, 3286 USD)
- Current balance: 123566.34 (27 400 EUR, 37960 USD)
- Accountant
- Due to increasing amount of duties, which cannot be undertaken by bona-fide Accountant WMPL has hired a part time paid accountant. This is a very first employee of WMPL.
- 1% tax deducible donations
- Polish Tax offices started to transfer our donators' 1% tax amounts on our bank account. The wave of the transfers is its very begining so it is difficuilt to predict the final results.
Meetings and promotion
- WMPL in Polish Parliament
- Open Education Coalition of which WMPL is a founder member organized a conference in Polish Parliament : Open Education in Poland. The conference took place 23 April 2009 in Columnar Hall in Parliament building in Warsaw. The conference was organized under auspicies of chairman of Sejm (lower house of parliament) Mr. Bronisław Komorowski. President of WMPL Tomasz "Polimerek" Ganicz had short oral communication about the problems with access to govermental materials needed for Wikimedia projects. More information: in Polish...
- WMPL Annual Conference 2009
- Took place on May 1-3 in Jadwisin near Warsaw. There were around 150 participants including Richard Stallman, Ahrash Bissell from CC-learn, Wladimir DrBug Miedieyko from WMRU and guests from WMCZ. 21 lectures and workshops took place in two paralell sessions. see more..
- Bulletin
- We continue publishing our Bulletin, which covers not only WMPL activities but also news from Wikimedia projects, Wikimedia Foundation and "outside world". This year 4rd issue was published on 27th April, and 5th issue was released on June 1st.
- Wikimania 2010 bid
- We supported local Wikimania 2010 team from Gdańsk, which succeeded to win the bid. After talks with local team and Carry Bass from WMF it was decided that the local team will create its own temporary asscociation to take control and responsibility for Wikimania 2010 in Gdańsk. We are still open to help the local team if needed.
- T-shirts and other promotional gadgets
- 200 T-shirts with Wikipedia, Wikimedia Polska, Commons, Wikibooks and Wikisłownik were made. Around 100 of them were distributed among participants of Wikimedia Polska 2009 conference. The remaining T-shirts are to be used for outreach and fundrising needs. 500 leaflets about Wikimedia Polska and Wikimedia projects were printed for using the outreach and fundarising activities.
- GDJ workshop
- GDJ - an annual workshop and discussion panel for Wikipedia editors will take place in Sopot at September 2009. The venue and the accomodation place have been choosen and booked already. See more (in Polish).. and [1]
- Chapters meeting in Berlin
- Tomasz Ganicz (president of WMPL) and Agnieszka Kwiecień (secretary of WMPL) took part in chapters meeting in Berlin. WMPL donated the other chapters with 500 EUR. WMPL donated also one Polish participant of developers meeting in Berlin.
Outreach activities
- Wikipstryk
- A local photo-contest was organized in Wrocław, by WMPL together with local media (Gazeta Wrocławska - a newspaper and Radio Wrocław). The contest was directed to junior high and high school students (age between 14-20). Participants had a list of objects (buildings, bridges, monuments etc.) located in Wrocław of which they should take pictures and upload them to Commons. 442 pictures were taken and uploaded covering many "targets" from the list. A jury consisting of professional photographers from Gazeta Wrocławska, Radio Wrocław photo-expert and WMPL members selected 20 best pictures. Internet users could vote via a special webpage on their favorite photo and thus grant a special award. The prizes were photo-cameras, photo-printers, books about photography and some minor gadgets. See the list of winners and all the photographs.
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- Scouting contest
- Polish Scouting Association together with Wikimedia Polska tried to organize a contest for the new, best Wikipedia article about Scouting written by scouting teams from all over the country. The idea was that scouting teams are writing new articles about scouting. The teams which writes best articles will be awarded (1000 PLN for first prize). Unfortunately, just two scouting teams registered for the contest, so it was abandoned, and those two got some Wikimedia gadgets as a kind of excuse. The main reason of failure was that Polish Scouting Association authorities, which formally supported the idea do not advertise effectively the contest via its organizational structures and we were not able to reach the teams without that help. See more... (in Polish)
- Wikicontest
- Vth edition of mini-grant project which had been launched 15 January 2009 is in good progress. Till now 8 projects were drafted of which 7 were accepted and are now in progress.
