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Fundraising 2008/comments/2008-12-01

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki


  • "Thank You" — Kevin Power, donated 30 CAD
  • "Let's help keep knowledge free." — Michael Mkala, donated 30 USD
  • "We are so grateful for your existence." — P-A WinterSun, donated 100 USD
  • "Wikipedia is one of those 'big ideas' which will change our world for the better." — David Vernon, donated 20 AUD
  • "Know it all or dont at all." — Alex Fuss, donated 10 AUD
  • "WIKIを立ち上げた発想とそのすべての協力者に感謝いたします。" — Fumiharu Muroga, donated 3000 JPY
  • "thanks wiki - u rock" — Peter Matthison, donated 10 AUD
  • "Without Wikipedia I could never win table arguments with my BlackBerry! Keep up the great work and please develop a .mobi site too" — Scott MacIntyre, donated 75 USD
  • "いつも利用させていただいております" — Anonymous, donated 3000 JPY
  • "Wikipedia has made me a smarter person." — Anonymous, donated 10 USD
  • "Don't argue with the ignorant. Tell them to perform some research on the Wiki...and to get back to you." — Darren Lewis, donated 100 USD
  • "I'd buy the DVD if i could!" — Roscoe Casita, donated 30 USD
  • "Small but still worth something" — Glen Smith, donated 5 GBP
  • "Make micropayments easier- I'd gladly pay a nickel for every article I read If I could do it easily." — Katherine Bavuso, donated 5 USD
  • "in honor of my kriskringle NICOLETA NINCIULEANU. I am donating money to help the people around the world." — Adelaina cruz, donated 20 CAD
  • "You never can tell the depth of the well by the length of the handle on the pump." — Felix Steele, donated 100 USD
  • "Keep up the good work. Knowledge is the true capitol." — Kishore Chintoju, donated 10 USD
  • "I use Wikipedia extensively, and I'm inspired by its mission of providing freedom in knowledge. Great work, keep going!" — Ms. Zixi Zhang, donated 50 HKD
  • "Wish I could give more to the greatest resource that has ever existed! Thanks so much to all who make Wikipedia possible!" — David Moskos, donated 15 USD
  • "Wikipedia = School Degrees" — Mr. Ryan Echols, donated 10 USD
  • "This is my starting place when I want to learn about something new. Thank you, Wikipedia!" — Anonymous, donated 30 USD
  • "From the members at Abe Talk law of attraction forum http://abetalk.com" — Anonymous, donated 10 USD
  • "I’ve learned more from Wikipedia than from the last four years of college!" — Nigel Brady, donated 30 USD
  • "Knowledge gives one the power to be free." — Jason Siegel, donated 100 USD
  • "How about a Wikipedia University where anyone can take college level tests and get college credit even people who can't afford to go to college or people whorather learn on their own like me." — Mel Stein, donated 30 USD
  • "Wikipedia is great." — Teng Lee, donated 10 USD
  • "If everything worked like Wikipedia it would be a much better world. djb" — David Burgett, donated 20 USD
  • "Wikipedia is a true world treasure. A big thanks to the many contributors!" — Douglas Galbi, donated 100 USD
  • "Thanks for being there." — Shayne Hassler, donated 5 USD
  • "Thanks for all the info. I'll keep reading Wikipedia for a long time." — Anonymous, donated 50 USD
  • "世界平和のために価値観の違いを超えて共存するためにも、先ずは知ることから。" — 誠 加賀屋, donated 3000 JPY
  • "я желаю всем счастья" — Mr. Максим Иванов, donated 30 USD
  • "دعم الاسلام" — Turki AlJaber, donated 30 USD
