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This page is a translated version of the page Strategy/Wikimedia movement/2017/Track D/Process and the translation is 32% complete.





  • 潛力研究領域:
  • 移動媒體消費習慣:人們現在在哪里和如何獲取信息和新聞,這怎麼預測會改變?
  • 閱讀的未來:專家對用戶與書面文字的關係進行什麼轉變?
  • 新興媒體平台:虛擬和增強現實,AI和語音激活的數字助理等當前和即將推出的創新如何改變人們生產和消費信息的方式?
  • 開放互聯網和通信政策:對開放互聯網的威脅和專有平台的興起威脅到維基媒體基金會提供所有信息訪問的使命?
  • 檢查:政府,公司和積極的個人如何扼殺或扭曲在線信息?
  • 錯誤信息,宣傳和“假消息”:如何有針對性地塑造真實性,影響公眾對眾包信息的信任?
  • 參考領域及其發展方向:人們現在在哪裡找到高質量的信息,以及對這種變化有什麼預測?


  • 整理和比較公開的人口統計數據,以了解當前和未來的人口趨勢以及它們如何影響全球知識需求
  • 研究將與更廣泛的策略過程和最終報告(參見“收集和傳播洞察信息以通知更廣泛的策略討論”),如下




  • Goal: further analyze and leverage research data collected through phone surveys in Mexico, Nigeria, India, Egypt and Brazil. We plan to establish global comparisons with the planned research of Track C.
    • Lines of inquiry of phone surveys:
      • Use of internet
        • Do people use the internet?
          • How? Do they pay for a home or cellular connection? If not, do they primarily use connection from a friend or family?
        • If they do, what do they use it for the most?
        • If they don’t, why not?
        • How often do people find content in the language they want?
        • How does the cost of data affect their internet usage?
      • Awareness of Wikipedia
        • Have people ever heard of Wikipedia? Do they know what it is?
        • How did they first learn about it?
        • What other websites do people use to look up something / learn about a topic?
        • What is their awareness of Google, Facebook, and Whatsapp? (used for reference to Wikipedia awareness)
      • Attitudes toward Wikipedia
        • How do they perceive it?
        • How interested are they in using Wikipedia?
        • What values do they associate with Wikipedia?
        • Which values are most important to them?
      • Use of Wikipedia
        • Do people know that anyone can edit Wikipedia?
        • Have people tried editing? What was the experience like?
        • What do people like/dislike about Wikipedia’s design, features, content?
        • How do people find/get to Wikipedia?
        • What do people use Wikipedia for the most?
        • How often do people use Wikipedia?
        • What are the barriers to using it more often?
        • Why do people use Wikipedia (use cases, utility)?
      • Smartphone / Desktop use
        • Do people have a smartphone?
        • Do people use the smartphone for the internet?
        • Do people use Wifi, Cellular, or both with their phone?
        • Do people use an App store and get apps?
        • How fast is the smartphone connection?
        • Do people have a computer?
        • Do they have a home internet connection? What kind?
      • Demographics
        • Age range
        • Gender
        • Urban / Rural (self classification)
        • General area of country (5-10 regions)
        • Income / other demographics

Understand current and potential readers in lower awareness regions

Understand how our current and potential readers in lower awareness regions are seeking information and knowledge, what barriers they face and whether they know/use Wikipedia.

  • Goal: conduct generative/ethnographic research with potential and existing readers in Indonesia, Egypt and Brazil. This is based on what we have learned from the New Readers design research in Mexico, Nigeria and India.
  • Research process: we are looking for hire local researchers in these 3 countries - Indonesia, Egypt and Brazil through the publicly available on this Request for Proposal. Upcoming results of this process will be further shared here.
  • Current research areas (most of these themes were used in the Nigeria and India research projects and are being integrated in this research effort to reflect common research architecture):
      • General information seeking and learning;
      • Internet usage, web and mobile;
      • Online information behaviours;
      • Awareness of Wikipedia;
      • Use of Wikipedia.
  • Share country reports with findings as available on-wiki and with other tracks


Engage experts as we learn and synthesize best practices and trends in movements, technology, and knowledge. Learn how Wikimedia can stay relevant and impactful.

  • Consult and convene with a wide variety of stakeholders, including subject-specific experts, influencers, current and potential funders.
  • Build and reinforce an ecosystem of allies and potential partners.

The consult and convene program includes two main parts:

  • Consult: conduct one-on-one interviews with key influencers and experts in relevant fields of media, philanthropy, culture, digital futures, education, technology, policy, and movement-building.
    • Conduct templated interviews with experts on key themes.
    • Transcribe responses, synthesize, and share back into strategy process.
    • Partner with local experts and affiliates when possible.
    • Consult with staff and community members to build expert list.
  • Convenings: Bring together movement leaders experts and influencers from around the world mainly focusing on Mexico, Nigeria, India, Egypt, Brazil and Indonesia to have structured discussions about the future of free knowledge and Wikipedia.
    • Hold events in lower awareness regions (target countries: Mexico, Nigeria and India) by organizing workshops where stakeholders and relevant experts can have structured conversations.
    • Partner with local affiliates and community members when possible to host events and invite local experts.
    • Use best practices in facilitation and discussion structure.
    • Process insights and input iteratively into strategy process.

Conversation guides and expert lists are still being developed. We are working on a way for community members to suggest experts we may not have thought of. Participation methods will be posted here when ready.

Collect and disseminate insights

Collect and disseminate insights to inform broader strategy discussions

  • Produce regular research briefs based on desk research. These briefs will be shared on-wiki and in strategy facilitation materials to inform broader movement discussions.
  • Share synthesized insights from convenings and 1x1 interviews regularly on-wiki.
  • Present aggregate research findings during Wikimania 2017 and collect input from community members and staff; publish final report in September 2017
  • Facilitate mutual information sharing with other tracks