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GLAM Wiki 2023/Program/The CC Certificate for GLAM: learn about it by becoming part of a human sculpture collection

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Logo GLAM Wiki Conference 2023 ID: 2130 The CC Certificate for GLAM: learn through becoming part of a human sculpture collection
Facilitators/Speakers: Jennryn Wetzler, Scann and Creative Commons team Time block: Morning Beginning: 9:30
Location: 410 Duration: 1 hr

This workshop about CC Licenses and public domain tools for Open Culture/ GLAM (galleries, libraries, archives and museums). As more GLAMs adapt to increasingly online audiences and users, they often seek Creative Commons legal tools, expertise and community support.

In this workshop, we will (1) share an overview, as well as key takeaways and considerations from the CC Certificate for Open Culture, a professional development training that builds expertise in open licensing and open practices for cultural heritage professionals. (2) Put the teaching into practice, as we lead participants through a fun exercise, called “human sculptures.” Through creating an exhibit of human sculptures, then digitizing them, this activity is meant to inspire discussions around the challenges and copyright and ethical considerations of digitized collections.

Participants will come away from this workshop with a better understanding of the public domain, open licensing and copyright considerations with digitization projects.

Experience level: Beginner
Keywords: Capacity building & training, Good practices on digital heritage, Open access to heritage
Notes: #GLAMWiki232130