  • "EnJoy each moment of GRAND Life! Marco Polo (http://www.marcopolopoet.nl) & Olga Kovshanova (www.olinka.info)" — Olga Kovshanova, donated 20 EUR
  • "いつも有効に活用させて頂いております。今後ともよろしくお願いいたします。" — 章 伊東, donated 3000 JPY
  • "いつも利用させていただいております。少しですがお役立てください。" — Anonymous, donated 3000 JPY
  • "Greetings from California!" — Ronald Taylor, donated 30 USD
  • "I'm donating to Wikipedia because I use it every day, and because it brings us one step closer to the singularity." — Mr. Adam Quirk, donated 5 USD
  • "Wik on!" — Anonymous, donated 50 USD
  • "これからも利用します!" — 知子 野口, donated 3000 JPY
  • "Information is knowledge and knowledge is power. Wikipedia=power. There is no free lunch. Donate now." — Anonymous, donated 30 USD
  • "Entiendo Internet como un espacio donde compartir conocimiento, algo tan necesario para alimentar la sabiduría y conseguir una sociedad más justa. Gracias Wikipedia por contribuir a ello." — Ricardo Castillo, donated 30 EUR
  • "I only wish I had more to give. Thank you, Wikipedia. (Jeff York of unseenworld.org)" — Anonymous, donated 20 USD
  • "Thank you wikipedia for spreading knowledge..." — maheboob patel, donated 20 USD
  • "Entre todos podemos ayudar, un pequeño grano de arena hace una montaña." — Luis Perez Ramos, donated 5 EUR
  • "How come we have not reached 6millions yet?" — Anonymous, donated 10 USD
  • "僅かですが支援させて頂きます。" — 俊 柿沼, donated 3000 JPY
  • "Only right way to share information on web is free way." — Aki Lepistö, donated 4 EUR
  • "ちょっとした調べ物に大変重宝させていただいています。いつもありがとう!" — 崇 猪狩, donated 10000 JPY
  • "The alternatives pale in comparison to this lifesaver!" — Anonymous, donated 20 USD
  • "Thanks Wiki" — Jane Winter, donated 30 GBP
  • "Outstanding source of Information!!!" — Raymond Berry, donated 30 USD
  • "Keep knowledge free; pay for it." — Bob Vinci, donated 25 USD
  • "Wikipedia is amazing - Thank you Wikipedians" — James Gilbert, donated 30 USD
  • "Bleibt unabhängig!" — Harald Gronmaier, donated 20 EUR
  • "Grazie!" — Anonymous, donated 20 EUR
  • "Anyone would be everyone's teacher." — 依川 黃, donated 20 USD
  • "It depends on the crows." — Maxwell Corbin, donated 15 USD
  • "every drop makes up the ocean!" — Debanjan Mitra, donated 30 USD
  • "Siamo lieti di potere contribuire ad un progetto stupendo! (G. M. L. C.)" — Maurizio Branchetti, donated 50 CHF
  • "Second only to Google" — Peter Hellman, donated 30 EUR
  • "I hope Wikipedia remains an encyclopedia of useful knowledge, rather than a bucket of bloat and irrelevant crap." — Adrian Garrett-Tuck, donated 20 NZD
  • "The world is a great place" — Anonymous, donated 30 USD
  • "I really appreciate the service Wikipedia provides by giving us access to high quality information." — Gagan Mathur, donated 11 GBP
  • "I've taken this source of information for granted for too long. Here is my contribution." — Mattias Sandgren, donated 30 USD
  • "Marvel at the infinity of the Universe and at the capacity of humans to be kind" — Mr. Ionut Ionescu, donated 10 EUR
  • "claro todos tenemos que apoyar wikipedia con un poco por sus conocimientos que tiene para el mundo completo " — luis mena, donated 100 USD
  • "Wikipedia is a great tool for so many people, it deserves everybody's support." — Anonymous, donated 10 GBP
  • "Free informationm, priceless." — Anonymous, donated 30 EUR
  • "Wikipedia is a triumph of democracy on the Internet. Keep up the good work, everyone." — Anonymous, donated 20 EUR
  • "Let us make the world better with integrity and good relations" — Nicolas von Wilcke, donated 30 EUR
