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Letter Count Words
A 35 aardvark, abrasion, abysmal, accelerometer, accumulate, amass, ambiguity, amethyst, amplify, anagram, analog, analysis, annex, announce, anonymous, anteater, antenna, ape, append, appliance, arc, arcane, archaic, aroma, asteroid, astral, asynchronicity, atom, atomic, attenuate, auction, aurora borealis, automate, automaton, axis
B 28 bagel, ballistic, balm, Baltic, bang, barefoot, barricade, bask, batch, batter, bazooka, befuddle, blur, boisterous, borscht, boson, botanical, botany, brew, brewsky, brindle, bronze, browser, bubbly, bundle, burpee, bushel, buzz
C 54 calculate, calculator, cardioid, caribou, caulk, caw, Celt, chafe, chalice, chandelier, chill, chimp, chimpanzee, choir, cicada, cinnamon, citadel, clamp, clarinet, clash, cliché, cloister, clone, cloudy, cobble, cobbler, cobblestone, cocoon, collaborate, coloration, compendium, component, concise, conjugation, contour, convoy, coordinate, couth, cozy, crate, craze, crazed, creativity, crib, crop, crouton, crumble, crumbs, crunch, cuboid, cudgel, cursive, cutlass, cyborg
D 30 daisy, dang, darn, declaration, dehumidifier, deodorant, deplete, devastate, devastation, diacritic, diameter, differential, diminish, dingus, diode, dire, dirge, discord, disintegrate, dismal, dividend, divisor, divot, docile, dongle, donor, doohickey, doughnut, druid, dysphoria
E 30 echidna, eject, emanate, embed, embellish, emblem, emergency, emission, emit, empress, enact, ensemble, enunciate, eon, episode, equation, equivocate, euphemism, evaporate, evaporation, exhaust, exhibit, exhilarate, exhume, exordium, expedite, explorer, extension, extinguish, exuberance
F 31 facet, fantastic, fantasy, faucet, feasible, Fennicism, Fennicize, Fennophile, ferret, fiber, fibrous, fiddle, fixture, fizz, flask, flint, flip, fluid, fluke, flux, forfeit, fracture, fragrance, freeze, freight, fret, frigid, fuchsia, fumble, furl, fuzz
G 34 gaggle, Gaia, galactic, galaxy, gallon, gargoyle, gavel, gel, gelatin, gizmo, glacial, glacier, glaze, gloss, glossary, goblet, golf, goo, goon, goop, granola, graph, graze, Greenland, Greenlandic, grenade, grovel, grumble, grump, grumpy, gully, gymnasium, gymnast, gymnastics
H 16 hardy, Helsinki, hemisphere, hike, hinge, hockey, hoist, homonym, homophone, howdy, hub, humid, hunch, hurdle, husk, hydraulic
I 14 ick, icky, icy, impale, impede, impervious, indices, indie, informal, informative, instruct, ion, ire, irk
J 5 jargon, jolt, joust, jumble, juxtaposition
K 3 kazoo, keel, kerchief
L 18 lacquer, lacrosse, lagoon, lava, league, legend, legendary, lenient, ligament, lilac, Linux, load, loam, locket, loon, lout, lush, lymph
M 32 magma, mall, malt, mandolin, mango, mantis, mash, mask, maul, mayhem, mead, mechanism, melodeon, membrane, merchant, meteor, meteorite, meteoroid, methodical, metronome, mimic, mirage, misremember, missile, momentum, monolith, monsoon, moose, mountaineer, muck, muddle, mumble
N 17 naive, nautical, nautilus, naval, nebula, neutral, neutrality, neutron, ninja, nocturnal, Nordic, nor'easter, notation, nourish, null, nutrition, nymph
O 16 oasis, oboe, obsolete, occident, occidental, octuple, Ogg, ooze, optimal, option, oregano, organism, oscillate, oust, outlook, owie
P 41 pacify, pagan, paladin, palindrome, paracosm, parameter, parametric, parse, pasture, patio, pave, pendulum, percussion, peregrine falcon, perennial, perforate, periphery, perplex, personnel, phonetic, physics, pike, Pilates, pivot, plaid, plasma, plectrum, pole, pollen, pollute, postpone, potential, prairie, preference, projectile, pronoun, proton, proximity, pulley, push-up
Q 10 quadruple, quaint, quake, qualify, quart, quill, quilt, quiver, quiz, quotient
R 26 radar, radii, radius, rampart, rapscallion, ratchet, ration, raucous, ravage, razor, reindeer, reprieve, resilient, resin, rigor, rigorous, rinse, ripple, rivet, rook, routine, rubble, ruckus, rugby, rumble, rung
S 88 S, salve, samurai, sanity, sarsaparilla, satchel, sate, sauna, Saxon, Saxony, scallion, scavenge, sconce, scorch, scramble, script, sculpt, sculpture, sever, shampoo, shank, shard, shatter, sheath, shopper, shredder, shuck, silhouette, silo, simultaneous, skit, slang, smolder, solidify, somber, sonar, sonnet, soothe, sorcerer, sorcery, span, spasm, spatial, specter, spelunk, spheroid, spike, spill, spillage, spiral, spire, splatter, splint, sprocket, sprout, spruce, spur, squash, squeak, stag, stampede, staple, starch, stark, stasis, static, statistic, statistics, stealth, stomp, stringent, stubble, stump, stupefy, stupor, succinct, super-duper, surgical, swam, swivel, sylvan, symbolic, synchroneity, synchronicity, synchronization, synchronous, synchrony, synthetic
T 34 tackle, tally, tandem, tangible, tapestry, teleport, tenacious, tenacity, tendon, theoretical, thicken, thingy, thrill, tinker, token, tornado, trajectory, transcend, transfer, transient, transit, translucent, transpire, triple, triplet, trombone, tumble, tumbler, tunnel, turbine, turbo, turmoil, turnstile, twig
U 2 universal, usurp
V 17 vapid, vanilla, varnish, vent, verdant, vernacular, vertex, vertices, vial, vibrate, vibration, villa, viola, vinyl, viper, visage, visor
W 10 wavy, widget, wield, willow, winch, winery, wiry, wok, wren, wrench
X 2 X, xylography
Y 3 yam, yaw, yoga
Z 4 zag, zephyr, zig, zigzag
Total 600