Getting access to a dataset of the country' municipalities.
The dataset allows to update WikiData and to generate stup articles for the country' municipalities.
Stub articles of municipalities allow people to feel represented on Wikipedia and they encourage the involvement of new editors.
Reviewing the country's bibliography with the identification of the authors' names, copyright/publisher, the date of publication and the sources (also archival sources).
Open educational resources in cc by or cc by sa.
Open education resources with other licenses.
General bibliography related to the country: encyclopedic articles, national or regional encyclopedias, books with an overview of the country, history, geography, main historical/contemporary figures (protagonists)
Archives used for the publications (documents and images).
It allows to start identifying the resources which can already be used for the articles.
It allows to identify the resources for which is worth try to negotiate rights.
It allows to start identifying the people/experts which can be contacted.
Call for articles related to the country on the Wikipedia Scientific Journal in collaboration with other scientific journals.
Invitation to submit articles.
Submission of current articles for review.
Articles submitted and reviewed.
Offline distribution of Wikipedia and observation of its use in a primary school.
Evaluation of the use of Wikipedia in primary school.