  • "Sharing information to promote education is certainly one of the best uses of Internet I can think of. Great job!!!" — Antonio Pérez Francés, donated 30 USD
  • "happy to contribute to one of the best value resources around" — Anonymous, donated 25 AUD
  • "Wikimedia needs to live. So happy to play a small part in helping the really big picture. " — David Vieira, donated 75 USD
  • "Forward the Foundation" — Mr. Matthew Ellam, donated 10 USD
  • "いろいろなわからないことを教えてくれて大変重宝しております。これからもがんばってください。" — 政則 宮本, donated 3000 JPY
  • "Todo por Wikkiiii!!!" — Mr. Jiro Otani Terol, donated 15 USD
  • "I couldn't get along without Wikipedia." — Thomas Kinter, donated 25 USD
  • "Schedule a blood donation today!" — Anonymous, donated 500 USD
  • "Any allegiance to a deity, concept or universal principle that puts obedience above decent behaviour towards innocent human beings is evil" — Darren Collins, donated 50 EUR
  • "Let the internet make the world better." — Mauricio Presser Guzinski, donated 75 USD
  • "こんなに多くの人が集まって概ね良い方に向かえることは、希望です。" — 円 赤池, donated 3000 JPY
  • "Wikipedia has changed the world." — Wilson Tjhi, donated 30 SGD
  • "Go Wikipedia!" — Michael Springman, donated 20 USD
  • "For the free mind.... F.L.C-" — Felpe Leiva, donated 100 SEK
  • "Yhtiömme kiittää." — Mr. Petrus Ylä-onnenvuori, donated 80 EUR
  • "Light the candle of knowledge amidst darkness" — Carsten Kaefert, donated 10 EUR
  • "Can you imagine the world befor you know The Wikipedia ? I can NOT do that !! It is the most wonderful doctionary in the world :D" — Rie Koide, donated 3000 JPY
  • "Mi gratitud y mi reconocimiento. Pero a veces me molestan las versiones de los conflictos o situaciones en las que ha estado detrás el gobierno USA. No hagan seguidismo, no tengan lentes de color" — Leonardo Torres Reyes, donated 10 EUR
  • "Salut, j'apprecie énormément les articles publiés ainsi que leur qualité. Longue vie à Wikipédia !" — Nicolas CALIPPE, donated 5 EUR
  • "Use wikipedia all the time. Only seems right to contribute something." — Matthew Klem, donated 10 USD
  • "This is for my uncle. I persuaded him to donate and he promised to pay me later. My word to share is: "Stop ugly mathematicians who are ruining the mathematical articles on Wikipedia!"." — Anonymous, donated 13.33 USD
  • "Moin aus Waddens!" — Manferd Hübler, donated 15 EUR
  • "いつも暇つぶしに見ています。" — 浩 濵田, donated 3000 JPY
  • "Not used often but very helpful when I have, so thank you everyone" — William Gates, donated 10 USD
  • "donate for me." — Miyamoto Hiromiki, donated 3000 JPY
  • "terrific resource. Thank yo so much!" — Richard Hood, donated 30 USD
  • "SexTrader.co.za South Africas Ultimate Adult Entertainment Guide to Escorts, Strippers " — Colin Geande, donated 5 USD
  • "I'm proud I can contribute to this wonderful project" — lucian nutiu, donated 20 EUR
  • "Things done are won ; Joy's soul lies in the doing.." — Suzy Bearne, donated 30 USD
  • "Imagine a Web without it.... Exactly." — Eric Thanopoulos Parks, donated 30 USD
  • "Jakin eta zabaldu" — Anonymous, donated 15 EUR
  • "Thank you." — Anonymous, donated 30 USD
  • "Wikipedia for ever" — Josef Hauser, donated 20 EUR
  • "Wikipedia is the most useful resource on the web." — Jefferson Byers, donated 50 USD
  • "Wiki rocks!" — Joanna Johnston, donated 30 USD
  • "There is enough in the world for everyone's need....not for the greed. Mahatma Gandhi" — Anonymous, donated 30 USD