- Polish-Lithuanian Wictionary project
- The aim of the project was a cross-border co-operation of young people from schools in Poland and Lithuania to create and develop the Polish-Lithuanian dictionary on Wiktionary platform. The first stage of the project took place on May 18-22. Two editors of Polish Wiktionary organized two workshops: one in co-operation with several secondary schools from Ełk (Poland) and the one in co-operation with Nataljos Kazakovos kompiuterių Mokykla from Vilnius (Lithuania). The WMPL covered the cost of travel by car for Wiktionary editors. During the workshops around 100 new Wictionary's articles were created and some more were expanded with information regarding Lithuanian language. Several Workshop's participants continue their work in Wictionary. The project is about to be continued. See more..
- Kiloff art
- workshop and several lectures related to the creation of films and other art under free licenses were provided by members of the WMPL during 5th Independent Film Festival kilOFF in Katowice. The lectures and workshop was devoted to presentation Wikimedia Commons film resources, Wikipedia articles about amateur film production and about how to use ogg multimedia format. See more..
- Wikiexpedition
- A project of expedition in Podlasie - the worst covered area of Poland in Polish Wikipedia - is in its final preparation. The aim of the expedition is to make some photographic documentation of villages and small towns in the area of Podlasie, photographic records of specimens of nature in the region, and collection of locally available sources of information. The Wikiexpedition is about to happen on July 10-18. 12 Polish Wikipedians are about to travel throughout Podlasie using cars and bicycles, taking pictures and collecting data. WMPL covers the cost of accommodation and travel for them. See more...
[edit]- BT-Phorm opt-out
- WMPL following WMF and several WM Chapters sent a formal letter to BT-Phorm to exclude from their system all the domains which are registered by WMPL.
- Silesian Wikipedia domain
- Silesian Wikipedia editor who registered Polish domain for this project, donated it to WMPL. WMPL took over control on this domain and covered cost of keeping registration for 2009/2010 period.
- WM-PL E-mail server change
- From 2005 WMPL was using free web E-mail service to which all * addresses were redirected. Due to increasing needs of having more profesional E-mail system WMPL has decided to use one of Polish paid services. After selection several offers we have choosen "PERSONAL hosting" service from, which provides up to 100 E-mail boxes under common control of which all of them have no storage limit.
- Arnold Buzdygan case
- At 31 May 2009, a long story of Arnold Buzgydan's case found it's end in court. In 2007 Arnold Buzdygan sued WMPL for the reason, that he was called a "usenet troll" in his biography in polish Wikipedia. WMPL line of defense was that we are not able to change anything in Wikipedia as an organization, therefore we are not responsible for the content. The case blocked possibility to redirect domain, which is maintained by WMPL from Wikipedia-pl to search engine, as French and German chapters did several years ago. After almost 2 years and several trials the City Court in Wrocław finally rejected the Buzdygan's case. However Mr. Buzdygan can still appeal to Higher Court of Appeal.
- Kataryna case
- An illegal reveal of the name of famous but anonymous Polish blogger "Kataryna" by Polish newspaper Dziennik, started a long discussion in Polish main-stream media about responsibility and anonymity on the Internet. Many voices in media demanded to delegalization of anonymous publishing in Internet. WMPL produced an official statement defending the right of anonymous publishing which was broadcasted by several media in Poland.
Press and media
[edit]- TOK FM
- 2009-05-12 TOK-FM, Paweł Zienowicz, Tomasz Ganicz and Sebastian Skolik were talking with Cezary Łasiczka about Wikipedia and related projects. Wikipedia - czytamy, poprawiamy.
