Wikimedia monthly activities meetings/Quarterly reviews/Team Practices/January 2015
The following are notes from the Quarterly Review meeting with the Wikimedia Foundation's Team Practices Group, January 14, 2015, 10AM - 10:30AM PT.
Present (in the office): Howie Fung, Grace Gellerman, Erik Moeller, Tilman Bayer (taking minutes), Rob Lanphier, Toby Negrin; participating remotely: Arthur Richards, Greg Grossmeier, Kristen Lans, Tomasz Finc

[slide 2]
Arthur: First ever quarterly review of team practices team
Kristen joined in July as first ScrumMaster hire, supporting mobile web & app teams
Grace joined in November as Agile coach
2 positions open:
Agile coach, ScrumMaster
What we said
[slide 4]
Assumption: Healthy teams driver better products
Measure team health
Identify and implement improvements
Strategy so far:
Focus on force-multiplier teams
And grow our own

[slide 5]
Piloted team health survey
Not enough teams taking the survey in Q1 to reach statistical significance (though this should change for the data we gathered in Q2)
What we did
[slide 7]
- all of that (caveat: survey not yet delivered to all teams, but finished this week)
ErikM: which ones left?
Arthur: mobile apps, and FR tech
What we learned
[slide 9]
through health checks and 1:1 with team members:
Teams feel health checks are valuable
Much more demand for support than we were able to provide
Metrics and callouts
[slide 11]
Kristen supported rapid growth in Mobile

[slide 12]
Quotes from anon surveys (1-2 weeks ago)

[slide 13]

[slide 14]
What's next
[slide 16]
Flexible depending on call to action from AllHAnds next week

[slide 17]
Objectives (table)
Deliver health check survey (#3) depending on 2 additional reqs

[slide 18]
[edit]RobLa: Really appreciates team's work
Need to fill that open position
Tomasz: Are these two open reqs sufficient to support [all those 6 teams], or are you looking at further hiring beyond next q?
Arthur: TechOps is potentially on the horizon; I will attend their retreat next week to see what we can do there
C2A will impact our team and inform our thinking on this
Erik: Did we invite Quim to this meeting? no
should probably do so next time
e.g re intersection points with Phabricator
Arthur: agrees
Erik: call from Lila to increase predictability, also for other stakeholders
more consistency [across teams]
many teams do a lot of hard work, but don't have good capability to predict/estimate, need to become more self-aware
team practices team could go around and ask teams "why aren't you doing X yet" (e.g. use Phabricator)
Arthur: yes, and that's why I'm excited about the upcoming C2A
improve delivery, make commitments and deliver on them
Toby: Team has opportunity to help Lila and execs to understand what org is doing
Erik: we have 3 delivery focused priorities (in prod and engineering)
VE team furthest behind in these practices - could this inform your focus (instead of further surveys...)?
Arthur: will look at that
Erik: this is what we had hoped for, and it's bearing fruit now