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This page is a translated version of the page Staff group and the translation is 63% complete.








维基媒体监管员职员添加或删除职员全域用户组的权限(former link),他们还将根据全域信任與安全團隊負責人或其指定人员的要求,添加或删除工作人员全球用户组的用户账户。没有要求证明社区已达成共识,也没有要求证明上述要求(包括批准)。

Rationale and responsibility of advanced permissions assignment for Wikimedia Foundation staff are currently recorded in a locked Google spreadsheet. A mirror of that page can be found at WMF Advanced Permissions.



用户权限 目的
abusefilter-hidden-log ...
abusefilter-hide-log ...
abusefilter-log-detail ...
abusefilter-log-private ...
abusefilter-modify ...
abusefilter-modify-global ...
abusefilter-modify-restricted ...
abusefilter-privatedetails ...
abusefilter-privatedetails-log ...
abusefilter-revert ...
abusefilter-view ...
abusefilter-view-private ...
apihighlimits phab:T293431
autoconfirmed ...
autopatrol ...
bigdelete At times, the T&S or technical team need the ability to delete pages with a high number of revisions for technical reasons, or for legal compliance reasons.
block ...
blockemail ...
browsearchive ...
centralauth-merge ...
centralauth-unmerge ...
centralnotice-admin ...
checkuser The T&S team uses this right for legal compliance (subpoena, etc.) and safety reasons (investigations of threats)
checkuser-log The T&S team uses this right for legal compliance (subpoena, etc.) and safety reasons (investigations of threats)
delete The T&S team uses this right for legal compliance and copyright purposes.
deletedhistory The T&S team uses this right for legal compliance and copyright purposes.
deletedtext The T&S team uses this right for legal compliance and copyright purposes.
deletelogentry The T&S team uses this right for legal compliance purposes.
deleterevision The T&S team uses this right for legal compliance and copyright purposes.
edit ...
editcontentmodel ...
editinterface The T&S team uses this right for legal compliance and copyright purposes (i.e., to change the copyright notices, etc.). Other staff members use it to support the development of other projects and technical initiatives.
editsitecss ...
editsitejs ...
editsitejson ...

This was done for a couple of reasons.

First, we have had times when we saw a user insert some code in their own user.js and user.css files that really shouldn't be there, and then propagate that code out to the wikis by adding a transclusion from their own user files to, for instance, Mediawiki:Common.js of a smaller wiki, and thereby add google tracking code, for instance. This allows staff to easily (and in a logged fashion) remove such code.

Second, in order to include a stylesheet for those users who hold staff rights which colors red the interface buttons for things that they really shouldn't touch without a REALLY good reason (i.e., the execute checkuser button).

This is a reminder for new staff who didn't come from the community that these are specialized rights, and not everyone has access to them, and serves as a mental "speedbump" against using them.
extendedconfirmed ...
flow-create-board ...
flow-delete ...
flow-edit-post ...
flow-hide ...
flow-suppress ...
gadgets-definition-edit ...
gadgets-edit ...
globalblock ...
globalblock-exempt ...
globalblock-whitelist ...
hideuser ...
import ...
importupload ...
ipblock-exempt ...
move ...
move-rootuserpages ...
move-subpages ...
movefile ...
movestable ...
mwoauthmanageconsumer ...
mwoauthmanagemygrants ...
mwoauthproposeconsumer ...
mwoauthsuppress ...
mwoauthupdateownconsumer ...
mwoauthviewprivate ...
mwoauthviewsuppressed ...
noratelimit ...
nuke ...
oathauth-disable-for-user ...
oathauth-enable ...
override-antispoof ...
patrolmarks ...
protect ...
purge ...
reupload ...
reupload-shared ...
review ...
rollback ...
sendemail ...
setmentor ...
skipcaptcha ...
stablesettings ...
suppressionlog ...
suppressredirect ...
suppressrevision ...
tboverride ...
tboverride-account ...
templateeditor ...
transcode-reset ...
transcode-status ...
unblockself ...
undelete ...
unwatchedpages ...
upload ...
upload_by_url ...