  • "Ceceppa" — Alessandro Senese, donated 25 EUR
  • "Ist der Gross Kapitalismus noch zu stoppen?" — Karlheinz Weiss, donated 5 EUR
  • "Wish Wikimedia can achieve its goal and benefit all human being!" — Feng Chen, donated 20 USD
  • "O mój boże! Moje ostatnie piniądze!" — Michał Bajorek, donated 100 PLN
  • "Wikipedia forever~" — Sangwoo Park, donated 75 USD
  • "I use it every day...." — Ed Ogle, donated 30 USD
  • "Easily, Wikipedia is one of the 7 wonders of the Internet world." — David Wilkins, donated 30 USD
  • "Together towards a just world. Let information be free! " — Karin Green, donated 100 SEK
  • "Wikipedia is an essential resource for homeschoolers. Thank you!!" — Michelle Lewis, donated 25 USD
  • "We always turn to Wiki first!" — Linda Hudson, donated 50 USD
  • "This boy is Ignorance. This girl is Want. Beware them both, and all of their degree, but most of all beware this boy, for on his brow I see that written which is Doom ... Chas. Dickens" — David Govoni, donated 30 USD
  • "Sinsere gratitude" — Anonymous, donated 100 USD
  • "gracias por ser la enciclopedia en linea que me ha re suelto muchas de mis tareas jajajajaaj y gracias a ella pude pasar muchos examenes y tareas rapidas y quiero seguir aprnediendo de lo que publican" — Hugo Alberto Manzanarez Ramirez, donated 100 USD
  • "Vieln Dank für vele Informationen" — Sigrid Wentz-Reuter, donated 10 EUR
  • "Hi Mom!" — Kelly Lindsey, donated 30 USD
  • "Wikipedia is the new frontier of human knowledge" — Anonymous, donated 100 USD
  • "I appreciate your information and use it often. Thanks to all who contribute." — Anonymous, donated 10 USD
  • "Thank you for being so useful over my entire student career." — Juan Velazquez, donated 30 USD
  • "Wikipédia, c'est le partage du savoir, ou chacun peut enseigner et apprendre et si m'a si souvent été utile que j'aurai été ingrat de ne rien donné." — Laurent VALADE, donated 50 EUR
  • "Wikipedia is great~" — Anonymous, donated 50 USD
  • "Accurate information is what enables society to act in the appropriate way in which we can change the world. History cannot be left for the winners to write." — Mr. Patrick E. Culligan, donated 30 USD
  • "Wikipedia est un outil inestimable, le savoir, c'est essentiel pour les hommes !" — Pierre Gibouin, donated 75 USD
  • "Wissen ist eine der grossen Chancen, die Herausforderungen des begonnen Jahrhunderts zu meistern." — Ritter Hanspeter, donated 20 CHF
  • "please send emails only, don't send mail newsletters save "the postage fee!"." — nicolas morales, donated 15 USD
  • "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Power_to_the_people_(slogan)" — Mr. Marc Zeyen, donated 30 EUR
  • "Desde Madrid y La Puebla de Montalban (España) un abrazo a todos los amigos que hacéis posible la wikipedia" — Jose Miguel Godino Muncharaz, donated 10 EUR
  • "Follow your soul and prepare yourself" — Sergio Sasso, donated 20 EUR
  • "Muchas gracias por la información, pero seria mejor si hubiera mas traducciones de los articulos que estan en ingles sobre ciencias naturales y microbiología." — Mr. Delfino Ortiz Alejandre, donated 10 USD
  • "Excellent work, Folks." — Donald Becktel, donated 100 USD
  • "la più bella cosa al mondo :"IL BUON SENSO"" — Gian Piero Ghezzi, donated 25 EUR
  • "This is an incredible source of information that I do not wish to see fold. thank you so much!" — Malcolm Snorden, donated 10 USD