Newspapers and journals
[edit]- maj 2009, "Żak":
- "Wikipedia - Slobodna enciklopedija", Paulina Mosiołek, s. 8
- "Czy można ufać Wikipedii?", Tobiasz Lemański, s. 9
- 2009-05-20 "Gazeta Wyborcza", dodatek wrocławski, s. 3 - "Zakończył się proces przeciwko Wikipedii" Katarzyna Lubiniecka
- 2009-05-14 "Przekrój", nr 19/3333, s. 16 - "Wikizjazd. Do Gdańska przyjadą miłośnicy Wikipedii z całego świata"
- 2009-05-08 "Dziennik Zachodni", Nr 107 (19.400) - Beata Sypuła "Wywalczyli nam Wikimanię"
Internet portals
[edit]- 2009-06-30 - "Wikipedia chroni ofiary porwań, ale..."
- 2009-06-29 Lipcowa Wikiekspedycja, CHIP On-line
- 2009-06-29 Lipcowa wikiekspedycja na Podlasiu - (przedruk z Chipa)
- 2009-06-29 Wikiekspedycja w województwie podlaskim, Wiadomości Białystok,
- 2009-06-29 (przedruk z Chipa)
- 2009-06-26 - "Internet bezsilny po śmierci Michaela Jacksona"
- 2009-06-22 "Treści multimedialne w Wikipedii"
- 2009-06-04 - "Najlepsze ilustracje Wikipedii"
- 2009-05-29 - Wikipedia blokuje adresy IP scjentologów
- 2009-05-22 - "Wikipedia przechodzi na licencję Creative Commons"
- 2009-05-18 - "Wolfram Alpha - Wikipedia Killer?"
- 2009-05-11 - "Wikimania 2010 - u nas"
- 2009-05-11 - "Za rok w Polsce odbędzie się Wikimania"
- 2009-05-11 - "Gdańsk gospodarzem Wikimanii 2010"
- 2009-05-09 - "Wikipedyści w Gdańsku: będziemy internetową stolicą świata"
- 2009-05-08 - "Netia wśród wikipedystów"
- 2009-05-07 - Wikimania 2010 w Gdańsku. Na Pomorze przyjadą twórcy Wikipedii z całego świata
- 2009-05-07 - "Wikimania 2010 odbędzie się w Gdańsku"
- 2009-05-07 - "Wikimania 2010 odbędzie się w Gdańsku"
- 2009-05-07 - "Wikipedyści w Polsce: Gdańsk zyska prestiż"
- 2009-05-07 - "Przyszłoroczna Wikimania odbędzie się w Gdańsku"
- 2009-05-07 - "22-letni student nabrał światowe media"
- 2009-05-07 - "Wikimania 2010 będzie w Polsce!"
- 2009-05-07 - "Wikimania 2010 odbędzie się w Gdańsku!"
- 2009-04-30 Internauci łączcie się. Życie Warszawy o planowanej konferencji w Jadwisinie.
- 2009-04-23 - "Globalna umowa FT z Wikimedia Foundation"
- 2009-04-23 WP.PL - "Orange zawarł umowę z Wikipedią, na której skorzysta WP"
- 2009-04-23 - "Orange zawarł umowę o współpracy z Wikimedia Foundation"
- 2009-04-23 - "Wikipedia w Orange"
- 2009-04-22 - "Wikimania w Gdańsku: Mamy spore szanse"
- 2009-04-21 - "Wikipedia nie zgadza się na śledzenie użytkowników"
- 2009-04-16 - "Wikipedia będzie miała nową licencję?"
- 2009-04-16 - "Wikipedia rozważa przyjęcie licencji Creative Commons"
- 2009-04-11 - "Konferencja Wikimedia Polska 2009"
- 2009-04-10 - "Konferencja Wikimedia Polska pod Warszawą i ze Stallmanem"
- 2009-04-08 - "Wikipedia stawia na OpenStreetMap"
- 2009-04-07 - "Wikipedia stawia na OpenStreetMap"
- 2009-04-07 - "Wikipedia stawia na OpenStreetMap"
- 2009-03-31 "Microsoft zamyka Encartę"