Talk:Running MediaWiki on Debian GNU/Linux

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki

TeX Support[edit]

You need these packages installed:

  • ocaml
  • imagemagick
  • gs
  • cjk-latex
  • php4-imagick
apt-get install ocaml imagemagick gs cjk-latex php4-imagick

After installtion, enable inline LaTeX equations by uncommenting:

$wgUseTeX           = true;

in LocalSettings.php file.

Next compile texvc in your math directory:

cd /var/www/wiki/math

read math/README for further detailed instructions. Maybe those instructions arent enough for the possible errors. Could someone help with that?

excellent instructions[edit]

I'm completely new to wiki and just followed these instructions and it all works!!! The only problem I had was with TeX support. My problem was not with compiling texvc, it even worked from the command line, but not for the web server. The problem was solved by chmod 777 (instead of 666) to the images/math and images/tmp directories. I changed this on the main page because I don't think it can harm anyone, and maybe other people also need this.

Anyway, these instructions are excellent!!

localhost problem...[edit]

I did all the things described here but when I try to get into the page I'm redirected to 'localhost', even when I'm not there!! I think this is not an apache problem, since all other pages/folders/etc on the same server work just fine. So what happens is I can only use the wiki when I access it from the server where I installed it... this is such a drag! I searched all of the config/php/css files and none of them mentions localhost!! what is going on!?

If I try:
I get the localhost problem, on the other hand:
works! From then on, everything works fine, except when I try to edit something, after I save the localhost thing happens again... So, I guess my problem is in index.php.

I did something that helped, added these two lines to the LocalSettings.php:

  • unset($wgServer);
  • unset($wgProto);

HOWEVER, only:
woks, on the other hand:
still does not... damn!

And adding those lines makes the {{SERVER}} var disappear. so THAT IS NOT A FIX!

Could this maybe be a bug??? I'm running version 1.3.7 Please help...

Actually I think this is an Apache problem. When you specify a URL like http://fullpathtoserver/wiki Apache knows that "wiki" resolves to a directory and sends a redirect back to http://SERVERNAME/wiki/ where SERVERNAME is the value set in your httpd.conf. You need to edit your Apache config and set an appropriate servername. You will see this problem any time you refer to any directory without providing the trailing slash and your server name is set to something other than your "real" name.

Hope this helps.

-- Jeff Clement

Multi-Processing Modules[edit]

Does MediaWiki work with other apache2 MPM? Like apache2-mpm-worker

apt-get install mediawiki[edit]

It would be excellent if someone packaged MediaWiki for Debian and put it in some apt repository. 00:16, 24 Mar 2005 (UTC)


Say if one can use the Debian php5 package vs. php4. --User:Jidanni 2006-08-03