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1 == your three values - each value should include a description of the value ==
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3 Diversity: Providing access to people across the world in order to reach people all over the world we need to be diverse. Diversity allows staff to bring forth new ideas that connect people of all races/genders/sexulaty/religions etc. Makes us more relevant to our volunteers & audience, promotes creativity. Allows us to authentically engage with volunteers, candidates & Wikipedia readers of all backgrounds.
4 People of all backgrounds. Promotes creativity and allows us to be authentic in how we engage. Most of the people that volunteer and read are from all over the world.
5 Collaboration: Our communities of volunteers collaborate to create the encyclopedia that we are, without collaboration we wouldn’t have WIkipedia or any of our other projects. Our volunteers collaborate to make Wikipedia, and our staff collaborates to enable our projects by increasing efficiency of funds and resources. Collaboration among different departments inspires new ideas.
6 For staff to collaborate. I personally have worked with different departments and we’ve come up with new ideas on how to reach diverse audiences.
7 Transparency: Our product is a changed human being, this is made possible through access to information/knowledge, transparency makes us trustworthy our communities of volunteers as they need to know that they are contributing to a trustworthy movement I think transparency encompasses trustworthiness you can’t have one without the other. Giving staff access to what other departments are working on, what challenges they may be facing, etc. may inspire some to step up in ways that provide solutions, new ideas, etc. Can also increase efficiency, minimize miscommunication and make us more effective
8 Strong link between trustworthiness. It’s important to trust each other. It gives the opposrtunity for staff to step up. Someone has a new idea.
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10 Fairness: Giving everyone equal opportunity to contribute and experience the support structures and benefits of the organization; breaking down and ideally eliminating senses of privilege and fostering a service mindset.
11 I see fairness like one of these uber principles, it underlies a whole bunch of other values: diversity, important when it comes to, people try to own their positions in ways that basically make them central to a decision making process or some hard wired way of doing something, when it would be more fair to allow input in that process to breakdown barriers of ownership.
12 Mindfulness: Maintaining a permeating consciousness of each other and the work we do such that we treat each other respectfully and hold each other with the notion (and trust) that we are all doing the best we can.
13 Other side of the coin of fairness. The ability to give and receive feedback in a compassionate way that is geared toward helping people grow and achieve better results.
14 Self-management: Not sure if this is a value, but for me, I see it as encompassing a group of values that include transparency, accountability, commitment, and self-growth and awareness. It requires certain kinds of behaviors that boil down to keeping commitments and never using force (physical, verbal, mental, etc…) against anybody, at any time, as well as holding each other accountable to commitments and actively working through tensions.
15 I borrow this from there are a few writings out there, non-violent communication, and deliberately development organization. They talk about it to develop people. In re-inventing organizations and self managed organizations. All falls under the rubric of self management. Uber value.
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17 Inclusiveness: of multiple perspectives, approaches, levels of experience, etc, inside and outside the WMF, thinking more about the ones we have not already included or acknowledged
18 Backgrounds, sort of like one part of the spirit of what we are. Cultivate more of that.
19 Empathy: ability/willingness to see through the eyes of other types of people within the movement, understand needs of our users and other participants in the movement. Goes with “openness.”
20 In my job empathy goes a long way in understanding users and how to design for them. Having empathy for each other in helping us work better together and for people we are designing for.
21 Trust: goes with “cooperation,” ability to work together and believe in one another through ups and downs, to work on large projects and issues together and in ambiguous situations
22 Goes with cooperation. To do the parts we need to do, especially in ambiguous situations.
23 == why are those good things? ==
24 The one I feel like rings truer: Collaboration. I feel like it’s got a lot better. I wish that it was more about “we” versus “me”. I wish that people had the mindset that if you’re successful then I am. That’s the biggest area of opportunity. When you start taking yourself out of it and thinking about your team and the foundation succeeding, that’s what it’s all about it. We can’t have an article without all of these people editing it. It’s similar on each team. You have to want each other to succeed.
25 Collaboration is the value that stands out the most that we could use the most improvement in.
26 Diversity, we want to grow readers in other countries. To be known as a global organization, I think it’s important to have people of all different backgrounds.
27 When you think about the process of collaboration, what leads to good collaboration: it’s a lot about communication. When you instead of isolating yourself and thinking that your ideas are the way they should be. Ask why people are doing things a certain way, you should ask. It might teach you something. Something that you didn’t think of before. I wish that instead of thinking that it should be a certain way, or this person did something wrong, maybe they did the right thing and figure out why they did it that way, already trusting the person. Come from a place of love and you will see why they are doing it that way. I don’t know what the secret is to making the whole team successful rather than competitive.
28 Its a good value that encompasses a lot of needs. There is a lot of learning that needs to happen to foster collaboration. You need to understand their worldviews. Bring those together and into focus so it can foster better collaboration. There is a process involved and that can be fed by other values. Collaboration could emerge as an uber value.
29 The issue is more about how. Communication. For me, I see the communication part of it. An avenue toward getting to these values. We need support. Subteams and it is very difficult to keep the communication open. We all want to, how do we do that?
30 Good communication: come from trust. People knowing each other. Having some way to keep bonding with each other. When you have a trust you have a foundation for a lot more communication. When you feel safe. When you know you won’t offend. When you don’t have those things, people will sit on their comments. Requires trust. What happens when conflict arises? What are the values when you think about fostering a space to work through conflict? Probably something like respect. Everyone has a voice in a situation.
31 Respect: ground rules. When dealing with conflict it seems more like a governance issue than a values issues. Conflict will arise. So in order to deal with those issues. If I have a disagreement with you, I should first work it out with you. Then a trusted third party. If it escalates to someone who can make a decision. Good meeting hygiene.
