Wikipassaporto/How it works
Visit the page of wikipassaporto to be informed about institutions with wikistation you can go to. Either choose the wikistation that best fits the thematic domain where you are usually contributing or give yourself the chance to discover something new simply using your skill as contributor in a domain you never dealt with. | |
Go to the wikistation with the most suitable transportation mean. Tip: a stop in a wikistation can give a cultural flavour during a fun week-end or a relaxing holiday in some more distant destination. | |
Use sources made available by the institution hosting the wikistation to contribute to wiki projects The wiki projects you can contribute to are:
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Ask staff of the institutions to stamp your wikipassport Don't forget staff is allowed asking to check how you contributed and in which projects. This is required to prevent trolls doing vandalism and boasting a stamp out of it. | |
And here comes the coolest part! Beside the self-gratification that stamps can produce, the most important thing is that, with the four aforementioned steps, you contributed to make available worldwide something that was fenced among the four walls of the institutions and available for few people. Culture is much more valuable than wealth, because you can pass it to someone else making them richer without draining yourself. |