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Wikimedia Conference 2015/Budget and finances

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki
Cost Category Category Description Estimated Costs Actual Costs Difference: Estimated Costs - Budget Spent % of Budget Spent Comment
Conference Costs
Conference venue 5 days conference rooms, WIFI, technical equipment & set-up €10,000 €9,787.75 €212.25 97.88%
Conference catering 5 days conference catering included morning break, lunch, afternoon break, non-alcoholic beverage flatrate, incl. kosher/halal food €13,500 €16,632.03 -€3,132.03 123.20% estimated catering costs were calculated on the basis of 150 participants for three days, due to a higher participant number (170 pax) the actual costs exceed estimated costs, kosher/halal food was not included in estimated
Facilitators program production, speaker briefing, conference facilitation, graphic recording €8,000 €7,584 €416 94.80%
TOTAL Conference Costs €31,500 €34,003.78 -€2,503.78 107.95%
Dinner Snack Costs (3 nights at WMDE office)
Catering warm buffet (incl. kosher/halal) at WDME office three evenings €3,150 €3,272.00 -€122.00 103.87% actual costs exceed estimated costs as kosher/halal food was not included in the budget and estimated costs did not include kosher/halal catering
Beverages non-alcoholic as well as alcoholic beverage flatrate, 1 day à 150 pax, 2 days: à 100 pax €2,700 €1,750.00 €950 64.81%
Others rent ale benches + beverage refrierator €500 €415.11 €84.89 83.02%
Social Event Costs (Learning Pattern Hack / Social Meetups/ CEE Meeting at Tagesspiegel) pizza order and beer for social meetups €0 €165 -€165 unforeseen costs, were not included in the estimated budget
TOTAL Dinner Snack Costs (3 nights at WMDE office) €6,350 €5,602.11 €747.89 88.22%
Social Event Cost (1 night outside WMDE office)
Catering and Beverages warm dinner at HomeBase Lounge and beverage flat rate €4,500 €4,816.77 -€316.77 107.04% estimated catering costs were calculated on the basis of 150 participants, due to a higher participant number (163 pax) the actual costs exceed estimated costs 
DJ €250 €200 €50 80%
Others decoration, material for social activities 250 €0 €250 0% no other costs were occured, material from WMDE stock was used 
TOTAL Social Event Cost (1 night outside WMDE office) €5,000 €5,016.77 -€16.77 100.34%
Public Transport/ Travel Costs On-Site
Public Transport Ticket public transport tickets for participants and sightseeing tour €1,980 €582.10 €1,397.90 29.40%
Travel Costs Volunteers/ Facilitators transport costs for 2 volunteers, 1 facilitator €500 €386 €114 77.20%
Transport costs material transport plus quick transfers of organizing team €400 €363.76 €133.20 66.70%
TOTAL Public Transport/ Travel Costs On-Site €2,880 €1,331.86 €1,548.14 46.25%
Office Material & Communication Costs
Conference Guide printing costs for conference guide €370 €379.32 -€9.32 102.52%
Sending Visa Documents €1,700 €1,356.93 €343.07 79.82%
Visa Cost Reimbursement reimbursement visa costs for 4 participants €0 €605.90 -€605.90 was not included in budget estimation 
Others lanyards, 2 birthday presents & presents for 3 volunteers  €280 €367 -€87 131.07% presents were not included in budget estimation
TOTAL Office Material & Communication Costs €2,350 €2,709.15 -€359.15 115.28%
Staff & Office Costs
Event Management equivalent of 1 FTE, 6 months (Jan- June) €18.000 €18.000 €0 100%
Program & Engagement Coordinator (incl. travel costs) equivalent of 0,7 FTE, 6 months (Apr- Sep); incl. travel costs €16.000 €16.000 €0 100%
Temporary staff (Dinner Snacks) on site support for dinner snacks €810 €520 €290 64.20%
TOTAL Staff & Office Costs €34,810 €34,520 €290 99.17%
Accommodation Costs[1]
Accommodation Costs represents the costs of 63 participants (that needed funding), 2 volunteers, 2 speakers, 1 facilitator - breakfast & WIFI included €17,319 €15,310.50 €2,008.50 88.40%
TOTAL Accommodation Costs €17,319 €15,310.50 €2,008.50 88.40%
Extra Costs (Buffer, 10% on non-personel costs)
Photographer this year WMDE decided to hire a professional photgrapher after we handed in the estimated budget, being really satisfied with the results, WMDE plans to hire one next year again and to include it in the budget €5.000 €1,190 €3,810 28.80%
TOTAL Extra Costs €5,000 €1,190.00 €3,810.00 23.80%
TOTAL COSTS €105,209 €99,684.17 €5,524.83 94.75%
Travel Costs (not included in the grant)
WMDE travel reimbursement travel reimbursement for 2 participants travelling by train and 2 speakers €1,037.03
Travel Costs represents 63 participants (that needed funding), handled by WMF travel department €52,304.24
TOTAL Travel Costs €55.500 €53,341.27 €2,158.73 96.11%


  1. The shown accommodation and travel costs mainly represent the costs of the affiliates (chapters, thematic organizations & user groups) that needed WMCON funding. The costs do not include the travel and accommodation costs of WMF Board, WMF staff, AffCom and FDC members.