32 Free speech: there are people that solve things peacefully and those that get a bit radical. Is there a universal way to approach a conflict. Some bark and they are ok. Other teams that would never work. Different teams with different approaches. They want someone to tell them what the rules are. Can’t be some rules on from high.
33 Communication - I was just focused on the channels themselves. It’s difficult to know how to plug into the team to know how to be in the loop because I have so many different places that I need to do that. Difficult to connect. Is there an org approach to that.
34 Perspective mining, i’m not doing it overtly. It has an extrinsic structure. Every org has an intrinsic structure cause that is how work gets done. That you go to most often to solve your problems. It can be done formally in a network map.
35 Empathy how to see the world through someone else’s experience.
37 Challenges between the individual and collective and their own personal goals. How does that play out with self management? In a self managed structure, your stakeholders are assumed to be self managed. And would be transparently communicated with to know how to behave. It’s a little experimental. They require trust. When you have hierarchical structures, and everyone is aware it’s really important that if they are to commit to self management, the uppers have to let go of their power. If they are trusted to make their decisions. But until you build that trust, ladder climbers can be a problem.
38 Holding myself responsible to what I say I’m going to do. By holding each other accountable to our goals… that builds trust. I could also see it going kind of sour depending on the dynamic of the team. I have someone checking in on my progress on my goals, which helps me trust her. Where you are holding each other accountable and no one is getting left behind. It was a great sense of belonging and trust.
39 Mindfulness as a way of being aware of others. There is a big movement where people are trained to go inward and there is an outcome of using those tools, I’m more mindful of others of you. To expand that to that holding of space to you and others and the org. That requires a certain level of action - to get to know others. To share. To be less dismissive of people. Big violation to dismiss somebody. It starts in one’s self. How does mindfulness work with conflict. Approaching conflict with mindfulness is critical to getting to something everyone can agree with. It’s easy to overlook the quiet people in the room. Hopefully you’re drawing those people in. Of after the meeting. I didn’t hear you speak up, I bet there’s something on your mind. Oh that’s great that you noticed I have something to say. Everyone has leadership capacity. A manager’s job is raise them to their highest capacity. When you are trying to solve conflicts, you’re doing the best you can, you’re communicating well, you have empathy, being able to stand in someone’s shoes. It’s a tool.
40 In an open source culture you can sometimes forget to include other people or how to see their perspective. You’re used to having to get the things done on your own. YOu develop a certain level of familiarity the things you know about. It can be hard to not dismiss others. I don’t know how to get past “I just need to get this done”. I’m guilty of that and of bitching about that. That’s why I chose inclusivity. It requires action: it’s taking those steps to make it a thing. Changing how you’ve been doing something.
41 How do you include people? I am very aware that there are pockets of things I know nothing about. Who knows about that and talk to them. Patience is a thing. When you have deadlines and constraints and you don’t have the resources or time to thoughtfully speak to all of those people that you need to speak to. I do my best.
42 When I think about my team, it’s helpful to approach people with a sense of love. I think that’s the perfect word for it. It’s easier to do that when I see my life through a certain lens. Everyone sees their life through a certain lens. Not take things personally, be more objective, navigate different personalities. Keeping that in mind. People react because of how they see life, through their lens. It makes me more compassionate.
43 People can develop a strong sense of independence and ownership. Then when someone comes in then you are up against someone’s conditioning. How are they psychologically conditioned. Coaching and learning becomes really important. Google docs is just one simple way of collaborating. I had a hard time to share documents. When I felt comfortable. Some open it with an X. They are inviting you into their entire process. How will I take notes in a document.
44 If you draft a document for a partner it better be the best it can be. I had conversations with a law professor, when you have the ability to revise other people’s work, what could that look like. Are you giving a comment? Are you rewriting it? Is it a suggestion. How does that play out in bigger things.
45 There is a level of education and learning and onboarding. Question of independence and when do you invite others?
46 INVITE. A word that I thought of. How do you engage people in your needs. It starts with an invitation. With expectations. How do you set the expectations. Expectations. I am always wondering about. I am always wondering what the expectation. What is our relationship? If I know that then I can do my best. Do you feel like you can ask that question, I just don’t feel like you can answer it in every case.
47 It feels scrummy. As in scrum.
48 Checking in with each other. Feedback. A rugby huddle. Being able to communicate and adjust. Feedback. Getting the reasoning behind the feedback.
49 Inclusive:
50 I see it on a lot of levels. My little team, we’re great. But we all know our roles and how we fit together and the rules of engagement. I can yell at one of my teammates, it works. Different levels and different styles. Even the same team in a different context can be weird. If we think about the movement or the new readers project. There are so many people that don’t know that we exist and we should think a lot more about those people.
51 People be able to contribute to the open source side. Contemplating who is not here. Getting to know these perspectives. Inclusion is an action. Look at how many people in the world that we haven’t reached. How do we do that? How do we reach them from their cultural perspective? Practice. Action. These conversations and the diversity work being about - be the change that you want to see. It’s not waiting to see how it will happen. How do we put these conversations around values into action. It takes some deliberate action and how every day we can do it a little bit more. Transparency is not questioned around here, why is that? All of the building… people thought about how to show us how the article was created.
52 Continuous improvement. We’re not setting it in stone, it’s a continuous improvement path. We’re not ever going to arrive at it, it’s a state of being, something that we do all of the time. Management as sort of saying what the goal is and what really happens around here, building consensus, heading in a particular direction. Including perspective but not consensus. Sometimes we don’t do the things they say.
53 Conversation and consensus.