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Wikibase Community User Group/Meetings/2022-10-27

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Online meeting of the Wikibase Community User Group.



  • Regular user group / community updates


  1. Mohammed (Masssly)Valerie Wollinger
  2. David Lindemann (https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/User:DL2204)
  3. Laurence 'GreenReaper' Parry (WikiFur.com/WBUG)
  4. Christoph Jackel
  5. Evelien
  6. Chris
  7. Finn Årup Nielsen
  8. Myst (WikibaseIntegrator)


New WMDE staff Valerie and Jon join the Wikibase team Valerie will forward requests to WMDE developers and communicate dev changes to community [David] I plan to very briefly mention my work on wikibase.cloud wikibase instances, and planned further work. Here, a set of slides, presented earlier this month at a Digital Humanities workshop: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/364807804_LOD-ifying_lexical_and_bibliographical_data_using_Wikibase PDF slides: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/David-Lindemann/publication/364807804_LOD-ifying_lexical_and_bibliographical_data_using_Wikibase/links/635aa82596e83c26eb5d2baa/LOD-ifying-lexical-and-bibliographical-data-using-Wikibase.pdf?origin=publication_detail I share a document about "reasons to use Wikibase", wich also contains a short feature wishlist and a suggestion (doc to be completed before the session, could be used then for others to add/comment: https://etherpad.wikimedia.org/p/reasons_for_using_wikibase) - this is great <3 https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikibase_Community_User_Group/Reports/2021 needs to be submitted in a week (as it is overdue), input welcome and will be merged with information from Telegram and mailing list groups as it was in https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikibase_Community_User_Group/Reports/2020 David briefly presents slides from the Digital Humanities workshop - several separate projects

https://lexbib.elex.is - ultimate goal to get data on Wikidata or federate with it

Migrate zotero data to Wikibase (via an import translator and citation tool), connecting to OpenRefine and harvesting from Wikidata, aligning to it, so that it is possible to send data to it going forwards

[zotero](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zotero) is a citation manager, web publisher full-text store

Has a LexVoc vocab of lexical terms, Indexation by finding terms in full texts, using python flashtext

Want to calculate clusters of topics or disambiguate ambiguous terms in SKOS graphs

With alignment it is possible to easily import from Wikidata

https://datuak.ahotsak.eus - dialectal lemmata and forms, and their attestations in video transcriptions

Bringing together dialectal forms and lemmata to standard versions

for text-to-lexeme, dialect recognition/generation/dictionary (multilingual translation via Wikidata)

Linking between sites from different corpera

Lexemes need a part of speech atached but this is not always the case in Basque (or English); sound can be verb/noun, don't know which form to link, can be 'undefined' on your own Wikibase but not WD

Problem with data model (and ontolex), grammatical description of form doesn't allow ordered chain (root + suffixes that can be long and ordered, cannot be represented in model - currently in discussion)

https://qichwa.wikibase.cloud - modeling Quechua lexical data from Runasimi Dictionary

plan to include e.g. attestations/frequency information from Quechua webcorpora

https://wikibase.inguma.eus - scientific publications in Basque language, ultimate goal to send to Wikidata

Similar to lexbib,. develop/populate ontology, constant update and item merge, Wikidata as authority file

https://clb-lod.wikibase.cloud - for mapping Czech MARC-XML data to Wikibase properties, same goal

Prepare 650,000 MARC records to put on Wikidata, 'perfect' use of Wikibase.cloud, sandbox without polluting Wikidata, if it works and you have your entities linked you can send it to Wikidata

Want MARC as linked open data, librarians interested in this solution for LODification workflow

Linked etherpad document explains advangages and also disadvantages of Wikibase, input desired(?)

e.g. would like to be able to specify a class for Cradle, or inverse results (e.g. father/son)

Maybe a Wikibase.cloud PRO offering could be provided to offer formal GDPR/uptime/backup guarantees?

ScienceEurope.org e.g. wants to know what will happen if Wikibase.cloud disappears, want data security

but not at the price of 3000 Euros/year from Professional.wiki

WMDE need to determine if they can meet an RDM plan - need to find out needs and suitable pricing, if they even want to do that or if it doesn't meet their purposes

Is not affiliated with Wikimedia Enterprise which offers corporate options: https://wikimediafoundation.org/news/2022/06/21/wikimedia-enterprise-announces-google-and-internet-archive-first-customers/

Planning more Datathon to LODify (create linked open data), could have invite codes for Wikibase.cloud

Six instances is not enough for this purpose (as also discussed on the Wikibase.cloud Telegram group)

Could we have a Wikibase.cloud Telegram chat link on the website?

Nov 9 quarterly Wikidata/Wikibase office hours


how do you get the lexdata into lexbib?

David: I use the wikibaseintegrator - https://github.com/dlindem/wikibase

Finn: https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T317203 needs help with this issue