  • "Wikipedia has become an essential part of our lives. It is our first choice for information on any subject." — Gary Breitbard, donated 30 USD
  • "Familie Lehmpuhl-Ponta" — dirk lehmpuhl, donated 5 EUR
  • "I wish you to continue your job as you are doing now and better to make the next generation understan many things easier." — Oezer Oeztuerk, donated 15 USD
  • "Knowledge is to be shared among the fortunate ones and the unfortunate ones" — Anonymous, donated 30 USD
  • "In this increasingly interdependent world we must all try to resist the temptations of consumerism-based greed which could ultimately harm this global home we call earth." — Peter Forbes-Smith, donated 5 USD
  • "Keep up the good work." — Christopher Gates, donated 5 USD
  • "Animo" — Anonymous, donated 10 EUR
  • "I read about a sect and that helped me for being traped! We need that freedom to oppinion and knowledge! Thank you." — Gerasimos Polis, donated 15 EUR
  • "You explained it very well. When we need it, Wikipedia is always there. Why should it be in one way ?" — Axel Binda, donated 200 DKK
  • "Thanks!" — rachel locke, donated 30 USD
  • "Ce site m'a tellement servi, je lui dois bien ça même si c'est peu pour atteindre 6 000 000." — Etienne BAZIN, donated 10 EUR
  • "Share ideas besides knowledge. " — Anonymous, donated 10 EUR
  • "Knowledge is priceless" — Fergus Connolly, donated 30 USD
  • "Our wealth is our knowledge. You may give a person some money which is only a onetime life saver. When you share your knowledge, it is something useful to him for a life time. " — Vinod Kumar Javvadi, donated 75 USD
  • "Buona fortuna !!!!" — Anonymous, donated 5 EUR
  • "That is all I can afford right now ..." — Somnath Biswas, donated 10 USD
  • "Thanks!" — Marilyn Hagle, donated 10 USD
  • "Thank you so much for this invaluable service!!!!" — Anonymous, donated 10 USD
  • "Wikipedia forever" — Marcel Keller, donated 20 USD
  • "Keep the knowledge free / Jens Wedin" — Jens Wedin, donated 30 EUR
  • "Great work wikipedia..." — Sergio Soto, donated 30 USD
  • "Wissen ist unbezahlbar!!!" — Jacek Marenin, donated 30 EUR
  • "Dio, patria e famiglia" — Gianluca Brioschi, donated 5 EUR
  • "Kennis delen met anderen is de poort naar innovatie en vooruitgang, doe zo verder ;-)" — Ms. Ann Eeckhout, donated 100 EUR
  • "Wikipedia is undoubtedly the best resource for all kinds of information available today. It is Free, making it accessible for everyone. Capability to ‘search’ makes it even richer in terms of its user" — Shankara Narayandas, donated 5 USD
  • "I Love Wikipedia" — Anonymous, donated 5 USD
  • "warm regards" — Thierry Arditti, donated 20 EUR
  • "que el mundo pueda seguir accediendo a los conocimientos del mundo." — candido parejo casado, donated 15 EUR
  • "Für Bildung zu zahlen ist mir leider schon länger bekannt, gewöhnt habe ich mich deshalb noch lange nicht daran , ich hoffe das bleibt auch bis zu meinem Tode so. Ein Langzeitstudent" — Norman Wishet, donated 10 EUR
  • "stilte is ook muziek" — Yteke Waterbolk, donated 25 EUR
  • "Wikipedia is the primary "free" encyclopedia for fun facts." — Brian Vaughan, donated 30 USD
  • "I told you I'd double it! Thanks, Wikipedia!" — Anonymous, donated 200 USD
  • "An amazing resource for Mankind, now and in the future. Please maintain the altruistic intentions you started with. Good Luck!" — Michael Kay, donated 10 GBP
  • "It is a thrill to support this most amazing service." — Betty Peralta, donated 75 USD
