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Abstrakti Wikipedia

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki
This page is a translated version of the page Abstract Wikipedia and the translation is 21% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.


Projekti koostuu kahdesta osasta: Abstrakti Wikipedia ja Wikifunctions.

The goal of Abstract Wikipedia is to let more people share more knowledge in more languages. Abstract Wikipedia is a conceptual extension of Wikidata.[1] In Abstract Wikipedia, people can create and maintain Wikipedia articles in a language-independent way. A particular language Wikipedia can translate this language-independent article into its language. Code does the translation.

Wikifunctions is a new Wikimedia project that allows anyone to create and maintain code. This is useful in many different ways. It provides a catalog of all kinds of functions that anyone can call, write, maintain, and use. It also provides code that translates the language-independent article from Abstract Wikipedia into the language of a Wikipedia. This allows everyone to read the article in their language. Wikifunctions will use knowledge about words and entities from Wikidata.

This will get us closer to a world where everyone can share in the sum of all knowledge.

Mikä on funktio?

"Toiminto" on tietokoneohjelman ohjeiden sarja, joka suorittaa laskutoimituksen antamiesi tietojen perusteella. Funktiot ovat tietämyksen muoto, joka voi vastata kysymyksiin, kuten kuinka monta päivää on kulunut kahden päivämäärän tai kahden kaupungin välisen etäisyyden välillä. Monimutkaisemmat toiminnot voivat vastata monimutkaisempiin kysymyksiin, kuten kolmiulotteisen muodon tilavuus, Marsin ja Venuksen välinen etäisyys tiettynä päivänä tai olivatko kaksi lajia elossa samanaikaisesti. Käytämme toimintoja jo monentyyppisissä tiedusteluissa, kuten kysymyksen esittämisessä hakukoneelle. Englanniksi nimellä {{convert}} ja {{age}} tunnetut mallit ovat myös esimerkkejä toiminnoista, joita käytetään jo monissa Wikipedioissa, jotka on kirjoitettu wikitekstissä ja Lua -palvelussa ja kopioitu manuaalisesti kuhunkin wikiin haluamaasi kohtaan.

More examples of functions are at Early function examples, and very rough sketches of how the interface might look are at Early mockups.

In short, functions make a calculation on the data you provide, and answer a question you have about it.

This new Wikimedia project will build a library of functions, written by volunteers, to help answer questions like these across languages. By building out our library of functions, we can enable more people to access and explore free knowledge in new ways.

Mitä on Abstrakti Wikipedia?

A visual explanation of the Abstract Wikipedia project and Wikifunctions

The term “Abstract Wikipedia” itself refers to the long-term goal – that this library of functions will someday enable the creation of language-independent articles. Once more pieces of this project are in place, this will mean that any wiki – especially small to medium wikis – will be able to dramatically increase the number of articles available in their language. It also means that editors can share knowledge from their culture and contexts with a larger and more global audience.

The new wiki of functions, Wikifunctions, will develop the coding infrastructure to make this vision possible. The Abstract Wikipedia part of the project has started with our shared work on natural language generation functions, such as morphological functions.

In other words: we will be able to combine the functions from the new wiki, with the data and linguistic-information in Wikidata, in order to generate natural language sentences in any supported languages. These sentences can then be used by any Wikipedia (or elsewhere).



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An article in the Signpost provides a more detailed introduction to the idea. The material below – research papers, videos of talks, prototype software – offers a lot of detail. A detailed draft plan for the development of Abstract Wikipedia is also available.

Katso Historiallinen ehdotus -sivulta pitkä luettelo aiheeseen liittyvistä keskusteluista, artikkeleista, videoista ja vastaavista ehdotuksista.

Originally, the project was code-named Wikilambda, derived from Lambda calculus. The name is still referenced in the name of Extension:WikiLambda and in the Wikifunctions logo which contains a lambda character.

Highlights include:

Lisää aiheesta


  1. Summary: overview of the project plan
  2. Name: discussion on the name of the project
  3. Goals: what are we trying to achieve? Primary and secondary goals
  4. Organization: how the development team would be set up
  5. Requirements: overall conditions that the project needs to fulfill
  6. Architecture: an overview of how the project components would work together
  7. Components: individual software components the project needs to deliver
  8. Tasks: individual tasks that need to be done by the projects
(single page version)


  1. The new components (listed in the development plan for Abstract Wikipedia) include extensions to Wikidata, whose integration (in the second year of the project) requires the agreement of the Wikidata community before storing the “abstract content” there or on another wiki (such as the new Wikifunctions wiki developed in the first part of the project, or another multilingual wiki).