  • "It's great to have information on everything for free. " — Nima Tahriri Vasighi, donated 10 GBP
  • "Wikipedia rocks." — Antonio Holmes, donated 10 USD
  • "De la part de Stéphane Thinel à vous tous dans le monde, contributeurs à wikipédia --- Merci beaucoup!" — Stephane Thinel, donated 20 USD
  • "I hope more experts contribute to wikipedia with the professional knowledge in their fields! " — Ms. Min Zeng, donated 30 USD
  • "Thanks to all for this wonderful tool" — John Berthold, donated 30 USD
  • "let us help each other to get good knoledge" — Anonymous, donated 250 ILS
  • "wikipedia is global knowledge, global brain, global intelligence, global democracy. " — stefano guadagni, donated 25 EUR
  • "Wikipedia has provided great service to society by providing information to individuals from all walks of life." — sambaran roy, donated 30 USD
  • "You Must Unlearn What You Have Learned. -Yoda (Jedi Knight)" — Kushwant Gidda, donated 30 CAD
  • "All your information are belong to us" — Reinhard Walter, donated 42 EUR
  • "Never have I encountered such an accurate, current, and comprehensive resource as Wikipedia!" — Joyce Pratt, donated 100 USD
  • "A public repository of information this important needs to survive." — Kevin Lockhart, donated 100 USD
  • "Keep up the great work, for us and generations to come." — Anonymous, donated 50 USD
  • "Donating to WikiMedia is always a pleasure as I know that the dollars I donate will work hard as well as smart." — Meer Ali, donated 55 USD
  • "wikipedia is invaluable" — david lindley, donated 10 GBP
  • "grazie a wikipedia e a tutti i wikipediani!!!!!!!!!" — mattia olivetti, donated 10 EUR
  • "いつも購入を検討している本の作者を調べたり、よくわからない技術用語について調べる際に参考にしています。これからも、最新の情報を反映しつつ、内容の質の向上に努めてください。" — Anonymous, donated 3000 JPY
  • "Merci à la communauté , parceque profiter c'est bien ,mais contribuer c'est encore plus grand ! :) " — Xavier Ferrier, donated 30 USD
  • "el conocimiento al poder!" — iban matas, donated 5 EUR
  • "Thanks for the great work!!" — Anonymous, donated 15 USD
  • "One would never know how much gratitude one would have towards Wikipedia, without which the propagation of knowledge wouldn't have been so intensive and complete. " — Zhi Yao Ler, donated 10 USD
  • "Information and Knowledge is the greatest gift somebody can share" — Mr. Gil Zimmermann, donated 30 USD
  • "Peace, justice and knowledge" — Anonymous, donated 100 USD
  • "Let us share" — M J J Beumer, donated 30 USD
  • "Free exchange of ideas is the only way we can evolve the consciousness necessary to the share the world fairly." — Joe lamb, donated 75 USD
  • "Merci Wikipédia pour votre site fantastique. Il me sert régulièrement et m'apporte beaucoup. Je n'ai pas d'argent et pourtant j'ai envie de vous faire un don alors je le fais, vous le méritez ! Merci " — Frederic Haury, donated 12 EUR
  • "I love WIKIPEDIA it makes the world seem small.... Keep up the great work! Dean Rivett" — Carl Rivett, donated 25 USD
  • "keep walking Wiki" — Miki Ber, donated 500 ILS
  • "L'informazione è civiltà" — Mr. Massimo Zito, donated 5 EUR
  • "Service fabuleux, je participe ! Aster, dessinateur belge" — Jean-Philippe Legrand, donated 30 USD
  • "Wikipedia has become a major part of my web surfing. Thank you for this free (of cost and freely available), revolutionary, organized wealth of knowledge!" — Anonymous, donated 150 USD
  • "Continuer....continuer....continuer!!!!!" — Sébastien Labelle, donated 30 CAD